Steroidal Sapogenins. XLVI. Side Chain Structure of 20

65. Mitteilung. ber die Struktur und Umwandlungen von zwei stereoisomeren Riechstoffen C18H30O2 aus Manool. U. Scheidegger , K. Schaffner , O. Jeger...
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Anal. Calcd. for CloHiKzOC1: C , 58.18; H, 3.42; N, 13.55. Found: C, 58.38; H , 3.58; S , 13.55. IVhen the sulfuric acid mas replaced by 50 nil. of 2053 hydrochloric acid and the resultant mixture was stirred on the steam-bath for 4-24 hr. and worked up as described above, a mixture of the cyclized and uncyclized materials n a s obtained. Ethyl Glyoxalate 5-Chloro-2-formylphenylhydrazone (VIIIb) and 3-Carbethoxy-7-chlorocinnoline (IXb).-.i diazonium salt solution, prepared as in the preparation of ppruvaldehpde l-(5-chloro-2-formylphenylhydrazonc), was added over a period of 15 min. to a n aqueous solution of 0.15 mole of ethyl hydrogen malonate ( d e supua) cooled t o 0" in an ice-bath. T h e mixture was neutralized (to congo red) by addition of sodium acetate and heated t o 75". After cooling the solution, the solid t h a t formed was collected and recrystallized from Skellysolve C,'5 giving 2.3 g . (657, based on 4-chloro-2-nitrobenzaldehyde) of ctliyl glyoxalate 5-cliloro-2-formylphenylhydrazone as p J e J ellom needles, m.p. 79-80'. Tlie infrared spectrum of this mate-



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rial contained bands indicative of miuute traces of 8-carbethoxy-7-chlorocinnoline. A n d . Calcd. for C1IH11X2O3C1: C , 51.88; H , 1.35; 9, 11.00; C1, 13.92. Found: C , 52.21; H, 3.87; N, 11.51; C1, 14.15. Attempts t o cyclize this material by treatnient witli dilute hydrochloric acid or with concentrated sulfuric acid as dcscribed above for 3-acetyl-7-chlorocinnoline were not successful. However, when the preparation of the ethyl glyoxate 5-chloro-2-forrnylphenylhydrazone was repeated with no intentional deviation from t h e above procedure, the product was a mixture (infrared spectrum) of cyclized and uncyclized material, 2.5 g., m.p. 75-150'. B>- repeated recrystallization from Skellysolve C'j 0.4 g. of 3-carbethoxy-7-chlorocinnoline was obtained as long, pale yellow needles, m.p. 200-201'. Anal. Calcd. for CllH9K202C1:C , 55.8%; H , 3.83; S, 11.81. Found: C, 55.70; H, 3.98; X, 12.11. LISCOLS8, SEBRASKA


Steroidal Sapogenins. XLVI. Side Chain Structure of 20-Isosapogenins2f" BY A ~ O N R O E E. U'ALLAND HENRYA. WALENS RECEIVED KOVEMBER 7, 1957 Dehydration of 20-hydroxytigogctiin acetate (I) gave the unsaturated olcfiii 11. Tlie structure of I1 was established by hydroxylation with osmium tetroxide followed b y cleavage with periodic acid t o give IV, Catalytic hydrogenation of I1 in neutral solvents gave 20-isotigogenin (VI1j .

The stereochemistry of the sapogenin spiroketal side chain has been a subject of considerable interest in recent years. -4s the result of contributions from a number of laboratories, the structure of the spiroketal side chain of naturally occurring sapogenins seems well established and it is now generally agreed that such compounds differ only at C2d.4a,b X new class of sapogenins obtained by treatment of a pseudosapogenin with acetic acid or dilute hydrochloric acid was obtained recently almost simultaneously in several l a b ~ r a t o r i e s . ~ " -The ~ stereochemistry of the spiroketal side chain of this class of compounds, which we wish to call 20isosapogenins, has not been settled. This paper reports a partial synthesis of 20-isotigogenin acetate and of 20a-hydroxy-20-isotigogeninacetate which establishes in unequivocal fashion the sidechain structure of 20-isosapogenins of the 23Dseries. Oxidation of 20-isotigogenin acetate6 with chro(1) A laboratory of t h e Eastern Utilization Kesearch a n d Development Division, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Article not copyrighted. ( 2 ) Paper XLV, Wall and Serota, THISJ O U R N A L , 79, 6481 (1'357). (3) Presented a t second Delaware Valley Regional ACS hfeeting, Philadelphia. Pa., February 5 , 1958. and a t 133rd S a t i o n a l ACS Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., April 13-18. 1Y.58. ( 4 ) (a) Pertinent literature through 1955 is cited in a payer by M. E. Wall, E x g e r i e n l i a , 11, 340 (1955); (b) R. K , Callow and P.h-,hlassyBeresford, i'lier?tislry 3 Ilzd?lslvy, 1146 (1956). ( 5 ) (a) If. E. \Vall, C . R . E d d y and S. Serota, THISJ O U K N A I . , 76, 2840 (1954); 77, 1230 (1955); (b) J. B. Ziegler, W, E. liosen and A. C. Shabica, ibid., 76, 3865 (1954); 77, 1233 (lY.55); ( c ) R . IC. Callow and V. H. T. James, C h e i n i s t v y ti I n d n s t r y , 691 (1954); (d) D . H. W. Dickson, J. Elks, R. M , Evans, 4.G. Long, J. F. Oughton and J. E. Page, i b i d . , G92 (1954); ( e ) R. E;. Callow, D. 11. W.Dickson, J. Elks, R . h I . E v a n s , V. H. T . James, A . C;. Tmng, 1,. F. Oughton a n d J . E , Pa:e. J . C ' h r i n .\oc , I ! ) ( l f i ( l 9 5 3 ) (0) \ I 1:. Wall and H 4 \V:ilcn. 'l'iir, J < , r x c . \ i .77,

mium trioxide in acetic acid gave a mixture of 3P,16~-dihydroxy-allopregnane-20-one 3-acetate 1 G y-methylglutarate and a new hydroxylated sapogenin (I). Compound I was obtained in approximately 45Yc yield and was separated easily by crystallization or chromatography from the acidic side chain cleavage product. Formulation of I as a probable 20-hydroxysapogenin was based on the following evidence. The optical rotation and infrared spectrum of I indicated that the spiroketal system was intact. The analytical constants for carbon and hydrogen were in agreement for a sapogenin with one additional hydroxyl group, substantiated by the infrared spectrum which showed a strong band a t 3310 cm.-'. This hydroxyl was tertiary as indicated by the fact that it could not be further oxidized, nor acetylated with hot pyridine-acetic anhydride and was dehydrated easily under mild conditions. On this basis compound I was a t this stage designated as 20-hydroxytigogenin acetate with unspecified stereochemistry a t C,O. Dehydration of I with thionyl chloride in pyridine gave a new unsaturated sapogenin, formuacetate (11). The latter lated as A20(21)-tigogenin was the key intermediate in all our subsequent work. The carbon and hydrogen analysis of I1 was in accord with the loss of one mole of water in going from I to 11. This was confirmed by the infrared spectrum which showed absence of hydroxyl bands and nen bands at 3080, 1707, lGG5 and 903 cm.-' indicative of unsaturation, probably of a RIR2==CH2type.' That the unsaturated groupwas proved as ing was indeed a C20(21)-methylene follows. Reaction of IT with osmium tetroxide in benzene gave the diol-monoacetate I11 which, on ( 7 ) I J IJellun> " T h e Inirdred hpictra o f Complex h l ~ ~ l e c u l'e i \Ictiuitn k C ~ to us a compelling argument for structure IIa. Consistent with this structure is the fact that I1 was not affected by prolonged equilibration in ethanolic hydrochloric acid, whereas a compound with structure I I b might be expected on equilibration to give the theoretically more favorable conformation shown in IIa. Further convincing arguments for I I a will be developed a t a later stage in this paper. Molecular models of I1 show that the rear or 01side is relatively unhindered a t C,o and C21,whereas approach of entering groups from the /3 side would be severely restricted. It seems most probable that the classical “rule of rear side attack” is applicable to the attack of the bulky osmium tetroxide on the C20(21)-double bond.I2 Consequently the diol-monoacetate must have the Cno-stereochemistry shown in formulation TIT. Acetylation of I11 with acetic anhydride in pyridine gave the 20-hydroxy-3,21-diacetate(V). Treatment of 111 with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride in pyridine gave the oily 21-tosylate VI, characterized by infrared spectrum but otherwise not isolated in crystalline form. Lithium aluminum hydride reduction of VI, followed by mild acetylization gave an excellent yield of I. Since the route IT1 +- VI + I involved




(8) I,. J. Bellamy, ref. 7, p. 128. (9) T h e route proceeds uia tigogenin pseudotigogenin 20isotigogenin 20-hydroxytigogenin 4 2 0 (22)-tigogenin. (10) Only prolonged heating with ethanolic hydrochloric acid affects this asymmetric center, cf. hl. E. Wall, S. Serota a n d L. P. Witnauer, THISJOURNAL, 77, 3086 (195.5). (11) (a) C. R. E d d y , M. E. Wall and M , IC. Scott, A n a l . Them., 26, 2136 (1953); (b) R . S . Jones, E. Katzenellenbogen and K . Dobriner, THISJ O U R N A L , ‘76, 158 (19.53). (12) T. F. Gallagher and T. H. Kritchevsky, ibid., 73, 882 (1950).

reactions which could not affect the stereochemistry a t G o , the stereochemistry of I is established with the attached hydroxyl group being alpha and the methyl group beta. Establishment of the C20configuration of I permits a reassessment of the stereochemistry of the side chain in this series. Since I and I1 have been inter-converted by methods which preclude isomerization of C20, Cz, and C25, the two compounds must have identical spiroketal stereochemistry. Hence compound I must have structure I a or I b as shown. H

A study of :.he infrared spectrum of I in the hydroxyl region permits an unequivocal solution to the problem. The hydroxyl band in I appears a t 3510 cm.-’ and is of an intensity approximately twice that of an ordinary unbonded hydroxyl. The location13and i n t e n ~ i t yof ’ ~this hydroxyl band indicated that the hydroxyl group in I was strongly hydrogen bonded. This bonding was intramolecular as shown by the fact that neither the location nor intensity of the hydroxyl group was changed in a series of dilutions between 0.2 and 10.0 g./ liter.l 4 Referring to formulations I a and I b above, molecular models indicate that a compound with structure I a should exhibit strong hydrogen bonding to the ring F oxygen atom and that no hydrogen bonding should occur in a compound with structure Ib. The data thus found in conjunction with the previous evidence cited for the structure of tigogenin acetate (11) seems t o establish conclusively the fact that the spiroketal side chain in (13) R . N. Jones and F. Herling, J. Oug. Chein., 19, 1252 (1954)

(IS) I>. J. Bellamy, ref. 7, pp. 8:3-94.



the series under discussion is identical at C22 and C2b with natural 25D-sapogenins. Finally, hydrogenation of I1 with platinum oxide (Xdams catalyst) under neutral conditions gave exclusively 20-isotigogenin acetate IVII) , identical with the product previously obtained by cyclization of pseudotigogenin in acetic acid.6 This finding indicated a completely rear (alpha) side attack on the C20(21)-double bond.1b Since i t has been previously shown that catalytic hydrogenation and osmylation take the same steric course,12the structural assignments of the 20-hydroxyl group in compounds I, 111, V and VI seem firinly established. Xoreover, since the conversion of IT t o VI1 mas carried out under neutral conditions and since we had previously shown that 20-isosapogenins are not affected by hydrogenation under such conditions,'j it follows t h a t VI1 must have the same C2?and C25 configuration and conformation as the other mernbers of this series, i.e., that of the natural 25D-sapogenins. Hydrogenation of I1 under acidic conditions gave, as might be expected, dihydropseudotigogenin acetate identical t o the product obtained by similar treatment of 20-isotigogenin acetate.6 The evidence presented in this paper seems convincing that 20-iso, 25D-sapogenins have the identical C22- and Cp5-configurationsand conformations as natural sapogenins of the 25D series. The data are in qgreement with our previous work based on interpretation of optical rotation datada and pseudomerization studies2 If our views are correct, then the formation of this class of sapogenins from pseudosapogenins must involve a non-concerted cis cyclization via a relatively stable carbonium ion. l6

Experimental 3,3,20~-Dihydroxy-5a,20p,22~,25D-spirostane 3-Acetate (I).IE-(a). A solution of 55 g. of 20-isotigogenin acetate6 and 13 g. of sodium acetate in 1500 ml. of glacial acetic acid mas cooled t o 12'. X solution of 22 g. of chromium trioxide in 50 mi. of 80y0acetic acid was added dropwise with stirring t o the steroid solution over a period of 0.5 hour at such a rate t h a t the temperature did not exceed 15'. The solution was then allowed t o come to room temperature and remained at this temperature for 0.5 hour. Two Iiters of water was added and the mixture extracted three times with one-liter portions of ether. T h e ethereal extracts u-ere combined, washed successively with water, sodiurxi bicarbonate solution, and water, then dried with anhydrous sodium sulfate. T h e ether was concentrated t o approximately- one-third the original volume at which stage a crystalline product ( I ) pre(15) Referring again t o the two formal structural possibilities for compound 11, i.e., 1Ia or I I b , i t is apparent t h a t catalytic hydrogenation u f t h e former from the front (beta) side would have necessarily given the known tigogenin acetate; similar hydrogenation of the latter would have resulted in a new sapogenin; neither could give 20isotigogenin acetate. (IS) G. Stork a n d A . W. Burgstahler, THISJ O U R N A L , 77, 5068 (1S55), have shown, and cite other pertinent references which indicate, t h a t in the cyclization of certain polyenes non-concerted cyclizations may occur if condensations are favorable for t h e production of stable carbonium ions. T h e tertiary CH carbon of pseudosapogenins is adjacent t o a n oxygen atom giving ideal conditions for t h e formation of a stable carbonium ion during acid-catalyzed cyclizations. (17) lnfrared spectra were obtained in carbon bisulfide solution, 10 g./liter; optical rotations were conducted in chloroform using a 2-dm. tube, 12.5 g.iliter. We wish t o thank C. S. Fenske and C. R. E d d y for infrared d a t a , S. Serota for the optical rotations and R. Y. Fitz for carbon and hydrogen analyses. (18) For basis of formal nomenclature, particularly a t Czz, c.f. "Tentative Rules for Steroid Somenclature," Compl. r e n d . Dir-Huzfieme Conf., Zurich, 20-28 Juillet, 1955, pp. 190-198; cf. also footnote l 5 b in reference 2.

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cipitated, and was filtered. 011crystallizatioti from met1;anol 25 g. of I , m.p. 214-225', was obtained, yield 44',c. Several recrystallizations from methanol gave the analytical sample, hexagonal plates, m.p. 234-236', [a]z 5 ~-71 . O o ; infrared spectrum shows strong hydroxyl band at 3510, 1735 (acetate) and bands at 991(s), 926(s), 905(w), 865(w) cni.-l (spiroketal). Anal. Calcd. for C2YH4605: C, 73.38; H , 9.77. Found: C, 73.92; H, 10.24. ( b ) Xn improved method for making compound I is exemplified a s follows: 18.0 g. of 20-isotigogenin acetate was oxidized with chromium trioxide as described above. The oxidation mixture was diluted with two volumes of water, filtered, a n d the precipitate washed well with water and dried in oucuo at 50". Chromatography on 50 g. of Florisil in benzene solution gave 2.0 g. of impure I in beiizeiie eluates. Elution with chloroform gave 9.7 g. of pure I. Elution with alcohol-benzene gave a n amorphous acid irhicli on alkaline cleavage gave 3~-hydroxy-1G-alloprcguen-20one. 3P-Hydroxy-5a,22~,25D-spirost-20(2l)-ene3-Acetate (II).-To a solution of 5.0 g. of I in 200 ml. of p y r i d i ~ ~ e cooled in an ice-bath was added 25.0 rnl. of thionyl chloride dropwise with stirring. The solution was alloiretl to come t o room temperature. Xfter standing two hours it was poured over cracked ice. Extraction with cther, follirwetl by the usual work-up and crystallization from mcth:triol, g:~\-c 2.6 g. of crl-stalline 11, m.p. 185-19%", yield 54':. Tl~c analytical sample was obtained by several further crystnllizations from methanol, long rods, m . p . 190-19l0, [ C U ] ~ -89.5'; X 211 m1.c (ethanol), e 1220, infrared spectruiii showed no hydroxyl bands, 1735(s) c m - ' acetate; 3 0 8 0 ( ~ ) , 1797(w), 1665(w) and 903(s) bands due t o a n R I R = ~ CHa structure and the following spiroketal fingerprint bands 984(s), 938(w), 925(m), 897(s) a n d 865(w) cm.-l identical to those of authentic tigogenin acetate. Anal. Calcd. for CzlHaaOa:C, 76.27; H, 9.71. Found: C , 76.42; H , 9.98. 3p,2Oa,21~-Trihydroxy-5a,ZOp,22p,25D-spirostane 3Acetate (III).--A solution consisting of 1.0 g. of I1 snd 0.6 g. of osmium tetroxide in 30 nil. of benzene and 0.7 1111. of pyridine was stored in the dark at room temperature for 12 days. T h e mixture was then treated in succession with 30 nil. of water, 23 ml. of benzene, 33 ml. of methanol, 6 g. of sodium bisulfite and 5 g. of potassium bicarbonate with stirring for four hours. The benzene layer was draivn off, the aqueous residue extracted several times with ether, ant1 then all the organic solvent fractions were combined, rlrietl over anhydrous sodiuiii sulfate and concentrated. Preliminary chromatography on a short column of Florisil gave on elution with benzene a small fraction, m.p. 18+1 unreacted 11. Elution with chloroform gave the rn fraction 0.6 g., m.p. 210-215'. Recliron~atogr:r~~l~y Florisil gave, oil elution with benzene contaiuing 104; chloroform, 0.42 g. of crystalline 111, m.p. 210-216", which o i l recrystallization from heptane gave the :innlytical s:r~n]~lc, double m.p. 208-210:, followed b y appearance o f I I ~ W crystals, r11.p. 217-220 , [ C - ~ ] ~-66.9", ~D infrared s11ectruii1, 3615 and 3520 c m - ' , 21- and 20-hydroxyl groups, respectively; 1736 crn-1, 3-acetate; 988(s), 928(m), 920(1111, 914(m), spiroketal bands. Anal. Calcti. for G 3 H : f i 0 6 : C, 70.98; H, 9.45. Found: C, 71.25; H, 9.30. 3$,2001,218-Trihydroxy-5a ,20,~,22p,25D-spirostane3 , 2 1Diacetate (V).---A solution of 0.08 g. of I11 in 2 ml. of pyridine vias mixed with 2 ml. of acetic anhydride and allowed t o stand overnight a t room temperature. JVater was added and the product extracted with ether. After the usual workup, 0.04 g . of V was obtained a s plates from niethanol, 111.p. 230-233", [ a ]zsD -43.5'; infrared spectrum shows a single 3480 c m - l band, 20-hydroxyl; 1736(s) em.-', 3,21-di?retate; and the following spiroketal bands 990(s), 925(s), F)05(w). There was iiisufficient sample for carbon : l ! i t l 11ydrogen analysis. 3p-Hydroxy-20-oxo-5n,20-nor,22$,25D-spirostane 3-Acesolution of 0.14 g. of I11 in 20 tnl. o f ith a solution of 0.07 g. of pcriotlic :Lci(l The mixture w a s a l l m d t o stmld i l l the dark for four 13%)-s. JTater was atitled f(illou-et1 by ether extraction in the usual 1n:rnticr. Chromatogrnp11y ( $ 1 1 Florisil gave on benzene elution U . l g. of crj-stalliile prtrtlurt which on methanol crystallization gave 0.07 g. of leaf-like crystals, m.p. 189-19l0, [ a ]2 2 ~-87'; infrared spectruirl shows following bands, hydroxyl absent, 1762(s), 1735(s) c r n - l , 20-ketone and %acetate, respectively; 100n(s), 922(s), 906(m), 869(m) spiroketal bands. ilnul. Calccl.

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April 20, 1958


for C28H4205:C, 73.32; H , 9.23. Found: C , 73.04; H, 9.15. Formaldehyde Test.-Prior t o adding water t o the periodate reaction mixture, a 2-ml. aliquot was removed and added t o a solution containing 0.06 ml. of 2 N sulfuric acid in 8 ml. of water. T h e solution was distilled slowly until 3 ml. of distillate Kere collected. T h e distillate was mixed with 5 ml. of chromotropic acid reagent and heated on a steam-bath. A purple color developed indicating formaldehyde was present. h similar test run on a reagent blank treated identically t o the periodate oxidation of the steroid gave a negative test. ( b ) A solution of 0.5 g. of I1 in 30 ml. of ethyl acetate was cooled t o -60" in a D r y Ice-acetone-bath. Ozone was passed through the solution until a persistent blue color was noted. The solvent was then removed in nucuo. T h e residue was taken up in benzene a n d chromatographed on F l o r i d . T h e benzene eluates contained 0.08 g. of IY, identical t o the product obtained b y periodate oxidation of 111. Conversion of I11 to I.-'% suspension of 0.15 g. of I11 in 0.3 ml. of pyridine was warmed. T o this was added 0.15 g. of



p-toluenesulfonyl chloride and the mixture heated on a steambath until all the solids dissolved. T h e mixture was allowed to stand overnight at room temperature, a n d decomposed b y addition of four drops of water followed b y heating on the steam-bath. T h e mixture was taken u p in ether, washed successively with dilute hydrochloric acid, sodium carbonate, a n d water and then dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate. A clear, white oil was obtained which was characterized b y infrared spectrum as being t h e crude 21-tosylate of compound 111. This oil, designated as V I , was dissolved in 25 ml. of dry ether and added dropwise t o a refluxing suspension of 0.4 g. of lithium aluminum hydride in 25 ml. of ether. Refluxing was continued for four hours and the lithium aluminum hydride decomposed b y addition of water followed b y 10% sodium hydroxide solution. The aqueous suspension was extracted with ether in the usual manner. The product was acetylated with pyridine-acetic anhydride at room temperature. Following the usual work-up, methanol crystallization gave 0.07 g. of product, 1n.p. 234-235', identical to I. PHILADELPHIA

18, P E S N A .



Hydrolysis Products from Methylated Arabinoxyloglycan and Arabinogalacto-mono-0methylglucuronoxyloglycan of Corn Cobs1 BY ROYL. ~VHISTLER AND G. E. LAUTERBACH RECEIVED KOVEMBER 14, 1957 Hydrolysis of methylated arabinoxyloglycan from corn cobs yields 2,3,5-tri-O-methyl-~-arabinose, 3,5-di-O-methpl-~arabinose, 2,3,~-tri-U-methyl-~-xylose, 2,3-di-O-methyl-~-xvloseand 2-0-methyl-D-xylose in t h e molar ratios 2 :3 : 2 :26 : 4 which with other properties suggests t h a t the polymer is a vylan chain with L-arabinose units attached in short linear side chains. Hydrolysis of methylated arabinogalacto-mono-U-methylglucuronoxyloglycanfrom corn cobs yields 2,3,5-tri-0methyl-L-arabinose, 3,&di-O-methyl-~-arabinose, 2,3,4-tri-0-methyl-~-xylose,2,3-di-O-methyl-~-xylose, 2 - O - m e t h y L ~ xylose, D-xylOSe, 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-~-galactose and methylated aldobiouronic acid in a ratio of 2 : 4 : 2 :16: 8: 1:1 : 5, which with other characteristics suggests t h a t the molecule is extensively branched.

-4vailability of corn cobs in mammouth quantities assures their eventual industrial use as a polysaccharide source. While much work has been done to characterize oligosaccharides2 obtained from cob polysaccharides by partial hydrolysis, little examination has been directed toward the intact polysaccharides. Cellulose which constitutes approximately 4oyO of cobs is similar to wood cellulose while the xylan which constitutes approximately 30y0 of cobs seems to be a more or less linear molecule with perhaps a D-glucuronic acid unit a t one end. Approximately 10% of corn cobs are additional cell wall polysaccharides which are extractable by alkaline solutions and which remain soluble when the extract is neutralized. These polysaccharides seem to be branched heteroglycans. Two have been isolated in pure form2 by alkaline extraction of cob holocellulose and subsequent fractional precipitation from several systems. One polymer is a neutral diheteroglycan containing approximately 100 sugar units of which 90% are xylose and 10% are arabinose units. The second is a tetraheteroglycan containing approximately 150 sugar units of which GOY0 are xylose, 22y0 are arabinose, 1lyOare monomethylglucuronic acid and S% are galactose units. (1) Journal Paper KO.1104 of the Purdue Agricultural Experiment Station. (2) For a list of earlier publications from this Laboratory see: R. L. Whistler and G. E. Lauterbach, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., in press (1958). See also I. Ehrenthal, R. Montgomery and F. Smith, THISJOURNAL, 76, 5509 (1954).

Information as to the possible arrangement of sugar units in these two polysaccharides is now obtained by hydrolysis of the fully methylated polysaccharides. The molar ratios of the various hydrolytic products are shown in Table I. illthough the 3,5-di-O-methyl-~-arabinose has not been confirmed by isolation of a crystalline derivative its identity seems certain on the basis of its formation of a borate complex, of expected electrophoretic movement, its susceptibility to alkaline degradation and its optical rotation. From what is now known of the arabinoxyloglycan it might be looked upon as a linear 1 +. 4 linked xylose chain with 4 side chains totaling 7 units for each 30 units of the xylose chain. An extended, somewhat linear structure is suggested by its film-forming properties. L-Arabinofuranose units probably occur in the side chains since L-arabinose is the first sugar obtained on hydrolysis. Some of the Larabinose side chains may be terminated with Dxylose units since on partial hydrolysis of cob polysaccharides there is isolated the disaccharide 2-0a-D-xy~opyranosy~-~-arabinose.~ None of the chain units bears more than a single branch since no nonmethylated sugars were obtained on hydrolysis. The tetraheteroglycan must be highly branched, since the polymer, though it has a degree of polymerization of 150, forms only a brittle film and since hydrolysis of the methylated polymer yields considerable monomethyl-D-xylose, presumably (3) R. L. Whistler and D. I. McGilvray, d i d . , 7 7 , 1881 (1955).