Steroids. CCV.1 Ring A Modified Hormone Analogs. Part

A number of general requirements necessary for steroid hormones to exhibit biological activity are discussed. The importance of steroid-protein intera...
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Steroids. CCV.’ Ring A Modified Hormone Analogs. Part I. Some Ring ii Olefins

A number of general requirements necessary for steroid hormones to exhibit biological activity are discussed. The importance of sternid-protein interactions is noted and it is proposed that the bio1ogic:rl act,ivity of “nonclassical” androstanes is reflected in their electron density pattern in ring .%. The preparation and androgenicmyotrophic activities of some AI, A*, A 3 and A 4 C-:3-deoxy androstanes is described and the importance of hybridization a t C-2 and C-3 is discussed.

lluring the last decade the major efforts of steroid chemists have been coricerried with modifying t hc structures of the naturally occurring hormones testosterone, progesterone and hydrocortisone. The rationale behind these tremendous efforts lay in the idea that it should be possible to increase selectively certain parameters of biological activity of the parelit hormone arid reduce or leave unchanged the less desirable types of activity. It was never clear. however, whether or not a clean separation of the various biological activities of a given hormone was theoretically feasible. Kevertheless a considerable measure of success has been realized in the fields of modified androgens, progestational agents and cortical hormones by following this strictly empirical approach. Until very recently, all of the successful work along these lines was concerned with the introduction of new functional groups into the naturally occurring hormones. In particular, notable successes ivere realized by the introduction of methyl and hydroxyl groups, halogen atoms or new centers of unsaturation in key positions throughout the molecule.* In 1959, however, it was found that a basic structural feature common t o all steroid hormones. namely, an oxygen atom a t C-3, was not necessary for biological a c t i ~ i t y . ~ Shortly ~* aftern-ards other biologically active androstanes lacking a C-3 oxygen atom were reported?-7 These results n hich showed that “noli-classical” structures were biologically active led us to consider what information was available or could be deduced with respect to the requirements for biological activity, and prior to defining the objectives of the program outlined in this and the folloii’ing five papers, an attempt will be made to put into perspectire the present state of our knowledge concerning the general reqidrements for biological activity of steroid hormones. General Requirements for Biological Activity.-AIthough little is known about the mechanism of action of steroid hormones a t the cellular level, one may rationP. CrabbB, Tetrahedron, in press. (2) For recent summaries c f , (a) L F. Fieser and M. Fieser “Steroids ” Reinhold Publishing Corp , New York, N. Y . 1959, chapters 17, 18 and 15; (b) I1 J. Ringold and A. Bowers, “Comprehensire Biochemistry,” Vol. 2 , edited b y E. H. Stotz, Elsevier Publishing Co., Houston, Texas, in press, 1902. ( 3 ) M. S. de Winter, C. Ivf. Siegmann and S. A. Szpilfogel, Chem. Ind (London), 905 (1959). (4) N E. Borglin, Acta Endocrinologica, Supplementum L V I I I (1960). (5) R. 0. Clinton, A. J. Manson, F. W.Stonner. A. L. Beyler, G. 0. Potts and A. J. Arnold, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,81, 1513 (1959); R. 0. Clinton, et a2 , zbzd., 8 3 , 1478 (1961). (6) J. A. Zderic, 0. Halpern, H. Carpio, 4 . Ruiz, D. C. Limb, L. Ivfagafia H. Jimknez, A. Bowers and H . J . Ringold, Chem. Ind. (London). 162: (1960). ( 7 ) R. 0 Clinton, A. J. M a n s o n , I‘ R Stonner, A L Bevler. R ( 7 Christransen, C: 0 P o t t s and A Arnold .I O r 8 Chem. 26, 274 (1961). (1) Steroids CCIV.

alize that the structure of an active hormone miist meet certain basic requirements such as : ( 1 ) Its structure should tie compatible with the requirements for efficient transport to the target organ. This is very probably directly related to its ability t o hind to plasma proteins.Y ( 3 ) It should have a reasonable half-life so that it.: metabolic breakdown by oxidative or reductive processes is not so rapid that it is prevented from exercizing its hormonal action at the target organ. The deactivat ion of structurally sensitive hormones is very probably directly related to their degree of binding with plasma proteins.s ( 3 ) Having reached the target organ the steroid hormone has to exert chemical control over one or more metabolic reactions either by its effect on eiizymtb processcs,lo or by altering the permeability of the re11 membrane or the membrane around the mitochondria or some other sub-cellular structures. The requisites may very well have different structural requirements and it is probable that biological activity is orily obswwd in compoiirids where these structural features overlap. With this background and the tenet that some form of interaction of steroid hormones with a biological structure involving proteins is a necessary prerequisite for a compound to be an active hormone, a program was initiated to explore the biological activity of a variety of 17P-hydroxy aiidrostanes n-hicli lacked a C-3 oxygen atom hut u-liich retained a ccriter of iinsaturatiou i n Ring Our basic concept was to vary the electron density patter11 in and around Ring *I,since in (sonjunction with steric properties the electron density pattern should be rcxlated l o the ahility to h n d to protein-like strur(8) T h e true significance of t h e binding of steroid hormones t o p1asnr:r. proteins is not yet clear. For many years it lias been considered t h a t the transport of steroids in blood involved prior association with plasma proteins. Ilowever, it lias been pointed out’ t h a t althouah this concept is probably valid for constituents which are insoluble in blood unless they are bound t o plasma proteins s u c h a limitation does not apply t o steroid hormones a t physiological concentrations. It is not unlikely t h a t the relative strength of binding of steroid hormones t o plasma proteins may have a regulating influence on the availability of t h e hormones t o target tissues. Thus tlie equilibrium between bound and unbound hormones m a y be part of t h e control mechanism of hormone activity and it may well be t h a t the unbound portion of the steroid hormone represents the active fraction available to t h e cellular memhrane.9 (9) For authoritative discussions of the biological significance of steroidgrotein binding cf. U. Westphal, “hlechanism of .4ction of Steroid Rormones,” edited by C. A. Villee and L. L. Engel, Pergamon Press, 1961, pp. 33-89, and H. N. Antoniades ”Hormones in Human Plasma,” Little Brown and Co., Boston, Mass., 1960, pp. 466-477. (10) For detailed speculation as t o how steroid hormones can aEect enzyme processes a t a target organ e / . “Mechanism of Action of Steroid i’illee and L. L. Eneel, Peraarrion Press. 1901 Hormones” edited by C particularly the iitxiclcs hy L. L. Engel C. .I. Villee and R. I. Ilorfrnan.


March, 1963

tures, for example, to charged subsites of enzymatic active centers." This paper describes the preparation of some Al, A2, A3 and A 4 C-3 deoxyandrostanes'* and the importance of sp2 hybridization a t C-2 and C-3 for myotrophic activity. The progestational activity noted4 for some 17a-alkyl and alkynyl-19-nor-A4-androstene-17p-01~prompted us to prepare the 3-deoxy analog of 17a-methyltestosterone to determine whether the results observed in the 19-nor series could be extended to other hormonal types. Clearly, it was also important to evaluate the biological activity of other ring -4olefins. OH I n




OH Va, Y = rile; R


( "

b, Y = hle; R = .. /OhC




d, Y = M e ; R


c , Y = Me;


( h le ( )H

e, Y







R = ( C=CH

(11) For a theoretical treatment of t h e bonding of unsaturated molecules t o proteins, c f . K. Ohki, Z . Vitamin-Hormon-u., Fermentforsch., 8 , 111


(12) For a preliminary communication describing a part of this work, cf. J. A. Edwards and A. Bowers, Chem. Ind. (London), 1962 (1961).


Reduction of 17a-methyltestosterone (Ia) with lithium aluminum hydride and acetylation with acetic anhydride and pyridine gave a mixture (3a and 3p) of allylic acetates (Ib) which was treated according to Hallsworth, Henbest and Wrigley's procedure13 with lithium in ethylamine to afford 17a-methyl-A4-androstene-17p-01 (IC). A plausible approach to A3-androstene-17p-ol (IIJh) appeared to be viu the Wolff-IGshner reduction of testosterone (Id) since JegerI4showed that A4-cholestene-3one underwent Wolff-Kishner reduction to afford a complex mixture of products including A3-cholestene in 25% yield. Djerassi and F i s h m a ~ i also ~ ~ reported that a similar reduction of A4-22a-spirostene-3-one led to a mixture of six products from which it was possible to isolate both the corresponding 5a- and 3p-A3-olefins. Wolff-Kishner reduction of testosterone (Id) produced an inseparable mixture of products. Acetylation of this mixture followed by alumina chromatography readily furnished pure A3-5/3-androstene-l7p-01 acetate (IIa).le Mild alkaline hydrolysis of this acetate gave the 17p-alcohol (IIb) which then was oxidized to the ketone (IIc). Treatment of the latter with methylmagnesium bromide furnished 17a-methyl-A3-.5p-androstene-17p-01 (IId) . After the completion of this work a brief publication by Crastes de Paulet and Bascoul17 recorded the Wolff-Kishner reduction of testosterone, by the more vigorous conditions developed by Barton and co-workers,l* to afford a separable mixture (after acetylation) of A3-5a- and A3-5/3-androsten-17/3-olacetates. In our hands the most convenient approach to A35a-androsten-I 7/3-01 acetate (IIIa) involved the treatment of testosterone with a very large excess of zinc in acetic acid as described by McKenna, Sorymberski and Stubbs.lg Reductive cleavage of the acetate by lithium aluminum hydride led to the corresponding alcohol (IIIb). Borohydride reduction of 2 a-bromodih ydrotestosteronezO(IV), then subjection of the crude reaction product to the action of zinc and acetic acid, and alkaline methanol, furnished A2-androstene-17/3-ol(Ya). Acetylation then led to the 17P-acetate (Yb), while oxidationz1 gave the corresponding 17-ketone (Yc) .?? With methyl- and ethynylmagnesium bromides and this ketone there resulted 17a-methyl-A2-androstene17/3-01 (Vd) and 17a-ethynyl-A2-androstene-17p-01 (Ye), respectively. The 19-nor analog (Yf) of the latter product was arrived a t from 17a-ethynyl-19-norandro(13) A. S. Hallsworth, H. B. Henbest and T. I. Wrigley, J . Chem. Soc.. 1969 (1957). (14) 0. Jeger, Helu. Chim. Acta, 32, 1825 (1949). (15) C. Djerassi and J. Fishman, J . A m . Chem. SOC.,17, 4291 (19.55). (16) Extensive rechromatography of impure fractions yielded considerable quantities of non-crystalline material b u t it was not possible t o isolate any pure Aa-5a-androstene-178-01 acetate ( I I I a ) . (17) A. Crastes de Paulet and J. Bascoul. Bull. Soc. Chim.. 442 (19bI). (18) D. H. R. Barton, D. A. J. Ives and B. R. Thomas, J . Chem. Soc.. 2056 (1955). (19) J. McKenna, J. K. Korymberski and R. D. Stubbs, ibid., 2302 (1959). (20) C. Djerassi. J . Org. Chem., 12, 823 (1947). (21) K. Bowden, I. M. Heilbron, E. R. H. Jones and B. C. L. Weedon, J . Chem. SOC.,39 (1946). (22) J. Iriarte, G. Rosenkranz and F. Sondheimer., J . Ore. Chem., 20, 542 (1955). described the preparation of this compound by a n alternate procedure which does not preclude t h e possibility t h a t the product is admixed u i t h amall amounts of the corresponding As-isomer. I n this connection cf. I. Malunomicz. J. Fajkos and F. Sorm, Coll. Czech. Comm., X ' I, 1359 (1900).


( F-IIa) ?; n-as rcdiiccd hy lithium tri-t-butoxy aluminum to A l - . i c ~ aiidrost~iie-3~-1i~-diol-lf-acetate (\?Ib) , 2 7 which x i t l i thionyl chloride in benzene solutioii yielded a mixtiirv desired :3P-chloro-Ai-.iLu-aiidrostene-l '7p-01 aceIIc) and a small amount of a halogen-free compoiuid. Separation of tlic A1-3@-chloro deriratiw (TTIc) was not attempted: instead the mixture was Yiihjccted t o rediictiw delialogenatioii by lithium nhimiiiiim hydride in etlier 2s Chromatography thcii allonrd tlie scparatioii of piirc A'-androstene-liP-oI i\Tld) from tlir un.lvaiitcd inert h;c--product.2q?'' .ic.rtylatioii and oxidation," respectively, of AIandrostcw-lip-ol led to thc 173-acetate (T'IIe) and 17krtoiir ( \ 7 T f ) . I'rom treatmctit of tllc latter witli


March, 1903 TABLE



Double bond position A1 A2

Sa A4

,-17p-Hydroxy-androstenes-C-H ileforniation frequency,u [a]~' [nf]~" cm.-' $25 +68 668 +55 fl5l 665 +50 +137 66889 +59 +I62 815

-176-Hydroxy-1 7a-mathyl-androstenes =C-H Deformation f rerlu e n cy [.ID" [MID" cm.-' +o +o 663 f47 4-129 663 I







Biological Activities.-The compounds were assayed40 in the immature castrate male rat (21-23 days of age) by daily injection for 7 days. For the oral assays the rats were gavaged once daily for 10 days. I n both assays the animals were autopsied 24 hr. after the last treatment and androgenic and anabolic (myotrophic) activities of the steroids were calculated on the basis of the weights of the seminal vesicles, ventral prostrates and levator ani muscles.40 Testosterone and 17amethyl-testosterone were always used as the standards for the subcutaneous and oral routes of administration, respectively. Table I1 summarizes our preliminary biological findings. 41 These should only be considered as approximations. A detailed study of the biological activities of some of the compounds reported in this and the following four papers, together with a statistical evaluation, will be reported a t a later date by Dr. R. Dorfman and his colleagues. It can be seen that the AI, A2 and A3 olefins all exhibit reasonable anabolic activity, the anabolic androgenic ratio being more favorable in the latter two compounds. The A4-olefin exhibited only very weak activity, and A3-5p-androstene-17p-ol (IIb) was inactive a t a daily dose level of 3.0 mg. TABLE11 RING-4OLEFISS O F ja-4NDROSTANE-17P-OL B Y Sl,TBCLTANEOLX A4DhlIliISTRATION (ACTIVITYOF TESTOSTERONE = I .O) Unsaturation in ring A

A1 A?

A3 A4



0.35 0 . t5 0.4 0.1

1.0 1.5 0.8 0.1

The influence of a 17cr-methyl group mas particularly marked in the case of the A2-olefin. 17a-blethyl-A2androstene-17P-01 in the oral assay had approximately 0.5 times the androgenic and 2.0 times the anabolic activity of methyltestosterone. From the results outlined above, from those given in the succeeding four papers, and from those published elsewhere3-' it may be concluded that a high electron (38) For characteristic infrared absorption frequencies of substituted olefins see A . D. Cross, "An Introduction t o Practical Infrared Spectroscopy," Butterworths, London, 1960, p. 68. (39) Reported,:g [MID +145O, ymax 669 cm.-1. (40) L. G. Hershberger, E. G . Shipley a n d R. K. Mryer, Proc. SOC.E r p t l . .Wed., 83, 175 (1953). (41) T h e bio-assays were carried o u t by Dr. R . Dorfman a t the Worcester Foundation, Shrewsbury. Mass., or by Dr. E. 0 . Rhiplzy, Kndocrinr Lnboratorics. Madison. Wisconsin.


density a t C2 and/or C3 in 17P-hydroxyandrostane is a factor strongly promoting high myotrophic activity. Prior to the discovery of the biologically active C-3desoxy-steroids3 this structural requirement was always satisfied by a C-3-carbonyl or oxidizable C-3-hydroxyl group, The desired structural feature may now h~ defined more hroadly to include all 17P-hydrosyandrostanes which have a high electron density in or near the Cz and C3 positions. This definition includes compounds such as C-3 alcohols which can undergo transformation to such a system by oxidation. I n view of the activity of olefins as well as ketones it is pertinent to note that C-3-ketones may be active primarily as enols or enolate anions where a A2ir bond is present. Furthermore, introduction of more than one sp2 hybridized carbon atom into ring A results in a pronounced flattening of the ring from a cyclohexane chair form to a more planar conformation in which the steroid may be better able to rest on a receptor wrface u it h a concomitant increase in the degree of orhital overlap. E~perimental~~ 17~-Methyl-A4-androstene-17~-ol (IC).-Sodium borohydride (3.0 9 , ) in water ( 5 ml.) and tetrahydrofuran (30 ml.) nas added dropwise to a solution of 17a-meth~-ltestosterone(Ia) (3.0 g., m.p. 163-164') in tetrahydrofuran (300 ml.). After the addition was complete the solution n a s kept (1.5 hr.) and then diluted with 200 ml. of ice-water. The precipitate was collected, washed with water until neutral, and dried, to afford a product (2.79 g.), m.p. 1555160". -4 solution of this product in 10 ml. of pyridine and 5 ml. of acetic anhydride, was kept 0.75 hr. a t room temperature before being poured into water. Ethyl acetate extracts of the aqueous mixture were washed with dilute hydrochloric acid and with water, dried, and evaporated t o leave a residue which was treated immediately with a solution of 1 g. of lithium in 25 ml. of ethylamine for 20 min. a t 10". This mixture then was poured into dilute hydrochloric acid and the precipitate filtered off and washed t o furnish 1.56 g. of a solid, m.p. 158-184", which by purification through chromatography over alumina (Grade 111),and elution with benzene, afforded 410 mg. of 17amethyl-A4-androstene-17~-ol (IC), m.p. l 1 4 - l l i o , raised by several recrystallizations from methanol-water to 119-121 ', [ a ] ~ , +59", urnax 3360 (s) and 815 cm.-' (m). Bnal. Calcd. for C20H320: C, 83.27; H, 11.18; 0 , 5.55. Found: C, 82.92; H , 10.88; 0, 5.76. Wolff-Kishner Reduction of Testosterone.-A solution of 20 g of testosterone in 1 1. of ethylene glycol and 20 ml. of hydrazine hydrate was heated under reflux (1 hr.), cooled t o 70", and a solution of 20 g. of sodium in 200 ml. of ethylene glycol then was added. The reaction mixture was distilled until a still-head temperature of 210" was obtained and then kept under reflux during 12 hr. After concentration to half volume the reaction solution was poured into 3 1. of water. Filtration furnished 18.9 g. of amorphous solid, m.p. 110-120", demonstrably a mixture by chromatography on paper, hut affording no pure component through alumina chromatography. The crude product (18.8 g.) was treated a t room temperature with 50 ml. of pyridine and 10 ml. of acetic anhydride during 24 hr. Dilution with 1.5 1. of ice-cold 10yc hydrochloric acid precipitated a solid which was collected, washed and dried (18.55 g.) prior to chromatography over 2.5 kg. of alumina (Grade 111). Hexane-benzene (5: 1) elution removed from the alumina 4.5 g. of A3-5P-androstene-17p-ol acetate ( I r a ) as prisms from methylene chloride and ethyl acetate, m.p. 144-145", (42) All rotations are for chloroform solutions, ultraviolet spectra for ethanol solutions, and infrared spectra for KBr disks, except n h e r e stated otherwise. Microanalyses are b y Midwest hlicro Laboratories, Indianapolis 2 0 , Indiana, or b y Dr. 4 . Bernhardt, Rlulheim ( R u h r ) , Germany. I n this, and the following five papers, except where stated, alumina was neutralized before use by stirring with ethyl acetate and reactivated b y heating a t 120' for 72 hr. Grades of activity, where giren, are those of FI. Rrockrnann and €1. Schodder I&,.,, 74, 73 ( 1 9 4 1 ) J .

homogeneous to gas or paper chromatography, [ a ] I ) -3.5', v , ~ , ;1735 , ~ (s), 1235 (s), 3010 (a,),1650 ( w ) and 684 cm.-' ( 9 ) . .lnal. Calcd. for C21H820?: C, 79.70; H, lO,l!l; 0,10.1 1 . Found: C, 79.Sl; H, 10.18; 0, 10.07. Further chromatography of impure fractions permitted t8he isolation of more pure product, but no other renction prodtic't, could be isolated in a pure state. ~3-5p-Androstene-17p-ol(1Ibj.-The aceetate II:t (0.5 g.'~in methanol (50 ml.) containing potassium hydroxide (2.0 g.i +I :LY heated iinder reflux for 3 hr. Dilutioii n i t h \\.:iter, e t h ~ -:wetate l rYtr:wtioii anil ivashing iii tlie t i o r r n d ninnner )-iel(letl ii soli(1, tion froin 1iw:~rie-etli:iiiiil t o dforil 3!iO ilia. [01]11 l:{c, Y!,,.%\ :3: h r . , anti the \\hole \vas then poured int,o wat,er. 1,:straction \\.it11 cBtlij.1 ac*ct:tte, chriirnatography of the 200 my. of derived oil over aluniina (Grade I11 1, and elution with benzene :tnd benzene ether ( 5 : 1 ) give 1x0 mg. of 17a-methyl-~3-5~-androstene-17p-ol ( I I d ) as prisms from methanol-\mt,er, m.p. 122--124', [ a ] ~IO", Y,,,,, 3300 (s) and GSO c i n - I ( s ) . Anal. Calcd. for CYOHj20:(I, 83.27; I€, 11.15; 0 , 5.55. Found: C, 83.37; H, 11.33; 0, 5.48. 33-5a- and ~3-5~-Androstene-l7p-ol-acetates (IIIa and Ira).-A solut,ion of 4 g . of testosterone acetate in 550 ml. of aceti( :tclid was treated in 6 portions with 150 g. of zinc at room temper:&tiire (luring 1.5 hr. n-it,h const:tnt, agitation. After filtratioii there \yere isolateil, i n the maiincr descrihed 11y 3TcKei11ia Soryintierski and P t ~ l ) h s , ' ~13-5,-androstene-I 7&ol-acetate (III:l), xn.p. 119--l2Oo, [ u ] u +U" (lit.'? m.p. 117- 11S0, cy]^, +42'), anti As-56-androstene-1 78-ol-acetate ( I I h 1, identical (i1i.p. and infrared) with a snriiple preixirecl by the alternate route described above. A solution of 50 rng. of the &-isomer ( I I I a ) in 5 nil. of tetruhydrofuran was t,reated with 100 mg. of lithium aluminum hydride in 5 ml. of the same solvent and kept under reflux ( 1 hr. i. \Vork up in the normal manner afforded ~3-Ru-androstene-17p-ol, [ n ] l )+5O", 1n.p. 152.-153' (lit,.lY 14i-lW0),43 Y , ~ ~ 3450 . , ~ (s'!, 1650 (w) and 668 cm.-l (s). A2-Androstene-17p-01 (Va).-Sodium Iiorohydride (1.6 g.) waa added t o an ice-cold solution of 10 g. of 2a-bromodihydrotestosterone,*o in 3Fj0 ml. of dry ethanol. After 1 hr. water W:LS addetl :tiid the product 7sas filtered off antl dried. A mixture of the criitle bromohydrin, 32 g. of zinc dust antl 100 ml. of glacial acetic acid was heated under reflux with stirring for 1 hr. Removal of the zinc by filtration and precipitation with water afforded 7.2 g. of a mixture of 7-3 and its corresponding acetate. This mixture then was combined with the products from two additional 10-g. reactions from 2a-bromodihydrotestosterone and the total material ( 2 2 9.) was dissolved in 400 ml. of methanol. After the addition of 400 ml. of 10% aqueous methanolic sodium hydroxide solution (methanol-n*ater 9: 1) the resulting mixture was boiled ( 2 h.). After the removal of ca. 400 ml. of methanol under reduced pressure, water was added and the precipitate was collected, washed with water and dried to yield 20 g. of crude 1':~ This material was dissolved in benzene-hexane (3: 1 ) and chromatographed over 720 g. of alumina. The product eluted with benzene and with mixtures of benzene-ether ( 9 : l and 4: 1) was crystallized from methanol-water to give 11 g. of T'a, m.p. 167-168". Further concentration of the mother liquors and cooling furnished an additional 1.8 g. of the same compound ( Va) with m.p. 163-165'. After further recrystallization from inethanol--water n pure sample showed m.p. 169-170", [ a ] n +55", vniar 1660 (rri) and 665 (s) cm.-'; reported m.p. 165°.44 - __ _.



(43) All the 1s-curnpoiinds reported in this paper were found tu be h inm yeneuiis b y pas chroniatoyra]ihy. Ganiples, apparently pure as judged kiv infrared and paper cliromatography, b u t which melted slightly lower a n d over a broader range frequently appeared t o be less t h a n 9.;% piire u1ir.n analyzed b y gas chromatography.

A2-Androstene-17p-ol-17-acetate !Vb).--'l'rc,atrric,ti~ i i f 2 g. of A*-androstene-lip-ol with GO ml. of I : 2 acet,ir :~~ihydridc.pjrridine a t room temperature for IS hr. followed t of t,he product Jvith ethyl acetate gave 2.:$ g. of tlie :I( Crystallization from methanol provided 1"7 g., i i i .-1 pure s:tniple showed m.p. S4-!150t [ N I L - , -49", rc'liiirtc~:l 111.11. '36°,14 Y , , , ~1740 ~ (s), 1660 (w)675 cni:-j (3). A2-Androstene-17-one (Vcj.--A stirred s~iliitioii 7.S of ~2-androstene-17p-olin 640 ml. of acetone w:ls cooletl to 0 :ind treated drop\vise wit,h 12.2 ml. of S .Ychrorniuni 1,riosidrx :tgclnt.21 After :i niin. tlie reaction w:is diluted uiL1i 5 I. ! i f water. 'Ylie precipit:ite was reniovetl liy filtrutiori :ind tlrictl 1 1 1 ati'ord 7.5 g. of l . ( , , z z m.11. 102-104°, raised by cr? from ac~~toii~--h~~x:i11e to 106-10s" (5.4 g . j, unch:ing ther crystn1liz:ttion; [all1 +IS()"; reported i n . l i . IO-L I05', [ U ] T I+14G0 ( i n E t 0 H ) 4 6 ; Y,,,, 17.50 (s), and 667 is:. 17a-~lethyl-92-androstene-17p-ol(Vd).--A soliitioii of 9.,5g. of A2-androstene-17-one and 240 mi. of dry benzene x : t s atltletl with stirring to a refluxing solutioii containing 21.5 1111. of -1 . \ ~ ethereal methylmagnesium bromide and 950 nil. of Iionzcne. 'Tlic reaction mixture was heated under reflux f u r : ~ :iddition:il n 20 lir. after the addition of the stvroid \vas complete. After c?ooliiig:iii excess of 10yji8aqueous :immoniurii chloride suliition \v:w adtitd. Tlie organic: l:i>-er then w n s wvnshcil well n i t h x i t e r . Iteiiii~v:il( i f t,he solvrnt. gavr IO g. ( i f it gelatinous product w . l i i c ~ I i \v:ts (lissolved in 200 1111. of l~erizene-1ictx:inc ( I ; 2 ) : ~ n dclirotii:ttogr:~i~li~~il oii 400 g. of :iliiniin;t. 1:lution with mixtures 01 l~c~izeiielies;i~ic ( I: I , 2 ; 1 arid 4 : 1 ) :tnd crystalliz:itioii of the resulting Iirotluet ;Lffordetl 7 . 2 g. of 17~u-inethyl-1~-:~1idrostene-1 ip-01, i i i , p . i 35.1.57'. T w o additional crystallizations did not r:iisc, t,lic> ~ i i . ~ ) . ; (u11)t,17", Y,,,,,. 1G(jO ( w ) , G t X cni.-L ( s ) . . I d . (':ilcd. for C;20Ha20:( ' , S : % . 2 i ; I i , 1 i . W : 0 , T,..i-l. Fuuiid: c', ,S3.02; 13, 11.16; 0, 0.00. 17~-Ethynyl-A2-androstene-17~-~l (Ve).--A ceiirreiit I J E ilr).. purified :wct>-leiie \viis p:isse(I for 3 lir. throiigh :t soltitioii of 2 i nil. of 4 S c~t1iere:il~net.'i~-irna~riesiiiiii hromic!e : t i i t ! 1Oi) nil of (lry tetra~ivilriii~~raii. The restiltin;: soliltion of c ~ t I i ~ ~ r i ~ - l t i i a ~ : n ~ siuiii bromide wits heated under reflux and then 1 g. of l?-:iiidrost,ene-l7-onc tiissolved in 50 nil. o f trtrahydrofuran was :itldeil tlropwise during 20 iuiri. .lfter he:tting for 7 hr. the rc:ici,ioli wns cooled u i d trcated with :in excess of 10'; aclueous :tinitionii.iiil chloride solution. 1Mution with 1 1. of water and isolation \vir11 ethyl acetate afforded 1 .4 g . of product which i ~ a stlissolvetl iu benzene-hexane ( 4 : I ! and absorbed onto 54 g. of :ilumin:t. Elution \ v i t h kienzene and benzene--ether (9: 1 ) gave 0 . 7 g. ( i f \-e, which W:IP crystallized from acetone--hexane to yield O.:{ g . : ni.p. 1G5.-1 C;!)", raised Iiy further rwrystnllization froin tlie s:iiii(> solvents t o i i i . ~ ) . 17.; I i q ' , [&;, - 2 " I ! , , , , , :32i.5 fni", l ! K ( v ' , ti70 ( s 1 ~ 1 1 1 . ~ ~ ' . . l ~ i / . Cnlcd. for C2111300: C, b4.51; (?,54.40.; HI 10.25.

11, I(l.l:$.


17~-Eth~nyl-19-norandrostane-3P,17P-diol-3-tosylate (VI:;.--A mixture of 0.4 g . of 17a-et~hynyl-l9-norandrostan~3~, 17p-dioI ant1 0.4 g. of p-toliienesiilfonyl chloride in 10 ml. of pyridine \v:m kept for 2 days a t room temperature. The reaction mixture then \v:~s dihtteti with 100 ml. of water and extracted ivitli methylene chloricle (3 X 100 ml.), The combined extract.< were ivasheti n i t h 5% aqueous hydrochloric acid arid 5y0 sotiiiini bicarbonate solutions and finally Kith water to neutmlity. Removal of the solvent in oacuo and crystallizat'ion from ethcrhexane yielded 0.4 g . of the tosylate (VI), m.p. 147-152", r hy further recrystallizations from ether-hexane to m.p. 157-1 % I 0 , !a111-2X0, A,,,,, 226 mp, log e 4.08, vmar 1640 (TV) and 1N)O cm.-' (w). .4nal. Calcd. for C27Has04S: C, 71.02; €1, 7.95; S, 7 . 0 2 . Found: C, 70.G2: E€, 7.92; S, 6.66. 17a-Ethynyl-~~-l9-norandrostene-l7~-ol (Vf).--h mixtiircs i i F 3.1 g . of tosylnte V I . 3.1 g. of sodilim acetate, 27.5 ml. of :ic.c?tic, acid antl 2 . 8 ml. of wetic anhydride \viis heat,ed under refliis for 3 hr. \J.ater (300 n i l . ) was added and the resulting soliitioii \vas estractetl with methylene chloride. The organic phase ~ : t s Lvashed well with BT sodium c : a r h n a t e sollltiori ant1 w i t h ivxter, tiriecl over sridiiim sulfate :iiicl concentrated. The I Y H l l l t dissolved in 5 2 ml. of methanol \vas treated wit11 aqueous niethnnolic sodium hydroxide solut,ion


March, 1963

(methanol-water 1 9 : l ) and the mixture heated under reflux for 2 hr. Dilution with water and isolation of the product with methylene chloride provided 2 . 2 g. of an oil, which was adsorbed from benzene-hexane (1: 1) onto alumina (86 g.). Elution with mixtures of benzene-hexane (3:2 and 4 : l ) and pure benzene afforded 0.9 g. of the A2-compound (Vf) which crystallized from ether-hexane to yield 0.7 g., m.p. 104-107". The analytical sample prepared from the same solvent mixture exhibited m.p. 108-log", [ a ]+25.5", ~ 3200 (m), 660 cm.-' (s). Anal. Calcd. for C20H280: C, 84.45; H, 9.92. Found: C, 84.12; H, 9.88. A'-5oc-Androstene-3~,17/3-diol-l7-acetate (VIIb).-Lithium trit-butoxyaluminum hydride (14.7 g.) was added t o a solution of 14.7 g. of A1-5a-androstene-3-one-17p-ol acetate in 550 ml. of anhydrous tetrahydrofuran and heated under reflux for 1 hr. After removal of the solvent under vacuum, water was added and the product extracted with methylene dichloride, washed with water and isolated by evaporation of the dried solution. Recrystallization from methanol-water gave 12.7 g. of VIIb as prisms (86%), m.p. 143-144", [ a ] D -43.5", vmax. 3480 (m), 1735 ( 8 ) and 1235 cm.-l (s). Anal. Calcd. for C21H3203: C, 75.86; H, 9.70; 0, 14.44. Found: C, 75.92; H,9.75; 0, 14.52. Slow addition of Jones reagentz1to a solution of VIIb in acetone, then work-up in the conventional manner, regenerated the enone (VIIa), identical by m.p. and infrared spectrum with a n authentic sample. AUL~-Androstene-17p-o1 (VIId).-A sohition of 10 g. of the allylic alcohol (VIIh) in 200 ml. of henxene n-as kept a t 5-8" and treated with 10 ml. of purified thionyl chloride4e for 1 hr. with stirring. Evaporation a t room temperature in ZJUCUO left a solid residue to which was added solid sodium bicarbonate, then a solution of sodium bicarbonate. Extraction with methylene dichloride gave a solution which, after several water washes was dried and evaporated to furnish a solid residue which was then dissolved in 1.5 1. of ether. Lithium aluminum hydride (7.0 g.) was added cautiously, and the whole maintained under reflux overnight. After destruction of the excess of the reagent by ethyl acetate, 250 ml. of saturated sodium potassium tartrate solution was added and the mixture extracted with ether ( 4 X 250 ml,). Evaporation of the washed and dried ether extracts gave a solid which was chromatographed over 300 g. of alumina. Elution with 3 : 1 hexane-methylene dichloride furnished 4.3 g. of VIId, m.p. raised by several recrystallizations from acetonehexane to 157-158', [ a ] D +24.7" vlnax 3240 (s), 3020 (w), and 668 em.-' ( 6 ) . Anal. Calcd. for C19H300,H~O: C, 78.03; H, 11.03, 0, 10.94. Found: C, 78.46; H , 10.60; 0, 10.74. For a sublimed sample: =Inal. Calcd. for ClgH300: C, 83.15; H, 11.02; 0, 5.83. Found: C, 82.83; H, 10.83; 0 , 6.12. Earlier fractions from the column gave the minor product, which after recrystallization from ether had m.p. 218-221 '. The same compound was isolated in small quantity when attempts were made to obtain by crystallization from methanol a pure component of the mixture resulting from the action of thi-



I. Vogel, "Practical Organic Chemistry," Longmane. London, 1948, p. 186.


onyl chloride upon the allylic alcohol (VIIb). Crystallization from ethanol-methylene dichloride yielded the pure compound, m.p. 225-227" l.]D &too, vmax. 1235 ( 9 ) and 1735 cm.-1 (s). Anal. Found: C, 70.23; H, 9.64; 0, 20.76. A'-j,-Androstene-17p-ol Acetate (VIIe).-A mixture of 2 ml. of pyridine, 0.8 ml. of acetic anhydride, and 350 mg. of the above alcohol (VIId) was kept a t room temperature overnight. The usual work up afforded 350 mg. of the acetate (VIIe), which after several recrystallizations from methanol had m.p. 127-128", [ a ] -15.4', ~ and vmax 3010 (w), l i 4 3 (s), 1230 (s), 1652 (w), 750 (m), 723 ( m ) and 703 cm.-' (s). Anal. Calcd. for C21H3202: C, 79.70; H, 10.19; 0, 10.11. Found: C, 79.39; H, 10.26; 0, 10.20. AL-5a-Androstene-17-one (VIIf:.-Oxidation a t 0" of 100 mg. of A1-5a-androstene-17p-ol in 4 ml. of acetone with 0.2 ml. of Jones roagent,Z1 isolation of the product and crystallization from aqueous methanol afforded 85 mg. of the ketone VIIf as prisms, m.p. 98-100°, [ a ] D +103", vmax 3025 (w), 1740 (s), and 665 em.-'. Anal. Calcd. for C19H280: C, 83.77; H, 10.36. Found: C, 83.76; H, 10.65. 17oi-Methyl-A1-5~-androstene-17p-ol (VIIg).-To a solution of 400 mg. of VIIf in 45 ml. of dry ether was added 9.5 ml. of 4 A' methylmagnesium bromide in ether slid the mixture kept 1.5 hr. a t reflux, before pouring onto ice-water containing ammonium chloride. Extraction with ethyl acetate gave 420 mg. of crude VIIg, m.p. 120-122', Recrystallization from aqueous methanol furnished the pure compound, m.p. 135-136", [a]= =!coo; vnrax 3380 (s), 3010 (w), 1650 (w), and 663 em.-' (8). Anal. Calcd. for C20H320: C, 83.27; H, 11.18; 0, 5.55. Found: C, 83.55; H, 11.37; 0, 5.25. Reaction of Ethanethiol with A1-5a-Dihydrotestosterone Acetate.-A1-5a-Dihydrotestosterone acetate (250 mg.) was treated with 1 ml. of ethanethiol and 0.1 ml. of boron trifluoride etherate a t room temperature for 2 hr., and then poured into xvater. Extraction with ethyl acetate and repeated washing with 5 7 , sodium hydroxide solution, then with water, yielded, on evaporation of the dried eolut,ion, a solid product. T h e latter waE absorbed from hexane onto 10 g. of neutral alumina. Elution with hexane led to 170 mg. of 1,3,3-trithioethyl-L~-androstanelip-ol acetate (VIIIa), with m.p. 15C-151°J raised by recrystallization from methanol to m.p. 152-153', [ O ] D +52.4", vmhX l i 3 5 (s) and 1240 cm.-' (9). Anal. Calcd. for C27H480&: C, 65.64; H, 9.30; 0, 6.42; S, 19.25. Found: C, 65.98; H , 9.60; 0, 5.67; S, 19.05. Raney Nickel Desulfurization of 1,3,3-Trithioethyl-5~-androstane-170-01 Acetate.-Raney nickel (8 g.) was kept under 800 ml. of boiling acetone for 1 hr. after which 800 mg. of the trithioet,hyl derivative (VIIIa) xq'as acIJeJ in 100 ml. of acetone, and the whole kept under reflux a further 4 hr. Filtration and evaporation yielderl700 mg. of oilj' product which after chromatography over 100 (;. of neutral diimina afyorded in the hecane eluates 200 mg. of I ,X-dithioethyl-5~androstane-li@-olacetate (VIIIb), crystallizing from methanol as prisms, m.p. 136-137", [a]= +125.3", vninx 1741 (s), 1245 cin.-l(s). Anal. Calcd. for C ~ ~ H ~ Z O ZC,S ?68.46; : H, 9.65; 0, 7.30; S, 14.59. Found: C, 69.14; H, 8.85; 0. 7.13: S. 14.55.