STILL MORE!...FASTER! - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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News about National's Vinyl Solutions and Emulsions


STILL MOREI...FASTER! For the t h i r d time in three years, National again is e x p a n d i n g its facilities f o r vinyl polymer and copolymer emulsions and solutions. This time it's: 1 —increased capacity

at Plainfield,

2—a second vinyl plant at Meredosia, 3—bulk handling

at Los

N . J. Illinois.


This means still more vinyls f o r adhesives, textiles, paints, p a p e r a n d other products. A n d i t reflects our g r o w t h in the fast expanding resin f i e l d . Too, deliveries w i l l be faster. From Meredosia, Los Angeles or Plainfield. W i t h all customers enjoying the equivalent o f t w o sources o f supply. O u r resin chemists w i l l be happy t o supply the details. Just get i n touch w i t h your nearest N a t i o n a l o f f i c e .


%OH€*C STARCH PRODUaS INC. 270 M a d i s o n Avenue, N e w York 16 VOLUME

3 3.

NO. 32 ·



3641 So. Washtenaw Avenue, C h i c a g o 32




735 Battery Street San Francisco 11 3251