Stretchable, Injectable, and Self-Healing Conductive Hydrogel

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Cite This: Chem. Mater. 2019, 31, 4553−4563

Stretchable, Injectable, and Self-Healing Conductive Hydrogel Enabled by Multiple Hydrogen Bonding toward Wearable Electronics Jingsi Chen, Qiongyao Peng, Thomas Thundat, and Hongbo Zeng* Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 1H9, Canada

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ABSTRACT: Conducting polymer hydrogels have been employed in diverse fields such as energy storage and bioelectronics, which possess both the mechanical properties of hydrogels and electronic transport properties of conducting polymers. However, the rigid and fragile nature of conducting polymers hinders the long-time stability of the hydrogels and limits their applications in emerging flexible electronic devices. In this work, we have developed a novel type of multifunctional conductive polymer hydrogel, of which high conductivity is integrated with excellent stretchability, injectability, and rapid self-healing capability, by incorporating multiple hydrogen-bonding 2-ureido-4[1H]-pyrimidinone (UPy) groups as cross-linking points into a brittle polyaniline/poly(4styrenesulfonate) (PANI/PSS) network. The formation of the interpenetrating PANI/PSS network offers the hydrogel electronic conduction assisted by ionic transport, showing a conductivity of 13 S/m and a linear response (gauge factor = 3.4) to external strain (≈300%), with accurate and reliable detection of various human motions. Taking advantage of the reversibility of the noncovalent cross-links, the hydrogels can be facilely molded into different shapes and demonstrate a complete selfhealing within 30 s upon damage. The combination of supramolecular chemistry with conducting polymers enables multifunctionalities in the conductive hydrogel, providing new insights into the design of advanced functional materials with applications in 3D printing, wearable devices, and flexible electronics.

1. INTRODUCTION Hydrogels are three-dimensional (3D) cross-linked porous polymer networks containing high water content and have emerged as promising candidates for biological applications because of their resemblance to human tissues.1,2 Conductive hydrogels, which combine the electronic properties of conductors with the soft nature of hydrogels,3−6 can mimic the functions of human skin with mechanical and sensory properties7,8 and have drawn enormous attention in the past decade for the fabrication of flexible electronics with applications in wearable devices, implantable biosensors, and artificial skin for soft robotics.9−15 Conductive hydrogels have been directly prepared by introducing conducting fillers such as metallic particles,16,17 carbon nanotubes,18,19 and graphene20 into polymer networks, but this blending method usually suffers from low loading amount and aggregation of the conducting components, resulting in either poor conductivity or compromised mechanical properties.21,22 An alternate facile approach to imparting conductivity to hydrogels is triggering in situ polymerization of conjugated precursors for the generation of conducting polymers such as polythiophene, polyaniline (PANI), and polypyrrole in hydrogel matrices.23−26 Because of the formation of mesh-like conducting networks which entangle with the soft primary networks, the hydrogels possess both fast electron transfer and enhanced mechanical strength.27 As a widely studied conducting polymer with © 2019 American Chemical Society

tunable electrical properties, PANI has been employed for the fabrication of various conductive hydrogels, with the utilization of phytic acid28 or polyelectrolytes21,29 as dopants. Despite the satisfying electrical conductivity, the relatively weak and brittle networks severely impede their practical applications.30 One fascinating feature of human skin is its capability to self-repair the injuries inflicted by external force or stimuli;31 thus, it is highly desirable to endow conductive hydrogels with selfhealing ability,32,33 leading to “smart” and durable materials for real-world applications, which still remains a challenge. An effective strategy toward autonomous self-healing hydrogels is based on the utilization of a variety of reversible molecular interactions including dynamic covalent bonds,34 ionic interactions,35,36 hydrogen bonding,37 metal−ligand coordination,38,39 host−guest interactions, and hydrophobic association.40 Among them, hydrogen-bonding interactions are of particular interest for the fabrication of self-healing hydrogels owing to their modulated strength, biocompatibility as well as the fast dissociation/association behavior.41 Besides, the dynamics of the hydrogen bonds can be readily modulated by temperature and pH of the surrounding environment,42−44 which endows the hydrogels with stimuli-responsive properReceived: March 28, 2019 Revised: May 23, 2019 Published: May 24, 2019 4553

DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b01239 Chem. Mater. 2019, 31, 4553−4563


Chemistry of Materials ties. As a multiple hydrogen-bonding motif, 2-ureido-4[1H]pyrimidinone (UPy) has been extensively exploited to direct self-assembly of molecules in supramolecular chemistry since it was introduced by Meijer and co-workers,45 taking advantage of its easy accessibility and strong self-complementary dimerization (>106 M−1 in CHCl3) via quadruple hydrogen bonds.46−48 Several functional materials displaying self-healing abilities have been developed based on the dynamic interaction between UPy groups. Del Campo and co-workers reported an injectable and thermo-responsive hydrogel cross-linked by dimerized UPy pendants, where the self-healing property could be tuned by temperature.49 When UPy moieties were grafted onto the backbone of biocompatible dextran, a self-integrating and injectable hydrogel was developed, which was capable of sustainably releasing encapsulated biomolecules and facilitating the regeneration of bone tissues.50 Cui and Vlassak et al. prepared an extremely stretchable hydrogel by protecting the dimerization of UPy groups in hydrophobic micelles, and the hydrogel could be stretched more than 100 times without fracture as well as exhibited fast self-healing property.51 However, the multiple hydrogen-bonding moiety has not been extended to conducting polymer hydrogels to provide these systems self-healing ability and other functionalities. In this work, we have developed a novel conductive polymer hydrogel that combines high conductivity with stretchability, injectability, and rapid self-healing ability in one platform, by introducing UPy groups into fragile conducting PANI/poly(4styrenesulfonate) (PSS) polymers. The hydrogel was primarily composed of a negatively charged PSS supramolecular network cross-linked by UPy groups, where an interpenetrating conducting PANI network was formed by in situ polymerization and electrostatically interacted with PSS chains.29 The dynamic and reversible dissociation/association process of the hydrogen bonds contributed to the energy dissipation and network reconstruction in the hydrogel, which offered the hydrogel stretchable and self-healing properties. Meanwhile, the thermo-sensitive nature of the hydrogen-bonding interaction provided thermoplasticity of the material,52 making it injectable and moldable. The hydrogel possessed excellent conductivity as well as high sensitivity to external strain because of the electronic conduction assisted by ionic transport, and it was successfully employed for the detection of various human activities with rapid and repeatable response, holding great promise for applications in artificial skins and flexible intelligent sensors.

mmol) into the flask under vigorous stirring. After reaction for 3 min, the solution was quickly cooled to room temperature by immersing in a water bath with the appearance of fine white solids. After 6 h, the precipitate was filtered and washed with excess acetone three times. The collected white powder was dried under vacuum overnight. 1H NMR characterization was performed with an Agilent 400-MR DD2 system (Agilent Technologies, USA) at 25 °C, using deuterated chloroform (CDCl3) as the solvent. δH (ppm) = 13.0 (s, 1H, CH3CNH), 12.0 (s, 1H, CH2NH(CO)NH), 10.5 (s, 1H, CH2NH(CO)NH), 6.2 + 5.6 (m, 2H, CCH2), 5.8 (s, 1H, CH  CCH3), 4.3, (t, 2H, OCH2), 3.6 (m, 2H, NHCH2), 2.2 (s, 3H, CH3C  CH), 1.9 (s, 3H, (CO)CCH3). 2.3. Formation of Hydrogen-Bonded PSS (PSS−nUPy) Hydrogels. Supramolecular hydrogels with different amounts of hydrogen-bonding moieties (UPyMA) were prepared by one-pot free radical polymerization, and the resultant products were named PSS− nUPy, where n indicates the molar percentage of UPyMA with respect to NaSS in the feed. For example, a PSS−20UPy hydrogel was developed from 0.5 mL of aqueous solution containing NaSS (0.5 mmol, 103 mg) and UPyMA (0.1 mmol, 28 mg), and the pH of the solution was adjusted to 10 by NaOH to facilitate the dissolution of UPyMA. After the addition of 5 μL of TEMED and 5 μL of APS stock solution (120 mg of APS dissolved in 1 mL of Milli-Q water) as a reaction initiator, the polymerization was conducted at 50 °C for 20 h in a sealed vial, yielding a viscous solution. At room temperature, by adjusting the pH back to 7 using HCl solution, a hydrogen-bonded PSS hydrogel was formed. 2.4. Preparation of PANI/PSS−20UPy Hybrid Hydrogels. A series of conductive hydrogels with the incorporated ANI concentration varying from 0.1 to 0.4 M were prepared. In a typical process, the prepared PSS−20UPy hydrogel was heated to 50 °C resulting in a viscous solution and a desired amount of ANI was added into the solution with an equivalent amount of HCl. After vigorous agitation for 5 min, ANI was uniformly dispersed in the solution and the mixture was cooled to room temperature. The reformed hydrogel was immersed in an acidic (0.1 M HCl) solution containing 0.5 M FeCl3 to initiate the polymerization of ANI at 4 °C for 48 h. The obtained dark green hydrogel was purified by immersing in Milli-Q water to remove the unreacted residues and excess ions. The resultant hybrid hydrogels were named PANI/PSS−20UPy hydrogels with x M ANI, where x indicates the feed concentration of ANI in the hydrogels. 2.5. Characterizations of the Hydrogels. The water contents (Q) of the hydrogels were determined by the weight of the swollen hydrogel (Ws) and the corresponding weight of the freeze-dried polymer network (Wd) according to the following equation


The weight fraction of the PANI network in the hybrid hydrogel was characterized by UV−vis spectroscopy on an Evolution 300 UV− vis spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, USA). The concentration of ANI diffused into the FeCl3 solution during polymerization was determined by a calibration curve of absorbance at 440 nm versus the concentration of added ANI, showing a linear relationship of A = 1.184C − 0.0214, where A and C represent the absorbance and ANI concentration, respectively. The actual weight of PANI in the products was calculated by subtracting the diffused amount of ANI from the feed. All Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of the freeze-dried hydrogels were recorded by a Nicolet iS50 FTIR spectrometer (Thermo Scientific, USA), over a range of 500−4000 cm−1 with a resolution of 4 cm−1. The internal morphologies of the hydrogels were investigated by Zeiss EVO M10 scanning electron microscopy (SEM) operated at 5 kV acceleration voltage. Before observation, the asprepared hydrogels were quenched in liquid nitrogen and after freezedrying, the samples were fractured using a scalpel, with a thin layer of gold sputtered on the fractured surface prior to imaging.


2.1. Materials. 2-Amino-4-hydroxy-6-methylpyrimidine (98%, Aldrich), 2-isocyanatoethyl methacrylate (98%, TCI), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, anhydrous, 99.9%, Aldrich), 4-styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt (NaSS, Aldrich), sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH, 50 wt % in H2O, Aldrich), ammonium persulfate (APS, 98%, Aldrich), N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED, 99%, Aldrich), hydrochloric acid (HCl, 37%, Aldrich), aniline (ANI, 99.5%, Aldrich), and iron(III) chloride hexahydrate (FeCl3·6H2O, 97%, Aldrich) were used as received if not specified. Milli-Q water was utilized for preparing all of the aqueous solutions. 2.2. Synthesis of the UPy-Functionalized Methacrylate Monomer (UPyMA). The methacrylate monomer functionalized with UPy moiety was synthesized via a previously reported method.49 2-Amino-4-hydroxy-6-methylpyrimidine (2.0 g, 16 mmol) was dispersed into 50 mL of DMSO, and the mixture was stirred at 170 °C in an oil bath for 10 min until the solids were completely dissolved. Then, the oil bath was removed and followed by the instant addition of 2.5 mL of 2-isocyanatoethyl methacrylate (2.75 g, 17.7 4554

(Ws − Wd) Ws


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Figure 1. Schematic illustration of synthesis process of the supramolecular conductive PANI/PSS−UPy hydrogels and the formation mechanism.

Figure 2. (a) Frequency-dependent rheological measurements of PSS hydrogels with different amounts of UPy as cross-linkers at 25 °C. (b) Changes of shear moduli and viscosity of the PSS−20UPy hydrogel as a function of temperature at ω = 10 rad/s. (c,d) Optical pictures showing (c) temperature-responsive property and (d) self-healing ability at room temperature of the PSS−20UPy hydrogel. The scale bar is applied to all of the images. (e) Strain sweep measurement (left) followed by immediate recovery from 2000% strain to 1% strain (right) of the PSS−20UPy hydrogel at 25 °C. Stretchability of the hydrogels was characterized using a AGS-X universal tensile testing machine (Shimadzu, Japan) at a constant stretching rate of 10 mm/min with a 50 N load cell, and the rectangular hydrogel specimens were prepared with a dimension of 12 mm (length) × 8 mm (width) × 4 mm (thickness). Rheological behaviors and self-healing properties of the hydrogels were examined by oscillatory rheological measurements on an AR-G2 rheometer (TA Instruments, USA). All characterizations were carried out with a 20 mm, 2° cone configuration, and silicone oil was applied around the plate to prevent water loss from the hydrogels during the experiments. Oscillatory frequency sweep measurements were conducted at a strain of 1% with shear frequency in the range of 0.1−100 rad/s at 25 °C to determine the storage and loss moduli of the hydrogels, and temperature sweep measurements were performed from 10 to 50 °C with a heating rate of 2 °C/min. The strain amplitude sweep was performed with strain increasing from 0.1 to 1000% at a frequency of 10 rad/s to induce a failure of the hydrogen network, followed by an immediate return to 1% strain for the examination of network reconstruction. Self-healing performances in response to the applied

shear force were also evaluated by cyclic tests, with strain steps shifting between 1 and 800%, and the procedure was programmed as follows: 1% (300 s) → 800% (60 s) → 1% (300 s) → 800% (60 s) → 1% (300 s) → 800% (60 s) → 1% (300 s). Sheet resistance (Rs) values of the prepared hydrogel slabs were determined by a four-point probe tester (Lucas Labs Pro4, USA) with a linear probe head. The conductivity (σ) was calculated by the following equation σ=

1 R sh


where h represents the thickness of the hydrogel. The strain sensing performances of the hydrogels were evaluated by an electrochemical workstation (CHI920, CH Instruments, USA), where the real-time I− t (current vs time) curves were recorded with a constant applied voltage (U) of 1.5 V and the resistance (R) change induced by stretching was calculated by Ohm’s law (R = U/I). Various strains were introduced to the hydrogels by mounting the samples on an in4555

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Figure 3. (a) FTIR spectra and (b−e) representative SEM images of PANI/PSS−20UPy hybrid hydrogels with different contents of ANI varying from 0.1 to 0.4 M. house prepared stretching stage, which could record the deformation during stretching and releasing. The electrical self-healing property of the hydrogels was detected by both the light-emitting diode (LED) illumination and the current change during cutting and healing process. To evaluate the sensing performances of the hydrogels for diverse human activities, the hydrogels were mounted onto the finger, wrist, throat, and radial artery of a volunteer and the real-time I−t curves were recorded during finger bending, wrist bending, swallowing, speaking, and pulse beating.

Polymerization of the PSS−20UPy hydrogel was conducted at different temperatures (i.e., 20, 50, and 70 °C) for 20 h and at 50 °C different times (i.e., 10, 20, and 30 h). The viscoelastic behaviors of the hydrogels prepared at each temperature and reaction time are shown in Figure S4. At 20 °C, the polymerization rate is very low, and after 20 h, only a highly viscous solution was obtained. When the polymerization occurred at 70 °C, the initiator decomposed fast, leading to high polydispersity, and the strength of the prepared hydrogel was lower than that prepared at 50 °C. As indicated in Figure S4b, the shear moduli of the hydrogel were enhanced with longer reaction time and the strengths of the hydrogels prepared for 20 and 30 h were comparable. Therefore, the optimized reaction condition was determined to be 50 °C for 20 h. Because hydrogen-bonding interactions tend to be weakened at elevated temperatures,56 the hydrogels were expected to exhibit thermo-responsiveness and the thermosensitivity of the PSS−20UPy hydrogel was examined by rheological tests over the range of 10−50 °C at a constant frequency of 10 rad/s (Figure 2b). The gel−sol transition temperature, defined as the crossover of G′ and G″, was determined to be 32 °C, and the viscosity of the hydrogel was rapidly reduced with increasing temperature, which dropped below 1 Pa·s at 50 °C. The reversible thermo-induced gel−sol−gel transition is also demonstrated in Figures 2c and S3, rendering the hydrogel moldability and injectability at moderately elevated temperatures. The performances of the PSS−20UPy hydrogel upon applied external strain were characterized by strain sweep measurements (Figure 2e), where the G′ and G″ remain stable up to ∼700% strain, suggesting that the hydrogel was capable of withstanding large deformation. When the strain was further increased, the hydrogel would collapse accompanied by a rapid decrease of the shear moduli. Notably, once the strain turned back to 1% after severe damage (2000% strain), the hydrogel could fully recover to the original strength without hesitation, which was attributed to the fast reassociation process of the multiple hydrogen bonds.57 The rapid self-healing ability of the hydrogen-bonded hydrogel is also visually verified in Figure 2d, where the two separated pieces of the stained and dissected hydrogels could be easily attached to each other at the cut surfaces and healed into one integrated piece within seconds. 3.2. Preparation of PANI/PSS−20UPy Hybrid Hydrogels. The PSS−20UPy hydrogel was employed for the fabrication of conductive hybrid hydrogels via triggering the in situ polymerization of the incorporated ANI in the hydrogel frameworks using FeCl3 as the oxidizing agent (Figure 1). Different contents of ANI were loaded in the hydrogels by

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Formation of Primary Hydrogen-Bonded PSS Networks. As presented in Figure 1, the hydrogen-bonded anionic polyelectrolyte PSS served as the primary network for the preparation of the conductive hydrogels, which was developed by one-pot free-radical polymerization of NaSS and UPyMA using APS as the initiator. The synthesis route and 1H NMR characterization of the UPy-functionalized monomer are shown in Figures S1 and S2. A series of the PSS hydrogels with different amounts of incorporated UPyMA were prepared and referred to as PSS−nUPy, where n denotes the molar percentage of UPyMA with respect to NaSS in the feed. The copolymerization reactions were carried out under alkaline conditions (pH = 10) to facilitate the dissolution of UPy groups in aqueous environment because the deprotonation of the UPy groups would generate negatively charged enolate tautomers.53 When the pH of the as-prepared viscous solutions was adjusted back to 7, the gelation of the copolymers was induced immediately, indicating that the protonation of UPy units led to the formation of hydrogenbonded dimers and the construction of the 3D network.43,54 The viscoelastic behaviors of the PSS−nUPy hydrogels were characterized by rheological measurements, where the evolution of storage modulus G′ (elastic behavior) and loss modulus G″ (viscous behavior) as a function of angular frequency is displayed in Figure 2a. Both G′ and G″ were found to be significantly improved with the increasing amount of UPy addition, suggesting a higher cross-linking density resulted from the increment of intermolecular hydrogen bonds. It should be noted that in each hydrogel, G′ and G″ were strongly dependent on the frequency and presented a crossover within the range of 0.1−100 rad/s, which demonstrated the temporary character of the hydrogen-bonded network.55 At low frequencies, G′ < G″, indicating a quasi-liquid behavior, whereas G′ > G″ at high frequencies, signifying an elastic gel. The crossovers of PSS−10UPy and PSS−15UPy were 63 and 25 rad/s, respectively, where the resultant materials could flow slowly, whereas PSS−20UPy and PSS−25UPy showed crossovers at 1.5 rad/s, yielding compliant yet solid-like gels. 4556

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Figure 4. (a,b) Rheological measurements of PANI/PSS−20UPy hydrogels with different contents of ANI at 25 °C showing (a) frequency dependence of storage modulus G′ (left) and loss modulus G″ (right) at 1% strain and (b) strain dependence of G′ at ω = 10 rad/s. (c) Temperature dependence of shear moduli and viscosity of the hybrid hydrogel with 0.3 M ANI. (d,e) Optical images of the hybrid hydrogels with 0.3 M ANI (d) molded into different shapes, the scale bar is applied to all of the images, and (e) injected through an 18 gauge needle.

mixing the components at 50 °C, where the liquid state of the hydrogels promoted the uniform dispersion of ANI monomers. In acidic environment, cationic anilinium ions were generated because of the protonation of ANI, which were attracted by the negatively charged sulfonate groups in the hydrogel framework through Coulombic interactions, and the following oxidative polymerization would result in the interpenetrating PANI/PSS network within the hydrogel.4,58 The excess amount of Fe3+ ions also coordinated with the anionic PSS via electrostatic interaction and served as cross-linking points,59 whereas the hydrogel polymerized in APS solution dissociated into fragments (Figure S8a). The resultant dark green hydrogels were purified by Milli-Q water for further characterization. Figure 3a shows the FTIR spectra of the hybrid hydrogels prepared with ANI concentrations ranging from 0 to 0.4 M. The adsorption peaks located at 1030 and 1001 cm−1 were ascribed to the asymmetric and symmetric SO stretching, confirming the presence of PSS primary network in all samples.29 With the introduction of ANI, the characteristic peaks of emeraldine PANI salt appeared at 1559, 1497, and 1339 cm−1, which were assigned to quinoid and benzenoid ring deformation as well as C−N stretching of benzenediamine.24,29 The intensities of these peaks increased with a higher content of ANI, suggesting the successful formation of PANI in the hydrogel networks. The water contents of the initial PSS− 20UPy hydrogel and the PANI/PSS−20UPy hydrogels were evaluated, as shown in Table S1. After immersing into FeCl3 solution, the hydrogels experienced a slight swelling and the swelling ratio decreased with a higher loading amount of ANI. The actual weight fraction of the PANI network in each hybrid hydrogel was examined by UV−vis spectroscopy, which was close to the feed ratio, indicating that most ANI molecules were polymerized in the hydrogel network (Table S1).The morphologies of the corresponding freeze-dried PANI/PSS− 20UPy hydrogels were examined by SEM and are presented in Figure 3b−e. Compared to the microstructure of pure PSS− 20UPy hydrogel without the addition of ANI (Figure S4), all of the hydrogels loaded with different amounts of ANI displayed similar 3D porous networks, indicating the generation of interpenetrating networks due to the entangle-

ment of PANI and PSS polymer chains, where PSS served as the template as well as dopant to stabilize the in situ formed PANI.25,60 With increasing amount of PANI, the pore size of the hydrogels was gradually diminished, leading to a denser network. 3.3. Mechanical Properties and Self-Healing Behaviors of the Hydrogels. The viscoelastic properties of the prepared PANI/PSS−20UPy hybrid hydrogels with different ANI concentrations were evaluated by performing frequency sweep measurements at 1% strain, and the variations of shear moduli are depicted in Figure 4a. For all samples, G′ was higher than G″ over the detection range of 0.1−100 rad/s even without the incorporation of PANI, implying that the sulfonate groups were coordinated with Fe3+ ions which served as crosslinkers of the networks and contributed to the elastic behavior of the hydrogels. In addition, both G′ and G″ were significantly enhanced with a higher content of PANI, verifying an efficient mechanical reinforcement resulted from the establishment of the continuous PANI/PSS interpenetrating networks, which was in good accordance with the SEM images. The frequency dependence of the shear moduli also revealed the dynamic nature of the noncovalent interactions (e.g., hydrogen bonding between UPy groups, Fe3+ coordination) of the cross-linking points, which was further examined with thermo-responsiveness in Figure S6. The results in Figure S6 indicate that the formation of the hydrogel and the thermo-responsive property were mainly contributed by the dimerization between UPy groups, whereas the relatively weak Fe3+ coordination could further improve the elastic property of the hydrogel. Figure 4b illustrates the response of G′ to applied strain. When 0.3 M or a lower amount of ANI were introduced into the hydrogel, G′ remained unchanged within 300% strain, indicating their excellent stability upon large deformation, whereas the hydrogel with 0.4 M ANI started to break down over 30% strain because of the rupture of the densely cross-linked rigid PANI network. Therefore, the hybrid hydrogel loaded with 0.3 M ANI exhibited an outstanding combination of mechanical strength and flexibility, which was exploited for further characterizations and applications. The thermal response of the hybrid hydrogel with 0.3 M ANI was investigated, where 4557

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Figure 5. Stretchability and self-healing ability of the PANI/PSS−20UPy hybrid hydrogel with 0.3 M ANI at 25 °C. (a) Strain sweep measurements (left) followed by time sweep measurement of recovery from 1000% strain to 1% strain (right). (b) Optical demonstration of the stretchability. (c) Variation of the shear moduli during cyclic steps with strain shifting between 1 and 800%. (d) Two separated parts of the hybrid hydrogel merge into one piece after healing for 30 s and withstand stretching. The orange rectangles indicate the contact interface, and the scale bar is applied to all of the images.

Figure 6. (a) Conductivity of PANI/PSS−20UPy hydrogels with different incorporated concentrations of ANI. (b) Relative resistance change (ΔR/R0) of the hybrid hydrogel with 0.3 M ANI as a function of applied strain. (c) Relative resistance change of the hybrid hydrogel during cyclic loading/unloading tests with strain varying between 0 and 100%. The insets show the luminance variation of an LED bulb in the circuit with different applied strains. (d,e) Electrical self-healing ability of the hybrid hydrogel showing (d) current change and (e) illuminance variation of an LED bulb during the cut/healing process. The orange rectangle highlights the contact interface, and the scale bar is applied to all of the images.


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Chemistry of Materials

PANI/PSS network which was cross-linked by hydrogenbonding and electrostatic interactions, the conductivity of the hybrid hydrogels was contributed by two factors: electronic conduction offered by conjugated PANI and ionic conduction due to the existence of Fe3+ and PSS.24,32 The conductivities of the as-prepared hydrogels with various ANI concentrations were detected by a four-point probe and are summarized in Figure 6a. In the absence of ANI, the conductivity of the hydrogel was found to be 1.1 S/m, which was solely dependent on the ion conduction, and this value was notably enhanced to 7.4 S/m with the addition of 0.1 M ANI, suggesting the establishment of efficient electron transfer pathways due to the formation of the PANI network, the conductivity was further improved to 14.2 S/m with 0.4 M ANI loaded in the hydrogel matrix, which was mainly contributed by electronic transport and higher than that of the fragile pure PANI hydrogel (11 S/ m).59 Compared to previously reported hydrogels involving conducting polymers (Table S2), the integration of high conductivity, stretchability, and fast self-healing ability in the developed hybrid hydrogel indicates its promising applications for the fabrication of flexible electronics, especially strain sensors. Figure 6b displays the relative variation of resistance (ΔR/R0) of the hybrid hydrogel with 0.3 M ANI in response to applied strain, calculated by ΔR/R0 = (R − R0)/R0, where R0 and R represent the initial resistance and real-time resistance upon stretching, respectively. Within 300% elongation, the hydrogel exhibited a linear increase in resistance under external strain and the linearity was most likely attributed to the uniform deformation of the network upon stretching.60 The slope of the curve, which was referred as a gauge factor (GF), was employed to assess the strain sensitivity and determined to be 3.4 within the whole detection range. It is worth mentioning that the previously reported conductive hydrogels generally either lack self-healing ability11,60 or suffer from low sensitivity (GF < 0.5) at small strains;63−65 therefore, the high sensitivity over the wide strain range of the developed self-healing hydrogel suggests its superiority for the detection of both large and subtle deformations. Cyclic loading/unloading tests were carried out on the hydrogel to evaluate the reliability and repeatability of the sensing performances. As shown in Figure 6c, when the applied strain varied between 0 and 100%, the relative resistance change of the hydrogel was identical in each cycle and the sensitivity was well preserved after 20 cyclic measurements, demonstrating its excellent stability and reproducibility for practical applications. The reversible sensing ability was also illustrated in the inset photos and Movie S2, displaying the luminance variation of an LED bulb in the circuit upon stretching and releasing of the hydrogel. The selfhealing ability of the electrical performance was investigated by recording the current change during the cut/healing process (Figure 6d) with an optical demonstration (Figure 6e and Movie S3). When the original hydrogel employed as the conductor in a closed loop was cut into two parts, the resultant open circuit would lead to a sudden drop of the current to zero and an immediate extinction of the illuminated LED bulb. After a certain time of separation, the two fractured surfaces were brought into contact and the LED bulb was turned on instantly along with a complete recovery of the current to the initial value. The slight fluctuation of current in the initial stage of self-healing resulted from the viscoelastic nature of the hydrogel,31 and the efficient reconstruction of the conductive network was ascribed to the fast reassociation of the

the shear moduli and viscosity were greatly reduced upon heating, leading to a liquid-like material above 45 °C (Figure 4c). This thermo-induced gel−sol transition was mainly attributed to the reversible hydrogel bonding between the large amount of UPy groups in the hydrogel network, imparting the hybrid hydrogel thermoplasticity at moderate temperatures. As shown in Figure 4d, the hydrogel could be facilely molded into a variety of shapes (e.g., circle, triangle, square, and pentagon) by melting it at 50 °C in a particular mold followed by gelation at room temperature. The melting/ solidification process was totally reversible, and the hydrogel could be readily reshaped and reused. The injectability of the hydrogel is verified in Figure 4e, where a hydrogel preserved at 50 °C was injected through an 18-gauge needle into different characters because of the reduced viscosity at elevated temperatures, and the injected shapes could be fixed at room temperature. The injectable behavior of the hydrogel implies its great potential in 3D printing. Strain sweep and cyclic step strain measurements were employed to characterize the self-healing performances of the hybrid hydrogel with 0.3 M ANI. As shown in Figure 5a, although G′ experienced a decrease when the strain reached to 350%, the crossover of G′ and G″, which denoted severe damage of the hydrogel network, appeared at 670% strain, suggesting the capability of the hydrogels to undergo large deformation. The excellent stretchability was macroscopically proved in Figure 5b, where the hybrid hydrogel was readily stretched beyond six times of its original length without any fracture, and a typical stress−strain curve is presented in Figure S7. Moreover, when the strain returned to 1% after the failure of the hydrogel at 1000% strain, the reconstruction of the network occurred immediately demonstrated by an instant restoration of the mechanical strength. Both G′ and G″ were recovered to the initial values within 30 s. The spontaneous and reversible dissociation/association of the noncovalent cross-linkers formed by UPy dimerization and Fe3+ coordination was responsible for the efficient energy dissipation upon elongation as well as the fast self-healing ability.61,62 The effect of Fe3+ concentration on the viscoelastic behavior and selfhealing property of the hydrogels is displayed in Figure S8b,c. The repeatability of the self-healing behavior was further studied by applying continuous strain steps cycling between large and small amplitude (Figure 5c). Upon 1% strain, G′ and G″ of the hydrogel were found to be 5.1 and 1.9 kPa, respectively, whereas the following 800% strain destroyed the network with a sudden decrease of G′ (to 410 Pa) and G″ (to 820 Pa). With a continuous 1% strain step, the hydrogel was reformed rapidly with a healing efficiency of 100% and this process could be repeated several times without any loss in mechanical properties. The cyclic step strain measurements were also performed at 5 and 40 °C (Figure S9), and the fast self-healing ability of the hydrogel was demonstrated under both temperature conditions, suggesting its potential in practical applications. Figure 5d and Movie S1 provide optical evidence of the self-healing ability. When an intact hybrid hydrogel was cut into two-halves by a scalpel, the freshly generated surfaces were brought into contact to allow autonomous healing. The two segments adhered to each other instantly, and only after a few seconds, they merged into one piece with a well-bonded interface that could withstand stretching. 3.4. Strain Sensing Performances of the Conductive Hydrogels. Because of the formation of the interpenetrating 4559

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Chemistry of Materials

Figure 7. Real-time relative resistance change of the hybrid hydrogel with 0.3 M ANI used as wearable strain sensors for monitoring various human activities including (a) finger bending, (b) wrist bending, (c) swallowing, (d) speaking, and (e) pulse beating.

“how are you,” and thank you” in sequence, the diverse vibrations of the vocal cords could be recorded accordingly and these phrases were readily differentiated by the distinct patterns of the signals (Figure 7d). As displayed in Figure 7e, the hybrid hydrogel was placed over the radial artery to detect pulse beating, where the frequency of the blood pulse was determined by the frequency of resistance change. Under relaxation condition, it was calculated to be 80 beats/min, whereas after exercise, both frequency and amplitude of the signals were clearly enhanced, indicating an increased pulse frequency of 115 beats/min. On the basis of the above demonstrations of human motion monitoring, the hybrid hydrogel shows great potential to be explored as wearable devices for the detection of full-range human activities with high sensitivity and reliability.

noncovalent cross-links. Successive cut and healing steps were carried out on the hydrogel at the same location, and the rapid restoration of electrical performance in each cycle verified the repeatable self-healing of conductivity in the hybrid hydrogel. Taking advantage of its flexibility and high sensitivity in response to deformation, the hybrid hydrogel with 0.3 M ANI was directly exploited as strain sensors to monitor diverse human activities in real time. As illustrated in Figure 7a, when a finger attached with the hydrogel was bent from the straightened state to 15°, 30°, 60°, and 90°, the stretching of the hydrogel would generate a corresponding increase in the relative resistance change to 0.25, 0.60, 1.15, and 2.35, respectively. Moreover, at each certain bending angle, the variation of resistance was founded to be repeatable and reliable during the cyclic bending and straightening process, showing excellent reversibility along with fast response (Movie S4). Similarly, the hydrogel mounted on the wrist also distinguished the bending activity repeatedly with a stable resistance change (Figure 7b). In addition to the successful detection of the abovementioned large motions, the capability of the hydrogel to monitor subtle motions was further demonstrated. By attaching the hydrogel to the neck, the movement of throat caused by repetitive swallowing was clearly reflected by the change of resistance with two associated peaks (Figure 7c). When the tester pronounced different phrases such as “hello”,

4. CONCLUSIONS In this study, we have developed a multifunctional conductive hydrogel which integrates high conductivity with stretchability, injectability, and rapid self-healing ability by triggering in situ polymerization of ANI in a hydrogen-bonded PSS network. Taking advantages of the dynamic and reversible nature of the noncovalent cross-links (i.e., multiple hydrogen bonding, Fe3+ coordination), the hybrid hydrogel exhibits an excellent stretchability along with an autonomous self-healing ability, showing complete and repeatable recovery of both mechanical 4560

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properties and electrical conductivity within 30 s. The thermoresponsive dissociation/association of the quadruple hydrogenbonding groups offers the hydrogel thermoplasticity and injectability, which can be facilely molded into different shapes and injected from a needle. The formation of PANI/PSS interpenetrating network not only provides mechanical enhancement but also endows electronic conduction assisted by ionic transport, where the hybrid hydrogel with 0.3 M ANI displays a superior conductivity of 13 S/m with a linear and sensitive response to a wide range of applied strains. The prepared hydrogel has been successfully employed as strain sensors to monitor diverse human activities with accuracy and reliability, including large motions of human body (e.g., finger and wrist bending) and subtle movements of muscles (e.g., swallowing, speaking, and pulse beating), suggesting their great potential to be used as wearable devices. The combination of supramolecular chemistry and conductive polymers has been demonstrated an effective approach toward the fabrication of flexible electronics with multifunctionalities.


* Supporting Information S

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b01239. Synthesis of the hydrogen-bonding group and supplementary characterizations of the prepared hydrogels (PDF) Demonstration of self-healing ability of the hybrid hydrogel (MP4) Luminance change of an LED bulb during loading/ unloading cycles of the hybrid hydrogel (MP4) Electrical self-healing of the hybrid hydrogel demonstrated with and LED bulb (MP4) Real-time current change for the detection of finger bending (MP4)


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: +1-780-492-1044. Fax: +1-780-492-2881. ORCID

Hongbo Zeng: 0000-0002-1432-5979 Author Contributions

The manuscript was written through contributions of all authors. All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship, the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), and the Canada Research Chairs Program (H.Z.).


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b01239 Chem. Mater. 2019, 31, 4553−4563