Structural analysis of (pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)cobalt(I

Feb 1, 1980 - Lance R. Byers, Lawrence F. Dahl ... Ming Fang , Eric S. Wiedner , William G. Dougherty , W. Scott Kassel , Tianbiao Liu , Daniel L. DuB...
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Volume 19 Number 2 February 1980


Inorganic Chemistry 0 Copyright 1980 by the American Chemical Society

Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706

Structural Analysis of (Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)cobalt(I) Dicarbonyl: Evidence for an Electronically Induced Distortion of the Cyclopentadienyl Ring due to Its Interaction with a Planar CO(CO)~ Fragment1 LANCE R. BYERS and LAWRENCE F. DAHL* Received May 2, 1979

A relatively precise crystallographicanalysis of CO[$-C~(CH~)~] (CO),, in which the cyclopentadienyl ring has been effectively anchored from librational motion by the methyl substituents, has provided convincing evidence (in accord with our hopeful expectations) for a statistically significant and theoretically meaningful distortion of the cyclopentadienyl ring due to its noncylindrical bonding interaction with a sterically innocent, planar ML2fragment. The entire molecule conforms within ~ which is experimental error to bilateral symmetry with the molecular mirror plane bisecting the C O ( C O )fragment perpendicularly disposed to the cyclopentadienyl ring. The determined distorted C(ring)-C(ring) bond-length pattern consists of two adjacent intermediate bonds of 1.407(6)and 1.414(6)8, separated from one shorter bond of 1.392 (6)8,by two longer bonds of 1.447 (6) and 1.445 (6) 8,. This small but marked deformation of a cyclopentadienyl ring from a regular pentagonal geometry toward an “allyl-ene” geometry (with a concomitantly slight bending deformation about the two “terminal allyl” ring atoms away from the cobalt atom) may be readily attributed to a resulting localized distribution of pI electron density on the cyclopentadienyl ring arising primarily from a breakdown of the doubly degenerate el ring orbital degeneracy due mainly to an extensive electron delocalization from the elt ring component into the empty in-plane d A 0 of the planar d8cobalt(1) dicarbonyl system. This structural study thereby furnishes the first experimentally definite evidence for a clear-cut ring distortion by a planar ML2 fragment; the crystal structure of dicyclopentadienyl[2,2’-bis(.rr-allyl)]dinickel, containing two centrosymmetrically related nonplanar Ni(q3-allyl) fragments, each coordinated to an unsubstituted cyclopentadienyl ring, is the only other statistically significant example (to our knowledge) possessing a similar cyclopentadienyl ring deformation. The molecular compound C O [ ~ ~ - C ~ ( C(CO), H ~ ) crystallizes ~] in a centrosymmetric monoclinic unit cell of symmetry PZ,/nwith a = 7.507 (2) A, b = 10.770(2) A, c = 15.288 (4) A, f l = 97.92(2)O, V = 1224.1 (5) A’, and - ~2 = 4. Full-matrix least-squares refinement with varying positional and anisotropic thermal p(ca1cd) = 1.357g ~ m for parameters for the nonhydrogen atoms and varying positional and isotropic temperature parameters for the hydrogen atoms converged at R,(F) = 6.40% and R2(F)= 6.91% for the 2509 independent diffractometry data ( I 2 2 4 ) ) collected with Mo Kcu radiation over the range 3.0’ I28 I70.0’. The standard deviation in an observation of unit weight was 1.48, while the ratio of the number of refined observations to the number of variable parameters was 2509/196 = 12.8.

Introduction The research reported here was an outgrowth of previous structural evidence* for localized distortions within a cyclopentadienyl ring due to its coordination with a metal atom which has a noncylindrically symmetric distribution of bonding orbitals. Unfortunately, the electronic implications of the determined variations in the C(ring)-C(ring) bond lengths of certain cyclopentadienyl metal complexes have been clouded by associated large librational motions of the cyclopentadienyl rings (as indicated from the sizes, shapes, and orientations of the thermal ellipsoids of the carbon atoms). Even though a number of structures* have pointed toward a breakdown in the idealized C5,-5mgeometry of the cyclopentadienyl ligand, the determined librational motion of the ring in the solid state consistently increases the positional uncertainties of the in-

dividual carbon atoms such that any statistical significance of the bond-length differences is lost.3 In fact, the lack of precise crystallographic data led Wheatlef to proclaim in 1967 that “the present position concerning distortions in the C(ring)3.0 ), show the absence


of any close contacts between neighboring molecules, in accord with the premise that the crystal packing is a consequence of normal van der Waals interactions. Hence, there is no indication of any steric overcrowding of the Co[v5-CS(CHJ5](CO), molecules which might abnormally influence its molecular geometry in the solid state. The molecular configuration (Figure 2)16'consists of a cobalt atom bonded to a pentamethylcyclopentadienyl ligand and to two carbon monoxide ligands arranged symmetrically about a line defined by the cobalt and the centroid of the cyclopentadienyl ring. The molecule possesses no crystallographically imposed site symmetry in the lattice; however, the entire molecule (including hydrogen atoms) experimentally conforms to C,-m geometry with the mirror plane bisecting both the C5(CH3)5ligand and OC-Co-CO bond angle. Hence the mirror-related distances and bond angles in Table I1 have been averaged accordingly.

Structural Analysis of C O [ ~ ~ - C ~ ( C(CO), H~)~]

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1980 281 angle of 89.5O. The resulting line of intersection passes within 0.03 A of the ring centroid and equivalently cuts the C(1 2)-C( 13) and C( 15)-C(14) bonds. One consequence is the experimental equivalence of the corresponding Co-C(ring) distances which are consistent with the directional shifts imposed by a small bending deformation of the pentamethylcyclopentadienyl ring about the nonbonding C( 12)...C( 15) axis away from the cobalt atom. This is reflected in the equivalent Co-C( 12) and Co-C( 15) distances of 2.072 (4) and 2.062 (4) A, respectively, being si nificantly shorter than the Co-C( 1 1) distance of 2.102 (4) and the equivalent Co-C(13) and Co-C(14) distances of 2.101 (4) and 2.105 (4) A, respectively. This slight ring puckering is ascribed to the electronically induced distortion of the ring due to its bonding interaction with the planar Co(CO)* fragment (vide infra). The five methyl carbon substituents all deviate from the inner-ring plane away from the cobalt atom with a rootmean-square deviation of 0.088 A. Interestingly, these deviations conform to mirror-plane symmetry with perpendicular displacements of 0.13 A for C(21), 0.09 A for both C(23) and C(24), and 0.07 and 0.04 A for C(22) and C(25), respectively. This small but definite distortion may be ascribed (in the absence of steric effects) to a partial breakdown of the bonding orthogonality of the ring carbon atoms upon interaction of the CO(CO)~ fragment with the charge density on only one side of the ring. In this connection, Bercaw and c o - ~ o r k e r sfound ~~ from an X-ray examination of Ti[~5-CS(CH3),] ,C12 a similar out-of-plane deformation of the methyl groups in both pentamethylcyclopentadienyl rings. In contrast to the small and relatively uniform bending of the methyl substituents observed in C O [ ~ ~ - C , ( C H(CO),, , ) ~ ] the considerably larger methyl carbon deformations in the titanium compound from the mean ring carbon planes (viz., of 0.06-0.33 8, for one ring and 0.05-0.49 A for the other ring) could be readily a t t r i b ~ t e d , ~ to nonbonding intramolecular C1-CH3 crowding and to H3C-.CH3contacts between the two rings. The nonexistence of close intramolecular and intermolecular ligand-ligand separations in CO[~~-C,(CH~),](CO)~, provides the basis for our conclusion that the outward bending of the methyl substituents away from the CO(CO)~ fragment is due primarily to the above-mentioned electronic effect. A survey13J4i24 of other pentamethylcyclopentadienyl-metal complexes uniformly shows this behavior to be general, with no significant exception and with root-mean-square displacements of the methyl carbons out of the least-squares planes ranging from 0.037 to 0.205 A. Furthermore, the higher end of the range occurs in those compounds which contain intramolecular ring crowding. The Cyclopentadienyl-Co(CO), Interaction and Resulting Bonding Implications. The salient structural feature of Cois that this relatively precise structural [~5-C,(CH3),](CO)2 determination provides unequivocal stereochemical information relating to the interaction of a cyclopentadienyl ring with a planar ML2 fragment. The CS(CH3),ring is symmetrically disposed with respect to the planar Co(CO), fragment such that the entire molecule experimentally conforms to the Cs-m symmetry. The ring orientation relative to the Co(CO),


Figure 2. Molecular configuration of CO[T$C~(CH,),](CO)~, shown with 30% probability thermal ellipsoids for both the anisotropically refined nonhydrogen and isotropically refined hydrogen atoms. The pseudo bilateral mirror plane symmetry of the entire molecule is apparent.

The relatively high precision of the structural determination (coupled with no evidence of systematic error4) is reflected in the location and successful refinement of all of the hydrogen atoms (which, for example, resulted in a physically meaningful range of 0.83 (9)-1.10 (10) A for the 15 independent C-H bonds) as well as in the unusually close agreement of all distances and bond angles (which possess pleasingly low esd's) not only to expected values but also to the pseudo mirror-plane symmetry of the molecule. The Cobalt Dicarbonyl Fragment. The experimental equivalence of the two carbonyl ligands is seen from the CoCO bond lengths of 1.724 (5) and 1.732 (5) 8, and the C-0 bond lengths of 1.137 (6) and 1.134 (6) A. The C(1)-CoC(2) bond angle of 93.7 (2)O is similar to the S-Co-S bond angle in Co($-CsH5(S,C2(CN),) (93.2 (l)"),' and in Co(sS-CsH5)(S2C2(CF3)2) (92.2°),22for which a bidentate dithiolate ligand is formally substituted in place of the carbonyl ligands. Table I11 reveals that all atoms of the Co(CO), fragment are coplanar within 0.005 A. The Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl Ligand. The relatively precise geometry of this ligand with its well-defined atomic coordinates may be largely attributed to the CH, substituents markedly dampening the ring thermal motion, as evidenced in Figure 2 from the small thermal ellipsoids of both the ring carbon and the methyl carbon atoms. Figure 2 also shows that the pentamethylcyclopentadienyl ligand is symmetrically disposed relative to the planar CO(CO)~ fragment such that the pseudo mirror plane bisecting the entire molecule passes through the cobalt atom, one ring carbon atom (viz., C( 1 l)), its attached methyl carbon atom (viz., C(21)), and one of the three hydrogen atoms (viz., H(11)). Of the other four ring carbon atoms, C(12) and C(15) are mirror related as are C(13) and C(14). T h e perpendicular deviations of these ring carbon atoms from their mean plane (Table 111) point to a small but yet highly significant symmetrical ring distortion from planarity. Evidence for this slight ring puckering is given by these displacements, which are mirror related within experimental error, being much greater than the mean plane displacements of the atoms in the CO(CO)~ fragment. Whereas the equivalent C(12) and C(15) atoms deviate from the mean plane by 0.016 and 0.017 A, respective1 , toward the cobalt atom, the C( 11) atom deviates by 0.021 , and the equivalent C( 13) and C(14) atoms by 0.006 and 0.007 A, respectively, away from the cobalt atom. Least-squares calculations (Table 111) show that the Co(CO), plane intersects the mean carbocyclic ring plane at an


(21) M. R. Churchill and J. P. Fennessey, Inorg. Chem., 7, 1123 (1968). (22) H. W. Baird and B. M. White, J . A m . Chem. Soc., 88,4744 (1966).

(23) T. C. McKenzie, R. D. Sanner, and J. E. Bercaw, J . Organomet. Chem., 102, 457 (1975). (24) Cf.: (a) M. R. Churchill and J. Wormald, Znorg. Chem., 10, 572 (1971); (b) T. L. Khotsyanova and S. I. Kuznetsov, J . Organomet. Chem., 57, 155 (1973); (c) M. R. Churchill and S. Wei-Yang Ni, J. A m . Chem. SOC.,95, 2150 (1973); (d) J. Potenza, P. Giordano, D. Mastropaolo, and A. Efraty, Inorg. Chem., 13, 2540 (1974); (e) R. J. Restivo, G. Ferguson, D. J. O'Sullivan, and F. J. Lalor, ibid., 14, 3046 (1975); ( f ) R. D. Sanner, J. M. Manriquez, R. E. Marsh, and J. E. Bercaw, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98,8351 (1976); (8) R. D. Sanner, D. M. Duggan, T. C. McKenzie, R. E. Marsh, and J. E. Bercaw, ibid., 98, 8358 (1976); (h) M. R. Churchill, S. A. Julis, and F. J. Rotella, Znorg. Chem., 16, 1137 (1977); (i) M. R. Churchill and S. A. Julis, ibid., 16, 1488 (1977).

Byers and Dahl





+ ,



Figure 3. Schematic diagram of both Co[q5-C5(CH3),] (CO), and half of the centrosymmetric [Ni(q5-C5H5)(q5-CjHq)l2 speciesz6showing (a) the individual C(ring)-C(ring) bond lengths and (b) the corres,pondingmean bond lengths in each molecule averaged under C,-m symmetry (with the molecular mirror plane chosen perpendicular to the x axis and with the z axis directed perpendicular to the cyclopentadienyl ring).

fragment along with the individual and mean C(ring)-C(ring) distances are given in Figure 3. The symmetrically deformed C(ring)-(=(ring) configuration consists of two adjacent intermediate C ( l l -C(12) and C(l1)-C(15) bonds of 1.414 (6) and 1.407 (6) , respectively, separated from one shorter C(13)-C(14) bond of 1.392 ( 6 ) A by two longer C(12)-C(13) and C(15)-C(14) bonds of 1.445 (6) and 1.447 (6) A, respectively. It is apparent that the esd’s of 0.006 A for the individual C(ring)-C(ring) bond lengths and calculated esd’s of the means are sufficiently low that this observed pattern of bond-length differences in the C5(CH3)5ring is statistically significant. Importantly, this observed degree and kind of ring distortion (which includes the concomitantly slight ring puckering) from fivefold symmetry may readily be attributed to electronic considerations arising from interaction of a C5(CH,),- ligand with the planar Co(CO),+ fragment, which does not possess cylindrical symmetry. On the basis of a molecular Cartesian coordinate system (given in Figure 4) with the z axis chosen along the Co-(ring centroid) line and with the orthogonal x and y axes directed within and perpendicular to, respectively, the planar Co(CO)*+ fragment, the in-plane 3d, and the out-of-plane 3dyzcobalt atomic orbitals are clearly nonequivalent in energy. These nondegenerate Co(1) d AO’s produce by their extensive interactions with the pr C5(CHJ5symmetry orbitals (SO’s)a splitting of the normally doubly degenerate, filled el ring So’s. It is presumed from qualitative considerations (based in part upon the insight gained from the results of nonparameterized (Fenske-Hall)-type molecular orbital calculation^^^ on other first-row transition-metal cyclopentadienyl complexes) that the prime electron-donor interaction of the el+ ring component overlapping with the empty in-plane 3d, Co(1) A 0 should greatly diminish the el+ charge density relative to the el- charge density due to this other filled el- component interacting with the out-of-plane filled 3dy, Co(1) A 0 such that both the bonding and antibonding ringmetal (el-Idy2) MO’s are occupied in contrast to electron occupancy of only the bonding ring-metal (el+(d,) MO. In this connection, 8-type back-bonding from the filled nondegenerate 3d, and 3d,+,,2 Co(1) A O s to the normally doubly degenerate empty e2 ring SO’s (whose degeneracy is also removed by the C O ( C O ) ~ interaction) + is reasonably presumed from energyoverlap consideration^^^ to be much smaller than the a-type



-L Y X O/-


Figure 4. The five pI ring symmetry orbitals (So’s) of the CS(CH& ligand under assumed C5,-5m symmetry. The nodal planes are indicated by dashed lines. The lower energy al and doubly degenerate elt and el- SO’s of the “free” monoanion are filled, while the higher energy e2+and e2- SO’s are empty. On the basis of the illustrated coordinate system (with the molecular mirror defined by t h e y plane), the overlaps of the interactions of these ring SO’s with the appropriate Co(1) d AO’s (of which all but the d,, are filled) of the planar CO(CO)~+ fragment (which lies in the xz plane) are classified under their rotational symmetry as follows: S(alld,z), u; S(eltldx,), T ; S(el-ldyr),.ir; S(eztld,), 6; S(e;ld,zyz), 6. The determined distortion toward the “allyl-ene” geometry may be attributed to the predominantly large ring-metal S(el+ld,), ?r and S(el-ldyz),T interactions, by which the electron occupancy in the ring el+SO is depleted relative to that in the ring el- SO. This particular electron-density localization, which is in complete accord with the observed ring deformation, results from only the bonding ring-metal (el+ld,) MO being filled (Le., due to the empty d,, Co(1) AO, the corresponding antibonding ring-metal (el+ldx,) MO is unoccupied thereby producing a “net” a-bonding ring-metal interaction) in contrast to electron occupancy of both the bonding and antibonding ring-metal (elJdyz) MO’s.

forward-bonding and therefore is of secondary importance in producing the observed asymmetry of the C5(CH3)5ring. Hence, the observed ring distortion should reflect mainly the difference in the noncylindrical charge density, comprised mainly of the el- component, remaining on the ring. Of prime importance is that the observed ring distortion is completely compatible with the noncylindrical electron-density distribution of the el- component, thereby giving rise to an “allyl-ene” configuration. This observed static distortion pattern in crystalline Co[$-C(CH,),] (CO), is not unlike the indicated distortions found for unsubstituted cyclopentadienyl rings in other asymmetric metal complex environments. In fact, this “allyl-ene” ring geometry was initially proposed (but not convincingly demonstrated4) by Mason and co-workers2b*c from (25) Cf.: (a) D. L.Lichtenberger and R. F. Fenske, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 98, 50 (1976); (b) D. L. Lichtenberger, D. Sellmann, and R. F. Fenske, J . Orgunomet. Chem., 117, 253 (1976); (c) J. L. Petersen, D. L. Lichtenberger, R. F. Fenske, and L. F. Dahl, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 97,

6433 (1975).

Structural Analysis of Co[q5-C5(CH3),](CO), their early crystallographic studies (based upon photographic data) in 1964-1965 of various metal cyclopentadienyl complexes containing ML, fragments. A second statistically significant example involving a similar cyclopentadienyl ring distortion due to its interaction with a nonplanar M L 2 fragment is given by Smith,26 who reported a relatively precise X-ray crystal structure of dicyclopentadienyl[2,2’-bis(a-allyl)]dinickel (see Figure 3). Each half of this molecule of crystallographic Ci-T site symmetry has a Ni(q3-allyl) fragment coordinated to a cyclopentadienyl ring in such a way that the Ni(q5-C5H5)(q3-allyl)moiety experimentally conforms to C,-m geometry. The unusually small thermal libration of the unsubstituted ring enabled Smith26 to obtain sufficiently precise carbon coordinates that observed differences in the C(ring)-C(ring) distances (Figure 3) are statistically significant. The determined bond-length pattern shows a marked similarity to that found in Co[q5-C5(CH,),] (CO),. Although the interaction of the bidentate allylic fragment with nickel atom does not produce as clear-cut a delineation of the 3d, and 3dY, metal AO’s relative to the cyclopentadienyl ring as that displayed by the interaction of the two carbonyl ligands with the cobalt atom, the resembling ring distortions reinforce each other in persuasively establishing to our satisfaction that a noncyclindrical ML2 ligand can electronically generate a marked geometrical perturbation of either an unsubstituted or pentamethyl-substituted cyclopentadienyl ring. These results thereby counter previous skepticism4 whether significant bond-length changes from regular pentagonal symmetry can occur in cyclopentadienyl rings due to localization of electron density. The qualitative bonding model presented above to rationalize the determined bond-length trends for C O [ ~ ~ - C ~ ( C H (CO), ,)~] is in accord with the extended Htickel M O calculations carried out by H ~ f m a n nfor ~ ~an assumed planar geometry of the 16-electron M n ( & 2 , H s ) ( C 0 ) , molecule, whose formation by photolysis of (cyclopentadieny1)manganese tricarbonyl in matrix media at 80 K was detected by Braterman and Black28 from infrared carbonyl spectral measurements. Hofmann’s calculationn of a Walsh-type diagram indicated a ground-state electronic stabilization of the model Mn(q5-C5Hs)(CO), molecule by its transition to a pyramidal geometry in contrast to an 18-electron M(qS-C5H5)L2system, such as Co(q5C,H,)(CO),, possessing a “planar” geometry (i.e., one with the ML2 fragment being perpendicular to the cyclopentadienyl ring). A planar rather than pyradmidal configuration for a C 0 ( q ~ - C ~ H ~ ) ( C 0 ) ~ - molecule type was ascribed by H ~ f m a n n , ~ to the orbital character of its HOMO, which correlates to the L U M O for an assumed “planar” Mn(q5-C5H5)(CO),, being a ir-type M O corresponding to the filled antibonding ringmetal (el-ldYz) combination mentioned p r e v i o u ~ l y . ~ Our ~ efforts to provlde an operational test of Hofmann’s predi~tion,~ of a possible change to pyramidal geometry for a 16-electron M(qS-C5Hs)(CO)2system by an attempted oxidation of Co(q5-C5(CH3),](CO), and isolation of a crystalline cationic species for X-ray diffraction characterization were unsuccessful. Of interest is that Co(q5-C5H5)(CO), was shown from a crystallographic study30 to behave as a strong Lewis base in its reaction with mercury(I1) halide to give a 1:l Lewis baseLewis acid adduct, Co(q5-C5H5)(C0),(HgCl2), in which the resultant formation of an electron-pair Co-Hg u bond (26) (27) (28) (29)

A. E. Smith, Inorg. Chem., 11, 165 (1972). P. Hofmann, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 16, 537 (1977). P. S. Braterman and J. D. Black, J . Organomet. Chem., 39, C3 (1972). It should be noted that Hofmann’s different labeling27of the LUMO for Mn(q5-C5H5)(C0), with an x-z rather than y-z atomic coordinate system stems from an arbitrary interchange of the x and y axes (see Figure 4). (30) I. W. Nowell and D. R. Russell, J . Chem. SOC.,Dalton Trans., 2393 (1972).

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 19, No. 2, I980 283 produces a “tripod” geometry for the Co(C0),(HgC12) fragment. The absence of such a pyramidal geometry for a Co(q5-C5H5)(CO),-type molecule per se illustrates the apparent energetic instability of a transition-metal complex containing a sterically active lone pair of metal electrons (which in this case is stabilized only via its bond formation with an appropriate Lewis acid such as HgC12) relative to the proclivity of a transition metal to prefer having the electron pair in a ‘ITor &type orbital which may be stabilized by metal-ligand interactions. Another known crystal structure of a metal cyclopentadienyl complex with a statistically significant ring deformation (which likewise is not induced by a static Jahn-Teller m e c h a n i ~ m ~ l - ~ ~ ) is the trans isomer of bis [dicarbonyl(a-cyclopentadienyl)iron] whose electron density was examined by Mitschler et al.,36 from combined X-ray and neutron diffraction at liquid nitrogen temperature. Although the disposition of each of the two centrosymmetrically related cyclopentadienyl rings deviates significantly from the pseudo molecular mirror plane passing through the central Fe,(p-CO), core, the salient structural feature is that the determined C-C bond-length distortion of the independent ring points to a larger occupancy of the e l + ring SO than of the el- ring SO. This first example of a “diolefin” ring geometry (rather than an “allyl-ene” ring geometry) not only is in accord with the observed orientation It should be emphasized that the determined bond-length variations in the cyclopentadienyl rings of the molecules discussed in this paper are not induced by a Jahn-Teller distortion which requires an orbitally degenerate ground state. In this connection, a different kind of deformation of the pentamethylcyclopentadienyl rings from regular pentagonal symmetry (which was described’* as a static Jahn-Teller distortion) was recently established by Raymond, Smart, and co-workers32in solid Mn(q5-C5Mes)2from their highly precise, comparative X-ray diffraction analyses of the closely related and highly ordered crystal structures of the bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)manganese(II) and -iron(II) compounds. In contrast to the d6 Fe(I1) Fe(q5-C5MeJ2 molecule (of crystallographic Cw2/m site symmetry) which experimentally conforms to D5d symmetry, the corresponding low-spin d5 Mn(I1) molecule (of crystallographic C,-1 site symmetry), which under D5d symmetry has an orbitally degenerate 2E2, ground state, exhibits two structural variations. The major distortion involves a statistically significant breakdown in the fivefold symmetry of the pentamethylcyclopentadienyl ring with an expanded C(3)-C(4) bond of 1.434 (2) A relative to the other four ring-carbon bonds of lengths 1.409 (2)-1.421 (2) A, while the marginal distortion involves a concomitantly slight slippage of the to and bottom rings in opposite directions. On the basis of EPR studiesR of decamethylmanganocene and other related d’ and d7 metallocenes showing the unpaired electron in these systems to be substantially delocalized over the ring p* orbitals, it was concluded32 that the abovementioned variation in ring-carbon distances may in part reflect a Jahn-Teller distortion. It should also be mentioned that calculations of the potential surface behavior of the neutral C5H5 radical were recently reported by BischoP4 and subsequently by Borden and DavidBoth groups showed that a first-order Jahn-Teller distortion in the lowest doublet state of the radical (due to the triply occupied degenerate el pr MO under DShsymmetry) would give rise to two considerably distorted equilibrium structures on a fivefold potential surface such that the cyclopentadienyl radical can pseudorotate from one distorted structure to another without passing through the degenerate D5,, configuration. By use of the MIND0/3-UHF method, B i ~ c h o fob~~ tained five equivalent minima possessing the C, “diolefin” ring geometry (of 2B, state which corresponds to a dominant pr electronic configuration (a1)2(e1+)2(el-)’) and five equivalent saddle points (with an energy difference of 0.1 kcal/mol which corresponds to the interconversion barrier) possessing the C, “allyl-ene” ring geometry (of *A2 state which corresponds to a dominant pr electronic configuration (al)2(e1J2(el+)1).From ab initio 7-space CI calculations, Borden and Davidson3’ found both the 2BIand ,Az wave functions to have essentially identical energies at their respective minimum energy geometries, which thereby suggests that the potential surface for pseudorotation in the planar cyclopentadienyl radical is essentially flat. D. P. Freyberg, J. L. Robbins, K. N. Raymond, and J. C. Smart, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,101, 892 (1979). (a) J. L. Robbins, N. M. Edelstein, S. R. Cooper, and J. L. Smart, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 101, 3853 (1979); (b) J. H. Ammeter, J . Magn. Reson., 30, 299 (1978), and references cited therein. P. Bischof, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 99, 8145 (1977). W. T. Borden and E. R. Davidson, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 101, 3771 (1979). A. Mitschler, B. Rees, and M. S. Lehmann, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,100, 3390 (1978).

Inorg. Chem. 1980, 19, 284-289


of t h e cyclopentadienyl ring with respect to three ironcoordinated carbonyl ligands but also is in good agreement with semiempirical M O calculations carried on a n idealized molecular configuration of trans- [ Fe2($-C jHj)2(CO),(pCO),]. Hence, the existence of both kinds of possible distortions of a cyclopentadienyl ring due to lack of cylindrical symmetry has now been experimentally established.

Acknowledgment. W e are grateful to the National Science Foundation for support of this research. Registry No. Co[$-C5(CH3),](CO),, 12129-77-0. Supplementary Material Available: A listing of the observed and calculated structure factors (14 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page.

Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164

Synthetic, Structural, Stereochemical, and Catalytic Studies on Carbonyliridium(1) Complexes of o - (Diphenylphosphino) -N,N-dimethylaniline, 0 - (Diphenylphosphin0)-N,N-dimethylbenzylamine, 2- (Dipheny1phosphino)-N,N-dimethylethylamine, and 3- (Diphenylphosphino) - N,N-dimethylpropylamine D. MAX ROUNDHILL,* REBECCA A. BECHTOLD, and STEPHANIE G. N. ROUNDHILL Received May 18, 1979

The new complexes IrCl(C0)PEN and IrCl(C0)PPN have been prepared. The crystal structure of the complex IrCl(C0)PN shows a planar complex with chloride trans to the phosphine. The iridium-carbon bond (1.794 (7) A) is short, and the iridium-phosphorus bond (2.197 (2) A) is unusually short. These data are considered to be a consequence of the coordination of the u-donor amine ligand. The iridium-nitrogen distance (2.180 ( 5 ) A) is considered long. Integration of the data for v(1r-Cl), v(IrC=O), and S(31P)is used to conclude all the complexes have the same stereochemistry as IrCl(C0)PN. The complexes IrCl(CO)PN, IrCl(CO)PCN, and IrCl(C0)PEN are more effective than IrC1(CO)(PPh3)2for the isomerization of 1-hexene under hydrogenation conditions.

Introduction Recently we have been interested in the coordination chemistry of unsymmetrical ligands with low-valent metal centers.’ These ligands are chosen because they have a n arylphosphine a t one end to stabilize the metal ion in a low oxidation state and a weakly coordinating amine or ether function a t the other end which will readily be substituted by a n incoming a-acceptor ligand. In our previous articleld we describe the preparation and chemistry of the complexes IrCl(C0)PN and IrCl(C0)PCN. We now have extended this series to the complexes I r C l ( C 0 ) P E N and I r C l ( C 0 ) P P N using the compounds 2-(diphenylphosphino)-N,N-dimethylethylamine ( P E N ) and 3-(diphenylphosphino)-N,N-dimethylpropylamine (PPN)2 (Figure 1). These latter compounds are of interest to us as ligands because the fully alkylated backbone between phosphorus and nitrogen should be more flexible for allowing the amine to become distant from iridium after substitution by a a-acceptor ligand. The compound IrC1(CO)(PPh3)2will catalyze the hydrogenation of alkene to alkane as a homogeneous solution in dimethylformamide. The mechanistic aspects of the process have been discussed by a number of workers, and there appears to be a body of evidence supporting the view that dissociation of triphenylphosphine is a slow step in the catalytic ~ e q u e n c e . ~ Since the dissociation of triphenylphosphine from iridium(1) is not particularly facile, this carbonyl-iridiuni(1) system (1) (a) Rauchfuss, T. B.; Roundhill, D. M. J . Orgunomet. Chem. 1973,59, C30-2. (b) Rauchfuss, T. B.; Roundhill, D. M. J . A m . Chem. Soc. 1974,96, 3098-105. (c) Rauchfuss, T. B.; Patino, F. T.; Roundhill, D. M. Inorg. Chem. 1975,14, 652-6. (d) Rauchfuss, T. B.; Clements, J. L.; Agnew, S. F.; Roundhill, D. M. Inorg. Chem. 1977, 16, 775-8. (2) (a) Knebel, W. I.; Angelici, R. J. Inorg. Chim. Acta 1973, 7, 713-6. (b) Taylor, R. C.; Walters, D. B. Tetrahedron Lett. 1972, 63-6. (3) (a) Strohmeier, W.; Onoda, T. 2. Nutuforsch B. 1969,24, 1217-9. (b) James, B. R.; Memon, N. A. Can. J . Chem. 1968, 46, 217-23. (c) James, B. R. “Homogeneous Hydrogenation”; Wiley: New York, 1973;

Chapter XII.

appeared to be a good one to test our ideas on the applications of these unsymmetrical ligands to homogeneous catalysis by low-valent transition-metal compounds. In our previous articles, the assignment of stereochemistry to the new complexes with these ligands has been rather difficult. W e decided therefore to solve the structure of the complex IrCl(CO)PN, and with the stereochemistry of one complex known, we can use this information to deduce the stereochemistries of similar complexes by spectroscopic methods.

Results and Discussion The complexes chlorocarbonyl(2-(diphenylphosphino)-N,N-dimethylethylamine)iridium( I), IrCl(CO)PEN, and chlorocarbonyl( 3-(diphenylphosphino)-N,N-dimethylpropylamine)iridium(I), IrCl(CO)PPN, were prepared in a manner similar to I r C l ( C 0 ) P N and I r C l ( C 0 ) P C N by the addition of the appropriate ligand P E N or PPN to a solution of Li[IrC12(C0)2] (eq l).4 The new complexes are air sensitive

I IN/-’\ PEN



t LiCl




and very soluble in a wide range of organic solvents. The complexes are primarily characterized by a carbonyl stretch band in the 1950 cm-I region. The infrared and N M R spectral data for these and related compounds are collected in Tables I and 11. Other preparative routes beginning with [IrCl(4) Forster, D. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. Lett. 1969, 433-6.

0020-1669/80/1319-0284$01 .OO/O 0 1980 American Chemical Society