Structural transitions of calf thymus DNA in concentrated lithium

Aug 9, 1977 - Carlos Bustamante , Bruno Samori , and Edoardo Builes. Biochemistry 1991 30 (23), 5661-5666. Abstract | PDF | PDF w/ Links. Cover Image ...
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Structural Transitions of Calf Thymus DNA in Concentrated LiCl S o htionst Barry Wolf, Stephen Berman, and Sue Hanlon*

ABSTRACT: The solubility, sedimentation, circular dichroism,

and absorption spectral characteristics of calf thymus DNA have been examined in concentrated solutions of LiCl (6-13 m ) at 25 to 27 OC. At all concentrations of LiCI, the DNA is base stacked and exhibits normal hypochromicity. At the upper end of this range of LiCl concentrations, DNA aggregates and ultimately precipitates completely from solution between 13 and 14 m LiCl. This aggregation process is dependent on concentration, base composition, and molecular weight of DNA. The sedimentation velocity data taken together with the absorbance spectral data suggest that the aggregation process


previous publications, we have reported on our investigations of the effects which simple 1:l electrolytes have on the spectral properties of DNA at pH 7 and 27 OC (Hanlon et al., 1972; 1975; Wolf and Hanlon 1975). Using the spectral data of Tunis-Schneider and Maestre (1970) as references, we demonstrated that the changes in the circular dichroism spectrum of calf thymus DNA induced by increasing concentrations of NaCl, KCl, LiCI, CsCI, and NH4C1 could be interpreted mainly in terms of a transformation of a form resembling the Watson-Crick B structure to the C conformation, which is a helical variant of the B form. An additional minor component, whose spectrum resembled that of an A form, appeared in the more concentrated solutions of LiCl, CsCI, and NH4CI. The extent of these transformations could be correlated quantitatively with the magnitude of the preferential hydration of DNA in these electrolyte solutions. The B conformation appears to be associated with a primary hydration shell of ca. 18 mol of H2O/mol of nucleotide. Removal of all but three to four of these water molecules (presumably from the grooves of the helix) in concentrated solutions of the alkali metal salts leads to complete conversion to a set of conformations consisting of 83% C and 17% A. It was speculated that the latter fraction of A forms corresponds to the heavy satellite species of calf thymus DNA (Kurnit et al., 1973) whose G C content is too high to permit the assumption of a stable C form (Pilet and Brahms, 1973). On the basis of this model, one would expect the conformational transitions to be complete at ca. 9 m LiCI, where the preferential hydration of DNA is on the order of 3 to 4 mol of HZO/mol of nucleotide. The spectrum of DNA, however, continues to change as the LiCl concentration exceeds this value. Initial experiments revealed that this further transformation cannot be accounted for satisfactorily by a linear f From the Department of Biological Chemistry, College of Medicine, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois 60612. Received December 13, 1976. Taken in part from the Ph.D. dissertation of B.W. Supported by Grants BMS 75-16488 from the National Science Foundation, RB241 from the Research Board of the University of Illinois, and PHS-GRSG RR 5369 from the United States Public Health Service.

leading to the formation of large structures begins at -9 m. Prior to the onset of aggregation, the circular dichroism (CD) spectra can be adequately fitted by a linear combination of contributions of the B, C, and A forms of DNA (Hanlon, S., Brudno, S., Wu, T. T., and Wolf, B. (1979, Biochemistry 14, 1648). Above 9 m LiCl, both factor analysis and a primitive version of matrix rank order analysis indicate that at least one additional spectral component is required to account for the observed CD spectra above 260 nm. The general shape of this additional component or distortion resembles the $ form of DNA.

combination of the reference spectra of the A, B, and C forms used for the analysis of the data below 9 m . Finally, the extent of the additional transformation is roughly correlated with the appearance of a fast-moving species in sedimentation velocity experiments, although the parallel is not exact (Hanlon et al., 1972). In an effort to elucidate the nature of this final transformation of the DNA structure, we have undertaken the current detailed analysis of the optical and sedimentation properties of DNA in concentrated LiCl solutions. Our results are interpreted in terms of a transition to an ordered micellar structure, as dehydrating conditions in the LiCl solvent become extreme. Experimental Section The commercial preparation of calf thymus DNA (Sigma, Lot 802184) examined in these experiments was that used in previous studies (Johnson et al., 1972; Hanlon et al., 1975; Wolf and Hanlon, 1975) and its properties have been reported in these cited publications. Briefly, its RNA content was 0.6% and its protein content was 5 1%. Its extinction coefficient at the maximum (259 nm) was 6600 M-' cm-' on a molar phosphorus or molar nucleotide basis in 0.10 M NaCI, 0.05 M N a H ~ P 0 4 / N a 2 H P 0 4buffer at pH 7. This extinction coefficient was employed to estimate the concentration of stock solutions of DNA. The latter were routinely prepared at a concentration of ca. 1 mg/mL in 0.02 m LiCl, adjusted to pH 7 by small additions of HCl or NaOH, and then diluted precisely with 0.1 M NaCI, 0.05 M NaHrP04, Na2HP04, pH 7, for purposes of estimating concentrations of the stock solution. All concentrations of DNA quoted in the text are on a residue basis (i.e., moles of nucleotide/liter). Dilute solutions of DNA in LiCl were prepared by weight on a Mettler H20T semimicrobalance from appropriate weights of the concentrated DNA stock solution, water, and a concentrated stock solution of LiCl (15 m ) whose pH had been adjusted to 7 prior to use. Weighing and transfer operations were performed as quickly as possible in order to avoid extensive absorption of atmospheric water by solutions of high LiCl concentration. The LiCl was dry reagent-grade material BIOCHEMISTRY, VOL. 1 6 , N O . 1 6 , 1 9 7 7


obtained from Fisher Scientific Chemical Co. The LiCl concentrations in these DNA solutions are uniformly given in molal units (mol of LiCI/lOOO g of HzO). The pH of the DNA solutions so prepared was readjusted to 7 if necessary, and the solutions were stored for 24 h, prior to use, in glass-stoppered flasks sealed with parafilm. All pH measurements were performed with a Radiometer 4 pH meter equipped with a combination glass electrode. N o corrections were made for the salt and water activity errors of the glass electrode. For many of the solutions examined, this correction may be appreciable, amounting to perhaps f 1 a t pH 7. Because DNA’s p H range of stability is quite broad in these solvents, however, errors in pH measurements of this sort were not thought to be a serious problem. Absorption spectra were obtained between 350 and 210 nm in a I-cm cell with a Cary 14 recording spectrophotometer equipped with thermostated adaptors. Solutions were always read against a matching reference solvent of the same LiCl concentration. Temperature of the cell contents was maintained constant by a circulating water bath (Haake) and was monitored by a Yellow Springs Instrument bridge and probe assembly. Except for the thermal melting profiles, spectra were generally obtained at 25.0 f 0.1 “C. Melting profiles of DNA were obtained at a concentration of 0.15 mM in the solvent of interest by measuring the absorbance between 25 and 95 O C . I n these experiments, the reference solution was also heated to a matching temperature. Solubility studies of DNA between 12 and 13 m LiCI were conducted with 1 m M DNA solutions, gently agitated a t 25 “C for 20 min, a period of time sufficient to ensure that an equilibrium state had been achieved at this temperature. These solutions were then centrifuged in a Sorvall bench-top centrifuge a t 10 000 rpm for I O min, in order to separate the precipitated DNA from the supernatant. The precipitate, after re-solution, and the supernatant fractions were dialyzed back to 0.02 M NaCI, pH 7 . After a final clarification by low-speed centrifugation (2000 rpm, 10 min), these various fractions were examined for several properties as described in the text. Their base compositions were determined by analyzing their absorption spectra at 25 OC by the method of Hirschman and Felsenfeld (1966). Sedimentation coefficients of DNA solutions in top-loading cells of 12- and 1.5-mm thickness were obtained with a Spinco Model E analytical ultracentrifuge equipped with absorption optics. Films taken with the latter system were scanned with an Analytrol densitometer. The DNA concentration in these experiments was routinely 0.13 mM, and the salt concentration ranged from 0. I O m NaCI to 12 m LiCI. Under these conditions, the values reported for the sedimentation coefficients of DNA represent those at infinite dilution. In an effort to establish a concentration dependence of the fractional amounts of fast and slow components, a few experiments were performed a t a concentration of 0.28 and 1.2 mM. When single values of the sedimentation coefficient are reported, these correspond to the median sedimentation coefficient, s50, obtained by following the half-height position of the boundary. Sedimentation-distribution profiles were also calculated, using three time frames, by the method of Schumaker and Schachman (1957). I n measuring fractional amounts of the fast and slow components, corrections were made for radial dilution. All of the observed sedimentation data, (So&& both median values and distributions, were corrected to the conventional anhydrous state, s02o,,, corresponding to a medium with the density, p 2 0 , ~ and , viscosity, q 2 0 , ~ of , water, w, at 20 “C, using eq 1 below:



16, N O . 16, 1 9 7 7

where p and q s o l v .represents ~ the viscosity and density, rcspectively, of the solvent a t the temperature, T , of the experiment, V 2 is the partial specific volume of DNA in the solvent, V I is the partial specific volume of the component, water, (taken as 1.000), and r’ is the preferential hydration of DNA (in g of HzO/g of nucleotide) in the specific solvent. For estimates of the latter, we used the preferential hydration data of Hearst and co-workers (Hearst and Vinograd, 1961a,b; Hearst, 1965; Tunis and Hearst, 1968) in the manner previously described (Wolf and Hanlon, 1975).The preferential solvation correction was not applied, however, to the data in 0.1 M NaCI, as the values of I” in that solvent were too uncertain. Neglect of this correction for this solvent results in an error of 2 to 4%. Circular dichroism spectra were measured at 27 O C i n the manner previously described (Hanlon et al., 1975) in :I I-cni cell between 350 and 210 nm with a Cary 60 recording spcctropolarimeter equipped with a 6001 C D unit. DNA concentrations were 0.26 mM. Spectral data are reported in terms of the mean residue ellipticity, [e],in deg cm’/dmol. Spectra \ w e analyzed in terms of the contributions of the A. D. and C sccondary structures by the multicomponent linear-regression method (method I ) described in paper 1 of this series (Hanion et al., 1975). The reference spectra of the A form in LiCI, the “B” form determined experimentally a t low salt (0.02 t u NaCI), and the C form derived by method I , described i n our previous work, were employed as values of the error-free independent variables in this analysis. The same linear-regression analysis was also employed for the procedure described as “LMS Minimum Component” analysis. The other method of component analysis, factor analysis, utilized the program options (in Fortran I V ) described by Nie et al. (1975). This analysis was based on an H-type matrix which was extracted by a principal-component method (principal factoring without iteration) as well as Ra0.s canonical factoring solution (common factor solutions). ‘The results were rotated to orthogonal factors by the Varimnx rotation method. Essentially what the program does is to form a correlation matrix, E,,,’, between the measured variables, [HI>,,, i n which the general element, r, is defined as

2 ([el,’ - [ e l J ) ( [______fllA,“ [eli’)


r1.1, = -__--




([/I],,[ - [O]’)


i= I





[e],,( is the mean residue ellipticity at wavelength h whose index is “j” in a solution of LiCl whose concentration is indexed by the letter “i”. The letter i’ is used to designate some other LiCl solution in the series which may or may not be identical to i. There are m values o f j index for wavelength and n values of the i solution index. The mean value, j , is given by



The correlation matrix is a nxn square matrix which normalizes the variance of each individual variable to 1 and locates it on the appropriate diagonal. For n variables, the total variance is simply n. Iffnew variables (f