Structure and Chain Dynamics of Alkanethiol-Capped Gold Colloids

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Langmuir 1996, 12, 1262-1269

Structure and Chain Dynamics of Alkanethiol-Capped Gold Colloids A. Badia, W. Gao, S. Singh, L. Demers, L. Cuccia, and L. Reven* Department of Chemistry, McGill University, 801 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2K6 Received November 17, 1995X The structure and dynamical behavior of short and long chain alkanethiols, CH3(CH2)7SH and CH3(CH)17SH, and of a hydroxyalkanethiol, HO(CH2)16SH, adsorbed onto gold nanoparticles were studied by variable temperature solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy. In both the solution and solid state, the resonances of the first three carbons next to the sulfur headgroup disappear upon binding to the gold, indicating a strong interaction with the surface. A 13C-enriched sample, CH3(CH2)12*CH2SH/gold, displays a broad resonance centered at 42 ppm for the carbon next to the sulfur headgroup. Whereas the solid-state 13C shifts of CH3(CH2)7SH/gold are essentially the same as in solution, the methylene carbons of CH3(CH2)17SH and HO(CH2)16SH/gold shift downfield by 4.5 ppm in the solid state, indicating that the chains crystallize into an extended all-trans conformation. The high conformational order, along with reduced methylene proton line widths in the CH3(CH)17SH/gold sample, indicates that the chains are undergoing large-amplitude motions about their long axes. Molecular mobility increases toward the unbound ends which have a higher population of gauche conformers. Relaxation measurements show the coexistence of motionally restricted all-trans chains and a smaller population of liquid-like conformationally disordered chains in CH3(CH2)17SH/gold at room temperature. The two types of chains are proposed to arise from close packing of the gold colloidal spheres, resulting in interstitial spaces and regions where chains of neighboring colloids can interdigitate to produce ordered domains. Phase transitions of the thiol-capped gold nanocrystals, which are detected by differential scanning calorimetry, are shown to involve a reversible disordering of the alkyl chains.

1. Introduction The synthesis and physical properties of nanometerscaled semiconductor and metal colloids are currently very active areas of research due to their potential applications in optoelectronics,1 thin film growth,2 and catalysis.3 Syntheses employing surfactants to stabilize the size and shape of these crystallites have successfully produced single-sized semiconductor4 and noble metal clusters.3 Recently, a novel surfactant-mediated synthesis of gold colloids was reported by Brust and co-workers.5 This system is particularly interesting because the surfactant used, dodecanethiol, is well-known to form self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on planar gold.6 Leff and co-workers have further demonstrated that control of the gold particle size in this system is achieved by varying the gold-to-thiol ratio and applied a model in which the role of the thiol is analogous to that of the surfactant in water-in-oil microemulsions.7 Since the nature of the surfactant chain structure in the alkanethiol-capped gold nanoparticles has not been reported, we have used NMR spectroscopy to study the surfactant molecules directly. In spite of the poor sensitivity of NMR spectroscopy, recent 13C and 2H NMR studies have demonstrated its unique ability to probe the dynamic and conformational behavior of long-chained ionic surfactants on metal oxides8 and latex particles.9 In the case of noble metal colloids, 13C NMR provided evidence X Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, February 15, 1996.

(1) (a) Wang, Y.; Herron, N. J. Phys. Chem. 1991, 95, 525. (b) Colvin, V. L.; Schlamp, M. C.; Alvisatos, A. P. Nature 1994, 370, 354. (2) Heath, J. R.; Gates, S. M.; Chess, C. A. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1994, 64, 3569. (3) Schmid, G. Chem. Rev. 1992, 92, 1709. (4) Herron, N.; Calabrese, J. C.; Farneth, W. E.; Wang, Y. Science 1993, 259, 1426. (5) Brust, M.; Walker, M.; Bethell, D.; Schriffin, D. J.; Whyman, R. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1994, 802. (6) Dubois, L. H.; Nuzzo, R. G. Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 1992, 63, 437. (7) Leff, D. V.; Ohara, P. C.; Heath, J. R.; Gelbart, W. M. J. Phys. Chem. 1995, 99, 7036.

that surfactant-stabilized platinum nanoparticles are protected by the direct adsorption of the hydrophobic segment of the surfactant onto the metal surface.10 In most of these studies, high-resolution solid-state NMR techniques were not used despite the fact that the surfactant may become immobilized to the point that some of the carbon sites would not be observable under conventional solution NMR conditions. Self-assembled monolayers, which form ordered, tightly bonded films to metal surfaces, are the extreme example of immobilization of adsorbed molecules. We have recently shown solid-state NMR to be highly useful for structural and dynamic studies of self-assembled monolayers of alkylsilanes and metal alkylphosphonates.11 Although alkanethiols on gold are the most intensively studied selfassembled monolayers, molecular level understanding of their dynamic properties is relatively limited. Variable temperature infrared,12 X-ray diffraction,13 and electrochemical14 studies, as well as molecular dynamic simulations,15 indicate that the dynamic behavior of the thiol monolayers involves a complex structural phase diagram which depends on variables such as the chain length and terminal functional groups. Although the surface cur(8) (a) So¨derlind, E.; Stilbs, E. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1991, 143, 586. (b) So¨derlind, E.; Blum, F. D. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1993, 157, 172. (c) So¨derlind, E.; Stilbs, E. Langmuir 1993, 9, 2024. (9) (a) Macdonald, P. M.; Yue, Y.; Rydall, J. R. Langmuir 1992, 8, 164. (b) Yue, Y.; Rydall, J. R.; MacDonald, P. M. Langmuir 1992, 8, 390. (c) Kuebler, S. C.; Macdonald, P. M. Langmuir 1992, 8, 397. (10) Yonezawa, T.; Gotoh, Y.; Toshima, N. React. Polym. 1994, 23, 43. (11) Gao, W.; Reven, L. Langmuir 1995, 11, 1860. (12) (a) Nuzzo, R. G.; Korenic, E. M.; Dubois, L. H. J. Chem. Phys. 1990, 93, 767. (b) Dubois, L. H.; Zegarski, B. R.; Nuzzo, R. G. J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 1990, 54/55, 1143. (13) Fenter, P.; Eisenberger, P.; Liang, K. S. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1993, 70, 2447. (14) Badia, A.; Back, R.; Lennox, R. B. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 1994, 33, 2332. (15) (a) Hauptman, J.; Klein, M. L. J. Chem. Phys. 1990, 93, 7483. (b) Hauptman, J.; Bareman, J. P.; Mar, W.; Klein, M. L. J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 1991, 87, 2031. (c) Siepmann, J. I.; McDonald, I. R. Langmuir 1993, 9, 2351.



Alkanethiol-Capped Gold Colloids

vature of the colloidal gold used here may limit direct comparison with alkanethiols on planar gold, the synthesis of the thiol-capped gold colloids provides an opportunity to examine the chain dynamics of covalently bound alkanethiols by NMR spectroscopy. In this study, we report 13C chemical shift, relaxation, and line shape data which reveal that in the case of long chains (n ) 16, 18), the alkanethiol surfactant on the gold is in a semicrystalline state. At room temperature, domains of all-trans chains coexist with a smaller population of more mobile chains containing gauche conformers. The high curvature of the surface of the very small gold particles (diameter ∼2 nm) prevents efficient packing of neighboring chains as in the case of alkanethiol monolayers on planar gold. Instead, the spacing between the colloids, as measured by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction,16 suggests that intercalation of the chains of neighboring gold particles allows crystallization into an extended all-trans conformation. The chain termini, however, display mobilities comparable to the short chain (n ) 8) alkanethiol on the gold which is completely conformationally disordered at room temperature. A concurrent TEM, transmission FTIR, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) study of the alkanethiolcapped gold nanoparticles of varying chain lengths demonstrates that an order/disorder transition occurs in the same temperature range as in analogous lipid bilayers.16 A similar trend has also been observed for selfassembled monolayers of alkanethiols on planar gold by variable temperature electrochemical measurements.14 The solid-state NMR spectra of the alkanethiol-capped gold nanoparticles show that as the temperature is raised, a gradual growth of the population of disordered chains occurs up to the DSC transition temperature, and above this temperature all of the chains are in a liquid-like state. Interestingly, when the gold colloids are capped with C16 hydroxyl-terminated thiols, the disordering of the chains occurs in a higher temperature range than in the case of the C18 methyl-terminated thiols. This is proposed to be due to the presence of hydrogen bonding between the terminal OH groups of neighboring chains, on the same or neighboring colloid, which both introduces some order and increases the thermal stability of the alkane chain ordering. 2. Experimental Section Syntheses. Gold colloids derivatized with octanethiol (C8H17SH), octadecanethiol (C18H37SH), and 16-hydroxyhexadecanethiol (HOC16H32SH) were prepared following the procedure of Brust and co-workers,5 and the detailed conditions will be reported elsewhere.16 Briefly, this involves a two-phase (toluene/water) synthesis and (C8H17)4NBr as the phase transfer reagent. AuIIICl4- is transferred to the toluene layer from the water layer, and then reduced by NaBH4 in the presence of the thiol surfactant at the toluene/water interface. Reactions were carried out using mole ratios of 1.1:1 HAuCl4/RSH, 4.4:1 (C8H17)4NBr/HAuCl4, and 11:1 NaBH4/HAuCl4. n-Octadecanethiol was purchased from Aldrich (98%) and was recrystallized three times from ethanol. n-Octanethiol (Aldrich, 98%) was purified by passage through a silica gel column before use. 16-Hydroxyhexadecanethiol was synthesized from the corresponding n-hexadecanediol (Fluka, >98%) following the method of Miller et al.17 The purity of the bulk thiol surfactants was verified by 1H NMR (500 MHz, CDCl3), 13C NMR (125 MHz, CDCl ), TLC (silica gel, n-hexane), and 3 melting point determination using DSC. The elemental analyses were consistent with 100% coverage of the colloids by the alkanethiols.16 (16) Badia, A.; Singh, S.; Demers, L. M.; Cuccia, L. A.; Brown, G. R.; Lennox, R. B. Chem.-Eur. J. 1996, 2, 205. (17) Miller, C. J.; Becka, A. M. J. Phys. Chem. 1992, 96, 2657.

Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 5, 1996 1263 NMR Instrumental Conditions. Solution-state 13C NMR spectra for the bulk thiols and thiol-derivatized gold colloids were acquired at 125 MHz with broadband 1H decoupling on a Varian Unity 500 NMR spectrometer. The solid-state 67.92 MHz 13C CP MAS spectra were run on a Chemagnetics CMX-270 NMR spectrometer with a 7 mm double-tuned fast-MAS Doty probe. For 1H-13C cross polarization, the carbon and proton power levels were adjusted to achieve the Hartmann-Hahn match at 60 kHz. The 1H 90° pulse widths were between 3.5 and 4.5 µs, and contact times of 3 ms were used. The samples were typically spun at 2.5-3.5 kHz, and an average of 400-1000 scans were taken with delay times of five times the longest proton T1 value. For the variable temperature CP MAS experiments, the sample temperature was controlled to within (2 °C by a Chemagnetics temperature controller. For the proton T1 measurements, an inversion-recovery pulse sequence with 13C CP MAS detection was used. In this sequence, the proton spins are inverted with a 180° pulse, and after a variable decay period the remaining proton magnetization is transferred to the carbon spins by cross polarization. The carbon T1 values were measured using the Freeman-Hill modified inversion-recovery sequence18 with the initial 13C magnetization generated by cross polarization. TCH and T1F were determined by fitting the variable contact time data to the appropriate equation describing the decay of the proton spin-locked magnetization.19 The dipolar dephasing times, Tdd, were measured with an interrupted decoupling pulse sequence.20 After cross polarization, the proton decoupler is turned off for a variable delay during which the carbon spins rapidly dephase due to heteronuclear dipolar interactions, and the resulting signal is detected with high-power proton decoupling. A 180° pulse is inserted halfway through the delay to remove linear phase distortions and refocus long-term chemical shift spin order. In the case of weak dipolar interactions due to molecular motion, the data was fit to a firstorder (Lorentzian) decay, IL ) I0L exp(-τ/T2L), where τ is the delay time and T2L is the Lorentzian decay constant. For rigid solids, the fast decays are often best fit by a second-order 2 (Gaussian) decay, IG ) I0G exp(-τ2/2T2G ), where T2G is the Gaussian decay constant. In the case of the gold-thiol colloids, the faster decaying carbons were found to be best fit by a two2 component Gaussian-Lorenztian decay, I ) I0G exp(-τ2/2T2G ) 20 +I0L exp(-τ/2T2L). In the 2D wide-line separation pulse sequence (WISE),21 a 1H 90° pulse was followed by a proton evolution period, t1, consisting of 32 increments of 2 µs. After each t1 period, cross polarization, followed by carbon detection with proton decoupling, gives a carbon spectrum which is modulated as a function of t1 by the free induction decay of the associated protons. A second Fourier transform gives a 2D spectrum with high-resolution 13C CP MAS spectra along the first dimension and the wide-line proton spectra associated with each carbon along the second axis.

3. Results (i) NMR Chemical Shifts. In Figures 1-3, the solution- and solid-state 13C NMR spectra of three alkanethiols alone and bound to gold nanoparticles are displayed along with the carbon site assignments. The 13 C chemical shifts of these samples and a 13C-labeled sample are listed in Table 1. The HOC16S-Au colloid was not soluble in common organic solvents, and the solidstate NMR spectrum of the pure surfactant is shown instead in Figure 3b. Upon bonding to the gold, the resonances of the C8 and C18 thiols broaden and the carbon sites closest to the sulfur headgroup, C1 and C2 at 24.5 and 33.9 ppm, appear to vanish completely. The C3 peak, which at 28.2 ppm is only slightly shifted from the interior (18) Torchia, D. A. J. Magn. Reson. 1978, 30, 613. (19) Garroway, A. N.; Moniz, W. B.; Resing, H. A. ACS Symp. Ser. 1979, No. 103, 67. (20) Alemany, L. B.; Grant, D. M.; Alger, T. D.; Pugmire, R. J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1983, 105, 6697. (21) (a) Chin, Y.-H.; Kaplan, S. Magn. Reson. Chem. 1994, S53. (b) Clauss, J.; Schmidt-Rohr, K.; Adam, A.; Boeffel, C.; Spiess, H. W. Macromolecules 1992, 25, 5208.




Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 5, 1996

Figure 1. 13C NMR spectra of CH3(CH2)7SH (a) in CDCl3, (b) on colloidal gold in benzene-d6, and (c) on colloidal gold in the solid state. The triplet at 77 ppm in (a) is due to the solvent. The solid-state 13C CP MAS NMR spectrum of CH3(CH2)7SH on colloidal gold was obtained with a 3 ms contact time, a 3 s recycle time, and a 3 kHz sample rotation frequency.

Figure 2. 13C NMR spectra of CH3(CH2)17SH (a) in CDCl3, (b) on colloidal gold in benzene-d6, and (c) on colloidal gold in the solid state.

methylenes at 29.9 ppm, may also be absent or has shifted underneath the broad resonance of the interior methylenes. The same changes were observed in the 1H NMR solution spectra (not shown); that is, the resonances of the protons attached to the first two carbons closest to the sulfur headgroup are not visible in the alkanethiol-capped gold. A similar phenomena was observed in the case of the alkane chain part of poly(ethylene glycol), when this surfactant was used to stabilize platinum nanoparticles.10 The disappearance of some of the solution state carbon signals with increasing concentration of the platinum cluster was attributed to solidification of the hydrophobic part of the surfactant, which contains the metal cluster. In the solid-state 13C NMR spectrum of the C8S-Au in Figure 1c, a broad resonance centered at ∼45 ppm is present, which is due to one or more of the carbons closest to the gold surface. As discussed below, this short chain thiol does not crystallize at room temperature, and the

Badia et al.

Figure 3. 13C NMR spectra of HO(CH2)16SH (a) in CDCl3, (b) in the solid state, and (c) on colloidal gold in the solid state. The triplet at 77 ppm in (a) is due to the solvent. The HO(CH2)16SH on colloidal gold was not soluble in common organic solvents. Table 1. Chemical Shifts of Alkanethiols Alone and Adsorbed onto Gold Colloids thiol solutiona

thiol/gold solution

thiol/gold solid stateb

HS(CH2)7CH3 C1 C2 C3 C4,C5 C6 C7 C8

24.5 33.9 28.2 28.9, 29.0 31.6 22.5 13.9

30.8 32.8 23.3 14.4

31.1 33.1 23.8 14.9

HS*CH2(CH2)12CH3 C1 C2 C3 C4-C11 C12 C13 C14

24.5 33.9 28.2 28.9-29.6 31.8 22.5 13.9



30.2-29.5 31.9 22.7 13.9

33.2, 31.3 d 23.8 15.0

HS(CH2)17CH3 C1 C2 C3 C4-C15 C16 C17 C18

24.5 33.9 28.2 28.9-29.6 31.8 22.5 13.9

30.9-29.5 31.9 22.7 13.9

33.8 d 24.2 15.1

HS(CH2)16OHc C1 C2 C3 C4-C13 C14 C15 C16

24.5 33.9 28.2 28.8 25.6 32.6 62.9

33.5 27.9 d 62.7

a The bulk thiol and thiol-capped gold colloid solution NMR spectra were run in CDCl3 and benzene-d6, respectively, and are referenced to TMS. b 13C solid-state NMR spectra are referenced to hexamethylbenzene at 17.45 ppm from TMS. c The HS(CH2)16OHcapped gold colloids were not soluble in common NMR solvents. d Not resolvable in the solid state.

greater mobility of the C8 chains must sufficiently average the effects of the gold to make this broad resonance visible. This assignment of the broad resonance was confirmed by a sample which was isotopically labeled at the carbon



Alkanethiol-Capped Gold Colloids

next to the sulfur, CH3(CH2)12*CH2S-Au. Integration of the relative intensities shows that the broad resonance, centered at 42.5 ppm (fwhh ) 1440 Hz), accounts for all of the labeled 13C intensity and is not due to a minor species. The downfield shifts of the 13C resonances in the solidstate NMR spectra shown in Figures 2c and 3c indicate that the long chain alkanethiols on the gold colloids are conformationally ordered. The chemical shift of the interior methylenes of C18S-Au (C4-C15) and HOC16SAu (C4-C13) changes from 29.0-29.5 ppm in organic solvents to 33.5-33.8 ppm in the solid state. For bulk n-alkanes, these carbons resonate at 29-30 ppm in solution where there are equilibrium populations of trans and gauche conformations, but in the crystalline state, they shift downfield to 33-34 ppm for an all-trans conformation.22 This chemical shift difference has been used to characterize the chain conformations of ionic surfactants23 and self-assembled monolayers on silica.11 When the C18-gold was placed in D2O, and its signal collected using solution-NMR techniques, a broad resonance centered at 33 ppm was observed, indicating that the chains had solidified. When the temperature was raised to 55 °C, this resonance narrowed considerably and increased in intensity. As shown later by variable temperature solid-state NMR, this is the temperature at which the chains disorder. This observation correlates with electrochemical studies of thiols on gold electrodes where the alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers suppress Faradaic currents of redox couples in aqueous solutions, but not in organic solvents where the chains are solvated.24 The downfield shift for the R-CH2 of C18S-Au, C17, is less than that observed for solid alkanes. Normally this carbon shifts from 22.6 in the liquid state to 25.0 ppm for a crystalline all-trans conformation.22a In the case of the C18 thiol, the shift changes from 22.5 in solution to only 24.2 ppm in the solid state, reflecting a higher population of gauche defects at the chain end. The solution and the solid-state chemical shifts of C8S-Au differ only slightly, indicating that in this case, the surfactant has not crystallized. This liquid-like state is to be expected for thiols of chain lengths less than 12 since they are known not to form ordered phases on planar gold.13 (ii) Relaxation Studies. (a) Spin-Lattice Relaxation. A relaxation study was carried out in order to compare the chain dynamics of the alkanethiol-capped gold with highly ordered and disordered systems: crystalline organic solids and monodispersed alkylsilyl chains grafted onto silica.25 The proton and carbon spin-lattice C relaxation times, TH 1 and T1 , probe molecular motions in the vicinity of the Larmor frequencies of the two nuclei, 270 and 68 MHz, respectively. Inspection of Table 2 shows that there is little variation in the proton spinlattice relaxation times associated with the various carbon sites. This homogeneity of TH 1 is typical of organic solids where 1H-1H spin diffusion tends to equalize the spinlattice relaxation times among the proton sites. The primary source of proton relaxation is the modulation of the dipolar interaction by the rapidly rotating methyl group. In contrast, the pure surfactant, HS(CH2)16OH (a crystalline solid at room temperature), was found to have a relatively long TH 1 (10.7 s) since the terminal carbons are immobilized by hydrogen bonding. (22) (a) Earl, W. L.; VanderHart, D. L. Macromolecules 1979, 12, 762. (b) Tonelli, A. E.; Schilling, F. C. Acc. Chem. Res. 1981, 223. (23) So¨derlind, E.; Stilbs, P. Langmuir 1993, 9, 1678. (24) (a) Sandroff, C. J.; Garoff, S.; Leung, K. P. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1983, 96, 547. (b) Finklea, H. O.; Avery, S.; Lynch, M.; Furtsch, T. Langmuir 1987, 3, 409. (25) Zeigler, R. C.; Maciel, G. E. J. Phys. Chem. 1991, 95, 7345.

Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 5, 1996 1265 Table 2. Solid-State Relaxation Parameters for Alkanethiol-Capped Gold Colloids and Related Systems

AuS(CH2)7CH3 C4-C5 C6 C7 C8 AuS(CH2)17CH3 C4-C16 C17 C18

TH 1 (s)

TC1 (s)

0.45 0.46 0.45 0.44

0.45 0.50 0.61 1.6

0.17 0.18 0.45 0.84

6.6 7.6 9.9 12.1

114 134 213 242


12 1.28 1.82



16b 94 190

37 0.2

0.052 0.19

7.6 9.3

17b 102

AuS(CH2)16OH C4-C15 C16 HS(CH2)16OH C1, C15 C2, C14 C3-C13 C16 C18-silicac C1 C3 C4-C15 C16 C2+C17 C18


0.52 0.47 0.48 0.51 0.49 0.43

a TCH (ms) TH 1F (ms) TDD (µs)

243 217 250 102 0.32 0.27 0.33 0.81 0.89 1.8

0.09 0.17 0.17 0.25 0.28 1.31

20 24 54 95 >100 >100

a All of the values listed are T 2L derived from a fit to a singleexponential decay curve except for the inner CH2’s of C18S-Au and b HOC16-Au. T2G values were derived from a fit to a two-component Gaussian-Lorenztian decay curve as described in the Experimental Section. c Data from ref 25.

Carbon spin-lattice relaxation times are a more selective probe of molecular motion due to the absence of spin diffusion. In rigid organic solids, the carbon T1 values can be quite long, on the order of many minutes, as in the case of highly crystalline polyethylene. The relaxation times of all the carbon sites of C8S-Au, as well as the terminal carbons of the long chain samples, were on the order of a few seconds or less. In contrast, the 33 ppm peak assigned to the all-trans interior methylenes of HOC16S- and C18S-Au relaxed much more slowly, and the decay did not fit a single-exponential curve. This behavior is expected in the case of varying mobilities along the chain. In addition, as discussed below, there will be a contribution from the small resonance at 31 ppm due to the disordered chains. The decay of the 33 ppm component in the C18 sample was found to be biexponential, with a short decay time of 0.92 s, presumably associated with the more mobile carbons near the chain termini and the disordered chains, and a longer decay time of 12 s, arising from the interior methylenes closer to the bound end. A somewhat longer value of 37 s was measured for the long TC1 decay component of HOC16S-Au. The shorter TC1 values of the more mobile unbound chain ends in C18S-Au (C17 and C18), compared to the motionally restricted carbons near the bound end, may be explained by an increasing amplitude and/or rate of motion. However, since TC1 of the internal methylene carbons decreases with field strength (TC1 ∼ 8 s at 25 °C, ωL ) 25 MHz) and temperature (TC1 ∼ 9 s at 55 °C, ωL ) 68 MHz), we can assume that some of the chain motions are slow on the NMR time scale with a rate of reorientation less than ωL. The longer TC1 value of 37 s measured for HOC16S-Au shows that the methylene chain motion is more restricted than in the methyl-terminated C18S-Au. However, these TC1 values are still considerably smaller than those of rigid organic solids, as demonstrated by the 250 s value measured for the interior methylene resonance of the pure surfactant, HO(CH2)16SH. The monodispersed




Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 5, 1996

Figure 4. Selected dipolar dephasing spectra of CH3(CH2)17SH on colloidal gold. The small peak at 31 ppm, which is resolvable at delay times greater than 40 µs, is assigned to conformationally disordered chains.

chains of C18-silica display the opposite trend; the TC1 values of the chain ends are larger than those of the interior methylenes, and were assumed to be in the motional narrowing limit. However, the TC1 values of C18-silica were found to be field dependent, so the motional frequencies must be close to the Larmor frequency (50 MHz) in this system.25 The TC1 values of C8S-Au are slightly smaller than those of C18-silica and show the same trend, with the values increasing toward the unbound end. The motional frequencies of the C8S-Au chains, which are also conformationally disordered, are probably close to those of the monodispersed chains, that is, between 10 and 50 MHz. The cross polarization parameters, also listed in Table 1, are consistent with these trends in chain mobility. (b) Dipolar Dephasing. 13C-1H heteronuclear dipolar dephasing experiments are highly useful for spectral editing and detection of relative molecular mobilities.20 After the contact time in the cross polarization experiment, a delay without dipolar decoupling is inserted before data acquisition. During this time the signal will decay with a time constant T2 which depends on the strength of the 13 C-1H heteronuclear dipolar interaction, molecular motion, and to some extent, the sample spinning speed. Short decays due to a strong heteronuclear dipolar interaction are characterized by a Gaussian decay, whereas weaker coupling, in the presence of molecular motion, can be fit to an exponential (Lorentzian) decay. In rigid solids, the decay times for methylene and methyl carbons are in the range of 10-30 and 50-120 µs, respectively,20 since the methyl groups are normally undergoing rapid rotation at room temperature. The intensities of all of the C8S-Au, carbons and terminal groups of C18S- and HOC16S-Au under dipolar dephasing, could be fit to first-order exponential decay curves, yielding T2L g 100 µs. In contrast, the interior methylene carbons of the two long chain samples exhibit a two-component GaussianLorentzian decay. The short Gaussian component (T2G ∼ 8 µs), which dominates the decay, is due to the carbons which are in a more motionally restricted environment, whereas the small exponential component (T2L ∼ 80 µs) presumably arises from mobile carbons toward the chain ends and disordered chains. In Figure 4, examination of the dipolar dephasing spectra of the C18 thiol sample reveals that a small peak centered at 31 ppm becomes visible at longer delay times (>40 µs), after the 33 ppm peak has mostly decayed away. This more slowly decaying component, which has the same shift as the interior methylenes of the gold colloids in solution, is assigned to highly mobile, conformationally disordered chains.

Badia et al.

(iii) Integrated Intensities. As revealed by the dipolar dephasing experiments, the shoulder at 31 ppm in the room temperature solid-state 13C NMR spectrum of C18S-Au in Figure 2c is due to more mobile chains containing a larger number of gauche conformers. The amount of transoid and gauchoid chain segments can be derived from the integrated intensities of the respective signals at 33.5 and 31 ppm. The integrated intensities of these signals, corrected for the different cross polarization efficiencies, yield 74% transoid and 26% gauchoid chain segments in the C18S-Au sample at 25 °C. (iv) 2D WISE NMR. The degree of crystallinity was investigated by two-dimensional wideline separation (WISE) NMR experiments, which are useful for determining morphology and local dynamics in complex systems.21 In crystalline solids, the proton line widths are greatly increased due to strong dipolar interactions among the abundant proton spins. This interaction will be reduced by molecular motion, making proton line widths a sensitive probe of local dynamics. However, due to a limited chemical shift range, distinguishing the proton signals from different domains (crystalline versus amorphous) is difficult, and a variety of experiments have been devised to separate the individual components. In the WISE experiment, the high-resolution 13C CP MAS spectrum is along one dimension and the proton spectrum is along the second, which allows measurement of the proton line width associated with individual carbon sites. The room temperature 2D WISE spectrum of C18S-Au showed that the peak at 31 ppm, visible as a small shoulder in the 1D 13C CP MAS spectrum, has a proton line width of ∼20 kHz, whereas the 33 ppm component has a larger proton line width of ∼35 kHz, somewhat less than the values for rigid crystalline organic solids (50-60 kHz). Very similar 1D carbon and 2D WISE spectra were observed by Spiess and co-workers for a polyester with C16 alkyl side chains (PPTE-A), which has a layer-type packing structure.21b In this polymer, the large reduction of the proton line width to 40 kHz, with retention of the extended-trans character of the chains, was taken as evidence for a large-amplitude motion effective around the side-chain axes.21b A similar anisotropic motion of the chains must be taking place in C18S-Au. TEM images and X-ray diffraction indicate that the average interparticle distance in the 2 nm gold colloid samples is equal to one alkyl chain length, suggesting that close packing of the alkane chains into an all-trans conformation is achieved by intercalation or interpenetration of individual chains or domains of chains of neighboring gold particles. A similar structure has been reported for dodecylated C60, in which paraffinic crystallites are formed by interdigitation of the side chains.26 The component at 31.0 ppm is assigned to chains which are not intercalated, either due to thermal disordering or because they are chains which are too far from the chains of neighboring particles to interpenetrate. In other words, these chains would be located in the interstitial regions arising whenever spheres are close-packed, as illustrated in Figure 5, which shows a possible packing arrangement along with a TEM image of C18S-Au. The reduced proton line width of the transoid component indicates that these intercalated chains are loosely packed, with sufficient free volume to allow considerable motion and disorder at the chain ends. In the case of HOC16S-Au, the interior methylene peak at 33 ppm in the 1D 13C CP MAS spectrum is broader than that of C18S-Au. Although its room temperature 2D WISE spectrum does not show a distinct 31 ppm (26) Levon, K.; Weng, D.; Mao, J.; Lee, H. K.; Tour, J. M.; Schrivens, W. A. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1994, 349, 127.



Alkanethiol-Capped Gold Colloids

Figure 5. TEM image and an idealized representation of the two types of chains arising from close packing of the gold colloids in C18S-Au. Conformationally ordered, intercalated chains (straight lines) are shown along with mobile, isolated chains located at interstitial regions between the colloids. The intercalated chains are loosely packed compared to rigid crystalline systems, with enough free volume for conformational disorder at the chain ends.

Figure 6. Variable temperature 13C CP MAS spectra of (a) CH3(CH2)17SH and (b) HO(CH2)16SH on colloidal gold. The spectra returned to their original state upon cooling.

component, the line width of the protons associated with the interior methylenes is also significantly reduced to 30 kHz. (v) Variable Temperature 13C CP MAS NMR. The variable temperature 13C CP MAS NMR spectra of the C18 methyl-terminated and C16 hydroxyl-terminated gold particles are displayed in Figure 6. DSC measurements show that the methyl-terminated gold colloids, AuS(CH2)nCH3 (for n ) 11, 13, 15, 17, 19), have transitions in the same range as the gel-to-liquid crystalline transitions of n-diacylphosphaditylcholine bilayers of the same chain lengths.16 In the 13C NMR spectra, this transition is manifested as a gradual increase in the component at 31 ppm, assigned to conformationally disordered chains, and

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a diminishing of the all-trans component at 33 ppm. Above 55 °C, only the conformationally disordered component remains for C18S-Au. The signals of C17 and the methyl group sharpen and then diminish at higher temperatures, since the mobility of the chain terminus has increasesd to the point that cross polarization is no longer efficient. This thermal disordering is reversible, and the 13C NMR spectrum returns to its original state upon cooling. In the case of HOC16S-Au, as shown in Figure 6b, disordering of the chains is not complete until above 100 °C. As the mobility increases, the chain end carbons (C14 and C15), which have solution shifts of 25.6 and 32.6 ppm, narrow and become visible in the solid-state spectrum. Although the increased thermal stability of the hydroxylfunctionalized thiol on gold may be expected due to the presence of hydrogen bonding, its terminal carbon appears to be quite mobile compared to the unbound thiol. As shown in Figure 3b,c, the C16 peak of HS(CH2)16OH narrows, and its TC1 decreases from 102 to 0.2 s after attachment to the gold colloid. However, neither dipolar dephasing, nor the 2D WISE experiment, revealed a distinct component at 31 ppm for disordered chains in HOC16S-Au. The interior methylenes are evidently less mobile than the methyl-terminated C18 thiol gold colloids. In contrast to the long chain samples, when the C8S-Au sample was heated to 50 °C, the only changes observed were a slight narrowing and a small upfield shift of the four resolvable carbon peaks, confirming that the short chains are already in a liquid-like state at 25 °C. 4. Discussion 13C


and NMR spectra demonstrate that the The alkanethiols are strongly chemisorbed to the gold colloids and are not present as free surfactant. Our preparation conditions suggest that this would be the case, as we have taken considerable care in washing free thiol surfactant from the samples.16 Broadening of the NMR resonances, due to immobilization of the surfactant, as well as the apparent disappearance of the signals of the carbons closest to the sulfur headgroup point to a strong interaction with the metal surface. The solid-state NMR spectrum of the 13C-labeled sample, CH3(CH2)12*CH2S-Au, further confirms this, with the C1 carbon next to the sulfur headgroup inhomogeneously broadened and shifted downfield by 18 ppm, compared to the bulk thiol. Inhomogeneous broadening of adsorbates on metallic particles, which is not eliminated by magic-angle spinning, can arise from heterogeneity of adsorption sites and/or a dispersion of susceptibilities or Knight shifts, which will mirror the particle size distribution. Typically, the 13C resonances of molecules chemisorbed onto Pd and Pt clusters are severely broadened by demagnetization fields arising from the large magnetic susceptibilities of these metals.27 A study of ethylene adsorbed on supported Pt and Ag clusters compared the relative demagnetization fields of open and closed d-block metals and found no problems with magnetic susceptibility in the case of silver.28 In contrast, the near ferromagnetic character of the platinum metal interferes with 1H-13C cross polarization by creating large offresonance shifts of the proton signals, resulting in a large loss of signal intensity. However, like silver, gold has a filled d-level, so the magnetic susceptibility should not be a large source of broadening. Another possibility is a distribution of Knight shifts which arise from the conduction electrons of the gold metal particles. Mo¨ssbauer spectra of Au55(PPH3)12Cl6 clusters show separate con(27) Ansermet, J.-Ph.; Slichter, C. P.; Sinfelt, J. H. Progr. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc. 1990, 22, 401. (28) Chin, Y. H.; Ellis, P. D. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115, 204.




Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 5, 1996

tributions from the surface atoms and the inner core of 13 gold atoms, which has a Mo¨ssbauer shift close to bulk metallic gold.29 Since the thiol-capped gold clusters in this study contain ∼400 gold atoms, they should also be metallic. Whether a carbon atom which is not directly bonded to a metal surface will have a Knight shift has not been explored, but presumably the metallic contribution will rapidly decrease as one moves along the alkyl chain, away from the surface.27 Relaxation measurements and studies of model gold thiolate complexes are underway to determine the contributions to the shift of the C1 resonance in CH3(CH2)12*CH2S-Au, and thus gain insight into the nature of the bonding of the alkanethiol to the gold.30 The 13C chemical shifts in this study, together with a concurrent FTIR study (which show narrow peaks at 2918 cm-1 (fwhh of 16 cm-1) and 2850 cm-1 (fwhh of 9.5 cm-1) for the methylene antisymmetric and symmetric stretching modes),16 suggest that the C18S-Au chains are crystallized into an all-trans extended conformation. The hydroxyl-terminated thiol on gold likewise displays an infrared spectrum characteristic of an all-trans conformation (2918 cm-1 (fwhh of 19 cm-1) and 2848 cm-1 (fwhh of 10 cm-1) for the methylene antisymmetric and symmetric stretching modes). The sharpness and low frequencies of the CH2 stretches in these samples match those measured for the highly ordered planar selfassembled monolayers that have also been characterized by contact angle, ellipsometry,31 and helium diffraction measurements.32 However, the NMR spectra of C18SAu reveal a significant population of mobile, conformationally disordered chains at 25 °C. We have also detected disordered chains by 13C NMR in a metal phosphonate self-assembled monolayer, while the infrared spectrum indicated only highly ordered chains.11 Infrared spectroscopy is a signal-averaging technique, and these results demonstrate that the infrared spectra alone cannot be used to assume a high degree of order in self-assembled monolayers or in related long chain systems. In any case, the existence of disordered chains in the thiol-capped gold is not surprising since recent STM studies support the presence of a significant number of conformational defects, even in the most carefully prepared thiol self-assembled monolayers.33 The shift of C17 in C18S-Au is more upfield than that observed for bulk alkanes, reflecting that the gauche defects are concentrated at the chain ends, as is the case for thiol SAMs on planar substrates.6 The contrast between the mobility of the chain ends versus the more motionally restricted interior methylenes is most evident in the dipolar dephasing experiment, where the latter exhibit rapid Gaussian decays rather than liquid-like Lorentzian decays. This thermal disordering of the chain ends is consistent with infrared studies of alkanethiol monolayers on planar gold, showing that gauche defects at the chain termini persist down to 200 K.12b 13C spinlattice relaxation measurements demonstrate that the reorientation rate of the gold-bound methylene chains is far slower than in the case of dispersed grafted alkyl chains, but still exceeds that of highly crystalline solids due to the motional freedom of the unbound chain ends. The fact that the methylene proton line widths are relatively narrow (35 kHz) compared to rigid crystalline chains (75 kHz in low-density polyethylene21b), combined (29) Kappes, M. Chem. Rev. 1988, 88, 369. (30) Badia, A.; Reven, L. Manuscript in preparation. (31) (a) Porter, M. D.; Bright, T. B.; Allara, D. L.; Chidsey, C. E. D. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1987, 109, 3559. (32) Camillone, N., III; Chidsey, C. E. D.; Liu, G.-Y.; Putvinski, T. M.; Scoles, G. J. Chem. Phys. 1991, 94, 8493. (33) Delamarche, E.; Michel, B.; Gerber, Ch.; Anselmetti, D.; Gu¨ntherodt, H. J.; Wolf, H.; Ringsdorf, H. Langmuir 1994, 10, 2869.

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with the high degree of conformational order, indicates that large amplitude motions are taking place about the chain axes. This type of anisotropic motion occurs also in the rotator phases of n-alkanes immediately preceding the melting point. 2H NMR studies of selectively labeled samples are underway to identify the chain motions taking place. The coexistence of covalent anchoring of the thiols on the gold colloids with lateral van der Waals interactions, sufficient to pack the chains into an all-trans conformation, are properties in common with SAMs on planar gold. The fact that TEM images and X-ray diffraction measurements suggest that this dense packing is achieved via the intercalation of chains of neighboring colloids limits comparisons of the dynamical properties between the two systems. However, similarities in the thermal properties can be identified. Both the variable temperature electrochemical measurements14 and X-ray diffraction studies13 of CH3(CH2)nSH self-assembled on planar gold show that chain length dependent phase transitions occur in carefully prepared samples. The transition temperatures detected by the electrochemical measurements carried out in aqueous solutions,14 which match those detected by DSC in the gold colloids,16 are lower than those found in the X-ray diffraction studies in ultrahigh-vacuum conditions.13 This may be attributable to the common presence of water overlayers in both the aqueous electrochemistry and the DSC measurements in air. Our NMR spectra reveal that while the C18 chains on gold are solid-like in water, they become mobile upon heating to 55 °C. This coincides with the transition temperature determined by DSC.16 The variable temperature 13C solid-state NMR spectra demonstrate conclusively that these transitions are due to reversible disordering of the chains. In the same C18gold colloid sample examined by solid-state NMR, the DSC transition was somewhat broad, and in the NMR spectra this is manifested as the 31 ppm peak growing in at temperatures below the peak maximum temperature of the endotherm. The broad transitions displaying gradual disordering may be partly due to poor bulk crystallization. Some Cn-gold samples, not studied by solid-state NMR, were found to have sharper DSC transitions after recrystallization and thermal annealing.16 Likewise, in the case of self-assembled monolayers, sharp discontinuities were only observed in electrochemical thermograms when the thiol-modified gold electrodes had been carefully annealed for prolonged periods.14 Even in these best samples, the temperature range of the transition is still broad compared to lipid bilayers. This may be due to the fact that the sulfur headgroup is covalently bonded to the gold, restricting the cooperative nature of the transition. Fatty acid Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) monolayers on silicon wafers also show broad transitions as detected by electron diffraction studies.34 For example, in stearic acid LB films, a pretransitional disordering of the chains starts at ∼35 °C and peaks at 50-55 °C. This transitional temperature range is very similar to that observed by DSC for C18S-Au in this study: onset temperature at 39 °C and a peak maximum temperature of 51 °C.16 In the stearic acid LB film, a main melting transition also occurs at 110 °C, due to an irreversible disruption of the headgroup lattice.34 However, this type of isotropic state, which defines a true melting transition, is not observed for the alkanethiols covalently bound to the gold colloids at temperatures up to 100 °C. The variable temperature NMR spectra of thiol-capped (34) Reigler, J. J. Phys. Chem. 1989, 93, 6475 and references therein.



Alkanethiol-Capped Gold Colloids

gold colloids are very similar in appearance to our recent study of octadecylsiloxane self-assembled monolayers on silica, with the main difference being the temperature range of interest.11 Although these samples were more disordered than the thiols, complete thermal disordering occurs at much higher temperatures (>115 °C). The increased thermal stability in these monolayers is due to cross-linking at the monolayer/substrate interface. Similar thermal stability has also been recently observed for more highly ordered metal phosphonate monolayers, which like the alkylsiloxanes, are linked together by a strong inorganic network at the substrate interface.35 The degree of conformational order depends on a number of variables besides chain length. These factors include the gold particle size and the nature of the terminal group, as both will affect the extent of intercalation of chains between colloid particles. The hydroxyl-terminated thiol was found to have a higher chain-disordering temperature. Moreover, a resolved peak associated with disordered chains was not detected at 25 °C. Unlike the methylterminated thiols, the HOC16S-Au flocculates in both polar and nonpolar solvents. Both NMR and FTIR spectra indicate a structure with extended all-trans chains. The reduced proton line width of 30 kHz shows that large amplitude motions are also taking place about the chain axes. However, the longer TC1 value of the interior methylene carbons indicates that the introduction of a hydroxyl terminal group results in a decrease in the rate of the high-frequency motions compared to the methylterminated samples. While the terminal group of the alcohol thiol becomes more mobile upon binding to the gold, the infrared spectrum still shows a broad absorption band at 3300 cm-1, indicating that hydrogen-bonded OH groups are present. The higher mobility of the terminal group indicates that the hydrogen bonding in HOC16SAu is weaker than in the pure surfactant. Partial hydrogen bonding between the chain ends of neighboring colloids would introduce order and also account for the reduced chain mobility and increased thermal stability. Molecular dynamics calculations for OH-terminated thiols on planar gold predict structures which are more rigid than the methyl-terminated thiol monolayers, with both free and hydrogen-bonded OH groups being present.15b Monte Carlo studies indicate that some structural and dynamic features of monolayers critically depend on the system size. The formation of domains of varying conformations which have been detected by scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopies can be accurately simulated only for systems larger than 200 molecules.15c A 2 nm gold colloid used in this study can only accommodate approximately 80 thiol chains on its surface, so this system is too small to manifest the structural and (35) Gao, W.; Grozinger, C.; Reven, L. Unpublished results.

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dynamic properties arising from longer range order, even if the large surface curvature was disregarded. This limitation is apparently circumvented by the tendency of the chains on adjacent colloidal particles to interpenetrate. We are presently synthesizing much larger gold colloids which will more closely approximate the environment of self-assembled monolayers on planar gold. Future work will also include 2H-labeled thiols to determine the geometry of the chain motion through line shape studies. Conclusion The surfactant in C18 thiol-capped gold colloids exists in an extended conformation and is strongly bound to the surface by the sulfur headgroup. In the solid state, a semicrystalline structure forms with the all-trans chains densely packed by intercalation with chains of neighboring colloids. The chains displaying a high degree of conformational order are not rigid, but instead are undergoing a dynamic process involving large-amplitude motion about the chain axes. Although transmission FTIR spectroscopy indicates an ordered all-trans extended chain conformation, NMR spectra show that conformationally disordered chains are also present on the C18 thiol-capped gold colloids. Phase transitions determined by DSC are revealed by NMR to be attributable to a simple, reversible disordering of the chains. The fact that this disordering occurs at temperatures identical to the discontinuities observed in the electrochemical thermograms of thiol-modified planar electrodes points toward similar order/disorder phase transitions occurring in self-assembled monolayers. Note Added in Proof. A recent solution 13C NMR study of the alkylthiol-gold colloid system (Terrill; et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117, 12537) attributes the disappearance of the C1-C3 resonances primarily to residual heteronuclear (C-H) dipolar broadening. However, we note that these resonances remain greatly broadened in the 13C solid-state NMR spectra under highpower proton decoupling. In addition, their calculated shift for C1 of 27 ppm, a 190 Hz shift from the unbound monomer calculated by assuming a magnetic susceptibility contribution only, is inconsistent with the observed value of 42 ppm reported here for the 13C-labeled sample. The solid-state NMR spectra show that additional contributions to the shift and line width of the C1 resonance are present. Acknowledgment. The authors are grateful to Professor R. B. Lennox for useful discussions and a critical reading of the manuscript. Support for this research from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the FCAR Nouveaux Chercheurs programme of Quebec is gratefully acknowledged. LA9510487