Structure and Dynamics of the α-Lactalbumin Molten Globule

Department of Biochemistry, UniVersity of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut ... Life Sciences, Bar Ilan UniVersity, Ramat-Gan 52900, ...
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Biochemistry 2001, 40, 7228-7238

Structure and Dynamics of the R-Lactalbumin Molten Globule: Fluorescence Studies Using Proteins Containing a Single Tryptophan Residue† Suroopa Chakraborty,‡ Varda Ittah,§ Ping Bai,‡ Li Luo,‡ Elisha Haas,§ and Zheng-yu Peng*,‡ Department of Biochemistry, UniVersity of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut 06032, and Department of Life Sciences, Bar Ilan UniVersity, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel ReceiVed January 2, 2001; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed April 4, 2001

ABSTRACT: The fluorescence properties of three variants of R-lactalbumin (R-LA) containing a single tryptophan residue were investigated under native, molten globule, and unfolded conditions. These proteins have levels of secondary structure and stability similar to those of the wild type. The fluorescence signal in the native state is dominated by that of W104, with the signal of W60 and W118 significantly quenched by the disulfide bonds in their vicinity. In the molten globule state, the magnitude of the fluorescence signal of W60 and W118 increases, due to the loss of rigid, specific side chain packing. In contrast, the magnitude of the signal of W104 decreases in the molten globule state, perhaps due to the protonation of H107 or quenching by D102 or K108. The solvent accessibilities of individual tryptophan residues were investigated by their fluorescence emission maximum and by acrylamide quenching studies. In the native state, the order of solvent accessibility is as follows: W118 > W60 > W104. This order changes to W60 > W104 > W118 in the molten globule state. Remarkably, the solvent accessibility of W118 in the R-LA molten globule is lower than that in the native state. The dynamic properties of the three tryptophan residues were examined by time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy decay studies. The overall rotation of the molecule can be observed in both the native and molten globule states. In the molten globule state, there is an increase in the extent of local backbone fluctuations with respect to the native state. However, the fluctuation is not sufficient to result in complete motional averaging. The three tryptophan residues in the native and molten globule states have different degrees of motional freedom, reflecting the folding pattern and dynamic heterogeneity of these states. Taken together, these studies provide new insight into the structure and dynamics of the R-LA molten globule, which serves as a prototype for partially folded proteins.

Many proteins adopt a partially folded conformation, termed the molten globule state, under physiological or mildly denaturing conditions (for recent reviews, see refs 1 and 2; also see refs 3-8). Molten globules have high levels of secondary structure, a compact hydrodynamic radius, and a partially formed, native-like tertiary topology, but they usually do not have rigid, specific side chain packing. Except for proteins that fold via a two-state transition, the molten globule has been proposed to be a general intermediate in protein folding (9); thus, studies of molten globules may hold the key to understanding the determinants of protein structure formation in the absence of detailed side chain packing interactions. In addition to their role in protein folding, molten globules may have other biological functions. For example, intrinsically unstructured or partially structured proteins existing under physiological conditions may serve as a conformational switch or target for gene regulation (for †

This work was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (1R29-GM54533 to Z.-y.P.) and by a grant from the U.S.Israel Binational Science Foundation (to E.H. and Z.-y.P.). * To whom correspondence should be addressed: MC-3305, University of Connecticut Health Center, 263 Farmington Ave., Farmington, CT 06032. Phone: (860) 679-2885. Fax: (860) 679-3408. E-mail: [email protected]. ‡ University of Connecticut Health Center. § Bar Ilan University.

a recent review, see ref 10). Molten globules are involved in a number of biological or pathological processes that require the protein to become partially unfolded, such as interaction with molecular chaperones, translocation across biological membranes, formation of amyloid, and dissociation of supramolecular complexes (11-17). Finally, point mutations may convert native proteins into molten globule-like species, and some of these mutations correlate with the genetic predisposition for human diseases (14, 18-22). Thus, understanding the structure and dynamics of molten globules not only is necessary for understanding the mechanism of protein folding but also may shed light on many natural or disease-related processes. R-Lactalbumin (R-LA)1 is a small, two-domain protein, which has been studied extensively as a model system in protein folding (e.g., see refs 23 and 24). The R-LA molten 1 Abbreviations: R-LA, R-lactalbumin; R-LA-W60, R-LA-W104, and R-LA-W118, single-tryptophan-containing R-LAs with W60, W104, and W118, respectively (the other two tryptophan residues were replaced with phenylalanine); HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; CD, circular dichroism; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; λmax, wavelength of fluorescence emission maximum; λCOM, the centerof-mass wavelength of fluorescence emission spectra; Ksv, SternVolmer constant; QY, quantum yield; τav, average fluorescence lifetime; kq, bimolecular quenching constant; UDP, uridine 5′-diphosphate; GuHCl, guanidine hydrochloride.

10.1021/bi010004w CCC: $20.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society Published on Web 05/23/2001

Tryptophan Fluorescence of R-LA globule can be observed under a broad range of conditions, including low pH, low concentrations of denaturant, removal of the tightly bound calcium ion, and reduction of disulfide bonds. The similarity between the R-LA molten globule and its kinetic folding intermediate has been established by stopped-flow CD and stopped-flow NMR studies (25-27). The highly dynamic nature of the R-LA molten globule has precluded the determination of its high-resolution structure by X-ray crystallography or heteronuclear NMR. Although many spectroscopic techniques and disulfide exchange experiments have been used to study the secondary and tertiary structure of the R-LA molten globule, our understanding of the local side chain conformation and dynamics of individual residues is still very limited. One extremely useful technique for monitoring the local side chain environment and dynamics is tryptophan fluorescence. The intrinsic fluorescence signal of tryptophan has been widely used to follow the kinetics of protein folding (for a recent review, see ref 28); the solvent accessibility of tryptophan side chains can be estimated by iodide or acrylamide quenching studies (29), and the mobility and dynamics of such side chains can be analyzed by timeresolved fluorescence anisotropy decay studies (30). In addition, intramolecular distances between a tryptophan and a specifically labeled residue can be measured by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (e.g., see refs 31 and 32). One potential caveat for these applications is that most proteins contain more than one tryptophan residue; thus, the fluorescence signal is a superposition of signals originating from different tryptophan side chains. This limitation is especially serious for fluorescence anisotropy decay studies, because each tryptophan can potentially produce a decay curve with several exponential time constants. Consequently, a superposition of signals from several tryptophan residues usually cannot be deconvoluted to yield single-residue information (30). In this study, we constructed three variants of R-LA in which two of the three tryptophan residues were replaced with phenylalanine using site-directed mutagenesis. This approach has been used previously to study the cellular retinoic acid binding protein and the RNase inhibitor Barstar (33, 34). The fluorescence properties of these proteins, each containing a single tryptophan residue, were investigated under the native (with or without the bound calcium), the molten globule (pH 2), and the unfolded state, providing information regarding the change in the local side chain environment and mobility for each tryptophan residue as the protein becomes progressively unfolded. These results, in conjunction with previous 19F NMR studies (35), have led to a better understanding of the side chain conformation and the time scale of motions in the molten globule state of R-LA. MATERIALS AND METHODS Protein Expression and Purification. Recombinant human R-LA and its variant proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli as previously described (36, 37). The recombinant R-LA has an additional N-terminal methionine, which reduces its stability in the native state but does not affect its structure or function (38-40). Site-directed mutagenesis was performed using Kunkel’s method (41), and the mutations were

Biochemistry, Vol. 40, No. 24, 2001 7229 verified by automated DNA sequencing throughout the entire coding region. Reduced R-LA was refolded by dialysis against a buffer containing 20 mM Tris, 1 mM CaCl2, 2.5 mM cysteine, and 0.5 mM cystine at pH 8.5. The refolded protein was further purified by reverse phase HPLC, lyophilized, and stored at -80 °C. The identity of all proteins was confirmed by electrospray mass spectrometry. The activity of R-LA was determined by measuring the level of stimulation of lactose synthase activity using a coupled enzymatic reaction as described previously (42). The specific activity was obtained by plotting the initial rate of UDP production as a function of R-LA concentration. Circular Dichroism (CD) Spectroscopy. CD studies were performed on a JASCO J-715 spectropolarimeter equipped with a thermoelectric temperature controller. Buffers for the native condition consisted of 10 mM Tris and 1 mM CaCl2 (pH 8.5). Buffers for the molten globule condition consisted of ∼5 mM HCl, and the pH was adjusted to 2.0 with dilute (0.1 M) HCl. The far-UV CD spectra were acquired by using a 1 mm path length cuvette with a 1 nm bandwidth. The near-UV CD spectra were acquired by using a 1 cm path length cuvette with a 5 nm bandwidth. All measurements were conducted at 20 °C. The concentration of the protein was 25 µM for the native condition and 30 µM for the molten globule condition determined by the absorbance at 280 nm in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl), using extinction coefficients of 22 190 M-1 cm-1 for wild-type R-LA and 10 810 M-1 cm-1 for variants containing a single tryptophan residue (43). NMR Spectroscopy. One-dimensional proton NMR spectra were acquired using a Varian INOVA plus 600 MHz spectrometer at 20 °C with water suppression by presaturation. The samples consisted of ∼200 µM protein in a 90% H2O/10% D2O mixture with 2 mM CaCl2. The pH of the sample was adjusted to 7.0 ( 0.1 with 0.1 M NaOH. The spectra were processed by using Felix. Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Steady state fluorescence spectra were acquired by using a SPEX Fluorolog spectrofluorimeter at room temperature (23 ( 1 °C). Samples in the native and molten globule states consisted of 1 µM protein in the same buffers used for CD studies. Samples in the unfolded state consisted of 1 µM protein in a buffer containing 10 mM Tris and 8 M urea (pH 8.5). The spectra were recorded using a 1 cm × 1 cm cuvette with an excitation wavelength of 290 or 295 nm and an emission wavelength varying between 310 and 400 nm. Both the excitation and emission slit widths were set to 4 mm. Under these conditions, the optical density of the sample at the excitation wavelength is less than 0.05; thus, the inner filter effect can be neglected (44). A sample without protein was used for buffer subtraction. The steady state fluorescence experiments were not conducted under magic angle conditions; thus, the fluorescence spectra, quantum yield, and Stern-Volmer constants could be slightly distorted by the polarization effect. The shapes of the fluorescence spectra obtained at both excitation wavelengths were identical, suggesting that tyrosine does not contribute significantly to the fluorescence intensity. To reduce the day-to-day variation of the instrument, the fluorescence spectra were normalized by the area of a standard tryptophan sample. Urea Denaturation. Denaturation curves were obtained in the native buffer by measuring the CD signal at 222 nm

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([Θ]222) and the center-of-mass wavelength (λCOM) of the fluorescence emission spectra as a function of urea concentration (45, 46). The variables were normalized to yield the fraction of unfolded protein using the following formula

fu )

X - Xu X f - Xu


I||(t) ) I54.7°[1 + 2r(t)]/3


where Ksv is the Stern-Volmer constant and [Q] is the acrylamide concentration. Time-ResolVed Fluorescence Studies. Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy decay studies were carried out in four conformational states. Buffers for the native and molten globule states were identical to those described for CD and steady state fluorescence studies. Buffers for the calciumfree apo state consisted of 10 mM Tris and 1 mM EDTA (pH 8.5), and buffers for the unfolded state consisted of 10 mM Tris and 6 M GuHCl (pH 8.5). The samples contained 30 µM protein, and all measurements were carried out at 25 °C. The time-correlated single-photon counting system was described previously (47, 48). The fluorescence decay was monitored at 90° orientation with Glan Thompson polarizers in the path of the excitation and emission beams set at parallel, perpendicular, and magic angle configurations. The system was routinely checked for linearity and time calibration by determination of the decay kinetics of binaphthyl in cyclohexane (decay time is 2.7 ns at 360 nm). Using a 360 nm emission wavelength and a 16 nm slit bandwidth, up to 20 000 counts were recorded for each sample. We used 1024 channels with resolutions of 0.0187 or 0.0374 ns/channel for the long components of the anisotropy decay and 0.005 ns/channel for the short components. The G factor was measured independently for each experiment, and each measurement was repeated three or four times to ensure reproducibility. Deconvolution and global analysis of the fluorescence decay curves were achieved using the Marquardt, nonlinear least-squares method (49). The reference lamp profile used for deconvolution was a scattered light signal generated by a sample containing a suspension of latex beads inside the cell. The decay curves of the magic angle (I54.7°), the parallel (I||), and the perpendicular (I⊥) configuration were fit to the following equations:


I⊥(t) ) I54.7°[1 - r(t)]/3


where X stands for [Θ]222 or λCOM with Xf and Xu representing the values obtained in 0 and 8 M urea, respectively. The midpoint of denaturation was defined as the urea concentration for which fu equaled 0.5. Acrylamide Quenching Studies. For each protein in the native, molten globule, and unfolded states, the intensity at the fluorescence emission maximum (λmax) was measured as a function of acrylamide concentration using an excitation wavelength of 290 nm and the same buffer system as described for CD and steady state fluorescence studies. The value of λmax did not change with acrylamide concentration. The fluorescence intensities were corrected for the inner filter effect, and the F0/F ratio was fit to the Stern-Volmer equation

F0/F ) 1 + Ksv[Q]


I54.7°(t) ) ∑Ri exp(-t/τi)

where r(t) is the anisotropy at time t, which can be expressed as a sum of three exponential functions with rotational correlation times φi and their initial anisotropy βi. 3

r(t) ) ∑βi exp(-t/φi)



Using lifetimes τi and their relative amplitude Ri from magic angle decay measurements helped us to determine the rotational correlation times and their initial anisotropy by the decays of horizontal and vertical configurations. The best fit was attained by a search for minimal χ2. The range of uncertainty of the parameters was estimated by a rigorous analysis procedure in which one parameter at a time was fixed at a certain value while all others were floating, thus producing a surface of χ2 versus the parameter. Steady state anisotropy data were obtained using an AVIV ATF-105 spectrofluorimeter with excitation and emission wavelengths of 297 and 350 nm, respectively, and slit widths of 1 and 3 nm. Parallel (Ivv) and perpendicular (Ivh) components were separately measured for the sample as well as for the relevant buffer (Bvv and Bvh) for background subtraction. The Rexp value was an average of 50 points and was calculated with the measured G factor according to

Rexp )

Ivv - Bvv - G(Ivh - Bvh) Itot - Btot


Itot ) Ivv + 2GIvh Btot ) Bvv + 2GBvh Comparison between the time-resolved and steady state anisotropy values was obtained by calculating Rcalc from the time-resolved parameters:

Rcalc ) 1/τav∑∑Riβjτiφj/(τi + φj) i




τav ) ∑Riτi i)1

where τav is the average lifetime of tryptophan for each protein. RESULTS Human R-LA contains three tryptophan residues, which are located at strategic positions in the protein (Figure 1). W60 is sandwiched between the R-helical and β-sheet domain. Since it is believed that the R-helical domain retains a native-like tertiary topology in the R-LA molten globule, whereas the β-sheet domain is significantly unfolded (50), W60 may serve as a reporter for the structure reorganization of the β-sheet domain. W104 and W118 are both located inside the R-helical domain and belong to two hydrophobic clusters (51, 52). W104 is located in the hydrophobic box

Tryptophan Fluorescence of R-LA

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FIGURE 1: Schematic representation of the X-ray crystal structure of human R-LA (78), showing the location of three tryptophan side chains. The secondary structure elements and disulfide bonds are labeled. This figure was prepared by using the program MOLMOL (79) and PDB entry 1HML.

region surrounded by helices B-D (53). Together with M30, F53, W60, I95, I101, and Y103, these residues form hydrophobic cluster II. W118 is located between the B- and C-terminal 310-helices and is in the vicinity of P24, I27, C28, F31, H32, and Y36. These residues form hydrophobic cluster I. Among residues in these two hydrophobic clusters, I27, Y36, and W118 have been shown previously to be important for the folding and stability of the R-LA molten globule (54, 55). We produced three variants of R-LA proteins, each containing a single tryptophan residue with the remaining two tryptophan residues replaced with phenylalanine. These proteins are designated as R-LA-W60, R-LA-W104, and R-LA-W118. All three variant proteins refold efficiently to a single-disulfide bond species (data not shown), implying that the substitutions have not compromised the ability of the protein to reach a unique disulfide configuration. The activities of R-LA-W60, R-LA-W104, and R-LA-118 were measured by using a coupled enzymatic assay. R-LA-W104 and R-LA-W118 have 4-5% of the specific activity of the wild type, whereas R-LA-W60 has approximately 12% of the specific activity of the wild type (data not shown).2 These results were not unexpected because both W104 and W118 are involved in the binding of R-LA with galactosyltransferase and consequently the stimulation of its lactose synthase activity (52). Figure 2 shows the far- and near-UV CD spectra of R-LAW60, R-LA-W104, and R-LA-W118 in comparison with that of the wild type. Under the native and molten globule conditions, the wild-type R-LA and all three variant proteins have similar values of [Θ]222. Thus, the tryptophan to phenylalanine substitutions have not significantly altered the level of secondary structure. There are, however, some minor differences in the observed far-UV CD spectra (Figure 2A). For example, in the native state, the magnitude of the shoulder near 230 nm is diminished in both R-LA-W104 and R-LA-W118, suggesting that this shoulder is caused by aromatic contributions of W60 to the far-UV CD signal. In the molten globule state, R-LA-W118 appears to have a 2 At this time, we do not have an explanation why R-LA-W60, which has both W104 and W118 replaced with phenylalanine, seems to have a slightly higher activity than proteins which have only one of these residues replaced with phenylalanine.

FIGURE 2: Far- and near-UV CD spectra of R-LA-W60 (b), R-LAW104 (9), and R-LA-W118 ([) in comparison with that of the wild type (+). (A) Far-UV CD spectra in the native state. (B) FarUV CD spectra in the molten globule state. (C) Near-UV CD spectra in the native state. (D) Near-UV CD spectra in the molten globule state. In panel C, the sum of three near-UV CD spectra for R-LAW60, R-LA-W104, and R-LA-W118 is denoted with a dotted line.

slightly lower level of secondary structure than the other three proteins (Figure 2B). Under native conditions, the near-UV CD signal at 270 nm for the three single-tryptophan proteins is less pronounced than that of the wild type (Figure 2C). However, the sum of all three near-UV CD spectra for R-LAW60, R-LA-W104, and R-LA-W118 is similar to that of the wild type, suggesting that the characteristic peak at 270 nm in wild-type R-LA is made of contributions from individual tryptophan residues. Under molten globule conditions, none of the proteins exhibit a significant near-UV CD signal (Figure 2D), consistent with the loss of rigid, specific side chain packing and with the aromatic residues being in a relatively symmetric environment. Additional support for the single-tryptophan R-LA having a well-defined tertiary structure comes from one-dimensional NMR studies. At pH 7.0 with 2 mM CaCl2, all three singletryptophan-containing proteins exhibit proton NMR spectra similar to that of the wild type, including several upfieldshifted methyl groups and a well-dispersed amide region (data not shown), suggesting that no global conformational change has been introduced by mutations. The fluorescence spectra of the three single-tryptophan variant proteins under the native, molten globule, and unfolded conditions are shown in Figure 3 with the values of λmax listed in Table 1. In the native state, R-LA-W104 exhibits the highest fluorescence intensity, whereas the signals from R-LA-W60 and R-LA-W118 are significantly quenched (Figure 3A). The λmax for R-LA-W104 is 330 nm, characteristic of a buried tryptophan residue. The λmax values

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FIGURE 3: Relative fluorescence intensity of R-LA-W60 (b), R-LAW104 (9), and R-LA-W118 ([) in comparison with that of the wild type (+). The sum of the spectra of R-LA-W60, R-LA-W104, and R-LA-W118 is denoted with a dotted line. (A) Native state, (B) molten globule state, and (C) unfolded state. All fluorescence intensities were referenced to a tryptophan standard. Table 1: Fluorescence Emission Maximum (λmax) of R-LA Variants under Different Conditions λmax (nm)


native state (pH 8.5, 1 mM CaCl2)

molten globule state (pH 2)

unfolded state (pH 8.5, 8 M urea)

R-LA-W60 R-LA-W104 R-LA-W118

336 330 339

344 339 335

351 351 351

for R-LA-W60 and R-LA-W118 are slightly red-shifted with respect to that of R-LA-W104, suggesting that the aromatic rings of these residues are partially exposed to the solvent or that the structures surrounding these residues are less rigid. In the molten globule state, the fluorescence intensity of R-LA-W60 and R-LA-W118 increases relative to that of the native state (Figure 3B). Surprisingly, the fluorescence intensity of R-LA-W104, which is the highest in the native state, becomes significantly quenched in the molten globule state. The λmax for R-LA-W60 is shifted from 336 to 344 nm, and the λmax for R-LA-W104 is shifted from 330 to 339

nm, indicating that these residues have gained additional solvent accessibility or became less rigid in the molten globule state. Interestingly, the λmax for R-LA-W118 decreases from 339 to 335 nm, suggesting that this residue is more buried in the molten globule state than in the native state. Although this was a surprising result, the change in solvent accessibility for W118 is fully consistent with that measured by 19F NMR (35). In the unfolded state, all fluorescence spectra have the same λmax values (351 ( 1 nm), suggesting that the tryptophan residues are equally exposed to solvent (Figure 3C). The sum of the fluorescence spectra for R-LA-W60, R-LA-W104, and R-LA-W118 in the unfolded state gives a spectrum that is almost identical to the spectrum of the wild type. This is expected since the tryptophan residues in the unfolded proteins should not interact with each other. In contrast, the sum of the fluorescence spectra for the three single-tryptophan variant proteins in the native and molten globule states has a higher amplitude than the spectrum of the wild type. This is probably due to the existence of energy transfer between different tryptophan residues in the native and molten globule state of the wild-type protein (56). The stability of R-LA-W60, R-LA-W104, and R-LA-W118 was examined by urea denaturation studies in the native buffer (data not shown). As expected for proteins with point mutations, all three single-tryptophan R-LA variants are slightly, but not significantly, less stable than the wild type. We decided to use the transition midpoint, instead of ∆G, to describe the denaturation process, because the denaturation curves monitored by using the center-of-mass wavelength of the fluorescence emission spectra do not superimpose with that monitored by using the far-UV CD signal at 222 nm, suggesting that the transition is not two-state.3 In general, the denaturation curves monitored by fluorescence have a lower transition midpoint and a higher cooperativity than that monitored by CD, consistent with the change in fluorescence being dominated by the disruption of tertiary structure. On the basis of the fluorescence measurements, all three single-tryptophan proteins have the same stability. The transition midpoint is 3.8 M urea, instead of 4.2 M urea for the wild type. On the basis of the CD measurements, the transition midpoint for R-LA-W118 is essentially the same as that of the wild type (5.2 M), while the transition midpoints for R-LA-W104 and R-LA-W60 are slightly lower, at 4.2 and 4.7 M urea, respectively. Most importantly, all three single-tryptophan variant proteins have a flat baseline between zero and 1.5 M urea, suggesting that these proteins are well-folded under native conditions. The solvent accessibility of individual tryptophan residues in the native, molten globule, and unfolded states was also investigated by acrylamide quenching studies (Figure 4 and Table 2). The results of these studies are generally in agreement with that of λmax. In the native state, W118 has the highest acrylamide accessibility, as indicated by a SternVolmer constant (Ksv) that is approximately 30% higher than that of W60 and W104 (Figure 4A). Consistent with that, 3 When the fluorescence intensities in the native and denatured states are not equal, the center-of-mass wavelength tends to bias toward the state that has a higher fluorescence intensity. However, a more likely explanation for the difference in the two denaturation curves is that the transition is not two-state, since it is known that R-LA adopts a molten globule-like conformation at low denaturant concentrations.

Tryptophan Fluorescence of R-LA

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FIGURE 5: Typical fluorescence anisotropy decay curve for R-LAW104 in the native state. Excitation was at 297 nm, and emission was at 360 nm. The experimental data and lamp profile (peaks near the origin) were fit to eqs 3 and 4 (thin solid lines). The residual χ2 and the autocorrelation functions are given for both data sets. The best-fit parameters for fluorescence lifetimes and amplitudes are as follows: τ1 ) 0.38, R1 ) 0.36, τ2 ) 2.04, R2 ) 0.51, τ3 ) 4.57, and R3 ) 0.13. The best-fit rotational parameters are listed in Table 3.

FIGURE 4: Stern-Volmer plots of the acrylamide quenching data for R-LA-W60 (b), R-LA-W104 (9), and R-LA-W118 ([) in (A) the native state, (B) the molten globule state, and (C) the unfolded state. Table 2: Stern-Volmer Constants (Ksv) Obtained for R-LA Variants under Different Conditions Ksv (M-1)


native state (pH 8.5, 1 mM CaCl2)

molten globule state (pH 2)

unfolded state (pH 8.5, 8 M urea)

R-LA-W60 R-LA-W104 R-LA-W118

1.51 ( 0.08 1.51 ( 0.07 2.25 ( 0.04

3.81 ( 0.14 2.72 ( 0.04 1.91 ( 0.09

5.23 ( 0.12 4.62 ( 0.17 4.29 ( 0.17

R-LA-W118 also exhibits the most red-shifted fluorescence spectra. The Stern-Volmer constant of W118 decreases upon transition to the molten globule state, whereas those of W60 and W104 increase (Figure 4B). The same trend has also been observed for the change in λmax. In the molten globule state, the order of Stern-Volmer constants for acrylamide quenching is W60 > W104 > W118, consistent with the red shift measured by λmax and solvent-induced isotope shift effect measured by 19F NMR (35). On the basis of acrylamide quenching studies, in the unfolded state, there remain some small differences among the three tryptophan residues (Figure 4C). However, these differences have not been confirmed by the values of λmax or by 19F NMR studies.

FIGURE 6: Fluorescence anisotropy decays of R-LA-W104 in the native and molten globule states. The best-fit curves are given as thin solid lines, and the parameters are listed in Table 3.

We have investigated the fluorescence anisotropy decay of single-tryptophan R-LA variant proteins in four conformational states: the native, molten globule, unfolded, and apo state (for example, see Figures 5 and 6). The anisotropy decay curves were fit by a sum of exponential functions (up to three), which reflect three different motional relaxation mechanisms (57). The fitting parameters are summarized in Table 3. The overall rotation of the molecule has a motional correlation time on the order of 10 ns (58); the segmental backbone fluctuation within the molecule typically has a motional correlation time ranging from 1 to 3 ns (58, 59), and the local rotation of the indole side chains has a motional correlation time ranging from 50 to 400 ps. The very fast motions as well as the internal conversion between the 1La and 1Lb states of tryptophan (60, 61) cannot be resolved by

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Table 3: Fitting Parameters for the Time-Resolved Fluorescence Anisotropy Decay Data protein

τava (ns)

φ1 (ns) (β1)b

φ2 (ns) (β2)b

R-LA-W60 (native) R-LA-W60 (molten globule) R-LA-W60 (unfolded) R-LA-W60 (apo) R-LA-W104 (native) R-LA-W104 (molten globule) R-LA-W104 (unfolded) R-LA-W104 (apo) R-LA-W118 (native) R-LA-W118 (molten globule) R-LA-W118 (unfolded) R-LA-W118 (apo)

1.55 1.56 1.83 1.78 1.76 1.48 2.21 1.97 1.58 1.53 1.87 1.61

10.6 (0.17) 12.0 (0.14)

0.9 (0.06) 1.3 (0.11) 3.5 (0.11) 1.1 (0.08)

10.7 (0.18) 8.2 (0.26) 9.7 (0.19) 8.2 (0.21) 9.4 (0.16) 10.5 (0.15) 10.5 (0.13)

φ3 (ns) (β3)b

0.25 (0.12)

0.95 (0.07) 2.6 (0.15) 1.5 (0.13) 2.2 (0.10) 1.6 (0.16) 2.0 (0.12)

0.39 (0.07)






rcalcf (Å)

0.16 0.16 0.08 0.17 0.20 0.17 0.08 0.15 0.18 0.18 0.10 0.16

0.21 0.17 0.13 0.18 0.22 0.20 0.16 0.17 0.23 0.17 0.15 0.17

1.13 1.22 1.12 1.09 1.17 1.06 1.25 1.07 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.06

0.034 0.049 0.096

44.9 31.5 19.2

22.1 23.1

0.151 0.035 0.147

11.7 42.9 15.0

0.053 0.079 0.098

29.5 19.4 19.2

22.2 20.3 21.5 20.3 21.3 22.1 22.1

The average lifetime calculated by using eq 6. The error in the short and medium φ and all β values is ∼25%. The error in the long φ values is ∼40%. c The calculated steady state anisotropy according to eq 6. d The steady state anisotropy measured by experiment for which the error is at most 20%. e Quantum yield, calculated on the basis of the spectra in Figure 3 and a quantum yield value of 0.13 for free tryptophan. f The hydrodynamic radius of the protein, calculated with the equation V ) 4πr3/3 ) φKT/η, where φ is the longest rotational correlation time, η is the solvent viscosity; 0.95 cP for aqueous solution and 1.54 cP for 6 M GuHCl solutions at 22 °C. rcalc is not a well-defined parameter for the unfolded state. a


our system, which has a response time in the range of 50 ps. The longest motional correlation time observed in the native and molten globule states reflects the overall rotation of the molecule. Interestingly, such motion was not observed in the unfolded state. For each protein, the rotational correlation time in the molten globule state was always slightly longer than that in the native state, consistent with the molten globule having a slightly expanded hydrodynamic radius. The segmental backbone fluctuations of the polypeptide chain, which are on the order of 1-3 ns, were observed in all proteins in the molten globule state, but not always in the native state. R-LA-W104 does not exhibit such motion in the native state, and R-LA-W60 has a smaller contribution of that component in the native state (β ) 0.06) than in molten globule state (β ) 0.11). For R-LA-W118, not much difference was observed between the native and molten globule states. Both forms exhibit comparable contributions from the overall rotation and segmental backbone fluctuation. In the unfolded state, in which the intramolecular interactions are weaker and larger portions of the polypeptide chain are solvated, the protein is expected to adopt a less compact form. This is reflected by an anisotropy decay curve dominated by medium and short components. For example, motions with 1-3 ns correlation times make the most significant contribution to the anisotropy decay of R-LAW60, R-LA-W104, and R-LA-W118 in the unfolded state (β ) 0.11, 0.15, and 0.16, respectively). Shorter components were also observed in the unfolded state of R-LA-W60 (φ ) 0.25 ns, β ) 0.12) and R-LA-W118 (φ ) 0.39 ns, β ) 0.08), which probably correspond to the local rotation of tryptophan side chains. Since the 6 M GuHCl solution used to obtain the unfolded state has a viscosity of 1.54 cP at 22 °C while the native buffer has a viscosity of 0.95 cP (62), the motional correlation time of the unfolded protein should be divided by 1.6 when it is compared with the motional correlation time of the native protein according to the Stokes-Einstein relationship. Except for R-LA-W118, the results obtained in the native state are different from the results obtained in the molten globule state, which in turn are different from the results obtained in the unfolded state. The results obtained in the calcium-free apo state are closer to those obtained in the

native state than to those of the molten globule state. For R-LA-W118, the properties in the three compact states (the native, molten globule, and apo state) are all similar, perhaps because the location of this residue at a more solvent-exposed position near the end of the polypeptide chain makes the conformational state of the protein having a smaller effect on its mobility. The steady state anisotropy calculated from the timeresolved data using eq 6, Rcalc, is generally in reasonable agreement with the steady state anisotropy measured by experiment, Rexp, with two exceptions. In the native states of R-LA-W60 and R-LA-W118 and in the unfolded state of the three mutant proteins, the calculated anisotropies from the time-resolved data were lower. This probably is due to an extra weight given to the short anisotropy decay components since the mean fluorescence lifetimes of tryptophan residues are in the range of these components. Thus, the uncertainties of the long anisotropy decay components are larger (R-LA-W104, which does not have a short component, did not show this discrepancy in the native state). In the unfolded state, where the fast anisotropy decay rates dominate the overall decay kinetics, small contributions of a decay component with a correlation time larger than 10 ns may be overlooked by the statistical analysis, and as a result, the calculated steady state anisotropy was reduced. The intrinsic anisotropy r0, which should be equal to the sum of all pre-exponential constants βi, was in the range of 0.21-0.29 for the three tryptophan residues. These values are lower than the fundamental anisotropy of the indole chromophore observed at the same excitation wavelength in a glass state (∼0.3) (63). Since the internal conversion between the 1La and 1Lb states has already been taken into account, the reduced values of the intrinsic anisotropy in the present experiments may be due to the limited ability of our system to resolve decay times shorter than 50 ps as well as the underweighting of the contribution of some long components. DISCUSSION In this study, we have determined the fluorescence properties of each of the three tryptophan residues in human R-LA. The proteins were investigated under different condi-

Tryptophan Fluorescence of R-LA tions, covering the native, molten globule, and unfolded states. The fluorescence techniques used here are particularly useful for studying partially folded proteins, since these proteins typically exhibit high levels of side chain mobility and conformational heterogeneity, which prevent structure determination by X-ray crystallography and high-resolution NMR. An additional advantage of the fluorescence technique is that studies can be carried out using relatively dilute protein solutions. This helps avoid aggregation and overcomes the problem of limited solubility often associated with many partially folded proteins. The fluorescence intensity or quantum yield (QY) of individual tryptophan residues can be used to probe the local environment of these residues. In an earlier study, Sommer and Kronman examined the fluorescence properties of R-LA from four different species (64). They estimated the fluorescence quantum yield of individual tryptophan residues by assuming that the fluorescence signals from different tryptophans are independent. Although this procedure gives a reasonable estimate for W28, it leads to a negative quantum yield for W60, which clearly is impossible. Our current data show that the fluorescence intensity of wild-type R-LA is smaller than the sum of intensities for the three singletryptophan variant proteins (Figure 3), indicating that the additivity relationship does not hold in general for proteins in the native and molten globule states. The differences that we observed could in principle be due to the propagation of conformational changes from the two sites where tryptophan residues were substituted by phenylalanine. More likely, however, this could be due to the energy transfer between individual tryptophan residues in the wild-type protein. In the unfolded state, where subtle conformational changes are eliminated and the distances between tryptophan residues are large, the sum of the fluorescence intensities for the three single-tryptophan-containing proteins is close to that of the wild type. In the native state, the ratio of the average fluorescence lifetime and the corresponding fluorescence quantum yield for R-LA-W104 is close to the value expected for the radiative lifetime of tryptophan residues (65, 66). For the other two mutant proteins, the τav/QY ratios were much higher, indicating the presence of static quenching or very fast quenching with a fluorescence lifetime of