Structure of the Methanol Liquid−Vapor Interface: A Comprehensive

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J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 15412–15418

Structure of the Methanol Liquid-Vapor Interface: A Comprehensive Particle-Based Simulation Study I.-F. William Kuo,*,† Christopher J. Mundy,‡ Matthew J. McGrath,§ and J. Ilja Siepmann§ Chemical Sciences DiVision, Lawrence LiVermore National Laboratory, P.O. Box 808, LiVermore, California 94551, Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, Richland, Washington 99352, and Departments of Chemistry and of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, UniVersity of Minnesota, 207 Pleasant Street SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455-0431 ReceiVed: April 28, 2008; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: August 4, 2008

This research addresses a comprehensive particle-based simulation study of the structural, dynamic, and electronic properties of the liquid-vapor interface of methanol utilizing both ab initio (based on density functional theory) and empirical (fixed charge) models. Numerous properties such as interfacial width, hydrogen bond populations, dipole moments, and correlation times are characterized with identical schemes to draw useful conclusions on the strengths and weakness of the proposed models for the interface of neat methanol. Our findings indicate that all models considered in this study yield similar results for the radial distribution functions, hydrogen bond populations, and orientational relaxation times. Significant differences in the models appear when examining both the dipole moments and surface relaxation near the liquid-vapor interface. Here, the density functional theory interaction potential predicts a significant decrease in the molecular dipole moment and slight expansion in the oxygen-oxygen distance as the interface is approached. I. Introduction Hydrogen bonding fluids have been the focus of intense study utilizing molecular simulations. In addition to their connection to important processes in biology, the elucidation of the details of the structure of hydrogen bonding fluids remains an active area of fundamental research. Moreover with the recent advances in fast electronic structure algorithms in conjunction with highperformance computing, it is not uncommon to perform 10-20 ps trajectories using density functional theory (DFT) based interaction potentials.1-7 Moreover, it has been shown that we can go beyond homogeneous systems and study the heterogeneous liquid-vapor interfaces in aqueous systems.8,9 Thus, in the past few years, there has been a re-examination of simulation protocol and the sensitivity of this protocol to the underlying structure and dynamics of aqueous systems. To this end, there have been numerous studies on the effects of basis set, functional, and sampling methods to probe the reproducibility of structural and dynamical quantities in aqueous systems.1-5,7,10,11 Until recently, there was no conclusive study that DFT interaction potentials could produce a stable liquid phase.12-14 The emerging consensus is that the density of liquid water at ambient conditions and along the vapor-liquid coexistence line is significantly underestimated for the commonly used BLYP gradient corrected exchange and correlation functionals. Unfortunately, the understanding of the sensitivity of the liquid density to hybrid exchange correlation functionals is still computationally prohibitive.15,16 Lately, there has been a strong effort to include the effects of London dispersion into DFT interaction potentials in order to improve on the structure and dynamics of aqueous systems * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. † Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. ‡ Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. § University of Minnesota.

and enable us to investigate other hydrogen bonded fluid systems where dispersion is known to be important.17,18 We can indirectly probe the consequence of lack of London dispersion in standard formulations of DFT by performing simulations of liquid methanol. Methanol is the simplest of alcohols, and the most similar alcohol to water with a single hydrogen being replaced by a methyl group. It is also well-known that methylmethyl interactions need a strong component of dispersion in order to be modeled correctly. Moreover, its importance as a solvent in the chemical industry has led to the development of variety of particle-based models.19-25 Although some models include the effects of polarizability,22,24,25 a class of fixed-charge interaction potentials for a variety of alcohols is known to reproduce the experimental liquid-vapor coexistence curve, and heats of vaporization to within 2%, a benchmark that no nonpolarizable model for methanol has yet achieved.23 Our research differs from previous studies on methanol in that it aims to put the DFT interaction potentials through an additional challenge, namely the elucidation of interfacial structure and reactivity in light of recent X-ray data pointing to qualitative differences in the structure of the liquid-vapor interfaces of water and methanol.26 In this study we utilize the so-called united atom transferable potentials for phase equilibria (TraPPE-UA) force field to benchmark methanol simulations (both bulk and the liquid-vapor interface) against DFT interaction potentials utilizing both Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE)27 and Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr (BLYP)28,29 exchange and correlation functionals. Direct comparisons of structure, liquid densities, and hydrogen bonding populations will be made to experiment (when available) and the fixed-charge TraPPE-UA model on equal footing in order to understand the performance of DFT interaction potentials to systems where both hydrogen bonding and dispersion are known to be important.

10.1021/jp8037126 CCC: $40.75  2008 American Chemical Society Published on Web 09/05/2008

Structure of the Methanol Liquid-Vapor Interface

J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 112, No. 39, 2008 15413

II. Simulation Details Molecular Dynamics Simulations. First principles molecular dynamics simulations were performed using the software suite CP2K30 where the energy and force was obtained from the QuickStep module.31 The QuickStep module contains a fast electronic structure code based on the Kohn-Sham (KS) formulation of DFT.32 For these calculations, a dual basis set of Gaussian type orbitals (TZV2P) with auxiliary plane waves expanded up to 280 Ry was used to describe the valence states. The core states are described through the Goedecker-TeterHutter pseudopotential.33 The calculations were performed using both the BLYP28,29 and PBE27 exchange and correlation functionals due to their ubiquitous use in studies involving hydrogen bonded fluids. Nose´-Hoover chain34-36 thermostats of length 3 were attached to every degree of freedom, with a thermostatting frequency of 2000 cm-1 to ensure thermal equilibrium at 300 K over the entire MD trajectory. Our DFT simulation of the methanol liquid-vapor interface was performed on 120 methanol molecules in a simulation cell of dimension 15 Å × 15 Å × 73 Å. For simulations of a liquid slab, the initial amount of vacuum (36 Å) was chosen such that interactions between the two interfaces are decoupled.37 The initial distance between the two free interfaces in the z direction was ∼36 Å. A total of 15 ps (5 ps of equilibration plus 10 ps of production) of molecular dynamics simulation was performed using the two different functionals with the same initial starting configuration obtained from an equilibrated classical Monte Carlo simulations based on the TraPPE-UA force field. In addition, two bulk methanol simulations were performed in the canonical ensemble with the density set to the experimental value for 30 ps total (5 ps of equilibration + 25 ps of production). Handgraaf et al.38 have observed potential finite size effects between 32 molecule and 64 molecule systems for methanol but the differences are rather small. Thus, for our bulk methanol simulation we have elected to simulate the system using 64 molecules in a simulation cell dimension of 16.3439 Å. Monte Carlo Simulations. Interfacial structural properties for TraPPE-UA methanol were calculated using Monte Carlo simulations combining the Gibbs ensemble (GEMC)39,40 and coupled-decoupled configurational-bias (CBMC) techniques.41,42 The simulation setup for the interfacial calculations is similar to that used previously by some of the authors for studying the vapor-liquid interface of pure water and water/1-butanol mixtures.9,43 Here we utilized an elongated liquid box containing initially 800 methanol molecules with dimensions 30 Å × 30 Å × 120 Å, and a vapor box with initially 100 helium atoms to ensure a constant pressure. In addition to the external pressure and temperature, the MC simulations maintain as constants the overall numbers of methanol and helium molecules and the interfacial area of the liquid box. The initial configuration of the liquid slab was taken from an independent NVT simulation of a bulk liquid at 300 K with box dimensions 30 Å × 30 Å × 30 Å, which yields a liquid density of 0.79 g/cm3. The final configuration of this system was replicated in the z-direction to generate a liquid slab with dimensions 30 Å × 30 Å × 60 Å. This slab was placed in the center of the liquid box for the GEMC simulations allowing for ∼60 Å of vacuum between the two vapor-liquid interfaces after periodic boundaries were implemented. Equilibration of the slab system at 300 K and 1 atm took place through box volume changes (the volume of the vapor box was allowed to change while keeping all cell lengths equal, but only the z dimension of the liquid slab box

Figure 1. Radial distribution functions (RDFs) for liquid methanol at 300 K. A bin width of 0.02 Å was used. TraPPE-UA, BLYP, and PBE results are shown in black, red, and blue, respectively.

was allowed to fluctuate), CBMC swap moves of helium and methanol molecules between the two boxes, rotation and translation of methanol molecules, and translation of helium atoms. A total of four independent simulations were run, each consisting of more than 5 × 104 MC cycles for equilibration (where one MC cycle consists of 900 randomly selected MC moves), and using 105 MC cycles for production. Properties were calculated by averaging over the 4 independent simulations. The bulk properties without an interface were computed by using 800 TraPPE-UA methanol molecules in the isobaric-isothermal ensemble.44-46 Here the production period consisted of 105 Monte Carlo cycles after 5 × 104 equilibration cycles. III. Results and Discussion: Radial Distribution Functions. The radial distribution functions (RDF) for oxygen-oxygen, oxygen-hydrogen, carbon-oxygen, and carbon-carbon pairs (i.e., gOO(r), gOH(r), gCO(r), and gCC(r), respectively) for the TraPPE-UA, BLYP, and PBE interaction potentials computed for bulk methanol are shown in Figure 1. It can be seen that there is good agreement overall between all the interaction potential employed in this study though slight differences can be gleaned. First, for the oxygen-oxygen pair distribution function (gOO(r)), the two DFT potentials predict a more defined first solvation shell when compared to TraPPE-UA. This is manifest in comparing the value gOO(r) at the minimum of the first solvation shell. Similarly, if we look at the oxygen-hydrogen pair distribution function (gOH(r)) and observe the peak at 1.8 Å and the subsequent minimum due to the intermolecular interactions, we again notice that BLYP and PBE predict a slightly more structured solvation shell as determined by the peak height and minimum depth. The over structuring of the RDF for both PBE and BLYP compared to TraPPE-UA seems analogous to the over structuring found in liquid water.2 In contrast, carbonoxygen and carbon-carbon pair distribution functions (gCO(r) and gCC(r)) do not show over structuring for either DFT based interaction potential when compared to that of TraPPE-UA. Though the RDFs for BLYP and PBE are similar, a closer examination of Figure 1 reveals that PBE produces a more structured gOO(r) when compared to BLYP. However, when compared to pulsed neutron diffraction data from Yamaguchi et al.,47,48 the oxygen-oxygen RDFs for both BLYP and PBE yield an over structured first solvation shell. Specifically, the

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Kuo et al.

TABLE 1: Fitted Density Profile Parameters for Methanol Liquid-Vapor Interfacea Fl (g/cm ) δ (Å) zGDS (Å) 3




0.670 4.16 20.89

0.689 2.92 20.24

0.774 2.61 29.16

a The density profile was fitted to F(z) ) (1/2)(Fl + Fv) - (1/2)(Fl - Fv) tanh [(z - zGDS)/δ] with the center of mass shifted to z ) 0 for the fitting.

computed height of the oxygen-oxygen RDF for the peak of the first solvation shell for BLYP and PBE is roughly 4, whereas experiments suggest it should be around 3. Similar disagreement between pulsed neutron diffraction data and other polarizable models is also observed.22,24,25 Likewise, the first minimum of the oxygen-oxygen RDF is more pronounced in our BLYP and PBE simulation when compared to experimental results. Though the methanol was simulated at 300 K here, it is apparent that the RDF obtained in this study is more structured then previous DFT studies using plane-wave basis and BLYP exchange-correlation functional for 32 and 64 methanol molecules at 293 K.38,49 This discrepancy is likely due to the different simulation protocol. It has been shown that one can obtain agreement between the different electronic sampling methods for liquid water, but the details are sensitive to length of simulation, value of fictitious mass, density cutoff, and temperature control.2 There are also additional DFT calculations elucidating the structure of 32 molecules of neat methanol making use of ultrasoft pseudopotentials50 and finite element basis sets.51 Although it is hard to compare all of the aforementioned theoretical studies on the same footing, all DFT studies yield a consistent picture of the methanol structure. Interfacial width. A converged density profile is usually a sign of a stable interfacial system. In order to compare interfacial profiles among the different models and sampling protocols used in this study, we compute the interfacial width from a standard fit of the density profile in the z dimension, F(z), to a hyperbolic tangent function of the form:


z - zGDS 1 1 F(z) ) (Fl + Fv) - (Fl - Fv)tanh 2 2 δ



Here Fl and Fv correspond to the density of liquid and gaseous methanol, respectively, zGDS is the Gibbs dividing surface (i.e., the z value at 0.5Fl if Fv is negligible), and δ is an interface thickness parameter. The parameters that yielded the best fit to the simulated density profiles are shown in Table 1, and Fvis taken to be zero (e.g., less than 10-7g/cm3). Plots of the data and fits to the raw density profiles are shown in Figure 2. From Table 1, the TraPPE-UA potential gives a bulk density of 0.774 g/cm3 that is in extremely good agreement with the experimental density of 0.780 g/cm3. For the BLYP and PBE liquid slabs, we found the fitted bulk density to be 0.670 and 0.689 g/cm3, respectively, which underestimate the experimental value by around 14% and 12%. Comparison between BLYP and PBE reveals that PBE yields a higher bulk density when compared to BLYP as quantified in the fitted value for Fl in Table 1. A higher density for the PBE functional was also found in our recent studies of water, and we conjecture that PBE may yield densities that are higher than BLYP for most hydrogen bonded liquids.14 Though the interfacial thickness parameter (δ) is computed for all three interfaces, the value we obtain for BLYP and PBE are plagued with a large error due to a lack of spatial sampling resulting from the relatively short simulation time. It is evident that the raw density profile in Figure 2 is

Figure 2. Density profiles for a liquid slab of methanol using different interaction potentials. All interfaces are shifted so that the GDS is located at 0.0 Å. The solid and dashed lines show the raw data and their tanh fit, respectively. TraPPE-UA, BLYP, and PBE results are shown in black, red, and blue, respectively.

Figure 3. Molecular dipole moments and standard deviation as a function of slab depth and the dipole moment distributions for bulk methanol (inset). All interfaces are shifted so that the GDS is located at 0.0 Å. Results for BLYP and PBE are shown in red and blue, respectively.

dominated by noise due to a lack of spatial sampling during the final 10 ps over which the analysis is performed for BLYP and PBE. Considering this large uncertainty, it is not clear whether the larger value of δ for BLYP compared to PBE and TraPPE-UA is of significance. The interfacial thickness obtained using eq 1 for a fluctuating charge model is 2.88 Å in good agreement with TraPPE-UA and PBE.25 The salient feature unambiguously clear from Figure 2, is that BLYP and PBE do not reproduce the bulk density of liquid methanol. We estimate the thickness of the methanol slab after equilibration as 2zGDS. Thus for our simulations, the thicknesses of the methanol slabs are 41.8, 40.5, and 58.3 Å for the BLYP, PBE, and TraPPEUA simulations, respectively. Dipole Moments and Molecular States. Molecular dipole moments computed for the BLYP and PBE simulations are plotted in Figure 3. The individual dipole moments for the BLYP and PBE interaction potential were computed via the Wannier centroid analysis where the seven centers of electron charge (five bonding and two nonbonding-pairs) are given a value of -2e, reflecting the nature of the spin restricted calculation.52,53 For the bulk, the distribution of molecular dipole (inset of Figure 3) is in good agreement with previous liquid methanol simulations using the BLYP functional and a plane-wave basis38,49 and a classical empirical interaction potential with out-of-plane scalar isotropic polarizability.24 In addition, we have computed the molecular dipole moment for the methanol interface and

Structure of the Methanol Liquid-Vapor Interface

J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 112, No. 39, 2008 15415 TABLE 2: Tabulated Hydrogen Bond Populations (D ) Donor; A ) Acceptor) for the Interior Region of the Slaba BLYP PBE TraPPE-UA 0A 1A 2A

Figure 4. Effective molecular energies for individual methanol molecules and standard deviation are plotted as a function of interfacial depth. All interfaces are shifted so that the GDS is located at 0.0 Å. Results for BLYP and PBE are shown in red and blue, respectively.

plotted the average dipole moment as a function of interfacial coordinate in Figure 3. For the methanol slab both BLYP and PBE yield an average dipole moment inside the GDS that fluctuates between 2.6 and 2.9 D. Overall, the average dipole for the bulk liquid utilizing PBE is slightly higher than that found for BLYP which is in accordance with a more structured RDF that was discussed previously. As the air-methanol interface is approached, the dipole moment exhibits similar behavior to studies of the air-water8,9,54 and methanol24,25 interface where we see a clear drop of the molecular dipole moment approaching that of its computed gas-phase value of 1.73 D in good agreement with experiment.55 It is interesting to compare the dipole distribution in Figure 3 with empirical potentials that include the effects of polarizability. The dipole distribution shown in Figure 3 indicates a small asymmetry at ∼2.2 D in agreement with recent fluctuating charge and DFT studies of methanol.25,38 Our average dipole moment is in better agreement with a study using scalar isotropic polarizability.24 However, the width of the dipole distribution as computed with the aforementioned scalar isotropic polarizability24 is significantly narrower than our study and recent studies using the fluctuating-charge model and DFT.25,38 An earlier model based on scalar isotropic polarizability22 obtained a value for the average total dipole moment to be similar to the fluctuating charge model.25 However, no distributions were reported in that study.22 We are reminded that DFT allows for both charge rearrangement and out-of-plane polarizability. In addition, we utilize the method developed by Vuilleumier and Sprik56 to compute the effective molecular orbitals and energies for each methanol molecule in our BLYP and PBE liquid films. Figure 4 shows the average molecular eigenvalue for the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) as a function of the interfacial coordinate. Similar to results obtained for the aqueous liquid-vapor interface, we see an increase in the HOMO for methanol molecules in the vicinity of the interfacial region relative to the bulk. In general, regions of higher HOMO energy will be more susceptible to electrophilic attack. Thus, this may indicate that the interface of methanol could give rise to novel heterogeneous chemistry. Hydrogen Bond Populations. Recent vibrational and X-ray absorption spectroscopy experiments suggests that the surface of methanol should have different hydrogen bonding topology or strength relative to the bulk.26,57-59 Using atomistic methods as employed here, it is possible for us to compare the different hydrogen bonding populations present at the interior and surface of the interfacial system. A previous detailed study of the

0D 1.5 0.7 2.0 3.9 2.3 7.1 0.1 0.0 0.3

1D 1.4 0.7 1.7 3.7 2.1 6.2 0.1 0.0 0.2

8.4 7.3 12.4 80.7 83.0 73.2 5.5 6.6 5.1

8.2 7.1 11.7 81.2 83.4 74.8 5.4 6.6 5.4

a The boundary between “interior” and “surface” is defined by an arbitrary plane in the xy dimension at z ) 2δ below the Gibbs dividing surface. For the comparison of hydrogen bond populations, a δ value of 2.61 Å was use for all three interaction potential. This conservative choice will ensure that computed hydrogen bond population at the interior of the methanol slab will have no residual effects caused by the presence of the interface which allows for direct comparison to condensed phase simulation. For each hydrogen bonding species (i.e., (0D,0A), (0D,1A), etc.), the first columns represents the hydrogen bond populations obtained using standard distance (r(OH) ) 2.27 Å) and angle (∠(OHO) ) 140°) cutoff criteria, while the second column represents hydrogen bond populations obtained using the Wernet61 criteria where (rmax ) 3.3 Å) and (r(θ) ) -0.00044θ2 + rmax).

TABLE 3: Tabulated Hydrogen Bond Populations for the Surface Region of the Slaba BLYP PBE TraPPE-UA 0A 1A 2A

0D 3.9 3.0 2.6 3.9 1.6 7.3 0.1 0.0 0.2

1D 3.9 3.0 2.3 3.9 1.4 6.4 0.0 0.0 0.2

9.1 9.2 13.2 80.8 82.7 72.5 2.2 3.5 4.2

9.0 9.1 12.5 81.0 83.0 74.2 2.2 3.5 4.5

a The criteria for “interior” versus “surface” methanol is defined in Table 2.

hydrogen bond topology of aqueous systems using a variety of hydrogen bonding criteria has shown that resulting populations although being quantitatively different show the same qualitative trend when one compares the bulk to the interface.9 With this in mind, we employ two simple hydrogen bond definitions to analyze the results of the simulations presented here, namely the commonly used hydrogen bond criteria of (r(OH) ) 2.27 Å) and angle (∠(OHO) ) 140°) based on population distribution derived from proton magnetic shielding tensor60 and a conical hydrogen bond definition based on XAS where (rmax ) 3.3 Å) and (r(θ) ) -0.00044θ2 + rmax) as proposed by Wernet et al.61 The hydrogen bond populations computed for methanol in the vicinity of the interface (“surface”) and bulk region (“interior”) of the slab are presented in Tables 2 and 3. The division between interior and surface regions is indeed arbitrary. We choose a dividing plane in the xy dimension where a z value of 2δ below the Gibbs dividing surface is considered the interior. This choice is conservative ensuring that the interior region of our methanol slab is not influenced by the presence of the interface. Moreover, this choice will allow for direct comparison to condensed phased calculations. By selecting a hydrogen bonding criteria, we were

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Figure 5. Average oxygen-oxygen distances as a function of depth. All interfaces are shifted so that the GDS is located at 0.0 Å. For analysis purposes, the trajectories were subdivided into multiple blocks to aid in determining the level of uncertainty.

able to partition each methanol molecule for a particular region into different species as characterized by its number of “donor” and “acceptor” hydrogen bonds. A fully hydrogen bonded methanol molecule will have 1 “donor” and 2 “acceptor” hydrogen bonds and designated as (1D,2A). In Tables 2 and 3, the hydrogen bond populations are tabulated for BLYP, PBE, and TraPPE-UA interaction potential. Though different hydrogen bonding criteria and different interaction potential give slightly different populations, it can be seen that the predominant population for both the interior and surface region is the (1A,1D) as would be expected. This is in contrast to the hydrogen bond population for surface methanol which shows distinct hydrogen bonding populations relative to the interior.8,9 With regard to the other H-bonding species, we find that the populations of species with one or two H-bonds, that is (1A,0D), (0A,1D), (1A,1D), and (2A,0D), are nearly indistinguishable for the surface and interior regions of the slab. However, the population of the species with three H-bonds, (2A,1D), decreases by a factor of about 2 from interior to surface regions for the two GGA functionals (and by about 20% for the TraPPE-UA potential). Similarly, the population of species without H-bonds, (0A,0D) increases by a factor of about 3 from interior to surface regions for the GGA functionals (and by about 30% for the TraPPE-UA potential). Thus, the overall number of H-bonds per methanol molecule is somewhat higher in the interior region than in the surface region for all three methanol models. Interestingly, the H-bond asymmetry for alcohols (one donor but two acceptor sites) is one of the reasons for the large surface segregation in water-alcohol mixtures and the strong preference for alcohols to populate the outside of convex surfaces.62 Surface Relaxation. A very interesting phenomena measured by the EXAFS experiment is the surface relaxation in the vicinity of the interface that is manifested as a 4.6% contraction in the oxygen-oxygen distance in the surface region of the interfacial system.26 Surface relaxation is a well-known phenomena in solids where the large surface energy due to unsatisfied bonds is compensated for by a reduction in interlayer spacing as one approaches the solid-vacuum interface. However, quantifying surface relaxation in the case of a liquid is not as straightforward as in a solid, and thus one must rely on multiple analyses. In order to quantify the nature of the surface relaxation for the methanol liquid-vapor interface, we have computed the average oxygen-oxygen distance for all simulations performed in this study. The average oxygen-oxygen distance is shown in Figure 5 and was computed only for neighbors within the

Kuo et al.

Figure 6. Orientational populations of methanol near the interface for TraPPE-UA (left), BLYP (middle), and PBE (right). The angle θ is defined as the angle between the C-O vector and the surface normal z. Dark blue depicts absence of molecules, while red corresponds to an area with the highest population. All the interfaces are shifted so that the GDS is at 0.0 Å on the z axis. The same scale is used for all three interaction potentials.

first solvation shell as defined by the first minimum of the radial distribution function gOO(r), namely 3.5 Å. For comparison, it was determined that the average oxygen-oxygen distances for bulk methanol at 300 K are 2.825, 2.765, and 2.814 Å for the BLYP, PBE, and TraPPE-UA interaction potentials, respectively. For analysis purposes, the trajectories were subdivided into multiple blocks to aid in determining the level of uncertainty. In previous studies of aqueous liquid-vapor interface, different empirical force fields were tested and the average oxygen-oxygen distance was computed in order to quantify surface relaxation.9,63 It was found that when using interaction potentials with no polarization or only containing in-plane polarization, a small surface contraction in the vicinity of the interface is found.9,63 This finding is contrary to both experiment26 and simulations using DFT or empirical interaction potentials containing out-of-plane isotropic polarizability where a small surface expansion is observed.24,63 In Figure 5, we can see that the TraPPE-UA potential does not produce any surface expansion or contraction for methanol, i.e., different from the contraction found in simulations with empirical fixed charge interaction potentials for methanol. One should note that the average oxygen-oxygen distance as a function of the interfacial coordinate for both BLYP and PBE shows significant statistical fluctuations in the interior of the slab that are of similar magnitude as any observed shift for the oxygen-oxygen distance in the vicinity of the interface. Thus, it is difficult to judge whether the slight increase seen for the PBE functional near the interface is statistically significant. However, we can say with a high degree of certainty that neither the fixed-charge force field nor the GGA functionals yield a 4.6% decrease (0.13 Å) in the oxygen-oxygen distance at methanol’s liquid-vapor interface contrary to the large surface contraction observed in the EXAFS experiments. Surface Orientation. The invariance of the oxygen-oxygen distance as a function of interfacial depth is surprising because methanol tends to orient itself in a very systematic way in the vicinity of interface. As can be seen in Figure 6, using the carbon-oxygen bond as a molecular vector, we have computed the angular distribution of methanol relative to the surface normal as a function of interfacial depth for the TraPPE-UA, BLYP, and PBE interaction potentials. In the case where the methanol is oriented perpendicular to the surface normal, the cos(θ) values are 1 and -1 for the polar hydroxyl group pointing toward the bulk region or into vacuum respectively. Although the distributions for BLYP and PBE are not as smooth as those obtained using TraPPE-UA, all three models point to a highly structured interfacial region where methanol molecules at the interface are highly correlated. From Figure 6, it can be seen

Structure of the Methanol Liquid-Vapor Interface

Figure 7. Ratio of the carbon and oxygen number densities is plotted as a function of interfacial depth. The black triangles, red circles, and blue diamonds represent the TraPPE-UA, BLYP, and PBE results, respectively. The inset is an enlargement of the TraPPE-UA results with axis labels identical to the main figure. Again, the zero along the x axis represents the GDS.

that methanol at the interface tends to have its polar hydroxyl group pointing toward the bulk region while the methyl group are oriented to point toward the vapor region. This orientation leads to a highly structured interfacial region that may lead to a surface layer with increased oxygen density compared to an isotropic liquid at the same specific density, but may not require a decrease of the average oxygen-oxygen distance in accordance with the experimental interpretation.26 This orientational preference is also evident in Figure 7 where the z-dependence of the ratio of carbon number density to the oxygen number density is plotted. Although the profiles for the two GGA functionals are rather noisy, all three models show a significant enrichment in the carbon density for positive z values, i.e., outside of the GDS. For the TraPPE-UA model with its much better statistics, one also observes an oxygen enrichment (FC/FO < 1) in the region from the GDS to z ) -3 Å (see inset of Figure 7). Such an oxygen enrichment would be consistent with the EXAFS experiments.26 Using the angle between carbon-oxygen bond and the surface normal, the time scales for molecular reorientation were probed via the time correlation function based on second order Legendre polynomial analogous to the method applied to studies of aqueous interfaces.9 The slab was partitioned into interior and surface region as mentioned in previous sections but care was taken to account for molecular diffusivity across the imaginary plane that separate interior/surface region. The correlation function C2(t) was only computed if the methanol molecule does not diffuse across the imaginary plane that separates the interior/surface region of the slab. The correlation functions for surface reorientation are shown in Figure 8. Like previous studies of aqueous interfaces, rotational dynamics at the methanol interface appears to be faster than the corresponding interior region of the slab. This slowing of rotational dynamics in the interior region of the slab is due to increased number of hydrogen bonding partners in the interior (i.e., the increase in (1D,2A) population as seen in Tables 2 and 3) and hydrophobic packing thus retarding rotational motion. In addition, given that the topmost layer of methanol is anisotropically structured (see Figure 6) with hydrogen bonds acting as an anchor, methanol at the interface must spin about the C-O axis in order to account for the fast decay observed in the rotational correlation time. Our results here can be directly compared to recent DFT calculation on bulk methanol and our rotational dynamics in the interior seem to be slower than those found in this study.38 A reason for this discrepancy may be gleaned from

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Figure 8. Second order rotational correlation times for methanol at the surface (dashed lines) and interior (solid lines) of the slab. Results for BLYP and PBE are shown in red and blue, respectively.

the different thermostatting mechanisms and frequencies used in the two studies that can certainly alter the dynamics. However, in our study our aim is to show the relative difference between the dynamics at the interface and in the interior which should still be qualitatively correct. IV. Conclusions We have presented a particle-based simulation study of the methanol liquid-vapor interface. In particular, we have provided a comparison between an empirical fixed-charge potential (TraPPE-UA) with DFT based interaction potentials (BLYP and PBE) and compared our results to experiment when available for this important system. Our findings indicate that structural and electronic properties are in close agreement between the different interaction potentials. This is encouraging given the dramatic differences in the details of the interaction potential. In particular, the agreement of the surface populations of hydrogen bonded species seems to be independent of the precise nature of the interaction potential. Of notable exception are extrapolated bulk liquid densities where BLYP and PBE significantly underestimate the liquid density. We see a pronounced decrease in molecular dipole moment for BLYP and PBE near the surface, suggesting a dramatic loss of interaction energy due to charge reorganization occurred in the BLYP and PBE model. In conjunction, we have shown that the surface is highly structured with at least one oriented layer of methanol. It is this highly structured surface where methanol molecules are aligned to expose the hydrophobic methyl group to the vacuum that could account for the differences between bulk liquid methanol and its liquid-vapor interface observed in EXAFS experiments.26 Acknowledgment. Part of this work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. DOE by University of California LLNL under Contract No. W-7405-Eng-48 and financial support from the National Science Foundation (CBET-0553911, CBET0756641), EMSI (ITR-0428774), and DOE Computational Science Graduate and 3M Foundation Fellowships (M.J.M.) is gratefully acknowledged. C.J.M. is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Chemical Sciences. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated by Battelle for the US Department of Energy. We thank Rich Saykally, Jared Smith, and Chris Cappa for stimulating discussions and the LLNL Computing staff for their help. Computer resources used were provided by Livermore Computing and the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute.

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