Structure-Tunable Bidirectional Hybrid Nanowires via

Apr 2, 2009 - To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: (A.W.) [email protected]; (A.H.E.M.) [email protected]., †...
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Structure-Tunable Bidirectional Hybrid Nanowires via Multicompartment Cylinders

2009 Vol. 9, No. 5 2026-2030

Andreas Walther,*,†,§ Jiayin Yuan,† Volker Abetz,‡ and Axel H. E. Mu¨ller*,† Makromolekulare Chemie II and Bayreuther Zentrum fu¨r Kolloide and Grenzfla¨chen, UniVersita¨t Bayreuth, D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany, and Institut fu¨r Polymerforschung, GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, D-21502 Geesthacht, Germany Received January 28, 2009; Revised Manuscript Received March 18, 2009

ABSTRACT We present structure-tunable bidirectional inorganic-organic hybrid nanowires templated by soft multicompartment cylinders, possessing perfectly parallel compartments. The poly(2-vinylpyridine) compartments are used to bind nanoparticles via supramolecular coordination. The resulting hybrid nanowires are tunable in terms of the distribution of the inorganics in the corona. The two limiting cases are (a) perfectly aligned, parallel nanowires and (b) nanowires with one homogeneous corona. This approach demonstrates how advances in polymer architectures can be used to create novel hybrid materials of unprecedented complexity and very desirable architecture.

The precise organization of matter on the meso- and nanoscale is of great importance, as it provides some of the best means to obtain materials with distinct and superior properties.1-10 For soft matter, block copolymers have undergone a tremendous success story. The variety and complexity of polymeric structures and therewith the potential applications increase largely with the incorporation of functional monomers, additional blocks, or changes in topology and are thus encoded into the polymer architecture. The control of functionality allows the utilization of noncovalent bonding mechanism, such as hydrogen bonding, ionic interactions, and coordination bonds, to achieve organic-organic and inorganic-organic hybrid materials.11-13 The incorporation of inorganic materials into polymeric soft matter allows introduction of desired electric, magnetic, and optical properties.14,15 ABC block terpolymers have substantially broadened the range of accessible nanostructures, but miktoarm star polymers, that is, star polymers bearing three or more different polymeric arms, enable even more complex structures, paving the way to new classes of functional particles. In the bulk, novel cylindrical morphologies of unprecedented complexity are preferred as they can accompany the junction points at the phase boundary most easily.16-20 Cylindrical morphologies should be perfectly suited for multicomponent transport * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: (A.W.) [email protected]; (A.H.E.M.) [email protected]. † Universita¨t Bayreuth. ‡ GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht. § Present address: Molecular Materials Group, Department of Applied Physics, Technical University of Helsinki, 02105-TKK, Finland. 10.1021/nl9002975 CCC: $40.75 Published on Web 04/02/2009

 2009 American Chemical Society

or membrane structures. In solution, Lodge and co-workers described the formation of many new self-assembled multicompartment aggregates that cannot be found for linear polymers.21,22 This demonstrates that an increase in architectural complexity leads to novel structures. Although these nanostructures are very fascinating, they are limited when thinking about applications. Aside some concentric coreshell-corona structures, the major part of segmented cylindrical multicompartment aggregates known for self-assembled structures are transversely structured, meaning that the compartments are mostly perpendicular to the main axis or only composed of small subdivisions.1,9,21,22 Herein, we show that crosslinking of the bulk structure of a miktoarm star terpolymer leads to novel polymeric multicompartment cylinders (MCCs) with a very desirable distribution of the compartments parallel to the cylinder main axis. So far, the crosslinking of block terpolymer morphologies has, at its best, led to core-shell particles23 or socalled Janus particles having a noncentrosymmetric corona. The experimental discovery of the latter class of particles has promoted the exploration of a variety of highly distinct applications in all fields of science, ranging from biomedicine to physics.24 The side-selective decoration of the compartments of the MCCs with inorganic nanoparticles renders hybrid nanowires, which possess the unique feature of having two longitudinally aligned compartments hybridized with inorganics via noncovalent interactions. Those structures principally allow the conductance of two signals within the same molecular device and may thus be ideally suited for nano-

Scheme 1. Preparation of MCCs via Crosslinking the Polybutadiene Phase (Black) of a Bulk Structure of a SBV Miktoarm Stara

a The center shows a TEM micrograph and the schematic representation of the hexagonal bulk structure stained with OsO4 and I2. Therein polybutadiene, poly(2-vinylpyridine), and polystyrene appear black, gray, and white, respectively.

electronics or as artificial nerves. Furthermore, the extent of compartmentalization can be tuned by the solvent polarity. Such a sophisticated and well-defined organization of hybrid nanowires is unmatched and thus of great importance for further developments in nanotechnology. The concept demonstrates that an increase in the complexity of polymeric architectures can promote significant advances for hybrid materials with novel nanoscopic structures. Our strategy is based on crosslinking the polybutadiene microdomain of a miktoarm star in bulk (Scheme 1). The SBV miktoarm star bears three different arms of polystyrene (PS), polybutadiene (PB) and poly(2-vinylpyridine) (P2VP), all connected in one branching point.16 The polymer used is

S34B11V55288, where subscripts and superscripts denote the weight fractions and the molecular weight in kg/mol, respectively. The asymmetric, ribbonlike PB domains (black) are surrounded by two symmetric and opposing PS (red) and two P2VP (green) domains, respectively. Free-radical crosslinking of the PB domains, using a cocast UV photoinitiator, preserves the micro-orientation of the bulk domains. Subsequent dissolution using sonication allows the transfer of this distinctive morphology into solution and yields our MCCs. Most importantly, in contrast to core-shell-corona particles or Janus particles obtained by crosslinking linear block terpolymers, these MCCs cannot be obtained in similar precision by solution-based self-assembly of most complex amphiphiles.21,22 The cylinders are several micrometers in length (Figure 1), tunable by the sonication time. Upon deposition of the cylinders onto a TEM grid, an internal structure of the particles is observed using toluene or tetrahydrofuran (THF) as solvents but not for ethanol. Since ethanol and toluene are selective solvents for P2VP and PS, respectively, the cylinders undergo structural transformations within their corona. In ethanol, the P2VP chains surround the complete structure and lead to an almost homogeneous cylinder. In toluene, the P2VP chains are collapsed and strongly compartmentalized into the two sides. In both selective solvents, a sufficient stabilization of the cylinders against aggregation occurs, confirming the presence of P2VP and PS in the corona. In THF, a common solvent for both corona blocks,

Figure 1. TEM micrographs of MCCs in THF (a,b), ethanol (d), and toluene (e). Image (c) shows a gray scale analysis of the area shown in image b. Schematic drawings visualize the structural changes of the corona upon exposure to selective solvents. Low and higher magnification cryo-TEM images of MCCs (1 g/L) in THF (f,g). Brushlike corona and an almost side-on view (h) of the MCCs are highlighted by arrows. Nano Lett., Vol. 9, No. 5, 2009


Figure 2. TEM micrographs of hybrid MCCs as prepared by reduction/reaction of various salts in toluene. (a) Au-loaded MCCs after UV reduction. (b) UV-vis spectrum of Au-loaded MCC in toluene. (c) Ag-loaded MCCs after reduction using sunlight. (d) Gray-scale section analysis of the area shown in (c). (e) CdS-loaded hybrid MCCs and its UV-vis spectrum (f). Cryo-TEM image (g) and tilt series (h) of Ag-loaded MCCs after UV reduction. The schematic drawing shows the sequence of recording during the tilt series (1 ) 0°, 5 ) 60°).

the cylinders are partly phase-segregated due to the geometrical constraints imposed during the crosslinking in the bulk. We now turn to the internal structure visible for THF and toluene. According to the bulk morphology, the PB phase forms a ribbonlike domain with an aspect ratio of 3-4 that is preserved during the crosslinking. Therefore, the cylinders, possessing an asymmetric cross-section, deposit with the broader side onto the grid. The P2VP cylinders are located at the two sides and PS is mainly above and below. Since contrast in TEM evolves from mass thickness, the darker parts at the side can be explained by the slightly larger mass density of the P2VP in contrast to the other components. The inner light gray cylinder has a diameter of ca. 35-40 nm, corresponding to the longer side of the PB ribbon in the bulk. The overall structure has a diameter of ca. 110 nm and is thus in a very reasonable region when bearing the dimensions of the microphase structure in mind. Cryogenic TEM in THF provided further information on the structure of the cylinders in solution. Unimolecularly dissolved cylinders with moderate bending can clearly be identified. Only the core of the cylinders is visible. At higher magnification, a core-corona structure can be visualized. A slight gray shadow (highlighted by arrows) is visible surrounding the darker center of the structure. Since cryoTEM images the structures embedded within a very thin vitrified film (