Student experiment with filter paper electrophoresis - Journal of

Abstract. The effect of electrical charge in determining some of the properties of amino acids and proteins can be simply and convincingly demonstrate...
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James E. ~ a r v i n ' Deportment of Biochemistry Northwestern University Medical School Chicago, lllinois

Student Experiment with Filter Paper Electrophoresis

The effect of electrical charge in determining some of the properties of amino acids and proteins can be simply and convincingly demonstrated to the student by means of filter paper electrophoresis. The construction and application of a simple filt,er paper electrophoresis apparatus is described below. A systematic diagram of the inexpensive dirert current source is shown in Figure 1. Its appearance as connected to the electrophoresis assembly is shown in Figure 2. The components were as follows :% 1 miniature t . w.e selenium rectifier, such as Sarkes Tareian, Model 50. 1 Neon Glow Lamp, Zwatt, Edison base, such as G.E. PiE-34. 1 A.G.C., rapid action fuse, such as the Buss (250-v maximum) fuse; fuse holder, connecting wire, power cord,