Students' Kelvin Bridge - ACS Publications

General Education Board, New. York City, 1928. ... partments. M. W. G.. Abstracts of Scientific and Technical ... Charles W. Odell, Asst. Director; M...
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VOL. 5, No. 12


Trees as Oil Producers; (6) Alcohol via the Wood Route; (7) Our Oldest Industry. Numerous excellent illustrations accompany these articles. The material is recommended t o both students and teachers. M. W. G. Teachers' Salaries in Certain Endowed and State Supported Colleges and Universities in the United States, with Special Reference to Colleges of Arts, Literature and Science, 1926-1927. T n ~ v o nAXNETT. Occasional Papers, No. 8. General Education Board, New York City, 1928. 83 pp. 22.5 X 15 cm. The Table of Contents is as follows: I. Previous Study of Teachers' Salaries; 11. Procedure in Present Study; 111. Comparative Salaries of Teachers; IV. Additional Earnings of Teachers; V. Provision for Increased Cost; VI. Conclusions; VII. Appendix. The appendix, pages 33-83, includes (1) copies of questionnaires used in collection of data; (2) colleges of arts, literature, and science, and corresponding colleges and departments of universitie~detailed tables, and (3) professional schools or departments. M. W. G. Abstracts of Scientific and Technical Publications from the Massachusetts Institute of Technolow. Numbers 1 and 2. The ~ e c h n o l & Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1928. 23 X 15 cm. M. w. G. Students' Kelvin Bridge. Btrlletin No. 434. Leeds & Northrup Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 1928. 26.5 X 20 cm. 8 pp. I n designing this instrument for use in the educational laboratory, special attention has been given to the following features: (1) the instrument is rugged and comparatively inexpensive; (2) the range is wide enough to demonstrate the applications of the method; (3) the accuracy is

sufficiently high t o command the user's respect; (4) the construction is simple, and affords a dear illustrtration of the fundamental principles of the method; (5) this instrument is a simplified model of the L. & N. Self-contained Kelvin Bridge. which is widely used for laboratory and industrial purposes; (6) it is adapted t o general use in the measorement of resistance from 0.1 ohm t o 0.001 ohm when the accuracy required is of the order of 0.5 per cent. The publication will be sent upon request. M. w. G. Automatic Control of Acid Baths. Balletin No. 500. Leeds & Northrup Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 1928. 8 pp. 26.5 X 20 cm. Free on request. This apparatus is designed to maintain a uniform strength of acid in a bath used

in the mercerizing process. The publication will be sent upon request. M. W. G. Ten Years of Educational Research, 19181927. WALTERS. MONROE,Director, Bureau of Educational Research, College of Education, University of Illinois; Charles W. Odell, Asst. Director; M. E. Herriott, Associate; Max D. Englebart, Assistant; Mabel R. Hull, Assistant. Bulletin No. 42. Published by the University of Illinois, Urbana. 1928. 367 pp. 51.00. This publication contains a complete survey of educational research carried out during the past ten years. The table of contents is indicative of the material contained. Part I: Educational Research before 1918-the Pioneer Period; A General Survey of the Period 1918-27; Research in Educational Measurements; Curriculum Research. Appendix A . Tabular Summary of Activities of the Bureau of Educational Research a t the University of Illinois 1918-27. Appendix B. List of Printed Publica-