Studies on 4-Hydroxycoumarins. IX. The Condensation of Chloral with

(XVI) boiling at 56-58' at 25 mm.; #D 1.4080; d%. 0.8162. Sherrill reported the values n% 1.40917 and d 9. 0.8183. The semicarbazone melted at 102.!5-...
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Oct., 1950


Oxidation of XIV.-XIV (6.8 g.) was oxidized by the procedure of Sherrilltato yield 3.8 g. (57%) of 3-heptanone (XVI) boiling at 56-58’ at 25 mm.; #D 1.4080; d% 0.8162. Sherrill reported the values n% 1.40917 and d 9 0.8183. The semicarbazone melted at 102.!5-103.1°, in agreement with the reported value 103 o.28 Oxidation of XV.-XV (11.6 g.) was oxidized by the procedure of Powell, Huntress, and Hershbergzs to yield 7.5 g. (58%) of 2ethylpentanoic acid, XVII. The anilide melted at 93.4-93.8’ in agreement with the reported value 94”.”

Acknowledgments.-The authors wish to thank the American Chemical Society for its financial support. We are also indebted to the Dow Chemical Company for the propylene oxide and styrene oxide used in this study. (28) Michael, Tms JOURNAL, 41, 411 (1919). (29) Powell, Huntress and Hershberg, “Organic Syntheses,” Coll. 1’01. I. p. 168. :JO) Reichstein and Trivelli, H d v . Chim.A d a , 16, 254 (1932).





1. Base-catalyzed attack of acetoacetic ester on both propylene oxide and styrene oxide has been found to occur exclusively a t the primary carbon yielding as products a-aceto-y-valerolactone and a-aceto-?-phenyl- y-butyrolactone, respectively. In the case of 3,4-epoxy-l-butene, however, the attack occurred a t both the primary and secondary carbons to yield a-aceto-y-vinyl7-butyrolactone and a-aceto-b-vinyl-y-butyrolactone in approximately equal quantities. Necessary degradations for complete proof of structure of all of the products were accomplished. 2. The observed direction of ring opening in the S N attack ~ of the carbanion of acetoacetic ester on propylene oxide, styrene oxide and 3,4epoxy-1-butene is interpreted from a consideration of both electronic and steric factors. LAWRENCE, KANSAS



Studies on 4-Hydroxycoumarins. IX. The Condensation of Chloral with 4-Hydroxycoumarin and the Mechanism of Aldehyde Condensations with 4-Hydroxycoumarinl B Y MIYOSHI IKAWA~ $ND

Griissner3 condensed chloral hydrate with 4hydroxycoumarin and obtained an alkali-soluble product to which he assigned structure I. On the basis of the work here reported on this condensation product, structure 11, 3-(a-hydroxy~,~,/3-trichloroethyl)-4-hydroxycoumarin, is proposed. 0

oH H




Structure I1 would not be unique for a derivative of chloral, since Pauly and Schanz4 showed that chloral condenses with a number of phenols to yield the same type of compound, i.e., an-aldol condensation takes place a t an active carbon atom without the subsequent loss of water as usually occurs following many aldol reactions. The ultraviolet absorption spectrum (Fig. 1) of the compound very closely resembles that of 3-ethyl-4-hydroxycoumarin and of coumarin. (1) Published with the approwl of the MRctor of the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station. Supported in part by the Research Committee of the Graduate School from funds supplied by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Poundation. (2) Department of Chemistry, California Institute Of Technology, Paaadena, California. (3) Gdssner, “Jubilee Volume, F. Hoffmann-La Roche and Co , I td.,” Bade, 1946, p. 238. (4j Pauly and Scbanz, B e ? , 66, 979 (1923).


That the absorption spectra of the 4-hydroxycoumarins resemble that of coumarin is also further evidence that these compounds exist mainly in the enol form. Huebner and Link6 on the basis of the Kurt Meyer enol determination had concluded that 4-hydroxycoumarin was practically 100% enolized. Titration of the chloral condensation product in 50% ethanol with sodium hydroxide, using the glass electrode, gave but a single inflection in the curve, showing that only one acidic function is present in the molecule. Only one inflection point would be expected from structure I1 whereas structure I should give two inflection points corresponding to the carboxyl group and the enolic group. The product forms a diacetate and dibenzoate as would be expected from 11. These derivatives are both insoluble in alkali. On treatment with an excess of ethereal diazomethane the condensation product forms an alkali-insoluble monomethyl derivative. In view of the fact that diazomethane readily methylates carboxyl and enolic groups but not ordinary hydroxyl groups, the formation of a monomethyl derivative favors structure TI rather than I, which would be expected to yield a dimethyl derivative with diazomethane. In the reaction of aldehydes (IV)in general with Phydroxycoumaxin (111) the final product (VII) contains two molecules of the latter to one (5) Suebner and Link, THISJOURNAL, 6’7, 99 (1845).


into the Michael reaction has been shown by its reaction with a iiuinber of qB-unsaturated ket o n e ~ . According ~ to the above mechanism the product obtained from the condensation of chloral with I-hydroxycoumarin represents the result of the first step, and thus completes the isolation of the various intermediates postulated by the




Experimental w

Condensation of Chloral with 4-Hydroxycoumarin.The condensation was carried out according to Grussner.s Prom 10 g. of 4-hydroxycoumarin and 12 g. of chloral hydrate were obtained 11.7 g. of the condensation product melting a t 216-217 O with decomposition. Griissner reports 216“. The diacetate was prepared by refluxing 1 g. of the material with 10 cc. of acetic anhydride for three hours. On pouring the reaction mixture into water the product sepa0.4 I.ited out and was recrystallized from ethanol; melting point, 179-180.5 ’. 4 n a l . Cnlccl. for C,lHs04C13(COOH3)2: C, 45.77; 4 ‘ t i , 2 8 2 ; Cl, 27.0~ Found: C, 36.09; H, 3.04; C1, 26.5. ‘ \ The dibenzoate W ~ prepared S by dissolving 1 g. of the material in 10 cc. of pyridine, adding 1.2 cc of benzoyl chloride, and allowing the mixture to stand for three hours, 22tJ 260 ‘2Xl !ill with occasional warming to keep material from coming out of solution. On adding water and acidifying with hydro111~ chloric acid an oil was obtained which partially crystallized Fig. 1 --Ultravioltt absorption spectra in purified The crystals were washed with ethanol and recrystallized petroleum ether ib 1) r‘{irige, 65-6s”) --- chloral condt.nsriL- from n-propanol; inclting point, 21;z-21B0. tion product; i3 ethyl 4-hvdro~ycourn,irin, Annl. Calcd. for C11HSOaC12(COCGHB)Z: C, 57.99; IT, 2 9 3 ; C1,20.5. Found: C, 57.98; H,3.15; C1,20.56. coumarin The monomethyl ether was prepared by distilling an exof the aldehyde.6 A mechanism has been pro- cess of ethereal diazomethane into an ether suspension of posed for this reaction6 which may be generalized the material and allowing the mixture t o stand overnight. excess diazomethane was destroyed by adding a few as: (step a) an aldol condensation between the The drops of glxial acetic acid, thc ether distilled off, and the aldehyde (IV) and 4.-hydroxycoumarin (111) to product recrvstallired from methanol; melting point, ’3

. i



yield the aldol (V); (step b) dehydration of the aldol to an ar,@-unsaturated ketone (VI); and (step c ) condensation of V I with another molecule of I11 by the Michael reaction to give the final product (ITT‘I OH 0 1


187-188 -.

Anal. Calcd. for CllH603Cl~(OCH~): C1, 32.9; OCH3, 9.6. Found: C1, 32.81; 0CIli, 9.7. Ultraviolet Absorption.-The ultraviolet absorption spc ctra were determined with a Beckman spectrophotometer, ii3ing specially pmified ligroin8 of boiling point range +I.-,


Acknowledgment.--A‘e are indebted to Dr Saul Koseman for carrving out the methylation wit 11 diaiomethane


e--1 c







When salicylaldehyde had been used, the ixitermediate product corresponding to VI m’as isolated and shown to react with a second molecule of 4hydroxycoumarin to give a final lris type of structure.6 That 4-hydroxycoumarin does enter (6) Sullivan 2288 (1943).

Hiiebiier, Stahmanu arid Link, T H x 9



i. The compound resulting from the condensation o f chloral hydrate with 4-hydroxycoumarin is shown to be 3 - ( a-hydroxy-B,P, 8-trichloroethy1)4-hydroxycoumarin. 2. The mechanism of the condensation of aldehydes in general with 4-hydroxycoumarin is discussed. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE ~NIVERSITYOF ISCO CONS IN



‘7) Ikawa, Stahmann and Link, rbid., 66, 902 (1944) ( 8 ) Weissberger, “Physical Methods of Organic Chemistry,” Yo1 IT Iritcrscienre Pul,lishor.i :TIL ‘.;em Tor!.. N Y 1946, p 767