Studies on Conjugated Polymers: Preparation, Spectroscopic, and

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Chem. Mater. 1994,6, 401-411


Studies on Conjugated Polymers: Preparation, Spectroscopic, and Charge-Transport Properties of a New Soluble Polythiophene Derivative: Poly(3’,4’-dibutyl-2,2’:5’2’’-terthiophene) Chenggang Wang,? Michael E. Benz,? Eugene LeGoff,? Jon L. Schindler,t Joyce Allbritton-Thomas,$ Carl R. Kannewurf,f and Mercouri G. Kanatzidis*P+?§ Department of Chemistry and the Center for Fundamental Materials Research, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, and Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208-31 18 Received September 20, 1993. Revised Manuscript Received January 25, 1994”

A new polythiophene derivative has been synthesized by chemical oxidative polymerization (DBTT). The new polymer, poly(DBTT), contains two of 3’,4’-dibutyl-2,2’:5’2”-terthiophene soluble fractions of differing molecular weights both of which were characterized by X-raydiffraction, IR, NMR, UV-vis-NIR, photoluminescence, and ESR spectroscopies, as well as magnetic susceptibility and charge-transport measurements. The molecular weights of both fractions were determined by gel permeation chromatography. The high molecular weight fraction (MW 9.1 X lo3) has one of the longest r-conjugation lengths known for poly(alkylthiophenes) and high conductivity. The low molecular weight fraction (@,,- 4.3 X lo3) has a shorter conjugation length and 2 orders of magnitude lower conductivity ( S/cm) a t room temperature. Thermal gravimetric analysis studies show that the polymer is stable in nitrogen up to 380 “C. Variable-temperature charge-transport data (conductivity and thermopower) for both doped polymer fractions indicate p-type metallic behavior. These results are compared to previously characterized polythiophenes.


Introduction In the field of conjugated polymers polythiophenes occupy a prominent position because of their high electrical conductivity, thermal and chemical stability, amenability to chemical modification, reversible redox properties, and other interesting physical properties.lS2 Chemical modifications on the polythiophene backbone yield processable p~lythiophenes.~ Numerous applications have been demonstrated using these materials. Examples include rechargeable battery electrodes: field-effect transistors,5 electroluminescent devices: and nonlinear optical devices.7 Michigan State University. Northwestern University. I A. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow 1991-93 and Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher Scholar 1993-95. e Abstract published in Aduance ACS Abstracts, March 1, 1994. (1) (a) Genies, E. M.; Boyle, A.; Lapkowski, M.; Tsintavis, C. Synth. Met. 1990, 36, 139-182. (b) Kanatzidis, M. G. Chem. Eng. News 1990, Dec. 3, 36. (c) Patil, A. 0.;Heeger, A. J.; Wudl, F. Chem. Reu. 1988,88, 183-200. (2) Tourillon, G. In Skotheim, T. J., Ed. Handbook of Conducting Polymers; Marcel Dekker: New York, 1986; Vol. I. (3) Gustafsson, G.; Inganas, 0.;Salanek, W. R.; Laasko, J.;Loponen, M.; Taka, T.; asterholm, J.-E.; Stubb, H.; Hjertberg, T. In Conjugated Polymers; Bredas J. L., Silbey, E., Eds.; Kluwer Academic Publishers: Netherlands, 1991; pp 315-362. (4) (a) Kaufman, J. H.; Chung, T. C.; Heeger, A. J.; Wudl, F. J. Electrochem. Soc. 1984,131,2092-2093. (b) Biserni, M.; Marinangeli, A.; 1985,132,1597-1601. (c)Ganrnier, Mastragostino, M. J. Electrochem. SOC. F.; Tourillon, G.; Gazard, M.; Dubois, J. C. J . Electroanal. Chem. Interfacial Electrochem. 1983, 148, 299-303. (5) Tsumura, A.; Koezuka, H.; Ando, T. Synth. Met. 1988,25,11-23. (6) (a) Bradley, D. D. C. Synth. Met. 1993, 54, 401. (b) Friend, R.; Bradley, D.; Holmes, A. Phys. World 1992 Nou, 42-46. (c) Braun, D.; Gustafsson, G.; McBranch, D.; Heeger, A. J. J . Appl. Phys. 1992, 72, 564-568. (7) (a) Sinclair, M.; McBranch, D.; Moses, D.; Heeger, A. J. Synth. Met. 1989,28,D645-D653. (b) Singh, B.; Samoc, M.; Nalwa, H. S.;Prasad, P. N. J . Chem. Phys. 1990,92, 2756-2761. (c) Houlding, V. H.; Harata, A.; Yardley, J. T.; Elsenbaumer, R. L. Chem. Mater. 1990,2, 169-172.


Polythiophenes and their derivatives are prepared by either chemical or electrochemical methods. Recently, the study of polythiophenes derived from welldefined oligomers has attracted increased attention.Gl0 The main goal in these studies is to exercise regio- and stereochemical control in the polymer so that undesirable thiophene ring linkages such as a,@-and p,p- are reducbd.11 In poly(3-alkylthiophenes)8(P3AT),the added chains can result in lower electrical conductivity than the unsubstituted polymer, due to steric hindrance which disruptg*the coplanarity of the thiophene rings. Another cause of structural irregularity originates from the fact that in 3-alkylthiophene, the 2- and 5-positions are geometrically inequivalent, making possible two types of a,a-couplings. Although head-to-tail couplings are favored, 10-20% of coupling defects involve head-to-head couplings.12 Several studies on disubstituted polythiophenes (e.g., poly(4,4‘dialkyL2,2’-bithiophene)138 and poly(3,3’-dialkyl-2,2’(8) Roncali, J. Chem. Reu. 1992, 92, 711-738.

(9) (a) Guay, J.;Diaz,A.; Wu,R.;Tour, J. M.;Dao,L. H. Chem.Mater. 1992,4, 254-255. (b) Guay, J.; Kasai, P.; Diaz, A.; Wu, R.; Tour, J. M.; Dao, L. H. Chem. Mater. 1992,4,1097-1105. (c) Faid, K.; Leclerc, M. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1993, 962-963. (d) Tour, J. M.; Wu, R. Macromolecules 1992,25, 1901-1907. (10) (a) Yassar, A.; Delabouglise,D.; Hmyene, M.; Nessak, B.; Horowitz, G.; Garnier, F. Adu. Mater. 1992,4,490-494. (b) Hill, M. G.; Penneau, J.-F.; Zinger, B.; Mann, K. R.; Miller, L. L. Chem. Mater. 1992,4,11061113. (11) Souto-Maior, R.; Wudl, F. Synth. Met. 1989,28, C281-C286. (12) (a) Zagorska, M.; Krische, B. Polymer 1990,31, 1379. (b) Sato, M.-A.; Morii, H. Macromolecules 1991, 24, 1196-1200. (c) Leclerc, L.; Diaz, F. M.; Wegner, G. Makromol. Chem. 1989, 190, 3105-3116. (d) McCullough, R. D.; Lowe, R. D. J . Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1992, 70-72 .-

(13) (a) Zagorska, M.; Kulszewicz-Bajer, I.; Pron, A.; Firlej, L.; Bernier, P.; Galtier, M. Synth. Met. 1991,45, 385-393. (b) Souto Maior, R. M.; Hinkelmann, K.; Eckert, H.; Wudl, F. Macromolecules 1990, 23, 12681279.

0897-475619412806-0401$04.50/0 0 1994 American Chemical Society

402 Chem. Mater., Vol. 6, No. 4,1994 bithiophene) 13b), in which t h e head-to-head couplings are predominant, showed significantly reduced conjugation lengths compared t o t h e unsubstituted material.13 Steric effects such as intrachain sulfur-alkyl repulsions become surprisingly dominant, forcing t h e thiophene rings o u t of coplanarity a n d thus reducing ?r-conjugation. Recently, significant progress has been reported in t h e regiospecific synthesis of 100% head-to-tail polyalkylthiophenes which exhibit significantly higher condu~tivities.’~ With the goal of obtaining a soluble conjugated polythiophene, without t h e irregular couplings mentioned above, we synthesized a n d polymerized t h e novel monomer


3’,4’-dibutyl-a-terthiophene (DBTT):


DBTT has a known structure (a detailed X-ray diffraction single-crystal structure determination has been carried out in our l a b ~ r a t o r y ) . ’The ~ two butyl groups on the center ring are expected t o enhance t h e solubility of t h e corresponding polymer in common organic solvents. However, because t h e two opposite a-positions of DBTT are geometrically equivalent, t h e problem of head-to-head vs head-to-tail coupling which is commonly seen in t h e polymerization of 3-alkylthiophenes is eliminated. A preliminary account of this work has appeared.16 Polymerization of 3,4-dialkylthiophene yields a polymer which also avoids the head-to-head vs head-to-tail coupling problem, b u t steric hindrance among t h e large number of alkyl groups does not help in achieving planarity.”a We also here must mention t h a t t h e polymerization of a n isomeric terthiophene derivative 3,3-dihexylterthiophene a n d several monoalkylated analogs of DBTT have been briefly described in t h e 1 i t e r a t ~ r e . lD ~ B T T , o n t h e other hand, is expected t o produce a polymer which, because of t h e reduced number of side chains, minimizes extensive steric effects a n d thus exhibit a more coplanar backbone. I n each repeating unit, more space has been provided for t h e extension of t h e two butyl groups. I n addition, t h e lower density of t h e side n-butyl groups per thiophene ring compared to other poly(3-alkylthiophenes),in principle, could lead to a better supramolecular association of polymer chains thereby facilitating charge carrier hopping. Also, t h e relatively low oxidation potential of DBTT (0.86 V vs SCE) allows both chemical a n d electrochemicalls polymerization under mild conditions. T h i s avoids overoxidation a n d potential side reactions of t h e product. I n this paper, we present t h e synthesis, chemical a n d mo(14) (a) McCullough, R. D.; Lowe, R. D.; Jayaraman, M.; Anderson, D. L. J . Org. Chem. 1993,58,904-912. (b) McCullough, R. D.; Williams, S. P. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1993,115,11608-11609. (c) McCullough, R. D.; Tristam-Nagle, S.; Williams, S. P.; Lowe, R. D.; Jayaraman, M. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1993, 115, 4910-4911. (15) Liao, Benz, M.; LeGoff, E.; Kanatzidis, M. G. Adu. Mater. 1994, 6, 135-138. (16) Wang, C.; Benz, M. E.; LeGoff, E.; Schindler, J. L.; Kannewurf, C. R.; Kanatzidis, M. G. Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Polym. Chem. Diu.) 1993, 34, 422-423. (17) (a) Tourillon, G.; Garnier, F. J . Electroanal. Chem. 1984, 161, 51-58. (b) Gallazzi, M. C.; Castellani, L.; Zerbi, G. Synth. Met. 1991, 41-43,495-498. ( c ) Ferraris, J. P.; Newton, M. D. Polymer 1992,33,391397. (d) Anderson, M. R.; Pei, Q.; Hjertberg,T.; Inganas, 0.;Wennerstrom, 0.; h e r h o l m , J.-E. Synth. Met. 1993,55-57, 1227-1231. (18) Glenis, S.; Wang, C.; Benz, M. E.; LeGoff, E.; Schindler, J. L.; Kannewurf, C. R.; Kanatzidis, M.G., manuscript in preparation

W a n g et al. lecular weight characterization, as wellas X-ray diffraction, spectroscopic, magnetic, and charge transport properties of this new polythiophene derivative.

Experimental Section Reagents. FeC13 (anhydrous), CHC13, CHsCN, CH3N02, MeOH, and 12 were purchased from commercialsources and used as received. 2-Bromothiophene was purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co. Pd(dppQCl2 was prepared according to ref 19a (dppf = 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene). 2,5-Dibromo-3,4,-dibutylthiophene. To 18.7 g (95.4 mmol) of 3,4-dibutylthiophene19bwas added to 66 g (210 mmol) of tetramethylammonium tribromide (TMAT) in 100 mL of 1:l aceticidichloromethane. The reaction was monitored by TLC and was complete in 25 min. The mixture was diluted to 200 mL with CHZC12 and filtered to remove MerNBr. The filtrate was washed with water (3 X 50 mL) and then with saturated NaHC03 solution until all acetic acid odor was gone. It was dried with MgSOr and the solvent was removed under reduced pressure. Purification of the crude product by flash chromatography gave as a clear 31.1 g (92%) of 2,5-dibromo-3,4,-dibutylthiophene liquid. lH NMR (CDCl3) 6 2.5 (t, 4H), 1.1-1.3 (m, 8H),0.95 (t, 6H); 13C NMR (CDCl3) 6 141.4, 107.8, 31.7, 28.7, 22.6, 13.9; EIMS mlz (relative intensity) 356 (m+ 2,9.6), 354 (m+,18.9), 352 (9.1), 269 (49.6), 233 (31.8), 191 (92.8), 189 (base). 3’,4’-Dibutyl-2,2’:5’2’’-terthiophene. A dry 100-mL flask containing 2.0 g of Mg was placed in an ice bath and dry ether was added to cover. To it was added dropwise 6.1 mL of 2-bromothiophene (63 mmol) in 20 mL of ether. After addition was complete, 100 mL of dry ether was added, and the solution was refluxed for 1 h. A dry 500-mL flask containing 5.4 g of 2,5-dibromo-3,4-dibutylthiophene, 100mg of Pd(dppf)C1219s(0.4 mol % ), and 300 mL of dry ether was placed in a dry ice/acetone bath. The Grignard solution was transferred to this flask by a double-ended needle. The Grignard solution must be added with care to ensure that the vigorous stirring continues. The cold bath was removed and the mixture was stirred for 72 h at room temperature. It was then quenched and washed with water. The organic layer was dried with MgS04 and the solvent removed under reduced pressure. The product was purified by flash chromatography using hexanes as eluent; yield 4.58 g (83%) of the pale yellow green DBTT (mp = 36-36.5 “C). lH NMR (CDC13) 67.35(d,2H),7.19(d,2H),7.10(dd,2H),2.77(t,4H),1.6l(quintet, 4H), 1.50 (sextet, 4H), 1.00 (t, 6H); 13C NMR (CDC13) 6 139.7, 135.9,127.0,124.9,124.4,123.4,32.3,27.1,22.3,13.1; EI-MS m/z (relative intensity) 360 (m+,3.63),317 (6.4),303 (2.56),275 (32.4), 166 (18.8),127 (22.74). UV (acetonitrile) ,A, = 331nm (e 15 000). Preparation of Neutral Poly(3’,4’-dibutyl-2,2’:5’2‘’-terthiophene). To a stirred solution of 1.00 g (2.78 mmol) of DBTT dissolved in 40 mL of chloroform was added dropwise a mixture of 1.80 g (11.12 mmol) of anhydrous ferric chloride in 150 mL of chloroform. A deep blue-blackprecipitate appeared quickly. The resultant dark mixture was stirred at room temperature for -48 h and then poured into 1000 mL of methanol. The resulting precipitate was filtered from the reaction mixture and exhaustively extracted with methanol in a Soxhlet extractor for 24 h in order to remove the residual oxidant and oligomers. This was followed by extraction with acetone and drying in vacuo at 50 “C for 24 h. There was obtained 0.87 g (87% yield) of red powder of poly(DBTT). Elemental analyses by EDS showed that Fe and C1 impurity was less 0.5 % . Isolation of fraction I: A sample of 0.42 g of poly(DBTT) was exhaustively extracted with ten 250-mL portions of CHC13 at 23 OC until the filtrate was colorless. The yellow orange extracts were combined and concentrated in vacuo to approximately 25 mL. To this solution 250 mL of methanol was added to precipitate a red powder, fraction I. The product was subsequently washed with methanol and dried in vacuo at 60 OC for 12 h to give 0.084 g of product (20% yield). ‘HNMR (CDC13) 6 (ppm) 7.30, 7.13, 7.05, 2.73, 1.53, 1.46, 0.97; 13C NMR (CDC13) 6 (ppm) 140.50, (19) (a) Hayashi, T.; Konishi, M.; Kobori, Y.; Kumada, M.; Higuchi, T.; Hirotsu, K. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1980,106,158. (b) Tamao, K.; Kodama, S.; Nakajima, I.; Kumada, M. Tetrahedron 1982, 38, 3347-3354.

S t u d i e s on Conjugated Polymers 136.96, 136.26, 135.41, 129.98, 129.78, 127.33, 126.58, 126.07, 125.40, 123.94, 32.86, 28.00, 23.03, 13.81. Isolation of fraction ZI: The insoluble material obtained from the above procedure (ca. 0.33 g) was heated in a sealed thick-wall Pyrex tube with 300mL of CHCl3at 80 "C for 10h. Subsequently the tube was opened and the insoluble material was removed by filtration. The red CHCl3 extract was evaporated to dryness in vacuo to afford 0.24 g of a red product, fraction 11; yield 57 % . *H NMR (CDCl3) 6 (ppm) 7.20, 7.12, 7.05, 2.73, 1.53-1.46, 0.97. Preparation of Doped Poly(DBTT). ( a )Doping with iodine in nitromethane: To a stirred solution of excess iodine in 50 mL of nitromethane, 0.05 g of red powder of poly(DBTT)was added. The red powder turned black immediately. After stirring for 9 h, the black solid was collected, washed several times with nitromethane, and vacuum dried. The yield was quantitative. ( b )Doping with ferric chloride i n nitromethane: To a stirred solution of 0.1 M ferric chloride in 50 mL of nitromethane at room temperature was added 0.03 g of poly(DBTT). A black product formed immediately. After stirring for 12 h, the black solid was collected from the reaction mixture, washed several times with nitromethane and vacuum dried. Physicochemical Measurements. Elemental analyses (S, Fe, C1, I) were performed on a JEOL JSM-35C scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with a Tracor Northern energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) detector. Infrared spectra were recorded on pressed KBr pellets on a Nicolet 740 FTIR spectrometer. UV-vis-NIR absorption spectra were obtained from a Shimadzu UV-3101PC double-beam, double-monochromator spectrophotometer. X-ray powder diffraction patterns were collected at room temperature on a Rigaku powder diffractometer using Cu K a radiation generated by a rotating anode operating at 45 kV and 100mA. The data were collected at a rate of l"/min. FeOCl was used as a standard for estimating the instrumental line broadening in our Schemer calculations.20 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra (lH and 13C)were obtained using a computer controlled Varian VXR NMR (500 MHz) spectrometer. The chemical shifts are reported in parts per million ( 6 , ppm) using the residual solvent resonance peak as reference (CHC13, 6 7.24 ppm for lH and 77.00 ppm for W). Photoluminescence spectra were measured at room temperature on a Perkin-Elmer LS-5 fluorescence spectrophotometer. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were performed on Shimadzu TGA-BO and DSC-50 under nitrogen or oxygen at a 5 or 3 "Cimin heating rate. Electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements were conducted on a Bruker ER200 ESR spectrometer. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements were carried out using a Quantum Design Inc. SQUID magnetic property measurement system (MPMS). The magnetization of each sample was examined and was found to vary linearly as a function of applied field (from 500 to 5000 G). Diamagnetic corrections were made for both the container used (plastic bag) and the contributions of the atoms in the molecule using the Pascal constants.21 Molecular weight measurements of the soluble fractions of poly(DBTT) were carried out using gel permeation chromatography (GPC) using a Shimadzu LC-1OAS high-pressure liquid chromatograph (HPLC)equipped with a PL-GEL 5pm (MIXEDB) column of length 300 mm. Chromatographic grade tetrahydrofuran (THF) was used as an eluent. -Calibration was made with a series of polystyrene standards (M, in the range 3 250500 800). Charge - Transport Measurements. Dc electrical conductivity and thermopower measurements were made on pressed polymer pellets. Conductivity measurements were performed in the usual four-probe geometry with 60- and 25-pm diameter gold wires used for the current and voltage electrodes, respectively. Measurements of the sample cross-sectional area and voltage probe separation were made with a calibrated binocular microscope. Conductivity data were obtained with the computer-automated (20) West, A. R. Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications; John Wiley and Sons: Chichester, 1984;p 173. (21) Drago, R. S.InPhysical Methods in Chemistry; W. B. Saunders: Philadelphia, 1977;pp 413-414.

Chem. Mater., Vol. 6, No. 4, 1994 403 system described elsewhere.22 Thermoelectric power (TP) measurements were made by using a slow ac technique22 with 60-pm gold wires used to support and conduct heat to the sample, as well as to measure the voltage across the sample resulting from the applied temperature gradient. Samples were suspended between the quartz block heaters by 60-pm gold wires thermally grounded to the blocks with GE 7031 varnish. The magnitude of the applied temperature gradient was generally 1.0 K. Smaller temperature gradients gave essentially the same results but with somewhat lower sensitivity. In both measurements, the gold electrodes were held in place on the sample with a conductive gold paste. Mounted samples were placed under vacuum Torr) and heated to 320 K for 2-4 h to cure the gold contacts. For a variable-temperature run, data (conductivity or thermopower) were acquired during sample warming. The average temperature drift rate during an experiment was kept below 0.3 K/min. Several variable-temperature runs were carried out for each sample to ensure reproducibility and stability. At a given temperature, reproducibility was within k5%.

Results and Discussion Poly(DBTT) was synthesized by direct chemical oxidative polymerization of DBTT with ferric chloride as the oxidant in chloroform, according to eq 1. The as-made

black conductive polymer is doped with FeC14- (y = 0.4). Undoping can be accomplished by Soxhlet extraction with methanol and acetone, yielding a red product. The neutral poly(DBTT) is partly soluble in chloroform, at room temperature, giving a yellow-orangesolution from which fraction I can be obtained. The room-temperature insoluble residue of poly(DBTT) is soluble in chloroform at an elevated temperature (e.g., 80 "C) giving fraction 11. Finally, a small fraction is insoluble in all organic solvents, fraction 111. In contrast, due to the high content of n-alkyl groups, P3AT are completely soluble. These fractions must differ from one another in molecular weight. The fractionation process is shown in Scheme(1). Freestanding films can be easily cast from solution by slow solvent evaporation. The films can be doped with either iodine vapor in a closed chamber or ferric chloride in nitromethane. The expectation that the DBTT monomer would yield an ordered product was confirmed by X-ray scattering which shows that both soluble fractions are polycrystalline, when undoped. Annealing the samples at 180 "C for 15 h followed by cooling to 50 "C at 26 "Clh increased the crystallinity significantly, as shown in the powder patterns of Figure 1. The most notable feature is the intense lowangle reflection at 17.068,(in both fractions) and the very broad high-angle reflection at 4.40 A. Annealing not only increased the intensity of the first low-angle reflection but also shifted it to higher 26 angle, indicating a slight contraction of the repeating length to 16.43 and 16.74 8, for fractions I and 11,respectively. Annealing also revealed clearly the presence of the second and third order reflections at 8.15 and 5.42 8, and 8.36 and 5.51 8, for fractions I and 11,respectively. These peaks are attributed (22) (a) Lyding, J. W.; Marcy, H. 0.;Marks, T. J.; Kannewurf, C. R. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 1988,37,76-80.(b) Marcy, H.0.; Marks, T. J.; Kannewurf, C. R. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 1990,39,756-760.


Wang et al.

Chem. Mater., Vol. 6, No. 4,1994 1 I




















28 (Deg)


Figure 2. Typical GPC trace of fraction I1 of poly(DBTT) in THF solution at room temperature.


! m














28 (Deg)

Figure 1. X-ray powder diffraction profiles for annealed and unannealed samples of (A) fraction I and (B) fraction 11. Scheme 1. Fractionation of Poly(DBTT).

SoxNet extraction with MeOH and A"

Soluble Fraction I Yellow hmax.446 nm

Insoluble baction Red Dissolvein CHI33

Cast Film (hange) hmax=488 nm

Fraction I

Doped by iodine vapor

Red Solution I

brown conductive film

CastFilm (Red)


brown conductivefilm

to considerable coherent ordering of the polymer chains due to their planar configuration. These reflections arise from the packing of poly(DBTT) chains which is dominated by the length and density of the butyl side chains. It should be noted here that these X-ray diffraction patterns bear strong similarities to those of P3AT and thus are likely due to the similar overall fundamental packing of alkyl-substituted thiophenes, including poly-

(DBTT).23 The presence of rotational defects along the backbone, resulting from 180' rotations of the thiophene rings, particularly among those with no alkyl substitution, is entirely possible. However, the quality of the X-ray data is not sufficient to detect them. The broad peak at 3.8 A observed in P3AT is attributed to an interlayer spacing arising from a lamellar packing of the polymer chains. I t corresponds to the 4.4-A feature observed in the diffraction pattern of poly(DBTT). The average coherence length of the unannealed fractions I and I1 was calculated from the Scherrer formula20to be 69.5 and 41 A, while in the annealed samples it increased to 144 and 109 A, respectively. The chemical structure and properties of the polymer were further examined with vibrational, optical, NMR, and EPR spectroscopies. Photoluminescence spectroscopy was also used to explore the excited state properties of poly(DBTT). The molecular weights of the soluble fractions were determined by the GPC technique. Chromatographic Molecular Weight Studies. Molecular weights of the two soluble fractions of poly(DBTT) were determined by gel permeation chromatography in THF. Figure 2 shows a typical chromatogram representing the molecular weight distribution from fraction 11. The molecular weights were obtained from the common method of a retention time calibration curve using a series of polystyrene standards with a UV-vis detector set at 450 nm. The weight-averagemolecular weight (I&) of fraction I is -4.3 X lo3and number-average molecular weight (Mn) is -2.6 X lo3 giving a polydispersity index (PD) of 1.65. The Mncorresponds to an average of 21 ringslchain. This is in good agreement with the value obtained for this fraction by end-group analysis using NMR spectroscopy (see below). For fraction 11, &fwis -9.1 X 103 and hfnis -5.7 X lo3 with PD of 1.60. The f i n corresponds to 48 ringslchain. The rather small value of polydispersity indicates narrow molecular weight distribution in both soluble fractions of the poly(DBTT). We note that the measured molecular weights are an order of magnitude lower than those reported for poly(3-hexylthiophene) (23) (a) Prosa, T. J.; Winokur, M. J.; Moulton, J.; Smith, P.;Heeger, A. J. Macromolecules 1992,25,4364-4372. (b) Winokur, M. J.; Spiegel, D.; Kim, Y.; Hotta, S.;Heeger, A. J. Synth. Met. 1989,28, C4194426. ( c ) Chen, S.-A.; Ni, J.-M. Macromolecules 1992, 25, 6081-6089. (d) Mardelen,J.; Samuelsen, E. J.;Gautun, 0.R.; Carlsen,P. H. Synth. Met. 1992, 48, 363-380.

Chem. Mater., Vol. 6, No. 4, 1994 405

Studies on Conjugated Polymers

Table 1. Comparison of Infrared Band Positions (cm-’) and Their Assignments for Poly(DBTT) and Various Poly(3-alkylthiophenes) arom



C r H str

aliph C-H str

ring str

methyl def

C-H out-of-plane

poly(DBTT) PTha P3BTa P3HTo

3062 3063 3055 3055


1492,1456 1491,1453,1441 1512,1458,1439 1512,1458,1439

1377 1377 1377 1377

788 788 829 825

2955,2928,2858 2959,2930,2858

See ref 2 4 PTH, polythiophene; PBBT, poly(3-butylthiophene); PSHT, poly(3-hexylthiophene).

V Y 00 ’t











Figure 3. FT-IR transmission spectra (KBr pellets) of (A) DBTT (B) neutral poly(DBTT).











Figure 4. FT-IR transmission spectra (KBrpellets) of t h e doped polymer: (A) neutral poly(DBTT) doped with FeClS in CH3N02 solution; (B) neutral poly(DBTT) doped with 12 in CH3N02 solution.

(PSHT) and similar polythiophenes.24 However, a superior polydispersity index is achieved in poly(DBTT). P3HT region is probably due to the existence of an inversion has Mw -1.4 X lo5 and M,, -3.2 X lo4, corresponding to center in the poly(DBTT). Similar features have been a polydispersity index of 4.4.13b The lower MW of polyreported for poly(4,4’-dialky1-2,2’-bithiophene)l*and poly(DBTT) is in agreement with what was found for poly(3,3’-dihexyl-2,2’-bithiophene),13bwhich also contain an thiophene synthesized from terthiophene. This was inversion center in their ideal structures. attributed to the increased stability of the radical cations On the basis of a previous analysis of the vibrational formed from terthiophene, which slowsthe polymerization spectra of polythiophenes and oligomers,the intensity ratio rate and leads to low molecular weight polymer~.’7b~2~ The of the symmetric stretch at 1456 cm-1 to the asymmetric GPC studies on the two soluble fractions of poly(DBTT) is indicative of the degree stretch at 1492 cm-’ (IBp/Iwp) place a lower limit on the molecular weight of the of conjugation in the polymer backbone.26 Extended completely insoluble fraction I11 which is expected to be backbone conjugation results in small ratios. Thus, it much higher than lo4. would be interesting to compare this ratio in the two soluble Infrared Spectroscopy. Figure 3 shows the infrared fractions of poly(DBTT). The IR spectra of these fractions spectra of the starting oligomer DBTT and the neutral is greater in fraction I, show clearly that I,,/I,, poly(DBTT). The principal IR absorption bands observed consistent with a smaller conjugation length, as expected. in poly(DBTT) and their assignments, together with the The IR spectra of the doped polymer are virtually corresponding results for polythiophene and P3AT, are independent of dopant and are shown in Figure 4. As in listed in Table 1. Both fractions I and I1 have very similar other polythiophenes, doping causes a profound change infrared spectra with peaks at essentially the same energies in the IR spectra due to dramatic changes in the electronic but with small differences in intensity. structure of poly(DBTT). The strong, sharp absorption band at 788 cm-1 (C-H Electronic Spectroscopy, UV-Visible-NIR. The out-of-plane vibration) is characteristic of an a,a-coupled optical absorption spectra of fractions I and 11, in alkyl-substituted polythiophene ring, suggesting a linear chloroform, are shown in Figure 5. In both fractions of polymer chain structure.2~24The single broad peak at 3062 poly(DBTT), the energy of r-a* transition occurs at lower cm-l is due to Cb-H stretching modes. The C,-H energythan that observed for P3HT (maximum absorption stretching mode, observed in the spectrum of DBTT at at 439 nm in c h l ~ r o f o r m l ~The ~ ) . corresponding solution3103 cm-l, is absent. This provides further support for cast films show absorption maxima at 488 nm for fraction the predominance of a,a- couplings in the polymer I and 522 nm for fraction I1 at room temperature, see backbone.24 It is noteworthy that in poly(DBTT) only Figure 6. The higher, , A and lower solubility of fraction two bands are observed at 1456 and 1492 cm-1, which are I1 together suggest it has a considerably longer effective assigned to the C=C symmetric and antisymmetric conjugated chain length and larger molecular weight. This stretching modes respectively. In the case of P3ATs, three conclusion is consistent with the molecular weight data bands are present in the same region (1520-1440 ~ m - l ) . ~ ~obtained by GPC. The decrease in the number of active modes in the C=C A red shift of the a-r* absorption band, in going from solution to the solid state, is characteristic of all soluble (24) (a) Hotta, S.; Rughooputh, S. D. D. V.; Heeger, A. J.; Wudl, F. polythiophenes.138 This can be attributed to conforma-

Macromolecules 1987,20, 212-215. (b) Elsenbaumer, R. L.; Jen, K. Y.; Oboodi, R. Synth. Met. 1986, 15, 169-174. (25) Roncali, J.; Gamier, F; Lemaire, M; Garreau, R. Synth. Met. 1986,15, 323-331.

(26) Furukawa, Y.; Akimoto, M.; Harad, I. Synth. Met. 1987,18,161156.

406 Chem. Mater., Vol. 6, No. 4, 1994

Wung et ul.

m U

9 2


m 300
















Figure 5. Solution UV-vis absorption spectra of two soluble fractions of poly(DBTT) in chloroform solution a t room temperature: (A) fraction I (A" = 446 nm); (B)fraction I1 (A, = 499 nm).

red shift would come from the alky substituents on the backbone. It has been proposed that, in solution, polythiophenes adopt a coillike conformation resulting in relatively small conjugationl e n g t h ~ . ' 3 ~In? the ~ solid state a rodlike structure is expected providing a more extensive delocalization. It is notable that the shifts of the absorption maximum for the two poly(DBTT) fractions are smaller (42 and 23 nm, respectively) than in the case of in solution, coupled P3HT (69 nm).13b The higher ,A, with the smaller blue shift in going from the solid to the solution phase, indicate a considerably smaller coillike contribution to the structure of poly(DBTT) and thus less extensive deviation from coplanarity of the thiophene rings. As a result, we conclude that the average conjugated chain length in poly(DBTT) is longer than that in the typical P3AT. The conjugation length in our polymer approaches that of the 10096 head-to-tail P3AT reported re~ent1y.l~ This is consistent with the fact that two-thirds of the heterocyclic rings are not alkylated and thus experience minimal steric repulsion. This justifies our initial expectations in choosing DBTT as the monomer. At first glance, it would seem that the longer x-conjugation length in poly(DBTT) compared to PSAT, suggested by the electronic spectra, are in contrast with the molecular weight studies, which suggest correspondingly shorter overall chain lengths. The reason probably lies in the considerably more planar organization of poly(DBTT) chains resulting from reduced steric repulsion as explained above. Therefore, poly(DBTT) is the first polythiophene which exhibits longer effective conjugation lengths than P3AT while possessing smaller MW (i.e., shorter polymer chain lengths). From the solid-state electronic spectra the bandgaps of the semiconducting poly(DBTT) fractions were determined by extrapolating the linear portions of (cyhu)2vs E plots to (cyhvP 0. Interestingly, these direct bandgaps are virtually the same for fractions I and I1and very similar to P3AT, suggesting that interchain a-a' solid-state interactions must contribute significantly to the bandgap. Upon doping with iodine, the solution cast films turn dark brown. The UV-vis-NIR absorption spectra of films for the neutral and doped state are compared in Figure 6. For a film of fraction I, the a-r* absorption band at 2.64 eV loses intensity upon oxidation and shifts to slightly higher energy, while two new subgap absorption bands appear at 0.66 and 1.55 eV. For fraction 11, the a-a* absorption band also weakens, while two new subgap absorptions appear at 0.49 and 1.47 eV. The two midgap absorptions which develop in both cases correspond to transitions associated with the two localized bipolaron energy levels that appear within the bandgap upon doping.lcs These results are consistent with charge storage predominantly in bipolaronslc and follow the same trends as P3AT. Further support for the conclusion that fraction I1 possesses a longer average conjugation length than fraction I derives from the lower energies associated with the midgap transitions of the former. Photoluminescence Spectroscopy. Figure 7 shows the photoluminescence spectra of the two soluble fractions of poly(DBTT) in chloroform at 23 "C using excitation wavelength of 400 nm. Photoexcitation of these polymers results in broad band luminescence (half-width 0.20 eV) with a peak maximium at 2.23 eV (557nm) for fraction I and a similar band (half-width 0.15 eV) with peak maximum at 2.00 eV (620 nm) for fraction 11. The peak
















Figure 6. UV-vis-NIR absorption spectra of neutral and doped poly(DBTT) films at room temperature: (A) fraction I; (B) fraction 11.

tional changes, which decrease the degree of conjugation in the polymer backbone in solution, as compared to the condensed ~ t a t e . ~ 7 This 1 ~ 8 decrease in conjugation results from the deviation of adjacent thiophene rings from coplanarity. Of course, a very small contribution to the (27) Rughooputh, S. D. D. V.; Hotta, S.; Heeger, A. J.; Wudl, F. J. Polym. SOC.,Polym. P h y ~Ed. . 1987, 25, 1071-1078. (28) Inganas, 0.;Salaneck, W. R.; Osterholm, J.-E.; Laakso, J. Synth. Met. 1988122, 395-406.



Studies on Conjugated Polymers






Chem. Mater., Vol. 6, No. 4,1994 407





gu A I





. , 1











Figure 7. Photoluminescence emission spectra of two soluble fractions in chloroform solutionat room temperature: (A) fraction I (A, = 557 nm); (B)fraction I1 (Amm = 620 nm).


. . .
























Figure 8. The 500-MHz 'H NMR spectra of the two-soluble fractions of poly(DBTT) at room temperature (in CDClS): (A) fraction I; (B)fraction 11. The peak integration associated with peaks f and e gives 1:1 ratio.


by end-group analysis is possible,yielding a value of 2200, very close to six DBTT units or -18 thiophene rings. This number agrees reasonably well with that estimated from the GPC studies described above. In fraction 11,the at 2.00 eV coincides with the onset of optical absorption of this fraction, indicating that it is a localized e x ~ i t a t i o n . ~ ~ peak due to the terminal a-hydrogen position is almost totally suppressed, and thus no end-group analysis could The shift of the emission peak maximum to lower energies be done. in fraction I1 parallels a similar shift of the absorption The four resonance peaks found in the aliphatic region maximum seen in the electronic absorption spectra of correspond to the hydrogen atoms on the side n-butyl Figure 5. This is consistent with a longer effective groups. For fraction 11,the resonance peaks in the aliphatic conjugation length in fraction 11. The energy and profile region are much broader and less well resolved (see Figure of the luminescence bands are insensitive to the excitation 8B), consistent with its much higher molecular weight. frequency in the range of 350-500 nm for both solubleThe 13CNMR spectrum of fraction I of poly(DBTT) is fractions of poly(DBTT). By comparison, P3HT shows shown in Figure 9. It shows major resonance lines at 32.9, a peak at -2.17 eV (571 nm) and half-width of 0.3 eV.30 28.0, and 23.0 ppm assigned to the three methylene groups In the solid state, both fractions emit light at lower of the butyl moiety, while the line at 13.8ppm is attributed energies (at 596 nm for fraction I and at 602,627, and 656 to the methylgroups of same. At least 15lines are observed nm for fraction 11). This is in good agreement with the in the aromatic region and correspond to the carbons on decrease in bandgap observed in the absorption spectra the thiophene rings. It is known that, in polythiophene, of the solids. By comparison solid films of P3HT emit at the rings can adopt asyn or anti conformation with respect 596 nm. The photoluminescent property of the soluble to the position of the S atoms. Ab initio Hartree-Fock fractions of poly(DBTT) offers an opportunity to study calculations indicate that the anti conformation is stable electroluminescence in these material^.^^ by only 1.3 kcal/mo1.33 If the conjugated chain in polyNMR Spectroscopy. The polymer fractions were (DBTT) existed in the ideal all-anti conformation, we studied by solution 500-MHz lH NMR and 75.4-MHz 13C would expect from symmetry arguments a total of six NMR spectroscopy. The spectra of fractions I and I1with resonance lines for the ring carbons. The extra peaks in their assignments are shown in Figure 8. Fraction I shows the spectrum could arise either from symmetry breaking three major peaks in the aromatic region. The weak and adoption, in some segments, of the syn conformation, resonance at 7.30 ppm is attributed to the hydrogen atoms via ring flips, or from the observation of signals from on the a-position of the terminal thiophene rings. The terminal thiophenes, or even from occasional a,@couplings. other two resonances are due to the @-hydrogenatoms. Unequivocal assignment of each peak is not available at This assignment is based on the corresponding NMR this stage, but it is likely that several backbone conformaspectra of the DBTT monomer and its dimer (i.e., the tions are contributing. This is supported by the fact that hexathiophene h0molog).3~From peak integration of the a mixture of syn and anti conformations of thiophene two types of resonances of the terminal a-hydrogen and rings has been observed even in the solid state in a the @-hydrogenatoms, a molecular weight determination hexathiophene derivative (Le., the dimer of DBTT) by single-crystal X-ray diffra~ti0n.l~ The most probable site (29) Bao, Z.;Chan, W.; Yu, L. Chem. Mater. 1993,5,2-3. for ring-flipping or occurrence of the syn conformation (30) (a) Rughooputh, S.D. D. V.; Nowak, M.; Hotta, S.; Heeger, A. J.; Wudl, F. Synth. Met. 1987,21,41-50.(b) Linton, J. R.; Frank, C. W.; would be where the DBTT units join. At those locations

Rughooputh S. D. D. V. Synth. Met. 1989,28,C393-C398. (31) Wang, C.;LeGoff, E.; Blanchard, G. J.; Kanatzidis, M. G., work in progress. (32) Benz, M. Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University, 1992.

(33) Bredas, J. L.; Street, G. B.; Themans, B.; Andre, J. M. J.Chem. Phys. 1985,83,1323-1329.

Wang et al.

408 Chem. Mater., Vol. 6, No. 4, 1994














' I ' 110


' I " 100




" "

I ' "'I""'"''r"Tn-70 60 50







Figure 9. 13C NMR spectrum of fraction I of poly(DBTT)at room temperature (in CDClS).

Chart 1


100 200

300 400 500 600 7 0 0 600


the absence of butyl groups provides the lowest rotation barrier in the polymer. Although the electronic absorption spectra discussed above do not support this possibility, the presence of a,p couplings may not be entirely ruled out. Chart 1depicts several possibilities of coexisting syn and anti conformations. A satisfactory 13CNMR spectrum of fraction I1 could not be obtained due to low solubility. Thermal Analysis. The thermal stability of the polymer in its various forms was examined by thermo-

DSC curves of neutral poly(DBTT) show a broad, weak, endothermic peak at 236 "C, upon heating and a narrow intense exothermic peak at 207 "C upon cooling;see Figure 11. However, the polymer shows signs of no melting up to 250 "C as judged by direct visual observation, suggesting, instead, the presence of an order-disorder transition in the solid ~ t a t e . ~This 3 is supported by the increased crystallinity exhibited in the annealed samples. The changes occurring in the polymer during the heating cycles are repeatable. (34) Gustafsson, G.; Inganas, 0.; Nilsson, J. 0. Synth. Met. 1989,28, c435-c444.







6040: 20-


Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy. Electron spin resonance values for the neutral form and doped form (with different doping levels of 13-) of poly(DBTT) are listed in Table 2. Figure 12A shows the ESR spectrum of the neutral poly(DBTT), which reveals a single, largely symmetric, line centered at nearly the free-electrong value of 2.0033 with a line width AHpp= 8 G. The number of spins determined, using a diphenylpicrylhydrazide (DPPH) standard, is 3.9 X lozospins/mol/rings, corresponding to approximately 1 spin/1544 rings. Spin quantitation performed on both fractions show a number similar to the bulk. The number of spins is about 1order of magnitude

Studies on Conjugated Polymers

Chem. Mater., Vol.6, No.4,1994 409 0

207 "C



-2 h

6 5





Endo 0 00

100 00

200 00

Figure 11. DSC thermogram of neutral bulk poly(DBTT) (under nitrogen).





300 00

Temperature ("C)



Figure 12. ESR spectra of (A) neutral bulk poly(DBTT) and (B)polymer doped with iodine (33% mol) at room temperature.

smaller than that reported for P3HT (2.4 X loz1spins/ mol24)and suggests a high level of purity for poly(DBTT) and fewer spin-carrying defects. This is consistent with our initial expectation that a well-designed oligomer, such as DBTT, could result in a high-quality conjugated polymer. Figure 12B shows the ESR spectrum of iodine doped bulk poly(DBTT) (33% mol of 13-1. A broader, single, asymmetric line with g = 2.0030 and AHpp= 26 G is observed, corresponding to 3.5 X loz1spins/mol of rings. Assuming that no spin-carrying mobile carriers exist at this doping level, the larger number of spins in the doped polymer can be attributed to an increase in defect concentration during the doping process. Similar effects have been observed for P3AT.24 Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements. The magnetic properties of neutral and iodine-doped poly(DBTT) were investigated as a function of temperature using an applied field of 2000 G . The magnetic data are similar to






3 0

Temperature (K) Figure 13. Four-probevariable-temperatureelectrical conductivity of poly(DBTT)doped with ferric chloride: (A) fraction I; (B) fraction 11.

those of other polythiophenes. As observed in the ESR spectra, the neutral form shows residual paramagnetism associated with spin defects on the backbone. The magnetic susceptibility of poly(DBTT) follows CurieWeiss law behavior as a function of temperature. The observed susceptibility (corrected for diamagnetism) is higher than that implied by ESR spectroscopy, -9.9 X emu/mol vs -2.4 X lo4 emu/mol, respectively. The higher value is attributed to the presence of residual dopant or, more likely, to inaccuracies in the diamagnetic correction, which at these low susceptibility levels is substantial.21 In agreement with ESR spectroscopy, the magnetic susceptibility of {poly(DBTT)j(I3)0.33 is only slightly larger that the undoped sample, -3.71 X lo4 emu/mol. The small rise may be attributed to an increase in the spin defects upon doping and is consistent with the presumed spinless nature of the charge carriers. However, a contribution from Pauli paramagnetism is also expected for a metallic system (see charge transport data below). When compared to the calculated magnetic susceptibility from the spin quantitation of the ESR spectra, the bulk value obtained from susceptometry is higher, probably for similar reasons given for the neutral form. Charge-TransportProperties. Electrical Conductiuity. The electrical conductivity of bulk poly(DBTT) (doped with FeC14- and iodine) has been measured by the standard four-probe method on pressed pellets as a function of temperature. Samples from the two soluble fractions doped with ferric chloride were also studied. At room temperature, fraction I1 and bulk poly(DBTT), doped with FeCL-, have roughly the same conductivity of 1-5 S/cm, while fraction I is 2 orders of magnitude less conductive at -0.02-0.04 S/cm. The higher conductivity of fraction I1 is comparable to that of P3HT (-5-15 S/cm) chemically obtained in powder form24but significantly lower than that reported for the -100% head-to-tail P3AT.14 Upon cooling these samples, the conductivity decreases only slightly for fraction I1 (-0.02 S/cm at 10 K) while it reaches insulator values for fraction I; see Figure 13. The conductivity measurements of poly(DBTT) were carried out as a function of iodine (I3-) doping. Shown in Figure 14,the highly doped polymer (335% mol 13-1 exhibits higher conductivity, reaching 2 S/cm at 300 K, while the less doped polymer (12% mol 13-)has a conductivity of 0.05 S/cm at 300 K. The relatively small temperature


Wang et al.

410 Chem. Mater., Vol. 6, No. 4, 1994 11

A -4 " ' ~ " ' ~ " " ' ~ " " ' ~ " ' 70 110 150 190 230 270 Temperature (K)

Figure 14. Four-probevariable-temperatureelectricalconductivity of bulk poly(DBTT) doped with iodine: (A) poly-

(DBTT)(I3-);(B) P O ~ Y ( D B ~ ) ( I ~ - ) O . ~ Z .


290 320 1000/T1'4 (K-"4)







Figure 16. Four-probe variabletemperature electrical conductivity of poly(DBTT),doped with ferric chloride, in a log u vs format: (A) fraction I; (B) fraction 11.


l r













Figure 15. Four-probe variable-temperatureelectricalconductivity of poly(DBTT),doped with ferric chloride, in a log u vs T 1 / 2 format: (A) fraction I; (B) fraction 11.

dependence of fraction I1 is very similar to that observed for doped polyacetylene and typical of granular metals with weak interparticle contact r e ~ i s t a n c e .It~is ~ possible that the conductivity of poly(DBTT) is not higher than that of P3HT, despite its longer conjugation length, because any gains in mobility from improved conjugation are offset by corresponding losses in mobility derived from the increased frequency of carrier hopping caused by the significantlyshorter chain lengths in poly(DBTT). Higher conductivities could be expected if the polymer synthesis could be improved to yield higher MW material. To gain further insight into the conduction mechanism of doped fractions I and 11, we attempted to fit the experimental variable temperature data via computer analysis to the analytical expression u = uo exp[-(T,,/T))"I

where uoand Tare constants and a = 1,1/2,1/3,or l/4 based on several conduction mechanisms suggested for such s y s t e m ~ . ~ 6Figure 1 ~ ~ 15 shows that single exponential fits (35) Mott, N. F.;Davies, E. A. In Electronic Processes in NonCrystalline Materials; Clarendon: Oxford, 1979. (36) (a) Abeles, B.;Sheng, P.; Coutts, M. D.; Arie, Y. Adu. Phys. 1975, 24, 407-461. (b) Sheng, P.Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter 1980,B21, 2180-2195. (c) Sheng, P.;Abeles, B.; Arie, Y.Phys. Reu. Lett. 1973,31, 44-47.

0 50


150 200 Temperature (K)



Figure 17. Variable-temperaturethermoelectricpower data for poly(DBTT) doped with ferric chloride: (A) fraction I; (B) fraction 11.

of the electrical conductivity data, with (Y = ll2, are satisfactory for both fractions. However, for (Y = l / d , a satisfactory fit is obtained for fraction 11but not for fraction I; see Figure 16. In fact, for fraction 11, the fit is slightly The fact that (Y # 1rules out band better when a = conduction and activation type diffusion, in agreement with the behavior of other p~lythiophenes.~~ It must be noted that several conduction models can be described with (Y = l/2, such as carrier tunneling between small metallic particles in an insulating matrix,%f7one-dimensional variable range hopping (1D-VRH)between localized states37and the Coulomb gap model for certain disordered systems.39 Three-dimensional variable range hopping (3DVRH) is described by a = 114. We therefore see that at least fraction I diverges from the 3D-VRH model. However, using conductivity data alone, one cannot distinguish between the various charge-transport models in granular materials. A complementary probe to address this issue (37) Isotalo, H.; Stubb, H.; Yli-Lahti, P.; Kuivalainen, P.; h e r h o l m , J.-E.; Laasko, J. Synth. Met. 1989,28,C4614466. (38) (a) Masubuchi, S.;Kazama, S.;Mizoguchi, K.; Honda, M.; Kume, K.; Matsushita, R.; Matnuyama, T. Synth. Met. 1993,55-57,4962-4967. (b) Barta, P.;Niziol, S.; Zagorska,M.; Pron, A. Synth. Met. 1993,55-57, 4968-4972. (39) Efros, A. L.; Shklovskii, B. I. J . Phys. 1975,C8, L49. (40) The increased scatter in the data for 12% 18- doping results from the large resistance of the sample at low temperature.

Studies on Conjugated Polymers

Chem. Mater., Vol.6, No.4,1994 411

corresponding iodine doped samples are shown in Figure 18. It is clear that both samples exhibit a positive Seebeck coefficient a t 300 K which decreases linearly with falling temperature. This is characteristic of a metallike systems in which hole conductivity (p-type) is dominant, as expected from partially oxidized systems. None of the samples show temperature-independent TP, and this excludes the possibility of 1D-VRH and Coulomb gap disordered model. Therefore, it appears that only carrier tunneling between small metallic particles is consistent with the TP data. Similar behavior has been observed in other doped P3AT.38 10 80







Temperature (K) Figure 18. Variable-temperature thermoelectric power data for bulk poly(DBTT) doped with iodine: (A) poly(DBTT) (13-)0.33; (B) pol~(DBTT)(Is-)o.iz.~

is variable temperature thermoelectric power (TP) measurements. Thermoelectric Power Studies. TP measurements are typically far less susceptible to artifacts arising from the resistive domain boundaries in the material because they are essentially zero-current measurements, and temperature drops across such boundaries are much less significant than voltage drops. The 1D-VRH hopping model and the Coulomb gap disordered model predict a temperature independent TP, while the carrier tunneling between small metallic particles model predicts a small TP with a linear temperature dependence, where TP approaches zero at 0 K. Thermoelectric power measurements (Seebeck coefficient) for the two doped (with FeCld-) fractions give small positive values in the temperature range 70-300 K, as shown in Figure 17. The thermopower data of the

Conclusion We have demonstrated that a judicious choice of monomer can lead to new highly conductive polythiophene derivatives with long effective conjugation lengths, small number of spin carrying defects, and regular linear backbone. Despite the relatively short chain length, poly(DBTT) is one of the most thermally stable poly(alkylthiophenes). In solution and in the solid state it appears to possess one of the longest chain conjugation lengths among polythiophenes, a result of fewer steric repulsions exerted on its backbone. Acknowledgment. Financial support from the National Science Foundation (DMR-89-17805) and the Beckman Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. At Northwestern University this work made use of Central Facilities supported by the NSF through the Materials Research Center (DMR-91-20521). The NMR data were obtained on intrumentation that was purchased in part with funds from NIH Grant 1-SlORR04750,NSF Grant CHE-88-00770,and NSF Grant CHE-92-13241. We thank Rabin Bissessur for help with the ESR spin quantitations. We thank Professor G. J. Blanchard for fruitful discussions.