Studies on the radical species of 9-decarboxymethoxatin - American

Jul 16, 1986 - (liquid film) 3240 (br), 1265 (s), 1130 (s), 1040 (s), 910 (s), 870 (s), 815. (s), 715 (s), 700 (s) cm"1. (5)-(-)-MTPA ester derivative...
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J . Am. Chem. SOC.1987, 109, 532-537


s), 2.18 (3 H, s), 2.22 (3 H, s), 2.64 (2 H, m), 3.58 (1 H , d, J = 11.8 Hz), 3.67 (1 H, d, J = 11.8 Hz), 4.69 (2 H, s), 7.29-7.53 (5 H , m); IR (liquid film) 3240 (br), 1265 (s), 1130 (s), 1040 (s), 910 (s), 870 (s), 815 (s), 715 (s), 700 (s) cm”. (S)-(-)-MTPA ester derivative of (S)-8: ‘H NMR (CDCId 6 1.1-1.9 (4 H , 4,2.04 (3 H, s), 2.15 (3 H, 2.20 (3 H, s), 2.60 (2 H , m),3.56 (3 H, q, J = 1.1 Hz), 4.28 (1 H, d, J = 11.2 Hz), 4.41 (1 H, d, J = 11.2 Hz), 4.68 (2 H. s), 7.29-7.60 (10 H , m). (5’)-(-)-MTPA ester derivative of (&)4t2’ ‘H NMR (CDC13) 6 1.1-1.9 (4 H, m). 2.01 (3 H, s), 2.04 (3 H, s), 2.15 (3 H , s), 2.20 (3 H, s), 2.60 (2 H, m), 3.55 (3 H, q, J = 1.1 Hz), 3.56 (3 H , q, J = 1.1 Hz), 4.26 (1 H , d , J = 1 1 . 2 H z ) , 4 . 2 8 ( 1 H , d , J = 1 1 . 2 H z ) , 4 . 4 1 ( 1 H , d , J = 11.2 Hz), 4.47 (1 H, d, J = 11.2 Hz), 4.68 (2 H , s), 7.29-7.60 (10 H, m), 8 (18.7 mg, 0.0574 mmol) was oxidized by Collins reagent as described by Cohen et al.Isbto give 14.7 mg (79%) of the chroman aldehyde: [aIz3012.3 (c 0.323, CHCI,), lit. [aI2OD12.5 (c 2.8, CHC1,),17dthe

‘ H NMR spectrum of this aldehyde was identical with their reported values.’5b

Acknowledgment. This work was supported partially by Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (No. 61750821). Supplementary Material Available: Reaction of Sa-eq with Et3SiH-TiC1, and the conversion of the product 6 to (R)-2phenylpropanol; preparation of 10 and 11; ‘H N M R , IR, mass and high resolution mass spectral data of 2a-eq, 2a-ax, 2c-eq, 2c-ax, 2d, and 3a-e; ’H N M R spectral data of 3f, 3g, and the M T P A esters of 5a-f (10 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page.

Studies on the Radical Species of 9-Decarboxymethoxatin Evelyn J. Rodriguez,+Thomas C. Bruice,*+and Dale E. Edmondsonf Contribution from the Departmerit of Chemistry, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, and the Department of Biochemistry, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia 30322. Received July 16, 1986

Abstract: Spectrophotometric titrations have been employed to determine the pK, values of the acid-base species of 9decarboxymethoxatin (A = 1,H3+ + 1,,H2 + loxH- lo:-; eq 1) and its quinol 2e- reduction product (B = l r d H 4 + lIdH3+ lrdH2- + ldH3 + lrd4;eq 3) as well as the equilibrium constants for the pH-dependent hydration of 9-decarboxymethoxatin (to provide the species C = l,(OH)3 + 10x(H302)3;eq 4). The pH dependence of the concentrations of paramagnetic semiquinone species present in solutions of half-reduced methoxatin at basic pH values (D = lIadH2-+ l,,d3-) was determined by EPR measurements, and from these concentrations the pH-dependent equilibrium constants (ICpH) were calculated for disproportionation of quinone and quinol species. A plot of log KPHvs. pH was found to have a bell shape with ascending and descending legs of slope +1 and -1, respectively. The experimental points of the log KPHvs. pH profile were fitted by an equation which takes into account the pH dependence of the concentrations of all quinone, quinol, and semiquinone species ( K , = [D]’/[A + C] [B]). Fitting of the equation to the experimental points was carried out by iteration of the value of K = [1rad2-]/[1,,2-] [1,dH22-] = 3.3 and the pK, of the semiquinone (lradHZ-)hydroxyl proton as 7.52. The sharp decrease in semiquinone formation above pH 12.5 is explained by quinone hydration. Spectral evidence is presented which supports the dimerization in aqueous solution of the paramagnetic semiquinone to a diamagnetic species. Analysis of the EPR spectrum of lIad3and comparison to the EPR spectrum of the analogous methoxatin semiquinone shows that there are no major alterations in spin density in the heterocyclic trinuclear ring system on replacement of the 9-position carboxylate functionality in the naturally occurring methoxatin with a proton.


T h e compound 4,5-dihydro-4,5-dioxo-lH-pyrrolo[2,3-f]quinoline-2,4,9-tricarboxylicacid (trivial name methoxatin) was first recognized to be a cofactor in methyltrophic bacteria (1979).’


Knowledge of the chemistry of a methoxatin semiquinone species is important to an understanding of the biological role of methoxatin. In the metabolism of methyltrophs, methoxatin is proposed to undergo 2e- reduction by substrate and to pass on le- a t a time to cytochrome savia u b i q ~ i n o n e Such . ~ ~ a 2640-16 switching mechanism must involve a methoxatin radical intermediate. Step-down electron switching mechanisms have previously been associated with a number of flavoenzymes (e.g., succinic acid dehydrogenase).6 The mechanisms of 2e- oxidations of substrates by methoxatin and quinoenzymes are poorly understood, and as is the case with flavin and flavoenzyme oxidations,


For these aerobic organisms, methoxatin-containing enzymes (quinoenzymes) serve in place of the nicotinamide cofactor requiring enzymes and flavoenzymes in the oxidation of alcohols, hexoses, aldehydes, and methylamine.2 More recently, methoxatin has been found3 as a cofactor in E. coli, an aerobic organism, and to (most likely) represent the long sought-after cofactor for mammalian plasma amine oxidase! Quinoenzymes would appear, therefore, to represent a new and widely distributed class of oxidase enzymes. ‘University of California at Santa Barbara. Emory University School of Medicine. f


(1) Salisbury, S. A,; Forrest, H. S.;Cruse, W. B. T.; Kennard, 0. Narure (London) 1979, 281, 843. (2) Duine, J. A,; Frank, J., Jr. Trends Eiochem. Sci. (Pers. E d . ) 1981, 6(10), 278. (3) (a) Hommes, R.W. J.; Postma, P. W.; Neijssel, 0. M.; Tempest, D. W.; Dokter, P.; Duine, J. A,, FEMS Microbiol. Letr. 1984, 24, 329. (b) Ameyama, M.; Shinagawa, E.; Matsushita, K.; Adachi, 0. Agric. Biol. Chem. 1984,12, 3099. (c) Ameyama, M.; Nanobe, E. S.; Matsushita, K.; Takimoto, K.; Adachi, 0. Agric. Biol. Chem. 1986, 50(1), 49. (4) Lobenstein-Verbeek, C. L.; Jongejan, J. A,; Frank, J.; Duine, J. A. FEES Leu. 1984, 170, 305. (5) (a) Duine, J. A,; Frank, Jzn. J.; DeRuiter, L. G. J. J . Gen. Microbiol. 1979, 115, 523-526. (b) Beardmore-Gray, M.; Anthony, G.J . Gen. Microb i d . 1986, 132, 1257. (6) Walsh, C. Enzymatic Reaction Mechanism; W. H. Freeman: San Francisco, 1970; p 377.

0 1987 American Chemical Society

J . A m . Chem. SOC.,Vol. 109, No. 2, 1987 533

Radical Species of 9- Decarboxymethoxatin


