Summerbell and Stephens Cited by AASGP - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 5, 2010 - Two teams of chemists share the second award of honor certificate and $300 for establishing independently the biological asymmetry of gl...
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PEOPLE partment of Procter & Gamble, Miami Valley labs. J. H . Schaeffer put in charge of new chemical research department; F. H . Mattson, in charge of a nutrition section; F. L . Jackson, a section on dermatology and radiochemistry; D. G. Kolp, section leader in charge of detergents performance; and C · Schenker to lead section on wood research. Robert B. Blodgett foins staff of Okonite C o , Rirlgewood. N. J. Charles W. Bowman named to research and development division of Davison Chemical at Baltimore.

Left to right. Bobert K. Sumrnerbeîî; H. C. Black, associate director of research, Swift & Co., and member of AASGP Research Committee, and James R. Stephens

Summerbell and Stephens Cited by AASGP Robert K. Summerbell, professor of chemistry at Northwestern University, and James R. Stephens, research chemist at Stamford labs of American Cyanamicl, have been given an honor plaque and a $1000 honorarium as the First Award by the Association of American Soap and Glycerine Producers. Association gives awards annually in recognition of new and independent research contributing to knowledge and use of glycerol. Summerbell and Stephens were cited for their proof of the structure and configuration of a number of well known derivatives of glycerol and some new related chemical compounds. Two teams of chemists share the

second award of honor certificate and $300 for establishing independently the biological asymmetry of glycerol. They are Robert W. S wick and Akira Nakao of Argonne National Laboratory, and Harland G. Wood and Per Schambye of Western Reserve, and G. Popjak of National Institote of Medical Research, Mill Hill, London. Third award of honor certificate and a $200 stipend was given to Henry A . Sloviter of University of Pennsylvania school of medicine, whose new method of transfusing thawed red blood cell-glycerol mixtures directly into the veins may make practical prolonged storage and stockpiling of erythrocytes at low temperatures.


comes research assistant in laboratory of physical biochemistry, National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, Bethesda, Md.

Wallace G. Alexson joins staff of contract sales department of M. W. Kellogg Co., New York. Rohert L. Amsler appointed to product development group of Chemstrand Corp., Decatur, Ala. David Apotheles joins research and development department of Du Pont in Louisville. He recently graduated from Georgetown University. Other recent Georgetown graduates: Arnold Lod a joins biochemical research department of Toni Co., Chicago; Anthony Lanzillotti joins pharmaceutical research division, Calco Division, Bound Brook, N. J.; Farida Saad De526

Douglas S. Calder has been named vice president and general manager for Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, Ltd., Montreal, and to the board of directors. From Dominion Douglas S. Calder Tar & Chemical. Chemical Industry Leader Confers w i t h Eisenhower Charles Allen Thomas, president of Monsanto and former Chairman of the ACS Board of Directors, leaves the White House after a visit with President Eisenhower on Jan. 26

J. Avery, joint managing director of dyestuffs division of Imperial Chemical Industries, appointed chairman of the division. H. Smith succeeds him. C. B. Mavin becomes production director of the division. Bobert G. Baumann, former sales manager of silicone products at General Electric's chemical division, elected a principal associate of Cresap, McCormick and Paget, management consultants. L. W. Beck named in charge of newly created biochemical research deCHEMICAL




Stanley W. Ensminger named Etirep e a n manager of p r o d u c t i o n for Pfizer Corp», overseas affiliate of Ch%s. Pfizer & C o . Will supervise maxiuEacnuririg operations at new p l a n t s in Folkestone, E n g l a n d , in Massey, France, ai*d at other company installations in Euxope. F r a n k Adams succeeds Ensrainger as m a n a g e r of antibiotic recovery depart­ m e n t , Groton, Conn. C h a r l e s A. Fisher appointed pi ΑΛΊ t m a n a g e r at May-wood, Indianapolis multiple plant operation of Reilly Far & Chemical. H e r b e r t V. Frey, S r . , from General Aniline ôc Film, joins P r o d u c t Hesearch a n d Development Co. in Milwaukee, as senior chemist. Rudolph, f. X. Firundt has been appointed plant manages: for "Yoakens, Ν. Y., plant of U. S. Vitamin C o r p . He has been general manager of US. Standard Products.

F r a m e , Cities Service, v p ; H a r o l d G . Osborn, Continental Oil, vp; B. R . Johnstone, Cities Service, secretary and treasurer; Keith Blinn, Continental Oil, assistant secretary; and C. B. W c d u m , Cities Service, assistant secretaM7Bernard ICatlafsky becomes a m e m ­ ber of research d e p a r t m e n t off M o n santo's organic chemicals division, S t . Louis. E. F- Kohiaan 9 formerly of C a m p ­ bell's Soup Co., will spend six rnontlis in Naples, Italy, %vith Societa G e n e r a l délie Conserve AJimerttari Cirio, canning firm. Alfred E. Laurence appointed foreign technical representative of Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. Will be stationed in London.

R i c h a r d S. Loveless joins staff o f r u b b e r products division, Lovell Mfg. C:o., E r i e . Pa. From Xeff-Perkiiis C o . J o h n A . M a n t h e y added t o research staff of Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, as a member of t h e biological research d i vision. V i n c e n t McCarthy appointed sales manager of Petrothene polyethylene resins fox- U. S. Industrial Chemicals. Louis McDonald has been elected vice president a n d technical director of Kelite Products, Inc., L o s Angeles. He has been laboratory director f o r the past three years at Kelite.

E d w a r d M. Lemon appointed west coast representative of chemical sales for Barrett Division of Allied Chemical & Dye, Los Angeles. Carl Lenk joins research a n d development division of Wyandotte Chemicals Corp. to work in contract research department.

W e r n e r F. Goepfert appointed per­ sonnel manager of Irrtercherrnical C o r p / s central research laboratories in N e w York City.

Gloria Liddall joins staff of E v a n s Research and Development. From Celanese Corp.

E d w a r d P. Gorharo, cheamist-techrii» cian from Evans Research and Devel­ opment, joins sales d e p a r t m e n t of E v a n s Chemetics, Ne^v York.

H. C· Little n a m e d assistant general manager of American Cyanamid's agricultural chemicals division. Replaces Horace V. Cory, retired after &2 y e a r s of service with t h e company.

Arne R. Gudheim h a s inco>rpo>rated a n d affiliated his consulting and proc­ ess e q u i p m e n t business, the KLontro Co., with Artisan Metal Products of W a l t h a m , Mass, H . Clay Hansen appointed agricul­ tural specialist in t h e Arkansas fertilizer district for Olin Mathiesom Chemical, N o r t h Little Rock.

R o b e r t G. Lockwood joins M i n n e sota Milling & Mfg. as a research a n d development chemist in the compauy*s special products division, St. Paul. F r o m General Electric.

Chiltoei H · McDonnell completes xvork for a Ph.D. a t University of Chicago a n d is now research chemist a t Callery Chemical Co., Callery,. P a . F . L. M x N a b b appointed manager o f sales development of Hycar and r u b b e r chemicals department of B . F. Goodrich Chemical. L . \ L Miller appointed eastern r e -

Richardson Retires After 3 3 Years with P & G Albert S- Richardson ( left ) receives a gold wrist watcra, gift of his colleagues at Procter & Gamble, on the occasion of bis retirement after 3 3 years of chemical research activity with P&C. The watch was presented b y R. K. Brodie, administrative vice president. Richardson has long been active in ACS affairs and has held several national offices

F r e d L . Hartley named general m a n a g e r of research and process at Union Oil Co. of California, Los Aoigeles. Succeeds C l a o d e E . S-*wift, r e tired. P a u l S. Hess from Natiortal Lead n a m e d technical director of General Plastics Corp.,. Paterson, N. J. E . Holmes appointed technical and development director of Plant Protec­ tion, Ltd., London. Karl H u b e r , formerly assistant per­ sonnel director of C i b a Pharmaceutical Products, named personnel director. W . Alton Jones of Cities Service n a m e d chairman of t h e board of Pe­ troleum Chemicals, i n c . , recently or­ ganized b y Continental Oil and Cities Service. L, F . M c C o l l u m of Conti­ nental Oil was named president; A. P, VOLUME

3 3, N O .








PEOPLE. gioiuil sales manager for Armour chemical division, w i t h headquarters at N o r t h Bergen, N. J. W . P. Moeller n a m e d manager, market development department of plastic division, Celanese Corp., replacing \V. E . Holland, resigned. J. W. F l y n n , direetor of sales of sheet a n d molding compounds, becomes assistant manager of market development d e p a r t m e n t . William T. Marx named director of personnel administration at Celanese. Earl Noblet joins market developm e n t department, Siiicrlaii Cïieiuicals.

S. R. Ochs, assistant superintendent of foreign manufacturing operations, designated as technical director of Colgate-Palmolive International. Edward Orban transfers to development department of Monsanto's inorganic chemicals division, St. Louis. Has b e e n chief of technical information section a t Mound lab i n Miamisburg foi A E C . Edward L. Otto n a m e d purchasing agent for Monsanto's inorganic chemicals division plant b e i n g built a t



Range 3 7 5 m m u i n the violet





infrared. Band w i d t h 2 0 m m u . Direct r e a d i n g in transmission


optical density. •

P l u g - i n printed electronic




"SPECTRONIC 2 0 " , Bausch & Lcmb. A wide r a n g e , c o m p a c t , v e r s a t i l e , direct r e a d i n g instrument, w i t h high d e g r e e o f accuracy, simple to o p e r a t e , and a t r e markably low price. Effective b a n d w i d t h 2 0 mmu. Provides monochromatic light in r a n g e from 3 7 5 mmu i n fhe violet \o 9 5 0 mmu in i n f r a r e d . Wave length d i a l g r a d u a t e d a t intervals o f 5 mmu. Consisting of diffraction g r a t i n g monochromator w i t h ρ re focused light source a n d fixed slits; phototubes; electronic a m p l i f i c a ­ tion system a n d built-in transformer f o r a.c. o p e r a t i o n ; a n d meter for direct indication of transmission a n d o p t i c a l density. Three controls adjust the w a v e l e n g t h s e t t i n g , light intensity a n d z e r o , respectivelyResults a r e reproducible within 0 . 5 % .

9084-K. "Spectronic 2 0 * ' , B. & L., with blue and red-sensitive phototubes and filter* for routine colorimetric determinations. For 115 volts, 6 0 eye, a.c S30.00

9085-M. Special External V o l t e s · Stabilizing Transformer, recommended for use with above for stable operation 30.00


A liquid-cooled d o u ­ ble cell carrier for instantaneous inter­ change within the instrument of a 1 ml sample a n d blank or standard into t h e light path, g r e a t l y t o facili­ tate p r e p a r a t i o n of spectral transmission or absorption curves.





