Super solvents GAF M-Pyrol
N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone. Infinitely water miscible, chemically stable, biodegradable solvent. High Flash (204° F) Point. Low order of toxicity. Selective solvent for vinyls, urethanes, acrylics, epoxies, other hard to dissolve resins.
y-Butyrolactone. Infinitely water miscible, biodegradable solvent with high Rash Point (209° F). Reaction solvent and intermediate. FDA exempt solvent for herbicidesI pesticides, biocides. , * >* " " * · '
V\|»»ld you like to replace phenol*βΜΕ, DMAC, cyclo-V béfanone, furfural, sulfolaîie, DMS§> or an^chlori- ' plated hydrocarbon-with a hon-volatile, relatively rngn-flammable^Qlverrt'tKaywill probably have better VMlvent properties af]|f bfe less toxic and safer to use? Maybe you have srroftraction ppcess that isn't aft f j efficientes youid l l t e ^ o be? Or you want a e i j ^ f P t p solvent that doesnt use caustic? # ' Y "* · Trjr M-Pyro# or.BLO solvent. - · Their applications are endless. A]\ f Their properties are in deffiancfjjfc For example, BLO solvent has &Â exemption
* reformulate erqu Is if i able concentrates. M^Pyfol solvent haf replaced phenol for lube oil extraction (of aromatics) and is being evaluated m many other petÉ>leum extraction processes.Ί er solvents, and a few \ pothers also having both water and oil solubiNty, at \ two ^dependentTacWÉes in the U S A - a t Calvert City/Kentucky and Texas City, Texas. We can supply the quantities you want, the quality you want, at cost-effective priffes you'll find attractive. % 4 For details, write OAF Corporation, Acetylene * Chemicals Department, 140 West 51 Street, New York, New Yfrk 10020. Call toll-free 800-223-0344^ (lh Nelr York, Call 800-522-5250).
1980 GAF Corporation