Surface-Enhanced Circular Dichroism of Oriented Chiral Molecules by

Dec 15, 2016 - The interaction between oriented molecule materials, which are regarded as anisotropic chiral media, and metallic nanostructures has be...
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DOI: 10.1002/chin.201652120 Selective gem-Dichlorination of Isonitriles Mediated by (Dichloroiodo)benzene. — A selective gem-dichlorination of isonitriles is successfully achieved by using (dichloroiodo)benzene as a chlorinating reagent. The reaction gives N-arylcarbonimidic dichlorides in high yields under mild and metal-free conditions. — (ZHANG, H.; SHI, D.; REN, S.; JIN*, H.; LIU, Y.; Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 24, 4224-4229, ; State Key Lab. Breed. Base Green Chem. Synth. Technol., Zhejiang Univ. Technol., Hangzhou 310014, Peop. Rep. China; Eng.) — D. Homolka

ChemInform 2016, 47, issue 52

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