lengthwise; np = indct.; PI.* = 1.565. found crosswix (both values t0.W) (see Fig. 1). Lupeol Acetate.-In parallel polarized light (crossed nicals) many fares show practically no extinction, while a few show red and blue interference colors and parallel extinction. In convergent polarized light (crossed nicolr) a biaxial, optic axis figure is common. The optic sign is negative. Refractive indices: n, 1.30; nb = l.,%7 (both r O . 0 3 ) ; n7 = indet. Lupeol Benzoate.--In parallel polarized light (rrorrcd cicols) the extinction is parallcl; the e~ollgatiOllis negativr. Many of the rads show red. green and yellow interfcrencr colors. In COnVcrgellt polarized light (crorced nicols) biaxial interferriirr figures arc common. The optic sign is 1.565 fouud l ~ ~ g l l i positive. Rcfractiw indices: n. wisc 011 rmlr with red and blue interference colors; nb = 1X i found an fragments showing an optic axis intrrfcrencc RKWC: mr = I f 3 4 foundcrosswise. all *O.ll!lR.
summary Lupeol has been isolated from the Osage orange. Apparently it is a constituent of the latex. 2. Some crystallographic optical properties are presented for lupeol. lnpeol acetate and luped 'xwz~ate. I.
Fig. l . - - l . u ~ ~i ~Xll I I ) . Crystallographic Optical Properties Lupeol.--In parallel polarized light (rrosscd nicols). t h t extinction is parallcl; thc elongation is tiegativc. I n ronvergent polarized light (crossed nicols) an optic normnl interference finure is found on facrs showinz Ixiz1itcst
(CONTRIBUTIOK FROM Kesr Crxiruic~t.1 , r s ~ ~ a r r c ~ aI'SIVIIKSLIY ~as.
Surface Tensions, Densities and Parachors of the Aliphatic Nitroparaffins Hv G. I