Surfaces with Self-repairable Ultrahydrophobicity Based on Self

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Surfaces with Self-repairable Ultrahydrophobicity Based on Selforganizing Freely Floating Colloidal Particles Nikolay Puretskiy, Georgi Stoychev, Alla Synytska, and Leonid Ionov* Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Hohe Str. 6, D-01069 Dresden, Germany S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: We report an approach for the design of materials with self-repairable ultrahydrophobic properties. The materials are based on highly fluorinated crystalline fusible wax with incorporated colloidal particles. Due to the highly pronounced tendency of the wax to crystallize, the formation of blends with rough fractal surfaces was observed. In order to prove their self-repairing ability, we mechanically damaged them by scratching, which removed most of the particles from the surface. Melting of the damaged blend resulted in reorganization of the particles at the wax-air interface, restoring the initial structure and thus the ultrahydrophobic behavior.

switchable surfaces.16 Due to surface forces, the colloidal particles segregate at the wax surface and change its wetting properties. Since the degree of particle immersion in the wax depends on the environment (hydrophilic or hydrophobic), the roughness, as well as the hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity of composited particle−wax surface, can be switched. Here, we exploit the effect of spontaneous segregation of colloidal particles at interfaces for the design of novel materials with self-repairable ultrahydrophobic surfaces. The particles are located on the surface of highly fluorinated crystalline fusible wax. This surface is ultrahydrophobic. Once the surface is damaged, it can recover its ultrahydrophobic properties after melting of the hydrophobic wax due to the migration of colloidal particles from the bulk to the newly formed surface16 (Figure 1).

INTRODUCTION The design of coatings with ultrahydrophobic properties is a highly challenging task. In fact, ultrahydrophobic coatings allow reduction of surface contamination, wear, and corrosion. There are many approaches for fabrication of ultrahydrophobic surfaces including ones based on photolithography,1 selfassembly,2 microcontact printing,3 layer-by-layer technique,4 controlled polymerization,5 and hydrolysis,6 as well as fabrics7 and colloidal particles.8−13 Most of the ultrahydrophobic materials, however, suffer from low durabilityonce the surface is mechanically damaged it loses its ultrahydrophobic behavior. Therefore, development of materials with selfrepairable ultrahydrophobic properties is highly challenging task. Recently, an approach for the design of materials, which are able to recover their ultrahydrophobic properties after oxidative plasma treatment, was developed. The approach is based on materials containing hydrophobic low-molecularweight compound encapsulated in cavities14 or in pores.15 Once the surface is hydrophilized with plasma, it quickly recovers its ultrahydrophobic behavior due to migration of the hydrophobic component to the surface. Colloidal particles are particularly attractive for large-scale fabrication of ultrahydrophobic10 and switchable surfaces16 at low cost. In fact, colloidal particles can simultaneously provide two properties required for the design of ultrahydrophobic materials: roughness and intrinsic hydrophobicity.17,18 The successful design of ultrahydrophobic surfaces requires, however, accurate control of these two parameters. For example, it was found that ultrahydrophobicity cannot be achieved by using layers of densely packed, smooth hydrophobic particles, 19,20 and fractal structures must be used.9,10,12,21−25 Very recently, colloidal particles, which freely float on the surface of fusible waxy solids, were used for the design of © 2012 American Chemical Society

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In our approach, a mixture of perfluorinated wax (F-wax: 1iodo-1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecane) and 200 nm large 3aminopropyltriethyxy silane (APS)-modified silica particles was used. The 1-iodo-1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecane is a highly hydrophobic waxy solid with melting point around 60 °C. It is a crystalline substance that forms rough, fractal surfaces in solid state (Rq = 2−3 μm, fractal dimension D = 2.2−2.3,26 Figure 2a1,a2). Due to the specific fractal rough structure of the surface, the advancing and receding contact angles on the surface of this material are slightly higher (θFwaxADV = 127°, θFwaxREC = 95°, Figure 3a) than that on the surface of smooth perfluorinated silanes.1 Apparently, according to Wenzel and Received: April 21, 2011 Revised: February 6, 2012 Published: February 10, 2012 3679 | Langmuir 2012, 28, 3679−3682



bicity was observed for particle−wax blends with mass fraction of the particles of 5% or more. The reason for ultrahydrophobic behavior is hierarchically rough morphology formed by particles, which are segregated at the surface of wax crystallites (Figure 2b1−b3). The values of roughness and fractal dimension of F-wax with and without particles as obtained by MicroGlider are, however, the same because the resolution of the MicroGlider is ca. 1 μm, which is insufficient to image silica particles. Contrary to APS-modified SiO2 particles, native ones strongly immerse in Fwax and do not affect its hydrophobicity. Both the segregation of hydrophilic particles at the interface with air and the formation of ultrahydrophobic surfaces are unexpected. First, perfluorinated wax completely wets the surface of APS-modified silica wafers, and APS-modified particles as well as their aggregates should be completely immersed in the wax. We assume that the particles are most probably expelled from the wax during crystallization. Second, the addition of intrinsically hydrophilic silica particles leads to ultrahydrophobic properties. According to the equations of Wenzel17 and Cassie−Baxter,18 which predict equilibrium contact angle corresponding to a global minimum of energy, roughness amplifies the intrinsic properties and makes hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces even more hydrophobic and hydrophilic, respectively. Contrary to our expectations, hydrophilic, APS-modified surface of the particles became more hydrophobic. This contradictory effect can be explained by entrapment of the water droplet in energetically metastable states,27,28 which occurs on moderately hydrophobic surfaces and results in ultrahydrophobic behavior.29

Figure 1. Schematic of materials with self-repairing ultrahydrophobicity. The ultrahydrophobic surface is formed from perfluorinated wax with colloidal particles (a,b). Particles may be removed from the topmost layer by mechanical damage (c). Melting of the wax results in reorganization of the particles and their migration to the surface and restoration of the ultrahydrophobic behavior (a).

Cassie−Baxter equations, roughness increases the hydrophobicity of the material. Ultrahydrophobic behavior appears when perfluorinated wax is mixed with moderately hydrophilic APS-modified silica particles (intrinsic advancing water contact angle on flat APSmodified Si wafer is θAPSADV = 70°). After annealing in air, the surface of the wax−particle blend with typical thickness of 2−3 mm becomes ultrahydrophobic: both the advancing and the receding contact angles are very high (θFwax‑APSADV = 153°, θFwax‑APSREC = 152°). Water droplets easily roll out from the surface and demonstrate a self-cleaning effect. Ultrahydropho-

Figure 2. Morphology (CryoSEM images) of perfluorinated wax (a1,a2), perfluorinated wax−particle blends (b1−b3), scratched perfluorinated wax−particles blend (c1−c3), and annealed after scratching perfluorinated wax−particles blend (d1−d3). 3680 | Langmuir 2012, 28, 3679−3682



Figure 3. Advancing (blue) and receding (red) water contact angles on the surface of perfluorinated wax and perfluorinated wax with incorporated particles after different stages of treatment (a). Camera snapshots of advancing (b,d) and receding (c,e) water droplets on the surface of pure perfluorinated wax (b,c) and wax with particles (d,e).

The investigated wax−particle blend is considered as a model system. Further efforts should be focused on systems that have a higher potential and applicability as a self-repairing material. A possible example of such a system would be one based on polymer with encapsulated mixture of droplets of monomer and particles. Damage of the surface would lead to release of the particles, which, as we have shown, would segregate at the monomer−air interface. Curing of monomer would then complete the healing process.

We tested the self-healing properties of the ultrahydrophobic composite surfaces formed by perfluorinated wax and particles. First, we prepared ultrahydrophobic surfaces by melting the particles with perfluorinated wax. The topmost surface layer (0.1−0.2 mm) was completely removed by razor blade (Figure 2d1−d3). As a result, the surface density of colloidal particles decreased (Figure 2d3) and the values of advancing and receding contact angles lowered (Figure 3) to the values corresponding to surface of pure perfluorinated wax (θFwaxADV = 120°, θFwaxREC = 100°). Melting of the wax for 30 s at 60 °C (right above melting point) followed by cooling resulted in restoration of the ultrahydrophobic surfaces with very high values of advancing and receding contact angles (θFwax‑APSADV = 149°, θFwax‑APSREC = 148°, Figure 3). The colloidal particles segregated at the interface and the morphology of the recovered surface was similar to that before damage (Figure 2e1−e3). We demonstrated the reproducibility of the observed phenomenon even after multiple damage-heating cycles (Figure 3). In fact, the investigated wax−particle composite material is brittle. The mechanical properties can, however, be improved by using porous materials as scaffolds, with the particle−wax blend soaked in it. We impregnated 3-mm-thick porous polypropylene film with average pore size of 100 μm with the wax−particles blend. The formed film demonstrated selfrepairing ultrahydrophobic properties: the film was ultrahydrophobic and the scratched film recovered its ultrahydrophobicity after melting (the results were identical to those presented in Figure 3). The film could be easily deformed by bending or twisting without breaking. Thus, we fabricated a material that combines the rigidity of the polymer scaffold with the self-repairing properties of the wax−particle blend.


S Supporting Information *

Movies of water droplets on the self-healing surfaces before scratch (S1_Fwax-APS.avi), after scratch (S2_Fwax_APS_scratched.avi), and after melting of scratched sample (S3_Fwax_APS_annealed.avi). This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected] (L.I.). Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Authors are grateful to Alfredo Calvimontes for Microglider measurements; Michael Göbel for cryo-SEM microscopy. Manfred Stamm is acknowledged for fruitful discussions. DFG (Grant IO 68/1-1) is acknowledged for the financial support


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In conclusion, we developed a novel approach for the design of materials with self-repairing ultrahydrophobic properties. The materials are based on perfluorinated wax and colloidal particles. The particles spontaneously segregate at the interface with air and form hierarchical surfaces with self-cleaning properties. If scratched, the surface recovers its ultrahydrophobic properties after melting due to the migration of particles to the newly formed surface. We foresee large potential of such materials for the design of novel coatings. 3681 | Langmuir 2012, 28, 3679−3682



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