SWENSON chose NICKEL... Solid caustic soda produced continously

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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SWENSON Solidcausticsodaproduced continuously in Nickel equipment made by Swenson

A. recently developed Swenson evaporator produces solid caustic soda in a single pass, using 50% or 7 2 % chlorate-free feed liquor. H e a t i n g is by D o w t h e r m vapor. T h e equipment is compact and low in cost. Results already obtained suggest savings up to $2.50 per ton of N a O H . T o keep metallic pick-up at a negligible minimum, all contact surfaces in the new Swenson evaporator a r e Nickel. Its excellent resistance to the highly corrosive hot alkali and ease of fabrication have m a d e Nickel the standard metal for handling high purity caustic soda. Y o u will find it used successfully the w o r l d over in storage and transportation equipment, pumps, filters, evaporators, and processing tanks. If you are contemplating new installations, r e m e m b e r that our C o r r o s i o n Engineering Service is always ready to make recommendations o n metal selection and corrosion problems •

Although Nickel and Nickel Alloys are currently in short supply, Inco advertisements will continue to bring you information on industrial processes and developments, which we believe will be of interest. EMBLEM ^





THE I N T E R N A T I O N A L N I C K E L C O M P A N Y , I N C . 67 Wall Sfreet, New York 5, N. Y. 4528