You tell us!
What uses can be made
of a process agent as clean as... * •
Swift's Animal Protein Colloid?
U R modern process agent, Swift's refined Animal Protein Colloid has properties which m a y be employed in a wide range of m a n u f a c t u r i n g processes. I n fact, this p r o d u c t is so different from other colloids of its kind, many of its possibilities arc unexplored. A few of its known uses a r e : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
An emulsifier A flotation agen" A gel structure A settling agent A protective coating A sizing agent A carrier of pigments An impregnating agent
A base for pigments An oilproofing agent A flocculating agent A clarifying agent A filtering agent A stiffening agent A mordant An adhesive
. . . but there may be many others of equal value!
What is this modern process agent? Swift's Animal Protein Colloid is made by an exclusive Swift process. This process makes possible the production of high quality protein colloid of unusual uniformity in particle size and composition. In a spotless modern plant, protein liquor falls on a bed of dry finished product (see photograph) which adheres evenly to the droplets. By continuous schedule, under precise control every second, these droplets are dried, milled and screened. During this almost automatic operation, the product has no contact with materials which could contaminate it with foreign substances. As a result, Swift's Animal Protein Colloid is a clean, finely ground powder (light amber in color) which goes into solution rapidly.
Here a filter test indicates the relative cleanliness of this new process agent. Left: Ordinary commercial grade bone glue. Right: Swift*s Animal Protein Colloid.
Try it f o r y o u r s e l f . W e invite you to test the possibilities of Swift's A n i m a l Protein Colloid. I t m a y meet your present requirements or help you to develop new p r o d u c t s or more efficient processes. For further information a b o u t Swift's A n i m a l Protein Colloid write: • • • • • *Co timerc tally high quality
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