Synchronized Slide-Tape Supplements for First ... - ACS Publications

nized slide-tape supplements to be used by our lecturers in first sear chemistrv. These are used in coniunction. David W. Brooks. Texas A&M University...
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David W. Brooks Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843

Synchronized Slide-Tape Supplements for First-Year Chemistry

W e have developed a library of synchronized slide-tape supplements to be used by our lecturers in first sear chemistrv. These are used in coniunction with wet demonstrations, TOPS demonstrations, films, cartridge loops, etc., all of which are well described in the literature and/or commercially available. Our slide-tape supplements are rather unique. This collection has been authored entirely by scientists and teachers associated with the Texas A&M campus, and is concerned with contemporary topics and problems which reflect the scientists' activities. This article will describe the preparation and use of the slide-tape library collection. Format

The synchronized slide-tape format was chosen as that most satisfactory for scientists. Scientists are familiar with slidc talks. Even those who are not accustomed to public speaking can, after a few minutes alone in a room, relax and be a t ease in a one-way conversation with a tape recorder. Scientists frequent,ly have captured the great moments of their unique experiments on slides, and thus have readily available photographic records of events whose reproduction by other media (e.g., films, TV) mould be difficult if not impossible. Topics and Speakers

A tentative list of topics and speakers was drawn up and circulated among the first-year chemistry lecturers. This list was discussed and revised. Out of fifty scientists approached, only one declined an invitation to participate. Frequently, speakers declined to speak on a suggested topic, but proposed an alternate topic instead. When two or more scientists collaborated in producing a program, one was given a chairman-like role. Many researchers who were not involved in first-year chemistry lecturing enjoyed having an opportunity of working in the program. While it was expected that speaker response would be very good, it turned out to be overwhelming. Even after editing of programs, the library has become so extensive that no lecturer can utilize each and every program. Preparation of Programs

Visuals. One frequent problem with a scientist's slides is that they are too "crowded." Scientists are accustomed to presenting structures, ideas, and data. Therefore, we offered services for preparing slides. Photographs of line drawings and typewritten passages were prepared using macro lens and high-contrast copy film. The black and white negatives were mounted, and were occasionally color highlighted using felt tip coloring pens. When photographs of apparatus or experiments were required, a photographer was sent out to gather these under the speaker's supervision. 71 2


Journal of Chemical Education

When the speaker supplied slides of equipment, experiments, animals, etc., these were duplicated and returned. Each program contained a photograph of the speaker or speakers. Audio. Sound tracks were made in an ordinary business office. This allowed the speakers to relax. A stereo track was prepared, with one track for audio and the other for automatic slide synchronization. Special sound effects were available, but were never called for. Each sound track began with a formal introduction of the speaker, such as, "Today we are priviledged to hear from Dr. Hoover who has just helped to develop an ultrasensitive method for analysis of mercury." The program title slide would then he switched to a slide picture of the speaker. Each program was terminated with formal thanks to the audience from the speaker. Equipment and Expense Slides were mounted in a. Kodak Carousel Slide Tray ($2.25) and shown using a Kodak Model 850 Automatic Focusing Projector ($150.). Tapes ($1.79) were replayed using a Roberts 1720 Stereo Tape-Player (16152.). The sound-track was synchronized using a Kodak lMadel I1 Sound Synchronizer ($28.). Slides cost about $3./20 for color and $2./20 for black and white. The number of slides per program is a. variable. Assembly of a Program

Several meetings between the speaker and coordina, tor were required for each program. First, there was the meeting enlisting the speaker's participation. Then, there was a production meeting to outline the talk. Usually this meeting was such that the black and white visuals could be prepared from notes taken by the coordinator. Subsequently, color slides were prepared and arrangement was discussed. The slides were sequenced in a tray. Finally, the program was taped. Usually one taping session and two attempts were sufficient. Many speakers used prepared scripts. Scripted talks were, in general, better organized than were those given from outlines, but they often tended to move a t too rapid a pace and some speaker counseling was required. The coordinator prepared a one page written description of the program for the speaker's approval. During the initial effort, twenty-one programs were prepared in eight weeks. Since that time programs have been prepared a t a more leisurely pace. Level of the Talks

Almost invariably speakers needed to be counseled with regard to overestimating the background knowledge of their intended audience and underestimating the amount of time required to present a topic. Teachers experienced in undergraduate lecturing in general had a better grasp of sbudent ability than did scientists whose interests were entirely in research or whose

teaching had been exclusively at the graduate level. In retrospect, several of the talks were "pitched too high." A couple of these higher level talks found extremely satisfactory use in second- and third-year level courses. Scheduling

The slide-tape programs were first used as the basis of a %ymposium" in chemistry at the end of the firstyear course. Since that time, they have been stored as a library collection and used upon demand by lecturers. In this regard, the slide-tape series is not different from a film, or even a wet demonstration. (We maintain a collection of wet demonstrations in library form so that lecturers can easily set these up with minimal preparation time.) The lecturer alone decides which programs to use and when to use them. Convenient facilities for previewing the programs are available to the lecturers. Sequenced List of the New Collection

Programs are listed according to their specific content and required conceptual background. Thus, the program by the State Chemist would follow discussion of energy levels, since atomic absorption techniques for mercury determination are described in that talk. However, that talk can be utilized any time after the energy level concept is introduced. The talks on pesticides and on veterinary toxicology require no special background, and may beutilized a t any time. Needless to say, we are currently expanding our library. The following list discribing the collection will give you an impression of the kinds of programs which have been prepared. Veterinary Tozicology. 13 min. Robert Singer, DVM. A brief historical sketch of some problems of veterinary toxicology followed by several descriptions of modern techniques. Problems of nitrogen metabolism are described. Concepts: No special concepts required. Pesticides. 13 min. Marvin Merkle, C. S. Giam. A survey of method8 of pest control with emphasis on herbicides and herbicidal chemicals. Concepts: No special concepts required. Nuclear Chemistrv. I . Nuclear Structure. 20 min. Rand L. Watson. General ~ r m e r t i e sof nuclei with strong em~hasisnoon

Nuclear Chemistry. 11. Nuclear Stability. 11 min. Ron Macfeslane. Generd discussion of nuclear stability. Causes of radioactivity and modes of decay are described. Concepts: Electromagnetic and Strong Interaction. Nuclear Chemistry. 111. Nuclear Reactions. 9 min. Joseph Natowitz. A generd discussion of nuclear reactions including several experimental devices uied at the Texas A&M Variable Energy Cyclotron. Concepts: Electromagnetic and Strong Interaction, Radioactivity. A'uclear Magnetic Resonance. 12 min. B. L. Shapiro. Basic nmr theory (chemical shifts) and applications of nmr are desorihed. Concepts: Magnetism, intrinsic spin, covalent bonding. Electron Spin Resonance. 12 min. Helen B. Brooks, Fred Sicilio. Elementary discussion of electron spin, electron spin resonance experiments, and applications. Concepts: Magnetism, intrinsic spin, energy levels. Slate Chemist. 9 min. William Hoover. Legal function of the state chemist is presented. Type of assay work conducted is mentioned. A new extremely sensitive method for mercury based upon atomic absorption is descrihed. Concepts: Energy levels.

Organic Chemistry: Functional Groups. 15 min. Kenn Harding. An overview of kinds of functional groups, reactions of functional groups, and the role which functional groups play in organic synthesis. Coneepts: Bonding, dot structures. Polymer Chemistry. 30 min. E. T . Adam, Jr., Howard Kaye. Definition of polymers; examples of common natural and synthetic polymers, polymer structures; apparatus for determining polymer properties are discussed. Concepts: Bonding. A'ucleic Acids and Genetics. 26 min. G. Donovan, J. Nagyvary. Nucleic acid structures described with base pairing emphs, sized. Protein synthesis is described. Gene mapping and mutations are discussed. Concepts: Bonding, including hydrogen bonding. Protein Chemistry. 18 min. C. N. Pace, G. Glover, J. M. Prescott. A general discussion concerning protein primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure. Concepts: Bonding, including hydrogen bonding. X-Ray Methods. 15 min. Robert L. Towns, Herman Liehhafsky. Discussion of basic theory of X-radiation. Methods of X-ray emission andysis discussed. X-ray crystallography is discussed and equipment is demonstrated. Concepts: Solid lattices. Vibrational Spectroscopy. 18 min. J a m Lame, Robert Levenson, J. Takemoto. A brief theoretical and practical introduction to vibrational spectroscopy is provided. Concepts: Energy levels. Geochemistry; Cosmochemistry. 22 min. M a v i n W. Rowe, A. D. Suttle, Jr. Distribution of terrestrial uranium is discussed. A brief introduction to the topic of cosmochemistry, including methods devised toward studying the origin of the solar system, is presented. Concepts: Itadioactivity, first order decsy. Activation Analysis. 8 min. E. Schwerkert, L. Fite, R. Wainerdi, J . McGinley. Activation analysis techniques are described and applications to several prilcticill problem are considered. Concepts: Induced radioactivity, first-order decay. Chemist~yqf Selenium. 26 mi". Ralph A. Zingaro. Use of classical hydrolysis methods for homogeneous precipitation of phoboconducting selenide mirrors is discussed. Many aspects of selenium chemistry are mentioned. Concepts: Uiprotic acids. Coordination Chemistry. 37 mi". 5. Chaberek, M. Tsubsui, A. E. Martell. A general overview of coordination chemistry is presented with emphasis on chelate formation. Biological phenomena and industrial applicabions are stressed. Concepts: Banding, entropy. Photography. 26 min. David W. Brooks. A general introduction to the chemistry and physics of black and white photography, including a discussion of the physics of color photography. Concepts: Complex ion formation, reduction. Marine Chemistry. 18 min. William Sackett. Marine chemistry stressing factors determining composition of sea water and processes which lead to regulation of this composition. Concepts: Solubility product. Structural Organic Chemistry. 32 min. Patrick S. Mariano. An introduction to the theory of structures emphasizing hybrid arbha1 approach. The relat,ions between hybridisat,ion state and structural properties are developed and stressed. Concepts: Hybridized orbitals.

Student Interest

Since all of the talents involved in program production are local scientists, our students have been able to identify with those scient,ists and their work. F r o quently students pursue their interest aroused in a slide program by visiting the act,ual laboratory facilities and talking with the scient,ist-authors. It is this favorable involvement betveen the first-year student and his surrounding scientific community which makes us suggest that you, too, will profit from developing your own library of supplements for the first-year course. Volume 49, Number 10, October 1972
