Synergism of Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Analysis - ACS

Dec 9, 1994 - Synergism of Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Analysis. Marek W. Urban. Department of Polymers and Coatings, North Dakota State ...
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Chapter 1

Synergism of Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Analysis Marek W. Urban

Downloaded by on March 27, 2014 | Publication Date: December 9, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1994-0581.ch001

Department of Polymers and Coatings, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105

The objective of this chapter is to provide an overview of the currently available multi-functional techniques utilized in polymer analysis and identify those features of hyphenated methods that may play a key role in the future polymer analysis. The discussion centers around synergistic aspects of hyphenated techniques, their potential, error analysis, and utilization in multi-dimensional experiments.

While one carefully designed and executed experiment may furnish answers to many questions giving one level of understanding, additional experiments will provide a more clear picture of molecular structures or morphologies involved, thus further enhancing our knowledge on a given problem. Although conducting multiple experiments is an appealing offer, in a typical single experiment at least one specimen of a given sample is required. If one specimen however can be used in multiple experiments, the output of the experiments will provide a wealth of important complementary information. Furthermore, if the experiments are conducted in a sequence one after another, and the output data is processed synergeticaly, they will not only enhance the level of understanding on a given problem, but will also save a considerable amount of usually expensive analytical time. Going to extremes, if all known analytical tools were employed in the analysis of one specimen, a sample of interest would be characterized within a short timeframe and the level of information would have at least as many dimensions as the number of analytical methods involved. In view of the above considerations the main motivation behind developments of new characterization methods, ultimately leading to advances in analytical technologies and sciences, is to: 1) develop new techniques for qualitative and quantitative analyses and demonstrate their selectivity and sensitivity; 2) develop multi-functional methods allowing simultaneous analysis of a specimen; 3) develop automated multi-functional techniques; and 4) develop on-line automated quality control techniques. Although one could argue that these analytical areas are relatively independent, history has shown that an interplay of new instrumentation ideas and technological advances resulted in the development of new techniques, followed by multi-functional approaches. 0097-6156/94/0581-0002$08.00/0 © 1994 American Chemical Society In Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization; Provder, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Synergism of Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Analysis 3

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Having available a spectrum of the characterization tools, such as one presented in Table A, an analyst is faced with a decision as to what method(s) to choose that will not only provide new insights into the structures and properties of materials, but to make sure that the information obtainedfromthe analysis is fed back into the materials' designing process, thus allowing the designers to improve their efforts. These are the designing process and characterization methodologies that account for continuing progress in sciences, ultimately leading to developments of new technologies. In the mid 70's the development of many new materials and technologies engaged all those involved in analytical aspects of materials chemistry to search for better, and develop more sensitive, more precise, and more accurate methods of characterization. While the development of individual, highly sensitive instruments was one aspect of the search, a combination of two or more methodologies in a simultaneous analysis of polymeric materials was another expanding avenue. As a result of these activities, enhancement of sensitivity and selectivity of already existing analytical methods, developments of various permutations of techniques, and the development of entirely new approaches to characterization occurred. At that time, however, the primary analytical tools utilized in chemical analysis were gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC - MS), liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC - MS), gas/liquid chromatography (GC - LC), liquid chromatography - infrared spectroscopy (LC - IR), liquid chromatography - nuclear magnetic resonance (LC - NMR), and many at that time home-made permutations of IR-UV-NMR-MS. Following Hirschfeld, (1 ) "...rising tide of alphabet soup threatens to drown us..." and the hyphen seems to be a common feature of all techniques involved. Realizing that combining more instruments in the analysis of one specimen may open a Padora's Box of structural and quantitative features, the idea expanded very rapidly. Today, there are numerous methods that utilize different physical and chemical principles of the analysis of materials, and polymers in particular. ANALYTICAL SYNERGISM When two or more analytical techniques are tied together through appropriate interfaces, new dimension is added to the experiment, new data is obtained, and new difficulties arise. Perhaps one of the complications that is most common when combining different techniques is determination of the hyphenated instrument resolution. Regardless whether this is a concentration limit, spectral resolution, or other limiting features, it is essential to realize that the measured quantity of a hyphenated instrument will be the same as that of individual instruments. As an example let us consider a combined GC-FT-IR instrument. The main reason for "hyphenating" two instruments is that after a specimen is injected into a GC port, it becomes separated in a GC column and therefore, FT-IR detection can be accomplished with a better selectivity because GC allows sample separation prior to FT-IR analysis. One principle to keep in mind is that by combining two or more instruments together one does not increase the actual instrumental resolution or detection limits. These as well as other characteristic features remain the same, but selectivity is enhanced. Although there are circumstances when, depending upon the

In Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization; Provder, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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Table A. A schematic diagram of various techniques and problems associated with polymer analysis. Separation Methods Gas Chromatography GC Liquid Chromatography LC Thin Layer Chromatography TLC Gel Permeation Chromatography GPC Mass Spectrometry MS Pyrolysis Size Exclusion Chromatography SEC Orthogonal Chromatography OC Vapor Pressure Osmometry VPO Field Flow Fractionation FFF , Spectroscopic Methods UV-VIS Spectroscopy Fourier Transform Infrared FTIR Internal Reflection ATR External Reflection (R-A) Emission Spectroscopy Diffuse Reflectance DRIFT Infrared Microscopy Photoacoustic Spectroscopy PA Rheo-Photoacoustic Spectroscopy! Ellipsometry Raman Scattering and Raman Microscopy] Electron Scanning for Chemical Analysis ESCA] Auger Spectroscopy X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy XPSj Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR] NMR Imaging Fluorescence Spectroscopy Phosphorescence Spectroscopy Luminescence Spectroscopy Light Scattering X-ray Diffraction Electron Diffraction Microscopy Thermal - Mechanical Methods Differential Scanning Calorimetry DSC | Thermogravimetric Analysis TGA Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis |DMTA/ Torsional Braid Analysis TBA Dielectric Constant Measurements Stress-Strain Measurements Rheological Methods Cone/Plate Viscometry Co-Axial Cylinder Viscometry Parallel Plate Viscometry Tensile or Extensional Viscometry I Dynamic or Oscillatory Rheometryj Morphological Analysis Optical Microscopy Phase Contrast Microscopy Scanning Electron Microscopy Scanning Tunneling Microscopy |

Sect of Environment olubilization and Thermal History -Effect of Low Molecular Weight Monomers onformational Changes and Solvent Effect /iscosity and Conformational Effects End-Group Analysis Free Volume ν Copolymer Architecture ^Polymer Blends Effects of Additives ^Conformational Analysis hernial Properties chanical Properties {Stability of Polymers Environmental Thermal Chemical Nuclear Surface and Interfacial Analysis Vdhesion Surface Depth Profiling orrosion

In Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization; Provder, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


Synergism of Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Analysis 5

nature of the species and their detection, both sensitivity, specificity, and selectivity may be simultaneously enhanced, the primary motivation for the development of hyphenated techniques such as GC-MS, LC-GC, and GC-IR was increased specificity.

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Results of an analysis conducted on a hyphenated instrument are typically calculated from two or more experimental data sets, each of which carries some uncertainty due to random noise or experimental errors. It is therefore worthwhile detennining the ways various uncertainties accumulate in the final output from a hyphenated instrument. For simplicity, let us assume that two in-line instruments measure two quantities JC and y which depend upon variables p, q, r for x, and s, t, u for .y.



y = f(s, t, u)

The uncertainties dx and cfy that is deviationsfromthe mean values for χ and y in the ith measurement will depend upon the size and sign of the corresponding uncertainties dp dq and dr, for x, and ds dt and du for y. That is t







dXi =f(dpu dqu dr) = (x - μ} andcfyj =f(ds dt duj = &-μ^ t




where μ, and py are the arithmetic means for an infinite number of measurements. The quantities x - μ and j'y - py are thus the deviationsfromthe mean. The variations in dx and dy as a function of the uncertainties in p, q, r, and s, t, u, can be derived by taking the total differential of eqn. 1, giving t


dx = (dx/Sp) ,jp + (Sx/Sq) dq + (8x/dr) b q


Pt\ s, t u as given by the following relationships t



SEf = ^(xt-x) /N and SD = ^ -y) /N x




* Note that an abbreviation S.D. is used for standard deviation to distinguish the experimentally determined standard deviationfromthe theoretical values typically designated as σ.

In Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization; Provder, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



where Wis a total number of samples, it is necessary to square eqn 3, giving 2


dx = {(&c/8p) dp + (&c/Sq) dq + (&c/Sr) dr} and (5) d/ = {(dy/SshJs + (dy/dthJt + (by/8u) M qt1





As a result of this operation, two types of terms from the right-hand side of each equation will be obtained: terms that will be always positive, therefore these terms will never cancel, and cross terms that may be positive or negative. If dp, dq dr, ds, dt, and du are independent and random, some of the cross terms will be positive and others negative. As a result, the overall summation of the cross terms will approach zero. Therefore, eqn. 5 can be obtained by summationfrom/ =7 to Ν (where Ν is a total number of measurements), giving

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Zfdx,) = (δχ/δρ) Z(dp) + (Sx/Sqj'Adqf + (Sx/Sr) j%drf and (6) Z(dyJ (Sy/St/îjfdti) ^ (by/δα) %duf fsi H in Because both experiments are conducted in sequence one after another, quantities IfdXi) and Z((fyj) can be added, giving ^fdzf Dividing both eqns. by Ν one ; h




= f#/&/JW +




î w





(7) 2

(δχ/δρ) Ê(dpf/N + (6x/6qfhdqj) /N + (δχ/δτ/^ώ-^/Ν + (fy/ôsyifdsf/N + (δγ/δί/Σζώ^/Ν + (Sy/dufgduf/N From combined eqn. 4, σ = ~$j(z - μ^/Ν, one obtains t


(dzf/N = (z - μ) /Ν = a?




where σ is the variance of ζ (χ and y). Similarly, one can represent 2


(dpf/N = σ ; (drf/N = o?; (dsf/N = σ, ; (dtf/N = oft... and so on. ρ

Thus, eqn. 7 can be written in terms of variances as: (9) 2





of = (δχ/δρ) σ + (δχ/δφ σ + (δχ/δτ) σ? + (δγ/δε) σ? + (by/ft) σ? + (by/δα) 2



This simple derivation illustrates that when considering a measurement process, the overall variance is a sum of all variables involved in a sequence of experiments and the uncertainties with which each variable is determined propagate to the final output of the experiment.

In Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization; Provder, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Synergism of Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Analysis 7

With this in mind let us go back to the concept of a chemical analysis or for that matter to any chemical process and realize that in order to either perform some type of measurements or improve existing chemical process, or even provide a means for quality control, it is necessary to consider variance. In any chemical process, overall variance will follow the same principles derived in eqn. 9. Typically, the total variance will be a sum of variances comingfromvarious components involved:

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(10) where j = 1 to n, is a total number of operations introducing different variances. Each individual component can be broken down depending upon specific situation. If the task is to obtain the best possible process control, it would be ideal to eliminate sampling variance and measurement variance. While further details concerning statistical approaches related to repeatability-reproducibility (R&R) can be found in the literature,(2,3 ) for the majority of laboratory settings the measurement variance is of a primary concern and can be represented as a sum of variances derived from sample, operator, preparation, and instrumental uncertainties: ν measurement

£ &^ (sample + operator + preparation + instrumental)


Although in this formula it would be ideal to eliminate as many variances as possible, there are inherent limitations. Variances can be minimized, but cannot be eliminated. While instrumental variance is a characteristic feature of instrumentation involved, minimal sample preparation and non-destructive sample participation in the experiment will strongly affect overall variance. In view of these considerations it has been always one of the highest priorities to design a hyphenated instrument that would be non-intrusive and non-destructive to a specimen, yet allowing full characterization. The concept of synergism to create a complementary scenario for qualitative and quantitative performances of individual techniques is the driving force for many hyphenated techniques. This issue is particularly important in the 90s, as the primary focus is to make each chemical analysis more sensitive and selective, meeting the highest qualitative and quantitative criteria. However, there are inherent complications. Let us consider a copolymer that needs to be characterized. One would introduce a copolymer into an inlet of a hyphenated instrument and force it through a series of interfaced instruments. Each instrument would have a capability of characterizing various properties. Although such proposition seems to be very appealing, in practice, each analytical method may requires different sample treatments. For example, one technique may require sample heating, thus introducing thermal history to the sample, while another may require dissolving a copolymer in a suitable solvent, thus generating morphological changes. In view of the above considerations and realizing that a synergistic approach is usually achieved when several methods chosen for analysis can utilize a common variable, the question becomes what variables can be used. Such common variables can be temperature, oscillating or stationary force, diffusion, viscosity, mobility, magnetic spin, scattering efficiency, fluorescence intensity, solubility, electromagnetic radiation, magnetic

In Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization; Provder, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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fields, to name only a few. For the reasons stated above, many currently existing hyphenated methods utilize only one variable. One, however, would envision that the future approaches may not impose a common requirement for synergism to be achieved if only one variable is common to the techniques of choice. There are already hyphenated techniques where several variables are implemented simultaneously; for example, stress-strain, temperature, and electromagnetic radiation,(4 ,5 ) or electric current, temperature, and electromagnetic radiation,(6 ) and a suitable combination of variables appears to be the future of the hyphenated methods. Such approaches will not be possible without computers with fast microprocessors and sensitive detectors that allow fast data acquisition while controlling several variables at the same time. This chapter is intended not to predict the future, but point out those concepts in multi-disciplinary techniques that may play a considerable role in polymer analysis. Concepts in polymer characterization that may need to be further emphasized in order to advance our knowledge in polymer science can be grouped into several categories. For the purpose of this discussion, the following categories are distinguished: Polymers, Copolymer, and Dispersions in Fluidized Forms Polymer Structure, Molecular Weight, and Molecular Weight Distribution The Effect of Environment on Polymer Structure Solubilization and the Effect of Thermal History The Effect of Low Molecular Weight Monomers Conformational Changes and Solvent Effect Viscosity and Conformational Effects End-Group Analysis Polymers and Copolymers in Solid State Free Volume Copolymer Architecture Polymer Blends Effects of Additives Conformational Analysis Thermal Properties Mechanical Properties Stability of Polymers Environmental Thermal Chemical Nuclear Films and Coatings Surface and Interfacial Analysis Adhesion Surface Depth Profiling Corrosion Within each of the listed categories one may associate at least two or more experimental techniques that will contribute to its knowledge within each category. In

In Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization; Provder, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Synergism of Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Analysis

Downloaded by on March 27, 2014 | Publication Date: December 9, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1994-0581.ch001

an effort to illustrate these conceptual hyphenation processes Table A was constructed and illustrates which techniques have the highest potential for contributing to the listed categories. Table A can also serve as a vehicle for creating new hyphenated methods. In this context, the next question comes to mind: How many instruments can be interfaced to form a synergistic outcome in order to obtain desirable information? This issue remains open and it is only a matter of time for more hyphenated techniques to come. Analytical performance of a hyphenated instrument depends primarily on the quality of instruments involved and the efficiency of their interface. This issue is particularly relevant in view of the continuously increasing sensitivity and demands for more accurate quantitative analysis. In an effort to obtain quantitative data each instrument must represent a state-of-the-art unit in its own category that can perform independently, and the interface to another instrument should not disturb overall performance. Among many fields of materials chemistry, polymer characterization, and particularly polymer surfaces and interfaces (7) represent perhaps the most challenging area because "high purity polymer samples or polymer surfaces" do not exist. Molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, surface stoichiometry and morphology, interfacial distribution of various film components, or different stereoisomers make polymers what a main stream chemist would consider "low purity." For that reason, characterization and subsequent understanding of polymeric systems require inputs from manyfields:chromatography, spectroscopy, rheology, particle size characterization, surface morphology and spectroscopy, thermal and mechanical analysis, and physical testing. Therefore, many diverse and specialized backgrounds are required in the analysis of polymers. In essence, existing methodologies can be divided into several categories using various criteria. Table Β lists not only currently available techniques for separation, spectroscopic analysis, thermal and mechanical analysis, or rheological studies, but also connects various techniques into hyphenated categories. With this philosophy in mind it is apparent that the spectroscopic group can be hyphenated with almost any other group of the diagram as well as within its own category. These include studies of polymer surfaces by scanning electron microscopy combined with X-ray and Raman microscopy, solving problems ranging from degradation, adhesion, corrosion, and others. Similarly, all categories that are thermal - mechanical can be hyphenated to rheological, morphological, and spectroscopic categories. Other combinations of techniques are given in a diagram presented in Table B. Multi-dimensional analysis of polymers is a rapidly expanding area of research. While a combination of several separation methods has been used with great success, rather huge instrumental requirements along with a difficulty of data reduction and presentation made multi-dimensional analysis a bit slow. However, new developments in detection systems and computers stimulated developments of such techniques as 2dimensional LC-SEC chromatography, FFF-Light Scattering, SEC-FT-IR, SEC with electrospray MS detection, small and wide angle X-ray scattering with DCS, multi­ dimensional FT-IR, Raman, NMR techniques and others. Ultimately, one would like

In Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization; Provder, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Table B. Schematic representation of several existing and potential hyphenated techniques utilized in polymer analysis. Separation Methods Gas Chromatography GC Liquid Chromatography LC Thin Layer Chromatography TLC Gel Permeation Chromatography GPCj Mass Spectrometry MS fPyrolysis Size Exclusion Chromatography SEC Orthogonal Chromatography OC Vapor Pressure Osmometry VPO Field Flow Fractionation FFF Spectroscopic Methods •UV-VIS Spectroscopy Fourier Transform Infrared FTIR Internal Reflection ATR External Reflection RA Emission Spectroscopy Diffuse Reflectance DRIFT Infrared Microscopy Photoacoustic Spectroscopy PA Rheo-Photoacoustic Spect. RPA Ellipsometry Raman Scattering and Raman Microscopy! Electron Scanning for Chem. Anal. ESC^ Auger Spectroscopy X-ray Photoelectron Spect. XPS Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR NMR Imaging Fluorescence Spectroscopy Phosphorescence Spectroscopy Luminescence Spectroscopy Light Scattering X-ray Diffraction Electron Diffraction Microscopy Thermal - Mechanical Methods Differential Scanning Calorimetry DSC Thermogravimetric Analysis TGA Dynamic Mechanical Therm. Anal. DMTA] Torsional Braid Analysis TBA Dielectric Constant Measurements Stress-Strain Measurements Rheological Methods Cone/Plate Viscometry Co-Axial Cylinder Viscometry Parallel Plate Viscometry Tensile or Extensional Viscometry Dynamic or Oscillatory Rheometry Morphological Analysis Optical Microscopy Phase Contrast Microscopy Scanning Electron Microscopy Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Atomic Force Microscopy

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Thermal - Mechanical Methods Differential Scanning Calorimetry DSC Thermogravimetric Analysis TGA Dynamic Mechanical Therm. Anal. DMTA Torsional Braid Analysis TBA Dielectric Constant Measurements Stress-Strain Measurements Rheological Methods Cone/Plate Viscometry Co-Axial Cylinder Viscometry Parallel Plate Viscometry Tensile or Extensional Viscometry Dynamic or Oscillatory Rheometry Morphological Analysis J Optical Microscopy [Phase Contrast Microscopy Scanning Electron Microscopy Scanning Tunneling Microscopy ^Atomic Force Microscopy (•Spectroscopic Methods UV-VIS Spectroscopy Fourier Transform Infrared FTIR Internal Reflection ATR External Reflection RA Emission Spectroscopy Diffuse Reflectance DRIFT Infrared Microscopy Photoacoustic Spectroscopy PA Rheo-Photoacoustic Spect. RPA Ellipsometry Raman Scattering and Raman Microscopy Electron Scanning for Chem. Anal. ESCA Auger Spectroscopy X-ray Photoelectron Spect. XPS Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR NMR Imaging Fluorescence Spectroscopy Phosphorescence Spectroscopy Luminescence Spectroscopy Light Scattering X-ray Diffraction 'Electron Diffraction Microscopy 'Separation Methods Gas Chromatography GC Liquid Chromatography LC Thin Layer Chromatography TLC Gel Permeation Chromatography GPC •Mass Spectrometry MS Pyrolysis Size Exclusion Chromatography SEC Orthogonal Chromatography OC Vapor Pressure Osmometry VPO -Field Flow Fractionation FFF

In Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization; Provder, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Synergism of Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Analysis 11

to perform multi-dimensional analysis using hyphenated instruments, and these approaches seem to dominate future developments in polymer analysis.

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FINAL REMARKS The last twenty some years of analytical chemistry, particularly of polymers, has been trying to tackle difficult and complex problems which involved sampling situations of various nature. Although it may seem that the progress was fairly steady, there is a tremendous difference in analytical procedures utilized in the past. Yet, there are still plenty of opportunities to create new combinations of techniques because experimental sciences are profoundly influenced by the development of computerized instruments. This is why sophistication of many future instrumental approaches will be mandated by the use of highly sensitive fast instruments and powerful data acquisition computers to attain insights about fundamental aspects of processes under investigation. A large variety of analytical techniques for polymer characterization have been developed under various conditions, but the ultimate goal is to correlate molecular level structures with macroscopic properties. Therefore, hyphenation of molecular level techniques with other macroscopic tools will give better understanding of macroscopic processes responsible for the behavior of polymers, composites, coatings, and other related hybrid materials. These goals can be accomplished if more emphasis is given to the hyphenated techniques included in Table B.

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RECEIVED August 25, 1994

In Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization; Provder, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.