Inorg. Chem. 1988, 27, 549-551 description of the ground state is more important in the LT phase. Such a subtle effect explains the abrupt break in the magnetic susceptibility curve around 208 K upon cooling down. The most thoroughly studied phase transitions in molecular inorganic chemistry are certainly those concerning the spincrossover c ~ m p l e x e s . ' ~ - 'In ~ that case, however, the transition is driven by the intraionic electron transfer, which modifies the occupancy of the metal orbitals, and hence the electronic content of the metal-lieand bonds. When a single electron is involved in this intraiozc transfer [Co(II)], the average variation of metal-ligand bond lengths is around 0.1 A and when two electrons are involved, this variation is in the range 0 . 1 2 4 1 5 A for Fe(II1) and 0.144'24 A for Fe(11)"33'5*31In the present the phase transition is not related to an electronic instability, and on average, there is no variation of the metal-ligand bond lengths. However, the enthalpy and entropy variations associated with the transition are rather important; they are of the same order of magnitude
as those in spin-crossover c o m p o ~ n d s . ' ~Concerning -~~ the entropy variation AS,it is usual to write =
+ Gvib,intra
In the present case, it is clear that ASeIis almost negligible since the only electronic effect of the transition is to increase the S-T energy gap in absolute value from 207 to 215 cm-'. ASib,intra may also be expected to be rather small since the intramolecular geometry is weakly modified. It follows that the lattice term would be predominant. Registry No. [(C~(petdien))~(CO,)](CIO~)~, 111959-29-6. Supplementary Material Available: Listings of anisotropic thermal parameters (Table SI) and coordinates of hydrogen atoms (Table SII) in HT (a) and LT (b) forms and a drawing of the crystal packing as projected down the screw axis in H T (A) and LT (B) forms (Figure S1) (6 pages); tables of calculated and observed structure factors (27 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page.
Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208
Synthesis and Characterization of Na2Ti2Ses,a New One-Dimensional Solid-state Polyselenide Doris Kang and James A. Ibers* Received July 30, 1987 The compound Na2Ti2Se8has been prepared through the reaction of Ti metal with a Na2Se/Se flux at 345 OC. The compound crystallizes with four formula units in space group C&,-P2,/c of the monoclinic system in a cell of dimensions a = 12.841 (7) A, 6 = 7.146 (4) A,c = 12.994 (8) .&, @ = 106.18 (2)O at -160 OC. The structure contains infinite, one-dimensional Ti/Se chains that run parallel to the c axis. In these chains the Ti centers are seven-coordinate. These chains are isolated from one another by Na+ ions. When the S e s e bonds are taken into account, the composition of the chain is L[Ti,(Se2),(Se)22-] and the compound contains Ti4+.
Introduction Molten alkali-metal polysulfides have been used intermittently as fluxes in the crystal growth of solid-state sulfides.' Previous reports have involved syntheses at high temperatures (>800 "C) and appear not to have yielded solid-state polysulfide^.'-^ Re~ e n t l ywe , ~ found that the addition of transition metals to alkali-metal polysulfides at low temperatures (300-400 "C) affords new solid-state polysulfides, typified by K4Ti3Si14,in which there occur chains of L[Ti3(S2)6(S)24-],that is, infinite one-dimensional chains composed of Ti4+centers bonded to Sz2-and S2-species. This compound is the first member of an entirely new series of one-dimensional solid-state polysulfides. Because low-dimensional materials are of wide i n t e r e ~ twe ,~ are engaged in extending this type of synthesis to other metals and other chalcogens. Here we present the synthesis and characterization of Na2TizSe8,the first member of related series of one-dimensional polyselenides. Experimental Section Na2Ti2Se8. A 0.048-g (0.38-mmol) sample of anhydrous NatSe (Alfa, 95%), 0.0090 g (0.19 mmol) of Ti metal powder (Aesar, 99.9%), and 0.152 g (1.9 mmol) of Se powder (Atomergic, 99.999%) were combined (1) Scheel, H. J. J. Cryst. Growth 1974, 24,669-673 and references therein. (2) Bronger, W.; GUnther, 0. J . Less-Common Met. 1972, 27, 73-79. (3) Huster, J.; Bronger, W. 2. Naturforsch., Anorg. Ckem., Org. Chem. 1974, 29B, 594-595. (4) Sunshine, S.A,; Kang, D.; Ibers, J. A. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1987, 109,
in a silica tube that was subsequently evacuated to -10" Torr. The mixture was heated to 345 OC and kept there for 100 h before being cooled to room temperature at 3 OC/h. The resultant material was washed with water to remove excess sodium polyselenides. The yield of purple-brown, slightly air-sensitive crystals of Na2Ti2Se8was approximately 18% based on the initial titanium present. The presence of Ti and Se was established by microprobe analysis (EDAX) of single crystals. The composition of the material was established from an X-ray structure determination. X-ray Structure Analysis. A suitable crystal was mounted directly in the cold stream of an Enraf Nonius CAD4 diffractometer. Crystal data and experimental details are given in Table I. The six standards from diverse regions of reciprocal space that were monitored every 3 h during data collection remained constant within counting statistics. The structure was solved through a combination of Patterson and direct methods. A successful trial structure was difficult to find owing to a lack of knowledge of the composition of the material and reluctance to accept what turned out to be the correct solution for the Se positions. The structure was refined in a straightforward manner. The model was restricted to isotropic motion because the thermal parameters are very small for this low-temperature data set and because we felt that the magnitude of the absorption correction would render any anisotropic thermal parameters suspect. The final refinement was carried out on F:, use being made of all unique data including those for which : F 5 0. The peaks on a final difference electron density synthesis ranged from +3.5 to -3.8 e/.&'; these heights may be compared with that of about 24 e/.&' for a Na atom in the structure. An analysis of x w ( F : - F 2 ) 2 as a function of F:, Miller indices, and setting angles displayed no unexpected trends. There is no evidence of nonstoichiometry or of oxygen contamination. Table I1 presents the final positional and isotropic thermal parameters while Table SI6 presents a list of 10IFoI,101FJ, and u(F2).
( 5 ) As an example, see: Electron Properties of Inorganic Quasi-One-Di-
mensional Compounds; Monceau, P., E.; Reidel: Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 1985.
(6) Supplementary material.
0 1988 American Chemical Society
550 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 27, No. 3, 1988
Kang and Ibers
Table I. Data Collection and Refinement Details for Na,Ti,Sea" formula fw space group a, A b, A
A 8, deg c,
Z temp of data collcn d(calcd, -160 "C), g/cm3 cryst dimens, mm bounding planes cryst vol, mm3 radiation linear abs coeff, cm-' transmission factors takeoff angle, deg receiving aperture scan type scan range bkg counts
NazTi2Se8 773.46 cs,h-p2I I C 12.841 (7) 7.146 (4) 12.994 (8) 106.18 (2)b 1145 4 -160 "CC 4.485 0.2 X 0.3 X 0.5 {oio),{iioi, (i02), (ioz), {ooit 0.025 graphite-monochromated Mo Kal (A = 0.7093 A) 266 0.006-0.048" 3.0 3 mm X 3 mm, 17.3 cm from crystal
Figure 1. Unit cell of Na2Ti2Se8. The c axis is along the horizontal from left to right; the a axis is along the vertical from bottom to top. The small black circles are Na' ions; the small white circles are Ti4' ions; the large white circles are Se sites.
Table 111. Selected Distances (A) and Angles (deg) in NazTi2Se8 Ti(1)-Se(2) Ti(1)-Se(3) Ti(1)-Se(4) Ti(1)-Se(1) Ti(1)-Se(6) Ti(1)-Se(7) Ti(1)-Se(5) Ti(2)-Se(5) Ti(2)-Se(8) Ti(2)-Se(7) Ti(2)-Se(2) Ti(2)-Se(l) Ti(2)-Se(6) Ti(2)-Se(3) Se(1)-Se(7) Se(3)-Se(4)
219 limits, deg data collcd no. of unique data no. of unique data (F: p factor final no. of variables
> 2a(F:))
R(J9 Rw(m
R(F) for F: > 3u(F:) error in observn of unit wt
11.5" in w extension of scan range on each side; reflcns with I < 3 4 4 rescanned for a max of 100 s 4.0 5 20 5 5 2 . 0 fh,+k,+l 2223 1722 0.05 49 0.13 0.15 0.067 1.69
Se(1)-Ti(1)-Se(2) Se(1)-Ti(1)-Se(3) Se(1)-Ti(1)-Se(4) Se(1)-Ti(1)-Se(5) Se( 1)-Ti( 1)-Se(6) Se(Z)-Ti(l)-Se(3) Se(Z)-Ti(l)-Se(4) Se(2)-Ti(l)-Se(5) Se(Z)-Ti(l)-Se(6) Se(Z)-Ti(l)-Se(7) Se(3)-Ti(l)-Se(5) Se(3)-Ti(l)-Se(6) Se(3)-Ti(l)-Se(7) Se(4)-Ti(l)-Se(5) Se(4)-Ti(l)-Se(6) Se(4)-Ti(l)-Se(7) Se(S)-Ti(l)-Se(6) Se(S)-Ti(l)-Se(7) Se(6)-Ti(l)-Se(7)
"Techniques and programs used are standard in this laboratory. See: Waters, J. M.; Ibers, J. A. Inorg. Chem. 1977, 16, 3273-3277. the cell refinement a and y were constrained to 90°. cThe lowtemperature system for the Enraf-Nonius CAD4 diffractometer is based on a design by Prof. J. J. Bonnet and S. Askenazy and is commercially available from Soterem, Z. T. de Vic, 31320 Castanet-Tolosan, France. dThe analytical method as employed in the Northwestern absorption program AGNOST was used for the absorption correction (de Meulenaer, J.; Tompa, H. Acta Crystallogr. 1965, 19, 1014).
Table 11. Positional and Isotropic Thermal Parameters for NazTizSeR X Y Z B," A2 0.10367 0.12245 0.24845 0.090 34 0.32294 0.400 55 0.26935 0.456 36 0.218 75 0.26953 -0.460 84 -0.09676
(12) 0.13496 (25) -0.04894 (12) 0.56 (3) (12) 0.121 69 (26) 0.22959 (12) 0.61 (3) (12) 0.585 51 (25) 0.245 72 (12) 0.56 (3) (1 2) 0.578 11 (26) 0.10048 (12) 0.69 (3) (12) 0.01389 (25) 0.501 11 (12) 0.61 (3) (12) 0.18565 (25) 0.25775 (12) 0.58 (3) (12) -0.01067 (25) 0.03520 (12) 0.57 (3) (12) 0.091 84 (25) -0.10489 (12) 0.59 (3) (21) 0.29655 (46) 0.12487 (22) 0.55 (5) (20) 0.22494 (45) -0.11578 (21) 0.48 (5) (52) 0.1695 (11) -0.38265 (53) 1.3 (1) (53) 0.1902 (12) -0.37049 (55) 1.4 (1)
' B = 8n2(u2),where ( u 2 ) is the mean-square displacement. A negative entry for F, indicates that F:
< 0.
Results and Discussion Although some phase diagrams7 are known for AzQ/Q systems, where A = alkali metal and Q = S, Se, or Te, we proceeded in an empirical fashion in t h e synthesis of new alkali-metal-transition-metal chalcogenides. Generally, we added a transition metal M t o various polychalcogenide compositions obtained through
2.425 2.558 2.565 2.600 2.610 2.650 2.722 2.383 2.548 2.586 2.587 2.595 2.735 2.822 2.347 2.356
(5 (4) (4) (3) (3) (4) (3) (4) (3) (4) (3) (3) (3) (4) (2) (2)
90.2 (1) 147.5 (1) 92.9 ( 1 ) 87.8 (1) 128.8 (1) 94.8 (1) 93.6 (1) 178.0 (1) 88.5 (1) 92.6 (1) 87.0 (1) 83.5 (1) 157.8 (1) 86.6 (1) 138.2 (1) 145.5 (1) 92.6 (1) 86.1 (1) 75.9 (1)
Se(6)-Se(8) Na(1)-Se(5) Na(1)-Se(5) Na(1)-Se(6) Na(1)-Se(8) Na(1)-Se(6) Na(1)-Se(8) Na(1)-Se(3) Na(2)-Se(2) Na(2)-Se(2) Na(2)-Se(4) Na(2)-Se(4) Na(2)-Se(5) Na(2)-Se(3) Na(2)-Se(1) Na(2)-Se(7) Se(l)-Ti(2)-Se(2) Se(l)-Ti(2)-Se(3) Se(1)-Ti(2)-Se(5) Se(l)-Ti(Z)-Se(b) Se(l)-Ti(2)-Se(8) Se(2)-Ti(2)-Se(3) Se(2)-Ti(2)-Se(5) Se(2)-Ti(2)-Se(6) Se(2)-Ti(2)-Se(7) Se(2)-Ti(2)-Se(8) Se(3)-Ti(2)-Se(5) Se(3)-Ti(2)-Se(6) Se(3)-Ti(2)-Se(7) Se(3)-Ti(2)-Se(8) Se(5)-Ti(2)-Se(6) Se(5)-Ti(2)-Se(7) Se(5)-Ti(2)-Se(8) Se(6)-Ti(2)-Se(7) Se(7)-Ti(2)-Se(S)
2.348 2.956 2.982 2.996 3.024 3.062 3.266 3.31 1 2.961 3.063 3.1 17 3.178 3.271 3.279 3.339 3.379
82.8 (1) 94.4 (1) 95 6 (1) 163.5 (1) 137.5 ( 1 ) 85.3 ( 1 ) 100.5 (1) 82.7 (1) 135.3 (1) 132.4 (1) 169.0 (1) 76.5 (1) 87.2 (1) 70.3 (1) 94.8 (1) 95.0 (1) 99.1 ( 1 ) 137.6 (1) 85.1 (1)
variation of t h e A 2 Q / Q ratio. T h e materials were combined in silica tubes (satisfactory for A = N a , K, Rb, Cs), which were then evacuated, sealed, a n d heated in a t u b e furnace. After the mixtures were heated in the range 300-400 O C for 3-4 days, they were slowly cooled to room temperature. Excess polychalcogenide was removed by water washing. This process, of course, only yields materials that neither dissolve in nor react with water. Often the color of t h e product indicates that it is a new ternary compound. However, t h e difficulty of obtaining single crystals, a criterion for proper characterization, in some instances is great. For example, we initially prepared material of approximate composition NaNbS,* by heating a mixture of Na2S ' / * N b 4s a t 375 'C for 100 h, but n o suitable crystals have yet been obtained. O n t h e other hand, t h e fact t h a t a new material had been prepared, a s evidenced by color, E D A X analysis, a n d a n X-ray powder pattern, led us to try other mixtures of A 2 Q '/zM nQ, where n = 4. Crystals of K4Ti3Si4were prepared in this way: although better crystals are obtained through initial heating a t 890 O C for 5 h followed by extended heating a t 375 OC. In a n attempt to make a new N a / T i / S e compound and hence extend
(7) For example, see: Gmelins Handbuch der Anorganisrhen Chemie, 8th
ed.; Verlag Chemie: Weinheim/Bergstr., FRG, 1966; Sodium, Supplement Part 3, pp 1188-1191 and references therein.
(3) (7) (7) (8) (9) (7) (7) (7) (8) (7) (7) (8) (7) (7) (8) (8)
(8) Sunshine, S. A,; Kang, D.; Ibers, J. A,, unpublished work.
Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 27, No. 3, 1988 551
Figure 2. The i[Ti2(Se2),(Se),2-] chain in Na2Ti2Se8.
this type of synthesis to selenides, mixtures of Na2Se l/ZTi + &e, where n = 3-7, were heated at 375 OC for 100 h. Reactions where n = 3 or 4 afforded no ternary product; reactions where n 2 5 gave crystals of Na2Ti2Se8in very low yield. A reaction at 345 OC where n = 5 afforded the same product in about 18% yield. N o attempt was made to optimize the yield. A view of the unit cell of Na,Ti2Se8 is shown in Figure 1. Selected distances and angles are given in Table 111. The structure is composed of infinite one-dimensional Ti/Se chains that run parallel to c. These chains are isolated from one another by the Na+ cations. These Na+ ions show their expected high coordination numbers: in particular, there are seven Na(1)-Se and eight Na(2)-Se contacts less than 3.4 8, (Table 111). Figure 2 shows part of one such chain and includes the numbering system as well as the Se-Se bonds within the Se?- pairs that are present. Because of such pairs, the composition of the chain is L[Ti2(Se,)3(Se)2z-] and the compound contains Ti4+. The structure contains two crystallographically distinct Ti atoms. The Ti( 1) and Ti(2) centers are bridged together in two different ways. In one instance, there is a three-atom bridge composed of atom Se(5) and the Se( 1)-Se(7) pair; in the other instance, there is another three-atom bridge composed of Se(2), Se(6) of the Se(6)-Se(8) pair, and Se(3) of the Se(3)-Se(4) pair. Seven-coordination about atom Ti( 1) is completed through a bond to Se(4) of the Se(3)-Se(4) pair, while seven-coordination about atom Ti(2) is completed by a bond to Se(8) of the Se(6)-Se(8) pair. As a result, atom Ti( 1) bonds to all eight unique Se atoms except Se(8) and atom Ti(2) bonds to all except atom Se(4). The crystallographic c-glide plane generates the infinite structure of the chain. The Ti-Se bond distances are irregular, probably as a result of the steric demands of the three independent Se2pairs. Thus the Ti(1)-Se distances range from 2.425 (3) to 2.722 (3) A, while the Ti(2)-Se distances range from 2.383 (4) to 2.822 (4) A. For a comparison, in TiSe2, where the Ti atom is sixcoordinate, the Ti-Se distance is 2.554 (1) A? On the other hand, the Se-Se bonds in the Se2pairs are normal (2.347 (2)-2.356 (2)
The interesting contrasts in the infinite Ti/Q chains in K4Ti,S1$ and Na2Ti2Se8are shown in Figure 3. Both structures contain (9) Riekel, S. J. Solid State Chem. 1976, 17, 389-392.
Figure 3. Comparison of the i[Ti3(S2),(S),4-] chain in &Ti3SI4 with the i[Ti2(Se2),(Se),2-] chain in Na2Ti,Se8.
two independent Ti atoms: those in the selenide are both seven-coordinate; in the sulfide, one is seven-coordinate and the other eight-coordinate. While these two Ti chains are the only ones in the literature that are roughly analogous, one-dimensional chains occur in other chalcogenides. In particular, one-dimensional behavior and Se-Se bonding occur in NbZS%.l0 But the prototype chalcogen (but not polychalcogen) chain compounds are SiSz and W e 2 ; these are composed of infinite chains of distorted, edgesharing SiS4 or SiSe4 tetrahedra." K4Ti3SL4is a semiconductor.12 While the conductivity of Na2Ti2Se8has not been measured, we presume that it too is a semiconductor since both compounds are readily formulated as those of Ti4+. The material described here and its predecessor K4Ti3S14are the first in two series of new polychalcogenides. More interesting transport properties in these one-dimensional materials should occur if nonstoichiometry or partial oxidation can be introduced. Cation exchange of the present compound may bring about such effects. Acknowledgment. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation-Solid-state Chemistry, Grant DMR-8315554. Registry No. Na2Ti2Se8, 110354-76-2; Na2Se, 1313-85-5; Ti, 744032-6; Se, 7782-49-2. Supplementary Material Available: Table SI, structure amplitudes (9 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page. (10) (a) Meerschaut, A.; Guemas, L.; Berger, R.; Rouxel, J. Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B Struct. Crystallogr. Cryst. Chem. 1979, 835, 1747-1750. (b) Sunshine, S. A.; Ibers, J. A. Acta Crystallogr., Sect. C: Cryst. Struct. Commun. 1987, C43, 1019-1022. (11) Peters, J.; Krebs, B. Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B: Struct. Crystallogr. Cryst. Chem. 1982, B38, 1270-1272 and references therein. (12) Sunshine, S. A,; Kang, D.; Ibers, J. A. Mater. Res. SOC.Proc. 1987, 97, 391-396.