Synthesis and structure of unprecedented copper (I)-rhodium (III

Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Spectroscopic Characterization of Two Pairs of Racemic Isomers of [{Co2(aet)2}{Co(aet)3}2] (aet = 2-Aminoethanethio...
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Inorg. Chem. 1992, 31, 3875-3876

Synthesis and Structure of Unprecedented Cu14Rh1114and Culk[rIn, S-Bridged Polynuclear Complexes Containing pz- and p3-Thiolato and Coordinated Disulfide: Spontaneous Reduction of Copper@) to Trigonal-Planar

Copper(I) Takumi Komo,' Ken-ichi Okamoto, and Jinsai Hidaka Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305,Japan Received April 6,1992

S-Bridged polynuclear metal complexes with 2-aminoethanethiolate (aet) or L-cysteinate (L-cys)have attracted much interest because of their diverse and specific stereochemicalbehavior. For example, a number of linear-type S-bridged trinuclear complexes, [M'{M(aet or L-c~s-N,S)~JZ]"+"'(M = Co(II1) or Rh(II1); M' = Fe(III), Co(III), or Ni(II)), have been prepared by the reactions offa@)-[M(aet or L-CYS-N,S)J]~~~with metal ions M' which prefer to take an octahedral coordination g e ~ m e t r y . ~On , ~the other hand, we have recently found that the reactions ~ffac(S)-[M(aet)~] with Zn2+in water give a new class of cage-type polynuclear complexes having a T symmetry (Tcage), [{M(aet)3)4Zn3,40]4+*6+,in which each Zn(I1) has a tetrahedral geometry coordinated by three thiolato sulfur atoms from three different fuc(S)-[M(aet)3] subunits and a central oxygen atom.4 These facts point out that the S-bridged polynuclear structure composed offuc(S)-[M(aet or L-CYS-N,S)J]O-~subunits is highly dependent on the coordination geometry of metal ions incorporated in the polynuclear complexes. In the present communication, we wish to report that the facile reactions offuc(S)-[M(aet)3] (M = Rh(II1) or Ir(II1)) with Cu2+in water give unprecedented cage-type S-bridged octanuclear complexes having a CZ symmetry (C2-cage), [Cur4{M(aet)3)2(Mz(aet)4(cysta))I6+(cysta = cystamine), one of which was characterized by X-ray diffraction (Scheme I). To a yellow suspension off~c(S)-[Rh(aet)~] (0.1 g) in water was added Cu(N03)~3HzO(0.1 g), and the mixture was stirred at room temperature. The suspension became a clear reddish yellow solution within a few minutes, from which fine red crystals (l(N03)6.6.5H20) were isolated in 45% yielda5 Single crystals suitable for X-ray analysis (1( N O ~ ) Z ( P F ~ ) . Y ~were H ~prepared O) by adding NH4PF6 to the reddish yellow reaction solution (yield,

51%).6 The same reaction offa~(S)-[Ir(aet)~] with Cu(N03)y 3H20 in water gave reddish brown crystals (2(N03)6.4H20) in 49% yield.' X-ray structural analysis of the red complex ( l ( N 0 3 ) ~ (PF6)4.4H20) revealed the presence of a discrete hexavalent complex cation, two nitrate and four hexafluorophosphate anions, and water molecules.8 As shown in Figure 1, the complex cation 1 consists of four approximately octahedral fac(S)-[Rh(CzHsNS-N,S)3] subunits and four copper atoms. This is compatible with the plasma emission spectral analysis, which gave the value of Rh:Zn = 4:4. The four Rh subunits are linked by four copper atoms to form the cage-type S-bridged octanuclear structure. The three sulfur atoms in the Rhl and Rh2 subunits have a normal p2-thiolato structure, bridging one rhodium and onecopper atom. On the other hand, three different types of sulfur atoms, p2- and p3-thiolato and disulfide, are present in the Rh3 and Rh4 subunits. That is, each of S33 and S44 bridges one rhodium and one copper atom, each of S32 and S42 bridges one rhodium and two copper atoms, and S3 1 and S41 bind to each other (S3 1 4 4 1 = 2.142 ( 5 ) A) to bridge two rhodium atoms. As a result, the Rh3 and Rh4 subunits coordinate to three copper atoms as do the Rhl and Rh2 subunits. Here it should be noted that this S-bridged octanuclear structure containing p2- and p3-thiolato and coordinated disulfide is unprecedented; thecoordinated sulfur atoms in all other known S-bridged polynuclear complexes with aet or L-cys ligands have uniformly adopted a p2-thiolato structure.I4 Each copper atom is situated in an approximately trigonal-planar environment coordinatedby three thiolato sulfur

(1) (a) Jicha, D. C.; Busch, D. H. Inorg. Chew. 1962, I , 872. (b) Jicha, D. C.; Busch, D. H. Inorg. Chew. 1962, 1 , 878. (c) Wei, C. H.; Dahl, L. F. Inorg. Chew. 1970,9,1878. (d) Konno,T.;Okamoto, K.;Hidaka, J. Bull. Chem. SOC.Jpn. 1990,63,3027. ( e ) Konno, T.; Okamoto, K.; Hidaka, J. Inorg. Chew. 1992, 31. 160. (2) (a) Bush, D. H.; Jicha, D. C. Inorg. Chem. 1962,1,884. (b) Brubaker, G. R.; Douglas, B. E. Inorg. Chew. 1967,6, 1562. (c) DeSimone, R. E.; Ontko, T.; Wardman, L.; Blinn, E . L. Inorg. Chew. 1975,14, 1313. (d) Blinn, E. L.; Butler, P.; Chapman, K. M.; Harris, S.Inorg. Chim. Acta 1977, 24, 139. (e) Heeg, M. J.; Blinn, E. L.; Deutsch, E . fnorg. Chew. 1985,24,1118. (f) Johnson, D. W.; Brewer, T. R. fnorg. Chim. Acta 1988, 154, 221. (3) (a) Konno, T.; Aizawa, S.;Okamoto, K.; Hidaka, J. Chem. Lett. 1985, 1017. (b) Okamoto, K.; Aizawa, S.;Konno, T.; Einaga, H.; Hidaka, J. Bull. Chew. SOC.Jpn. 1986,59,3859. (c) Aizawa, S.; Okamoto, K.; Einaga, H.; Hidaka, J. Bull. Chew. Soc. Jpn. 1988, 61, 1601. (d) Miyanowaki, S.;Konno, T.; Okamoto, K.; Hidaka, J. Bull. Chew. SOC. Jpn. 1988,61,2987. (e) Konno, T.; Aizawa, S.;Hidaka, J. Bull. Chem. Soc.Jpn. 1989,62,585. (fJKonno,T.;Aizawa,S.;Okamoto,K.;Hidaka, J. Bull. Chew. Soc. Jpn. 1990, 63, 792. (4) (a) Konno, T.; Okamoto, K.; Hidaka, J. Chew. Leu. 1990, 1043. (b) Konno, T.; Okamoto, K.;Hidaka, J. fnorg. Chem. 1991,30,2253. (c) Konno, T.; Nagashio, T.; Okamoto, K.; Hidaka, J. Inorg. Chem. 1992, 31, 1160. (5) Anal. Found: C, 13.87;H,4.12;N, 12.09;Cu, 11.60;Rh, 19.44. Calcd = c24for [Cu4(Rh(aet)~}~(Rh~(aet)4(cysta)}](NO~)~~6.5H~O H,2N,801sS12C~iRh4.6.5H20: C,,13.94; H,4.14; N, 12.19; CU, 12.29; Rh, 19.90. Thls complex was obtained as a microcrystalline product in 91% yield by the addition of a large amount of NaNO3 to the reddish yellow reaction solution. Anal. Found: C, 13.93; H, 3.96; N, 12.28.


(6) Anal. Found: C, 12.21;H,3.39;N,8.23;Cu, 10.53;Rh, 16.75. Calcd

for tCu4(Rh(aet)3J~(Rh~(aet)4(c~sta))l(NO3)~(PF~)4~4H~O = C * ~ H ~ ~ N ~ ~ O ~ F ~ S I ~ PC,~ C 12.24; U ~ H, R ~3.42; + ~ N, H ~8.33; O :CU, 10.79; Rh, 17.48. I3CNMR (500 MHz, D20, ppm from DSS): 35.93, 36.79, 44.63, 45.06, 46.96, 51.07, 51.24, 51.68, and 53.76. (7) Anal. Found: C, 12.21; H, 3.45; N, 10.43; Cu, 10.59; Ir, 31.88. Calcd = C24H72' for [cu4(rr(aet)~)2(Ir~(aet)4(cysta)}](N03)6.4H20 Nls0l~S&u4Ir4-4H20 C, 12.10; H, 3.39; N, 10.59; Cu, 10.68; Ir, 32.29. 13C NMR (500 MHz, DzO, ppm from DSS): 34.55, 35.06, 35.72, 43.39, 44.20, 47.14, 48.51, 52.88, 53.04, 53.53, and 54.09. (8) Crystal data for [CU~(R~(CZH~NS)~)~](N~~)Z(PF~))'~H~O at 293 K M,= 2355.4,0.15 x 0.15 x 0.08 mm, triclinic, Pi, (I = 17.688 (5) A, 6 = 17.919 (5) A, c = 13.431 (3) A, a = 110.32 (1)O, 4 = 97.23 (2)", andy=66.94(2 O , V = 3672(2)A3,2=2,D,1d= 2.13gC",h(Mo Ka) 0.71073 p(Mo Ka) = 23.94 cm-I, R (R,) = 0.0642 (0.0701) for 8601 independent reflections with Fo > Su(Fo) (20 < 50'). The structure was solved by direct methods (SIR-88) and difference Fourier techniques and refined by blocked matrix least squares using anisotropic thermal parameters for Rh, Cu, S,P, N, and C atoms and isotropic thermal parameters for 0 and F atoms. All calculations were performed withuseoftheprogramsofSHELX-76. TheFatomsofthePFs- r o u p were disordered but were not modeled. Selected bond lengths and angles (deg) (averaged): RhS(p2), 2.315 (4); RhS(pl), 2.348 (4); Rh-S(sulfide), 2.334 (4); CuS(pz), 2.250 (4); CuS(p3). 2.285 (4); S-S, 2.142 (4); Rh-N, 2.126 (15); S - R h l S , 93.3 (1); S-Rh24, 92.9 (1); S-Rh34, 94.4 (1); S-RhM, 95.3 (1); N-Rhl-N, 91.3 (5); NRh2-N, 91.3 (5); N-Rh3-N, 89.3 (5); N-RhhN, 88.9 (5); S - C U l S , (1); S - C U ~ S 119.0 , (2); S-CUM, 119.1 118.1 (2); S - C U ~ S118.5 , (1).


0 1992 American Chemical Society


38'16 IMrpmC Chemistry. Vol. 31. NO. 19,1992


atomsfrom threcdifferentfoc(S)-[Rh(C~H~NS-Ns),I subunits (average S-Cu-S = 118.7 (2)'). The Cu-S bond distances (averageZ.268 (4)A) arewithintherange(2.22-2.33 A) obse~ed for threc-mmrdinated (thiolato)copper(I) comple~es.~ Taking these facts and the net charge of the complex cation into consideration, it is suggested that each of four copper atoms in tC14{Rh(aet)3l~lRh~(aet)r(cysta))l]~ posscsscsthe formal charge + I . The Cu-Cu distances fall in the range 2,9474404 A, indicating that there is no direct interaction between the four Cu(1) atoms. Ten isomers are p i h l e for 1,10 considering the chiral configuration (A or A) around eachfocQ-[Rb(C~HsNS-NS),1 subunit. However, crystal 1 consists of a pair of enantiomers, AA(Rhl ,RhZ) M(Rh3.Rh4) and AA(Rhl ,Rh2) M(Rh3,Rh4); the former isomer is illustrated in Figure 1. Molecular model constructions reveal that a significant nonhonding interaction among the chelate rings of adjacentfocQ-[Rh(CzHsNS-NS)II subunits and/or a significant strain on the coordinated sulfur atoms exist in the remaining eight &nuclear isomers. Furthermore, the "C NMR spectrum of l exhibits nine sharp signals due to 24 methylenecarbon atoms in the complex? Accordingly, the A and A isomers offac(S)-[Rh(aet)~]areequally incorporated in the present cage-type structure, forming the quasi-meso compound with a Cz symmetry." This is in contrast to the fact that either A- or A-/~c(S)-[M(aet)~]is discriminatingly incorporated in the T-cage-type [{M(aet)3J4M",0I6+structure,giving the AAAA or AAAA isomer.' The electronic absorption spectrum of 1 in water, which is dominated by intense near-UV absorption shoulders at ca. 295 nm (log f = 4.36) and ca.235 nm (log 4.80). changes little for several hours, indicating that the CZ-cagbtypestructure of 1 is fairly stable in solution. The absorption spectral behavior of 2 is quite similar to that of 1. showing intense absorption shoulders at ca.295 nm (log c = 4.25) and ca.235 nm (log e = 4.69). In addition, 2 exhibits 11 methylenecarbon signals in the I C NMRspectrum.' From these facts and elemental and plasma cmissionspectralanalyses(1r:Cu =44),72isconfidentlyassigned as the Cz-cage-type complex having a C,symmetry, [Cu14(Ir-



In the present work, it was found that the reactions offa@)[M(aet)3] (M = Rh(II1) or Ir(II1)) with Cu2+ under moderate

-1. Pcmpctinvinuof lwiththeatomiclsbclingschnnc(a)and polyhedral rcp"tation of 1 (b).

(9) (a) Birker, P. I. M. W. L. Ims, Chem. 1979,18.3502. (b) Schugr, conditionsmdt in the formation of unprecedented Cpxgetypc H.J.;Ou,C.c.;Thich.J. A.:Pat".J. k: Fcllhts+T. R.;Haddab S-bridged &nuclear complexes [Cu14(M(aa)&(Mz(aet)r M. S.; Hmdnstran. D. N.; Fwey. W.. Jr.: Ldlansctte, R. A. Inori Chrm. 19W. 19,543. (c) Caumuvaab. D.: Murpby. C. N.; Kandia. (cysta))I6+. This result obviously implies that four Cu(I1) a t o m S. K. Inort.Chcnt. 1980.19.2993. (dl Dance. 1. C.:,~~ 6owmker.C. A.: are readily converted to four trigonal-planar Cu(1) atoms, Clark. G.k.;Scadon. 1:K. Polvhdrm 1983.2. 1031. (4Nicholson. accompanied by the formation of a sulfur-sulfur bond between I. R.; Abrabam. 1. L.; Clcgg. W.; Garner. 6. C Iwt: Chmm. 1985; 24. 1092. (0Baumganon, M.; Schmalle. H.; Dublrr. E. Polyhedron the two/oc(S)-[M(aet)3] subunits. Severalmctalmmplcxeswith 1990. 9. 1155. (8) Black. E.;0fon.0, G.; Kmg. H.: Zubicta. J. A. [C~~(thiolato-S)~]Zunits have bccn prepared from Cu(I1) and lwrz. Chim Ano 1991.187. S9. lbl Knollrr. D. M.: van Maanen. H. thiols?-' In those cam, however, the reduction of Cu(I1) to L.; Grove, D. M.; S& A. L.: va" Kotm, G,.Inorg.Chrm. 1991,'30, Cu(1) is ascribcd to excess free thiols, which are oxidized to form 3309. (10) The possible isomers are M(Rhl.Rh2) AA(Rh3,Rh4), AA(Rhl.Rh2) free disulfides. No reducing agents such as free thiols exist in M(Rh3.Rh4l. M(Rhl.Rh2)ANRh3.Rh4). AA(Rhl.Rh2l AA(Rh3. the present reactions. Thus, it is probable that the reduction of Rh4). AA(Rhi;RhZ)AbiRb3.Rh4. M(Rhi,'Rh2j AA(Rb3,'Rbdj.M: Cu(I1) toCu(1) occursspontaneouslyowingmainlyto thevalence (Rhl.Rh2) AA(Rh3.Rb4l,M~Rbl.Rb2)AA(Rh3.Rb4),AA(Rhl.Rb2) AMRh3.Rh4). and --,.-.,..--, A A l R h l ~ R h 2 )-..~ A A l R h l Rhdl .,. specificity of the trigonal-planar copper geometry, which is (111 ~ ~ t h ~ A A ( R h I , R h Z ) A A ( R h 3 , R b 4 ) ~ m n , t h ~ t h ~ a * ~ ~ c ~ " ~ constrained in the present Cz-cagbtype octanuclear structure. atomsintheRh1 and RhZsvhunitsailtake theRconfiration(RRR), while the pz- and p&olato and disullide sulfur atom in the Rh3 and Suppkmmtary M a t e d A d b k Tablca S I S V . listing atomic Rh4 subunits take the S, R, and S configurations, reapcctivcly. The coordinatca and equivalent isotropic thermal parametem, bond distanced thncfi~e-mcmbendchclateringsintheRhl.RbZ,Rh3,andRh4subandanglcs,andanisovopicthmnalpramctcFJfor l ( 8 pgcs). Ordering units take the gauche form with the (lel,kl.oh), (kl,lclph), (obph,ah). and (ob,ob,ob) conformations, respcctivcly. information is given on any current masthead pge.




