Synthesis, Characterization, and in Vitro Evaluation of a Potentially

compound Na2{trans,cis,trans-[RuIIICl4(DMSO-S)(μ-pyz)]2PtIICl2} (AH-197, ... Craig M. Anderson , Isabelle R. Taylor , Michael F. Tibbetts , Jessi...
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Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47, 274−280

Synthesis, Characterization, and in Vitro Evaluation of a Potentially Selective Anticancer, Mixed-Metal [Ruthenium(III)−Platinum(II)] Trinuclear Complex Amnon Herman,† Joseph M. Tanski,‡ Michael F. Tibbetts,† and Craig M. Anderson*,† Departments of Chemistry, Bard College, P.O. Box 5000, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York 12504-5000, and Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York 12604 Received December 17, 2006

A new type of mixed-metal trinuclear complex containing platinum(II) and ruthenium(III) fragments that resemble both cisplatin and NAMI-A has been synthesized and characterized by IR, 1H NMR, elemental analysis, and X-ray crystallography. The water-soluble compound Na2{trans,cis,trans-[RuIIICl4(DMSO-S)(µ-pyz)]2PtIICl2} (AH-197, pyz ) pyrazine) was assessed for its effects on DNA mobility and toxicity against human cancer cell lines. When compared to cisplatin and KP-1019 (which structurally resembles NAMI-A), IC50 results showed that AH-197 had an intermediate toxicity. When this data was coupled with a subsequent COMPARE evaluation (standard COMPARE queries resulted in insignificant correlation coefficients ( 2σ(I)) R1, wR2 (all data) goodness-of-fit (on F2) largest diff peak, hole, e Å-3



C12H20Cl10N4O2Na2 S2Ru2Pt‚C3H6O plate, orange 0.13 × 0.10 × 0.03 triclinic P1h 12.526(2) 12.667(2) 17.570(3) 106.517(2) 95.159(2) 115.745(2) 2332.9(7) 2 1172.23 1.669 4.331 1116 1.68-28.17 -16 e h e 16, -16 k e 16, -23 e l e 22 50 545 10 350 (Rint ) 0.0928) 90.4 (to Φ ) 28.17°) empirical 0.8810, 0.6029 33 000/33/350

C60H60Cl10N4O2 P2S2Ru2Pt‚2C3H6O needle, yellow 0.32 × 0.07 × 0.04 triclinic P1h 14.6756(7) 15.3198(7) 17.0886(8) 76.981(1) 73.257(1) 84.799(1) 3583.2(3) 2 1863.07 1.727 2.889 1852 1.45-28.52 -19 e h e 19, -19 e k e 19, -22 e l e 22 42 414 16 490 (Rint ) 0.0497) 90.6 (to Φ ) 28.52°) empirical 0.9056, 0.4583 16 490/0/793

0.1045, 0.2570 0.1776, 0.3003 1.012

0.0377, 0.0620 0.0592, 0.0671 1.009

8.659, -5.649

1.300, -0.793

that was determined with CELL_NOW to contain two twin domains. Both domains were integrated with SAINT using the twocomponent orientation matrix produced by CELL_NOW. The data were scaled and absorption corrected with TWINABS. The initial solution was refined with single component data for the stronger domain before final refinement with HKLF 5 format data for both twin domains as produced by TWINABS. An ORTEP diagram of the molecule is shown in Figure 2. Selected bond length and angles are given in Table 2. AH-229. Suitable X-ray-quality single crystals of AH-229 were grown from acetone at 4 °C. X-ray diffraction data were collected at 125 K. The asymmetric unit contains two unique half-molecules, one from each of the independent trinuclear molecules of AH-229, each platinum atom residing on an inversion center. The unit cell contains four molecules of acetone solvent of crystallization,

Figure 3. Molecular structures of the two independent molecules of transAH-229 (20% ellipsoids; hydrogen atoms removed for clarity). Table 3. Selected Bond Lengths (Å) and Angles (deg)a for AH-229 Pt(1)-N(1) Pt(1)-Cl(1) Ru(1)-N(2) Ru(1)-S(1) Ru(1)-Cl av Pt(1A)-N(1A) Pt(1A)-Cl(1A) Ru(1A)-N(2A) Ru(1A)-S(1A) Ru(1A)-Cl av

2.013(3) 2.300(1) 2.101(3) 2.289(1) 2.349(4) 2.024(3) 2.289(1) 2.103(3) 2.289(1) 2.352(17)

N(1)-Pt(1)-Cl(1) N(1#2)-Pt(1)-Cl(1) N(2)-Ru(1)-S(1) N(2)-Ru(1)-Cl av S(1)-Ru(1)-Cl av N(1A)-Pt(1A)-Cl(1A) N(1A#2)-Pt(1A)-Cl(1A) N(2A)-Ru(1A)-S(1A) N(2A)-Ru(1A)-Cl av S(1A)-Ru(1A)-Cl av

89.09(9) 90.91(9) 178.52(9) 88.8(3) 91(1) 90.95(9) 89.05(9) 178.51(9) 89(1) 91(1)

a Estimated standard deviations in the least significant figure are given in parentheses.

two of which have been located and refined and two of which are disordered. The atoms of the disordered acetone molecules were included in the refinement as a diffuse contribution to the scattering using the program SQUEEZE in the PLATON suite of programs.40 ORTEP diagrams of the two independent molecules are shown in Figure 3. Selected bond length and angles are given in Table 3.

Results and Discussion Synthesis and Characterization of the Complexes. Ruthenium(III) precursors were synthesized by modifications of those reported by Allesio et al.25 [(DMSO)2H][transRuCl4(DMSO)2], 1, was the initial ruthenium(III) compound from which the other ruthenium(III) compounds were derived. Complexes with different cations (Na, 2; TPP, 3; TBA, 4) resulted from simple metathesis reactions of 1 with the chloride salts of the appropriate cations (NaCl, TPP-Cl, TBA-Cl) in appropriate molar ratios. The platinium(II) precursor was synthesized according to an earlier report by Foulds et al.35 (40) Spek, A. L. Acta Crystallogr. 1990, A46, C34.

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2008


Herman et al. Scheme 1. Synthesis of the Complexes

Synthesis of the trinuclear complex AH-197 was achieved by refluxing a mixture of the ruthenium and platinum precursors listed above, in a 2.1:1 ratio, respectively. The initial insoluble nature of the platinum precursor was used as indication for the extent of the reaction; as the platinum complex dissolved and the solution reached homogeneity, the reaction was assumed to be complete. This resulted in the bridging of the pyrazine ligand between the platinum center and the ruthenium center as a result of a substitution of the pyrazine for the DMSO ligand on the ruthenium. The general route is outlined in Scheme 1. The trans isomer of the trinuclear species was obtained from aged solutions of AH-197 in acetone with the addition of the tetraphenylphosphonium cation or from aged solutions of the cis-TPP isomer, AH-166. Cis chloro/pyridine platinum complexes are known to slowly isomerize to the trans configuration.41,42 In addition, computation studies using Gaussian ’0343 show the trans isomer of the dianion to be slightly lower in energy than the cis dianion (see Supporting Information). The vibrational spectra for cis-PtCl2(pyz)2 and [(DMSO)2H][trans-RuCl4(DMSO)2] have been reported,35,25 and the assignments on the platinum(II) and ruthenium(III) fragments of the new complexes are based on these studies. Infrared spectroscopy is diagnostic of the binding mode (terminal or bridging) of coordinated pyrazines.44 Monocoordinated pyrazine compounds (terminal) are characterized by a “breathing mode” which gives a sharp peak at about 1590 cm-1.45 That peak is absent if pyrazine acts as a bridging ligand (41) Rochon, F. D.; Kong, P. C. Can. J. Chem. 1979, 57, 526-529. (42) Rochon, F. D.; Kong, P. C.; Melanson, R. Can. J. Chem. 1981, 59, 195-198. (43) Frisch, M. J.; Trucks, G. W.; Schlegel, H. B.; Scuseria, G. E.; Robb, M. A.; Cheeseman, J. R.; Montgomery, J. A., Jr.; Vreven, T.; Kudin, K. N.; Burant, J. C.; Millam, J. M.; Iyengar, S. S.; Tomasi, J.; Barone, V.; Mennucci, B.; Cossi, M.; Scalmani, G.; Rega, N.; Petersson, G. A.; Nakatsuji, H.; Hada, M.; Ehara, M.; Toyota, K.; Fukuda, R.; Hasegawa, J.; Ishida, M.; Nakajima, T.; Honda, Y.; Kitao, O.; Nakai, H.; Klene, M.; Li, X.; Knox, J. E.; Hratchian, H. P.; Cross, J. B.; Bakken, V.; Adamo, C.; Jaramillo, J.; Gomperts, R.; Stratmann, R. E.; Yazyev, O.; Austin, A. J.; Cammi, R.; Pomelli, C.; Ochterski, J. W.; Ayala, P. Y.; Morokuma, K.; Voth, G. A.; Salvador, P.; Dannenberg, J. J.; Zakrzewski, V. G.; Dapprich, S.; Daniels, A. D.; Strain, M. C.; Farkas, O.; Malick, D. K.; Rabuck, A. D.; Raghavachari, K.; Foresman, J. B.; Ortiz, J. V.; Cui, Q.; Baboul, A. G.; Clifford, S.; Cioslowski, J.; Stefanov, B. B.; Liu, G.; Liashenko, A.; Piskorz, P.; Komaromi, I.; Martin, R. L.; Fox, D. J.; Keith, T.; Al-Laham, M. A.; Peng, C. Y.; Nanayakkara, A.; Challacombe, M.; Gill, P. M. W.; Johnson, B.; Chen, W.; Wong, M. W.; Gonzalez, C.; Pople, J. A. Gaussian ‘03; Gaussian, Inc.: Wallingford CT, 2004. (44) Collman, J. P.; McDevitt, J. T.; Leidner C. R.; Yee, G. T. Torrance, J. B.; Little, W. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1987, 109, 4606-4614.

278 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2008

as in complex AH-197. Two new peaks at 1699 and 1615 cm-1 are present in the spectrum of AH-197. The trans complex shows only one peak for the pyrazine mode at 1707 cm-1. The NMR spectrum of AH-197 (Supporting Information) shows peaks that are characteristic of complexes containing paramagnetic ruthenium(III).46,47 Protons close to the paramagnetic center have large line widths (often some peaks are too wide to be observable) and are shifted greatly upfield. The peak at -14.0 ppm integrating to 12 protons is assigned to the coordinated DMSO while the peak at -2.2 ppm integrating to 4 protons is assigned to the protons on the pyrazine ring closest to the platinum center, thus furthest from the paramagnetic ruthenium(III) center. The protons on the pyrazine ring closest to the ruthenium center are not observed (for labeling, see Scheme 1). The proton NMR of the trans complex, AH-229, recorded in CD3CN showed peaks at -13.2 ppm for the DMSO methyl protons and -1.0 ppm for the pyrazine protons furthest from the ruthenium as well as the phenyl peaks associated with the TPP cation. The trinuclear complex AH-197 has its ruthenium(III) centers reduced to ruthenium(II) upon the addition of 2 equiv of the biological reductant, ascorbic acid. This was witnessed in both NMR and UV/vis experiments. Upon addition of ascorbic acid to a solution of AH-197, an immediate reaction is seen as the color changes from orange to red. In the UV/ vis spectrum, the lowest energy peak at 393 nm shifted to 480 nm upon addition of ascorbic acid as is characteristic of reduction of ruthenium(III) to ruthenium(II).29,45 In the NMR spectrum, upon addition of ascorbic acid, there is an immediate and complete disappearance of the peaks associated with the paramagnetic ruthenium(III) species, AH-197, indicating a quantitative reduction of the ruthenium(III). The disappearance of the paramagnetic upfield peaks is accompanied with the appearance of several new, overlapping downfield peaks between 8.6 and 9.6 ppm and 3.4 and 3.6 ppm characteristic of a mixture of a number of possible species including ruthenium(II)/pyrazine(bridging or terminal)/ DMSO complexes.29,45 The structures of the cis trinuclear complex and of the trans trinuclear complex were determined. The bond lengths (45) Allesio, E.; Mestroni, G.; Geremia, S.; Calligaris, M.; Iengo, E. Dalton Trans. 1999, 19, 3361-3371. (46) Anderson, C.; Beauchamp, A. L. Inorg. Chem. 1995, 34, 6065-6073. (47) Anderson, C. Can. J. Chem. 2001, 79, 1477-1482.

A Potentially SelectiWe Anticancer Complex Table 4. IC50 Values (µM) for AH-197, Cisplatin, and KP1019 for Selected Cell Lines

Figure 4. Concentration-dependent interactions of metal complexes with DNA. A total of 0.5 µg of linearized plasmid DNA was incubated with varying concentrations of cisplatin, AH-197, or Na[trans-RuCl4(DMSO)(pyz)], at 37 °C for 24 h. A 1 kb plus molecular weight standard (Invitrogen) was included for reference. Lanes 1, 6, and 11: 1 kb plus DNA ladder. Lanes 2-5: 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mM cisplatin, respectively. Lanes 7-10: 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mM AH-197, respectively. Lanes 12-15: 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mM Na[trans-RuCl4(DMSO)(pyz)], respectively.

and angles for the metal-ligand bonds in the coordination sphere (Tables 2 and 3) are reasonable when compared to similar monomeric and pyrazine-bridged ruthenium(III) and platinum(II) complexes previously reported.41,45,48 ORTEP diagrams can be seen in Figures 2 and 3. In the cis complex (AH-197), the angle between the PtCl2pyz2 square plane and the plane of the pyz ring is 65.7(5)° for the N1/N2 pyz and 68.8(4)° for the N3/N4 pyz. The trans complex, as stated in the Experimental Section, crystallizes with two independent trinuclear units. In this complex, the angle between the PtCl2pyz2 square plane and the plane of the pyz ring is 52.1(1)° for the Pt1 molecule and 40.9(1)° for the Pt1A molecule. This is the principal difference between the two independent molecules in this structure. The larger values for the angles on the cis complex are most probably due to steric hindrance between the pyrazine groups.49 Also, when considering the N-Ru-Cl and S-Ru-Cl angles (Tables 2 and 3), it appears that the chlorides cant slightly toward the pyrazine ring and away from the DMSO ligand in each of the cis and the trans complexes. DNA Migration Studies. Cisplatin is known to form intrastrand cross-links with guanine bases and bend DNA thereby reducing its electrophoretic mobility.4,50,51,52 The concentration dependent inhibition of DNA migration due to incubation with AH-197 is shown in Figure 4, suggesting it tightly binds to DNA. To provide a basis for comparison, incubation of DNA with cisplatin and Na[trans-RuCl4(DMSO)(pyz)] was also performed using the same concentrations and conditions. Interestingly, AH-197 appears to have a greater effect on mobility than cisplatin at comparable concentrations (compare Figure 4 lanes 3-5 with lanes 8-10) perhaps reflecting the greater size of AH-197. Not surprisingly, Na[trans-RuCl4(DMSO)(pyz)] appears to show (48) Tessier, C.; Rochon, F. D. Inorg. Chim. Acta 1999, 295, 25-38. (49) Rochon, F. D.; Priqueler, J. R. L. Can. J. Chem. 2004, 82, 649-658. (50) Flores, A.; Pe´rez, J. M. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 2001, 161, 7581. (51) Williams, R. L.; Toft, H. N.; Winkel, B.; Brewer, K. J. Inorg. Chem. 2003, 42, 4394-4400. (52) Miao, R.; Mongelli, M. T.; Zigler, D. F.; Winkel, B. S. J.; Brewer, K. J. Inorg. Chem. 2006, ASAP.

cell line




CCRF-CEM (leukemia) HOP-62 (NSC lung) BT-549 (breast) HT29 (colon) COLO 205 (colon)

4.3 5.0 14.4 18.8 5.5

4.8 4.5 14.8 27.4 56.0

24.9 100 59.8 17.4 53.6

no effect on the electrophoretic mobility of the plasmid (Figure 4 lanes 12-15). Similar ruthenium(III)/DMSOcontaining compounds are hypothesized to act on tumor cells through a different mechanism than cisplatin, not necessarily involving DNA binding.32,53 NCI’s 60 Cell in Vitro Cancer Screenings. AH-197 was accepted to the NCI’s Developmental Therapeutics Program in vitro screening. A general comparison of the IC50 values for the NCI-60 cell lines for AH-197, cisplatin, and KP1019 revealed that AH-197 has an intermediate cytotoxicity compared to the other two compounds (Supporting Information). IC50 values for selected cell lines that show interesting results are presented in Table 4. As shown, AH-197 and cisplatin were almost equally effective in CCRF-CEM leukemia cells (IC50 ) 4.3 and 4.8 µM, respectively), HOP62 NSC lung cells (IC50 ) 5.0 and 4.5 µM, respectively), and BT-549 breast cells (IC50 ) 14.4 and 14.8 µM, respectively). The IC50 results for KP1019 in HT29 colorectal cells, where efficacy of this compound exceeded cisplatin, led KP1019 to clinical trials as a colorectal chemotherapeutic drug.54 The IC50 value for AH-197 in HT29 colorectal cells was similar to that for KP1019. Most interesting was the dissimilar result shown for another colon cancer cell line, COLO 205, for which AH-197 was found to be much more potent in inhibiting cell growth in this cell line than either cisplatin or KP1019. The computerized, pattern-recognition algorithm, COMPARE, that was developed at the NCI was shown to correlate biochemical mechanisms of action on the basis of the profile of cell sensitivities produced from the screenings55,56 and enables the evaluation and exploitation of data from all NCI in vitro screenings. The profile for AH-197 was compared to all synthetic compounds (standard COMPARE) as well as to both cisplatin and KP1019 (matrix COMPARE). Standard COMPARE queries resulted in insignificant correlation coefficients (