Synthesis of Glycolipid Antigens - ACS Symposium Series (ACS

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Chapter 7

Synthesis of Glycolipid Antigens

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Suvarn S. Kulkarni* and Jacquelyn Gervay-Hague* Department of Chemistry, University of California at Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616

Carbohydrates and glycoconjugates play important roles in complex life processes. Development of carbohydrate-based therapeutics is a major focus of our laboratory requiring the synthesis of glycolipid antigens for biological evaluation. Stereoselective formation of O- and C-glycosides is one of the central challenges in carbohydrate synthesis. In this pursuit, we employ glycosyl iodides as unique glycosyl donors to construct functionally enriched appendages on the anomeric center of the sugar moiety in a highly efficient and stereoselective manner. These constructs can be used to rapidly synthesize a panoply of glycoside analogs for biological studies. In this minireview, glycosyl iodide mediated syntheses of α-linked O-glycolipids such as KRN 7000 and BbGL2 as well C-glycolipid analogs are described.

© 2008 American Chemical Society

In Chemical Glycobiology; Chen, X., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.




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1.1 Discovery of an immunopotent α-linked galactolipid K R N 7000 Glycolipids play important roles in various disease states and immune response (/). For example, Agelasphins (AGL) (1), a group of novel galactosyl ceramides (GalCer) isolated from the marine sponge Agelas mauritianus (2,3) showed potent anti-tumor activity in mice. These glycolipids were the first reported galactosyl ceramides possessing unique α-glycosidic linkages. This discovery prompted syntheses of AGL analogs in order to identify compounds having better activity profiles and lower toxicity (4-6). Among the initial analogs synthesized, KRN7000 (2) (Figure 1), which lacks the hydroxyl group on the ceramide lipid chain, was found to be the most potent (J). Structure-activity studies also revealed that the α-linked galactose moiety was essential for anti­ tumor activity (6). Further biomedical and clinical studies suggested that KRN7000 and its analogs held promise in treating other diseases such as hepatitis Β (7), malaria (8), and diabetes (9). Extensive mechanistic studies indicated that the anti-tumor activity resulted from stimulation of specialized immune effector cells called Natural Killer Τ (NKT) cells in a CDld-dependent manner (10).

1.2 C D l d dependent mode of activation of NKT cells CD Id is a member of the CD1 protein family that presents lipid antigens to NKT cells to activate the immune response. CD1 molecules function similarly to the evolutionarily related peptide-presenting proteins, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. Five members of the CD1 family including CD la, CD lb, Cdlc, CDld and CD le are found in humans whereas only two homologs of CDld (CDldl and CDld2) are present in mice (77). The crystal structure of mouse C D l d l (12), reveals that the lipid chains are buried in a hydrophobic pocket of the protein and the hydrophilic sugar head-groups are exposed for presentation to NKT cells. Antigen presenting cells expressing CDld recognize KRN7000 and the binding complex interacts with the T-cell receptor (TCR) of NKT cells stimulating the release of cytokines that initiate two major types of response. One group of cytokines, consisting of interferon-γ (lNF-γ) and interleukin-2 (1L-2), causes an inflammatory response, termed a Τ helper 1 (Thl) response whereas the other includes IL-4 and IL-10 that lead to an immunomodulatory or a Τ helper 2 (Th2) response. In general, proinflammatory Thl responses are mostly responsible for cell-mediated immunity resulting in

In Chemical Glycobiology; Chen, X., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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155 anti-virus, anti-bacteriai, anti-tumor and adjuvant activity, while Th2 cytokines correlate with prevention of certain autoimmune diseases. Interestingly, different KRN7000 analogs selectively stimulate cytokine production. For example, OCH (3) (Figure 1), which has only 9 carbons in the base chain of ceramide, produces predominately IL-4 and exhibits greater efficacy than KRN7000 against the autoimmune disease experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (73-/5). Whereas, the C-glycoside analog of KRN7000, cKRN7000 (4) upregulates IFN-γ and is 100 times more potent than KRN7000 in inhibiting tumor growth in mice (1618). Similarly, an aryl containing fatty acid chain analog of a-GalCer (5), elicits enhanced IFN-γ secretion relative to IL-4, thus proving useful for adjuvant development (19).


OH 1. Agelasphins

OH 2. KRN7000, X = Ο 4. CKRN7000, X = C H





R = (CH ) Ph R = (CH ) Ph R = (CH ) Ph 2






OH 5. IFN-y-selective analogs

Figure 1. Various immunogenic a-GalCer analogs

1.3 Bacterial glycolipid ligands for NKT cell activation α-Galactosyl ceramides are rarely found in mammalian cells; only a few have been identified in cancer cells or fetuses; most are derivedfrombacteria. It

In Chemical Glycobiology; Chen, X., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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156 is believed that CDld recognition of α-GalCer is one pathway to activate immune response against bacterial infection. Recently, there has been interest in studying immunoresponsive glycolipids of bacterial origin. There is growing evidence that these glycolipids show similar structure-activity profiles to that of KRN7000 for CDld restricted activation of NKT cells (20,21). For example, aanomeric glycosphingolipids (e.g. GSL-1, 6) extracted from the gram negative bacterium Sphingomonas paucimobilis are able to stimulate both human and mouse NKT cells specifically and in a CD ld-dependent manner (22). Likewise, two major glycolipids have been isolated from Borrelia burgdorferi, the etiological agent of Lyme disease which is a multisystemic disorder that affects the skin, nervous system, heart and joints (23). The structures of these highly immunoreactive glycolipids have recently been elucidated as cholesteryl 6-0acyl-p-D-galactopyranoside (BbGLl, 7) and l,2-di-0-acyl-3-0-a-Dgalactopyranosyl-$w-glycerol (BbGL2, 8, Figure 2); the major fatty acids were palmitate and oleate (24). Mouse and human NKT cells recognize α-linked Oglycosides BbGL2 but not the β-linked BbGLl. Recently, it was observed that NKT cell proliferation and cytokine production and the antigenic potency of BbGL2 was dependent on acyl chain length as well as degree of saturation (25). C-Glycoside analogs of BbGL2 (9) are therefore interesting targets (26).

Figure 2. Bacterial glycolipids- NKT cells activators

In Chemical Glycobiology; Chen, X., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


Synthesis of α-Linked Glycolipids

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2.1 Background Numerous efforts have been invested in the synthesis of GalCer analogs to achieve acceptable purity and quantity for biological studies. However, stereoselective glycosylation of D-galactose derived donors with ceramide acceptors remains a central challenge. The glycosylation often proceeds in relatively low yields with poor α/β selectivity and purification of the desired aisomer is arduous. Moreover, the preparation of acceptors and glycosyl donors involves multistep sequences lowering the overall synthetic efficiency. Commonly employed donors like fluorides (27-30) and trichloroacetimidates (29, 31-33) usually furnish α/β-mixtures with yields typically rangingfrom30% to 60%. Other donors such as bromides (34), thiogalactosides (32) hemiacetals and phosphites (35) give similar results. Over the past decade, our laboratory has been actively involved in developing methods for the preparation and applications of glycosyl iodide donors (36-49) including efficient α-stereoselective glycosylation protocols that work well with various sugars iodides (39-41). Recently, we have applied this methodology in the synthesis α-anomeric glycolipids.

2.2 α-Stereoselective glycosylation via 'In situ anomerization' Glycosyl iodides were once believed to be too reactive and unstable to be useful for synthetic applications. Studies from our laboratory and others were instrumental in disproving this notion and have led to a revival in the chemistry of glycosyl iodides, over the past decade. Glycosyl iodides are not only 'useful' but also possess unique reactivity profiles, which can be exploited for the construction of challenging C-0 and C-C linkages in a highly stereoselective manner. Installation of 1,2-cw-O-glycosidic linkages in D-Gal and D-Glc is a challenge as most glycosylations proceed through formation of an oxonium ion with concomitant nucleophilic attack of the acceptor in S l fashion. This is true with most of the commonly used glycosyl donors. However, using glycosyl iodides, α-stereoselectivity can be achieved through Lemieux like in situ anomerization (50) of the preferentially generated α-iodide to a more reactive βiodide, which subsequently undergoes S#2-like displacement to give the aglycoside, exclusively (Scheme 1). These reactions are orders of magnitude faster than the corresponding glycosyl bromides, quantitatively affording only aanomer. These results encouraged us to extrapolate the process to glycolipid syntheses. N

In Chemical Glycobiology; Chen, X., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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2.3 First generation synthesis of α-GalCer analogs Our original approach to the synthesis of a-GalCer (51) involved a combination of highly reactive galactosyl iodide donors with electron rich ceramide acceptors. Accordingly, acceptor (2«S,55)-2-azido-3-paramethoxybenzyl sphingosine (11) was prepared from commercially available sphingosine 10 in four high yielding steps - amine to azide conversion, tritylation of the primary alcohol, masking the secondary alcohol with a pmethoxybenzyl (PMB) group, and deprotection of the trityl ether (Scheme 2). In a similar way (2SJS,4/0-2-azido-3,4-para-methoxybenzyl phytosphingosine (13) was synthesizedfrom12. Strategic placement of the electron donating PMB group increased the reactivity of the acceptor and the conversion of amine to azide obviated the unwanted intramolecular hydrogen bonding interactions between the amine and primary alcohol. Coupling of acceptors 11 or 13 with per-O-benzylated galactosyl iodide 14 using tetrabutylammonium iodide as a promoter afforded only the α-0-glycosides 15 and 16 with yields over 90% (Scheme 3). Subsequent conversion of the azido group to an amine, followed by fatty acid coupling and hydrogénation afforded pure 4-desoxy-KRN7000 analog (17) and KRN7000 analog 18, respectively (Scheme 4).

2.4 Streamlined synthesis of α-GalCer and BbGL2 analogs Although our first generation synthesis offered advantages over existing technology it required several steps to ready the donor and acceptor for coupling. Per-O-benzylated iodide was generated from the corresponding anomeric acetate, which in turn required three steps from D-galactose; preparation of the acceptor required four steps, and subsequent deprotection of the coupled products needed an extra three steps. Furthermore, unsaturation in the lipid chain could not be retained under the hydrogénation conditions. We imagined that an attractive alternative would be to employ fully functionalized ceramide acceptors, but we were mindful of the fact that direct coupling of unprotected ceramide acceptors had been reported to be inefficient (52). Nevertheless, earlier studies in our laboratory indicated that silylated glycosyl iodide donors were more reactive than benzylated donors suggesting to us that increased efficiency and simplicity could be achieved by using per-O-trimethylsilylated (O-TMS) glycosyl iodides in a one-pot endeavor (Scheme 5). Indeed, under these conditions (Scheme 6), per-O-TMS galactosyl iodide 23, generated in situ from per-O-TMS galactopyranoside 22, underwent highly regioselective α-glycosidation in the presence of TBAI with fully functionalized glyceride 24-25 and ceramide acceptors 26-27 producing α-linked glycolipids

In Chemical Glycobiology; Chen, X., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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Scheme L In situ anomerization




^ \




v 13 27







3 '






4 -





/ 3 ) P M B C l N a H , DMF, rt, 3 h \ 4) B F - O E L , Toluene, MeOH rteri


^ 2 9 ^v^C H




ΜθΟΗ,Ή,Ο, C H X L , rt 3 h ' ' \ ^ 2 ) ΤrCI/Pyridine, rt, 16 h

H 10











x ^ N ^ s ^


1 3


2 7




- 6 0 % overall


Scheme 2. Preparation of ceramide acceptors

Scheme 3. α-Stereoselective glycosylation

In Chemical Glycobiology; Chen, X., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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160 (55). Treatment of the crude product in the same pot with acidic resin in methanol afforded BbGL2 (8), its analog 29, and GalCer analogs 28 and 18 in high yields and stereoselectivity (Figure 3). This mild one-pot protocol allowed the synthesis of pure α-anomeric glycolipids bearing sensitive functionalities including esters, amides and double bonds. Recent SAR studies on BbGL2 analogs indicate that 29 with a reversed arrangement of fatty acid chains exhibits the most potent immunogenic activity (26). Compound 30 is a saturated analog of 8 prepared by hydrogénation. Compounds 28 and 18 are analogs of KRN7000 with shorter ceramide lipids and differences in unsaturation. Microwave radiation has proven useful in these reactions when utilizing lipids with limited solubility such as acceptor 27.

Synthesis of the C-glycoside analogue of BbGL2 A useful extension of the in situ anomerization process involved employment of C-nucleophiles such as vinyl magnesium bromides (26). Grignard reactions of benzylated α-D-galactosyl iodides with vinyl magnesium bromide generated an α/β mixture slightly favoring the α-isomer (2.5:1). Stereoselectivity was significantly increased when the reaction was carried out under in situ anomerization conditions using TBAI in toluene at reflux, in which case the α-isomer formed in high yields (79%, α/β = 12/1) (Scheme 7). The methodology proved useful in the first synthesis of an α-linked C-glycolipid corresponding to the immunoreactive bacterial glycolipid BbGL2 (Scheme 8).

Conclusions NKT cells, which are vital components of the immune system, recognize lipid antigen-presenting CDld molecules. This recognition event leads to stimulation of NKT cells resulting in the release of various cytokines. Development of glycolipid antigens that can selectively induce either Thl or Th2 responses is highly warranted. The availability of structurally diverse and chemically well-defined pure glycolipid analogs for biological assessment is a critical step toward understanding the innate immune system (54-57). Glycosyl iodides have proven to be uniquely suited for the synthesis of both O- and Cglycoconjugates. A one-pot synthesis utilizing fully functionalized acceptors offers an efficient process for analog development as demonstrated by the synthesis of biologically relevant natural products.

In Chemical Glycobiology; Chen, X., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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Scheme 5. Streamlined synthesis of GalCer

In Chemical Glycobiology; Chen, X., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.






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2) Acceptor 24,25, 26 or 27, TBAI, DIPEA CH2CI2, rt

α-linked glycolipids 8, 29, 28,18

3) Dowex 50WX8-200 MeOH, rt

Acceptors Ο HO^^O C Ο v

1 5





3 1

24 %C


/~ 17H35




H OH 1 7

3 5

HO OH 26

OH 27

Scheme 6. One-pot synthesis of a-anomeric glycolipids

Figure 3. a-anomeric glycolipids

In Chemical Glycobiology; Chen, X., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


BnO OBn LLO ΒηθΛ^^-OCa BnO 31

B n O B n 2) TBAI, toluene 110 °C B n O O B n LX.O VinylMGBr/THF uL-O ^ ΒηΟΛ^ή ». Β η θ Λ - * * Λ 0


CH Cfe, 0 °C 2

B n O | α/β = 12:1, 7 9 % , 2 steps 14

B n



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Scheme 7. Stereoselective vinyl Grignard reaction of galactosyl iodide

Scheme 8. Total synthesis of a C-analog of BbGLl

In Chemical Glycobiology; Chen, X., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


Acknowledgements This work is supported by National Science Foundation CHE-0210807. NSF CRIF program (CHE-9808183), NSF Grant OSTI 97-24412, and NIH Grant RR11973 provided funding for the NMR spectrometers used on this project.

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In Chemical Glycobiology; Chen, X., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.