Synthetic Control over Substituent Location on Carbon-Chain

The title of this symposium section: "Beyond Tacticity: The Next Level of Control" conveys this resurgent interest. In particular, structural design o...
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Chapter 4

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Synthetic Control over Substituent Location on Carbon-Chain Polymers Using Ring-Opening Polymerization of Small Cycloalkanes J. Penelle


Département de Chimie, Université Catholique de Louvain, Place L. Pasteur 1, B-1348Louvain-la-Neuve,Belgium

Placement of two esters, carboxylate salts and/or cyano substituents on every third carbon of a carbon-chain polymer can be easily achieved by direct anionic ring-opening polymerization of cyclo­ propanes bearing cyano and ester substituents on geminal position or by modification of the polymers obtained therefrom. Cyclopropyl monomers are activated by electron-withdrawing ester and cyano substituents via the stabilization of the propagating carbanion. Under appropriate conditions, living polymerization, with full control over the nature of the end-groups at both ends, molecular weight distribution, and number-average degree of polymerization, can be obtained. Preliminary investigations have shown that cyclobutanes bearing identical substituents do not polymerize under otherwise identical experimental conditions. Under basic conditions, quantitative hydrolysis of the pendant esters allows access to a new class of highly charged, semicrystalline polyelectrolytes containing carboxylate ions on every third atom along the chain. Preliminary morphological and spectroscopic studies demonstrate that the unusual location of the polycyclopropane substituents along the backbone (quaternary carbon centers separated by CH -CH spacers), impacts backbone local conformation and global rigidity via minimization of non­ -bonded repulsive interactions between next neighbors. The increased stiffness imparted by the substitution pattern dramatically changes ultimate materials properties. It provides higher glass transition temperatures and improved thermal stability. 2


Current address: Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, M A 01003-4530.

© 2000 American Chemical Society

Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.



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Introduction The unfolding of structure-property relationships linking macromolecular structures to their properties will most certainly remain as one of the most successful scientific accomplishments of this century. Through the collective efforts of chemists in both academia and industry, many polymer structures have been obtained and characterized. These efforts have made possible to gain both a very diverse set of materials properties and a reasonable understanding of some of the structure-property relationships that govern polymeric materials. Ultimately they have made widespread, everyday use of 'plastic' materials possible in our modem society. Today, after more than seventy years of research and the successful synthesis of many original polymer structures, this area is more active than ever. The title of this symposium section: "Beyond Tacticity: The Next Level of Control" conveys this resurgent interest. In particular, structural design of polymers has recently gone through a renaissance, as an accrued worldwide interest in discovering methodologies for building specific structures has been noticed. There is a need for more 'intelligent' materials inspired from Nature modes of action, capable of incorporating a wide variety of side-substituents, controlling local conformations and long distances interactions between functional groups, and encoding targeted materials properties into the repeating units of the backbone. A key aspect in the design of these wellcontrolled architectures resides in the discovery of efficient strategies to obtain highly functionalized backbones whose conformation can be controlled by the side substituents. In order to reach that objective, Nature makes use of confor-mationally rigid amide bonds (in proteins) or pentose phosphate subunits (in DNA and RNA). Various synthetic macromolecules characterized by conformationally rigid helical structures have been proposed as possible mimics (for recent examples, see ). In the past few years, our group has been working on alternate strategies for the design of polymers with well-controlled architectures. We have looked in particular at highly functionalized carbon-chain polymers substituted on every third or fourth atom rather than on every second carbon or at random positions alongside the backbone. " This program was fulfilled with two main objectives in mind. First, to understand how to minimize strong repulsive interactions between side substituents in carbon-chain polymers (in particular for applications such as piezoelectricity, non­ linear optics, monomoleeular electron or ion transport, that require specific alignments of the side-substituents). Secondly, to exploit these interactions to control local conformations of the backbone and possibly fine-tune the stiffness of the entire macromolecule. In this short review, we will discuss how some of these polymers can be synthesized and how the obtained substitution pattern exerts a strong control over local conformations and ultimate properties. The discussion will focus primarily on carbon-chain polymers substituted by ester and/or cyano substituents placed on every third carbon. Some preliminary results on identical polymers substituted on every fourth carbon have been included, however. The general structure for these substituted poly(trimethylene)s and poly(tetramethylene)s can be schematized by the structural formulas (CH CH (CXY)) and (CH CH CH (CXY))„ with X,Y= COOR,COOR; CN,COOR; and CN,CN. 1-13









Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


Polytrimethylene Synthesis and Characterization Synthetic Strategy

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An obvious synthetic route to substituted polytrimethylenes (i.e., carbon-chain polymers substituted on every third atom) involves the polymerization of cyclopropanes bearing the two substituents of interest, in analogy to the well-known ring-opening polymerizations of three-membered heterocyclic oxiranes and episultides (eq 1).

(eq.l) Y

By direct structural analogy, it can be expected that the large ring strain typical of these small cycles can be used as a driving force for the ring-opening of the cyclopropane ring, and favors polymerization. Simple thermochemical calculations indicate that, for unsubstituted systems, the theoretical free energy of polymerization at room temperature is considerably more negative for cyclopropane than for ethylene (-22.1 vs. -15.6 kcal.mol' ). " Recent ab initio calculations showed equally favorable numbers for the polymerization of functionalized cyclopropanes. Despite this favorable thermodynamic driving force, cyclopropanes are traditionally considered very poor monomers. The classical review paper by Snow and Hall on ring-opening polymerizations via carbon-carbon c-bond cleavage suggests that if further strain is not added to an all-carbon three-membered ring, only drastic conditions will allow polymerization (oligomerization) to occur. No example of an efficient polymerization has ever been reported for the unsubstituted cyclopropane (a contrary claim proved later to be incorrect " ). We can thus conclude that cyclopropane polymerization is thermodynamically feasible but kinetically difficult, and that further improvement is required to facilitate the kinetics of the propagation (and possibly initiation) step. At the begining of this project, we reasoned that for an anionic polymerization to occur efficiently, it might be better to generate a highly stabilized carbanion during the ring-opening step. We looked in particular for a stabilities matching those of aliphatic alcoholates or thiolates, in analogy again to the ring-opening of oxirane and episulfide. Based on the pKa scale as a measure of anion stability, such carbanions must be stabilized by at least two strong electron-withdrawing groups, like esters or nitriles (pK (CH 0-H) = 29.0 (DMSO) or 15.5 (water), pK (RS-H) = 10-11 (water), pKa((NC) CH-H) =11.0 (DMSO), and pK ((EtOOC) CH-H) = 16.4 (DMSO)). This crude reasoning proved to be correct, as detailed below. We found that cyclopropanes geminally substituted by two esters, two nitriles or a combination of an ester and a nitrile, do indeed polymerize under anionic conditions. Recently, Alder et coll discovered that afluorenylmoiety (pKa = 22.6 (DMSO)) also allows some oligomerization to occur (starting from spiro[cyclopropane-l,9'-fluorene], eq 1














Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


62 28

2). The poor solubility of the polymer prevented high molecular weights to be obtained.

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(eq. 2)

The ring-opening polymerization of cyclopropane- 1,1-dicarboxylates and 1,1dicyanocyclopropane further activated by a third substituent (vinyl, phenyl, or electron-donating substituent) on one of the adjacent carbons had been observed earlier by Cho et coll. ' 29 31

Choice of Initiators and Reaction Conditions In most of the polymerization experiments described below, thiophenolate salts 3 were used as initiators. These organic salts can be generated in situ by mixing the right amount of thiophenol with an excess of metallic sodium in the presence of the liquid monomer at room temperature. They can also be synthesized and isolated using a synthetic procedure described in one of our recent papers. In the latter case, some care has to be exercized in order to minimize the very rapid aerobic oxidation of the thiolate salt, as the products of the oxidation reaction are not at all active as initiators. H-NMR provides a very convenient way to assess the purity of 3 and its suitability as an initiator. Use of commercial samples of 3 is not recommended for the same reason. 16



3 Me = Li, Na, K and complexes thereof The presence of traces of water, a classical difficulty in anionic polymerization, is not a major problem in the polymerizations of these activated cyclopropanes. Polymerization is possible even if a small amount of water is present in the reaction mixture. This lack of sensitivity results from the large stabilization of the carbanions involved (pKa((NC) CH-H) = 11.0 (DMSO), and pKa((EtOOC) CH-H) = 16.4 (DMSO)) and the very low acidity of water in polar solvents (for example pKa(H 0) = 32 in D M S O ) . ' A similar reactivity pattern is known for activated vinylidene monomers like oc-cyanoacrylates (super glue), whose ability to polymerize in humid environment is well established. 2






Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

63 Though convenient, the choice of initiators for the polymerization is not restricted to thiophenolates. The ring-opening reaction (not polymerization) of cyclopropane-1,1 -dicarboxylates 1 is relatively well known. The first experiments date back to the end of the 19th century when Perkin reported that (EtOOC^CHTNa* the sodium salt of diethyl malonate, reacts mostly quantitatively with diethyl cyclopropane-1,1-diacarboxylate l b in refluxing ethanol. From the work of Danishefsky and others, it is also known that cyclopropanes activated by two strong electron-withdrawing groups ring-open, when reacted with 30ft nucleophiles like thiolates, azide, organocuprates > " Hard nucleophiles on the other hand, which include a large fraction of traditional initiators used in anionic polymerization (butyl lithium or Grignard reagent for example), attack on the carbonyls of the ester groups rather than on the cyclopropyl ring itself. Benefits of using thiophenolate initiators include their simple synthesis, easy storage for extended periods of time (in the absence of oxygen), wide range of chemical structures and counterions available, and simplicity to dry. It is also known from the literature that sodium thiophenolate opens cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylate l b quantitatively and rapidly, ensuring that a clean initiation mechanism is available for that monomer. 34


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In a typical polymerization experiment, a weighed amount of the thiophenolate salt is dissolved in a minimal amount of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), typically around 0.35 mmol of thiophenolate per milliliter of DMSO. The initiating solution is then added to the monomer, and the final solution is heated rapidly to the final reaction temperature. A direct addition of the solid thiophenolate to the liquid monomer was attempted several times, but the solubility of most of the thiophenolates investigated is much too low at room temperature. Heating the suspension results in a polymerization, but an induction period was often observed, reproducibility was poor, and no living polymerization could be obtained under experimental conditions that were operative under the regular procedure. A few experiments were carried out using the in situ generation technique (thiophenol + metallic sodium) described above. This approach does not work very well with dicyanocyclopropane 6, whose reactivity at room temperature is too high. Ring-Opening Polymerization of Cyclopropane- 1,1-Dkarboxylates Though several dialkyl cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylates are commercially available, samples obtained from several commercial sources were found to be unsuitable for polymerization. Analysis of commercial l b indicated the presence of up to 3 mol-% of diethyl malonate. This contaminant probably results from some unreacted reagent during the synthesis of the cyclopropane, as cyclopropane-1,1dicarboxylates are traditionally synthesized from a 1,2-bisalkylating agent, like 1,2dibromoethane, and the corresponding malonate under basic conditions. Under the polymerization conditions, the contaminating malonate acts as a chain-transfer agent and effectively limits the degree of polymerization. A procedure described in the literature and slightly improved in our group ' allows to obtain very pure cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylates in excellent yields. It requires the appropriate malonate, 1,2-dibromoethane, dimethylsulfoxide, and potassium carbonate. Direct separation of the cyclopropane from the mixture is also possible in some cases, but is difficult and leads to severe drops in isolated yield. 14


14 16

Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

64 ROOQ A ^









(eq. 3) 2a-f

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R = Me (a), Et (b), n-Pr (c), n-Hex (d), i-Pr (e), t-Bu (f) If the final polymer is soluble enough under the reaction conditions, polymerization (eq. 3) occurs livingly as demonstrated in the case of cyclopropane le (Fig. 1). A first-order kinetic behavior can be observed over the full conversion range (Fig. 1, left). Very narrow distributions of molecular weights are obtained (Fig. 1,right),and molecular weights, measured by absolute techniques (VPO, endgroup analysis by quantitative ^ - N M R , and/or GPC coupled to multiangle light scattering), increase linearly with conversion, reaching the theoretical number at full conversion (Fig. 1, right). 10000 8000 _ 6000 E

4000 2000

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 time (hours)

-2 ->

0 0

50 100 Conversion (%)

Figure 1. First-order kinetic plot (left figure, a: conversion) and evolution of number-average molecular weight and polydispercity index with conversion (right figure, theoretical M at full conversion is 9,400) for le polymerization (general conditions: T=140°C, 22.2 mmol le in 1.6 mL DMSO, 2.3 mol-% PhSNa) n

Characterization of the polymers by several techniques confirms the absence of side reactions. No unexpected functionality can be identified by IR, H - or C NMR, even on low molecular weight polymers. A typical MALDI-ToF mass spectrum is provided in Figure 2. The major distribution corresponds to the expected polymer cationized by a potassium ion and end-terminated on one side by a phenylthio group (M = 109) and on the other side by a hydrogen (polymerizations were terminated by pouring the reaction mixture into a HCl/CHCh mixture). Other distributions of much lower intensities can also be observed. They correspond to cationization by proton, lithium, or sodium ions. Here again, no side reactions can be identifiedfromthe spectrum. Particular attention was paid to some potential side !


Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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65 reactions that, due to some precedents in the organic chemistry literature, appeared to be possible in particular at high temperarures. They include the Krapcho reaction (all^lation-decarboxylation of malonate esters by good nucleophiles), the Dieckmann condensation (backbiting of the malonate carbanion on the ester of the neighboring unit with the release of a alcoholate anion), and the formation of a thioester by direct attack of the thiophenolate initiator on an ester group of the monomer or polymer. The last reaction is not a very probable side reaction here as quantitative and rapid reaction of the thiophenolate initiator with the cyclopropane is observed in the initiation step. This rapid disappearance of the thiolate, which is independently confirmed by the perfect linearity observed when plotting conversion vs. degree of polymerization (Fig. 1, left), does not leave any thiophenolate available for further (side) reactions.


ii 1 3000






1 7000

1 8000


Figure 2. MALDI-ToF mass spectrum of poly(diisopropyl cyclopropane-1, ldicarboxylate) 2e Polymerization of cyclopropanes 1 occurs at elevated temperatures (above 80°C) and maintains its living character at temperatures as high as 190°C. A classical Arrhenius behavior is observed in this temperature range (Fig, 3). The activation energy for the reaction is 21.3 kcal.mol" . At temperatures higher than 200°C, a progressive deviation from the linear Arrhenius behavior can be noticed, the living character of the polymerization is lost, and new peaks can be observed in the H-NMR spectrum that we have not yet been able to assign. 1


Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

66 -4 -5

j. -6 c ~ -7 -8

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-9 0.0021






irr (K*) Figure 3. Arrhenius plot for le polymerization (22.2 mmol le, 0.052 mmol PhSNa, 1.6 ml DMSO) The counterion also plays an important role in the rate and selectivity of the polymerization, as shown in Table I. Substituting the sodium cation by a potassium mostly double the reaction rate at 140 °C. Complexing the potassium ion by a crown ether or a cryptand increases even further the polymerization rate by approximately one order of magnitude. However, the livingness of the polymerization is partly lost under these last conditions, as demonstrated by the appearance of a bimodal weight distribution. These experiments suggest that, as is often the case in anionic polymerizations, several propagating species (free-ion and ion pairs, possibly some aggregates) participate in the polymerization, the relative contribution of each being dependent on the nature of the counterion and physical conditions (solvent and temperature). Table I. Influence of the Counterion on the of Polymerization Diisopropyl Cyclopropane-l,l-Dicarboxylate le Initiator PhSNa PhSK PhSK+ 18-crown-6 PhSK + Kryptofix 222

Time (h) 5 5 0.67 1.33 0.67

Conversion (%) 49 86 53 73 100

Yield (%) 52 83 50 70 96

GENERAL CONDITIONS: T=140°C, 22.2 mmol le in 1.6 mL DMSO, 2.3 mol-% initiator The results reported here correlate nicely with Harrelson and Arnett's kinetic study on the alkylation of dimethyl ethylmalonate carbanion in DMSO at 25 " C . " This work demonstrated that the counterion (Li, Na, K) of the ethylmalonate carbanion has an influence on the second-order rate constant of about the same order of magnitude as in our study. It was proven that under these conditions, the only 45

Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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reactive species is the free ion and that strong ion-pairing by lithium and sodium ions transform most of the active species into dormant ones. A linear correlation between degree of dissociation of ion-pairs and rate constant was observed. Results obtained for cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylates 1 other than le, in particular with respect to the design of experimental conditions allowing a living polymerization, depend mostly on the solubility of the final polymers. As will be discussed in further details below, polymers 2 are highly crystalline and often have limited solubility in their own monomers or in solvents compatible with anionic polymerizations. As a result, 2 often precipitated out of solutions during the polymerization. If the work-up is carried out under non-acidic conditions, the growing malonate carbanion can still be found present as a carbanionic end-group on the polymer chain (by IR for example). However, the location of the reactive end in the crystal makes it inaccessible to monomer molecules and prevents any further growth. The problem is particularly sensitive with the methyl ester l a . The insolubility of the corresponding polymer 2a is so high that only oligomers of low molecular weight have been obtained so far. On the other hand,rc-hexyland /-propyl esters (Id and le) yield polymers that are soluble in many common solvents and in their own monomer, and living polymerization conditions are easy to find. Ethyl and /-butyl esters (lb and If) display an intermediate behavior. The polymerizability of l b has been extensively studied and a full account has been published recently. 16

Monomer Ig was synthesized from cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylic acid and isopropenyl acetate. Using our traditional direct alkylation approach for the synthesis of cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylate monomers, starting in this case from Meldrum's acid (2,2-dimethyl l,3-dioxolane-4,6-dione) and 1,2-dibromoethane, did not work here (yield below 2%). The inertness probably arises from the high stability of the corresponding malonic carbanions (pK (Meldrum's acid) = 7.3, to be compared to a 'normal' value of about 16 for a non-cyclic malonate) This higher stability results in a higher tendency to ring-open. It also translates into a much higher reactivity in polymerization: both initiation and propagation can take place at room temperature. Unfortunately, the final polymer is highly insoluble and no solvent has been found yet that might allow a spectroscopic analysis in solution. Even oligomers of very low molecular weight appear to be completely insoluble. A polymerization experiment was carried out with a very large amount of thiophenolate ([monomer] :[initiator] = 5) in order to stop the degree of polymerization at five or below. The final product again was insoluble in all tested solvents. 48


4 9





Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

68 Polymerization of Cyclopropanedinitrile and Cyanocyclopropanecarboxylates

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Cyclopropane-1,1 -dicarbonitrile 6 and a series of alkyl 1-cyanocyclopropane carboxylates 4 were synthesized from the corresponding malononitrile or cyanoacetates, using the alkylation procedure with 1,2-dibromoethane discussed above. Yields ranged from low (22 % for 6) to moderate (31-69 % for 4), while the analytical purity of all samples was consistently high and suitable for further use in polymerization experiments.


R = Et (a), i-Pr (b), w-Bu (c), n-octyl (d) Both monomers polymerize more rapidly than cyclopropane-1,1 -dicarboxylates 1, providing the ring-opened structure only. Monomer 6 is the more reactive: it can be polymerized slowly at room temperature with various initiators, including thiophenolate salts, methylmalonate carbanion, primary and tertiary amines. At 60°C, polymerization is complete in less than 20 minutes (PhSNa, 3.6 mol-%). The polymer is insoluble in all typical solvents, a property that was also observed for its lower homolog, poly(vinylidine cyanide). Its solid-state C-NMR and IR spectra are compatible with the expected ring-opened structure, with no visible contaminating functionalities. 51


(eq. 5) 6


Not surprisingly, monomers 4 exhibit an intermediate behavior, more reactive than 1 but less than 6. At 60°C, a temperature at which no polymerization of 1 has ever been observed, polymerization rates were about one order of magnitude lower than for 6. The final polymers are generally soluble in polar solvents (DMF for example), but their solubity is not influenced by the nature of the alkyl substituent on the ester group. Synthesis of PoIy(trimethylene-l,l-dicarboxylate) Salts Hydrolysis of poly(di-«-propyl cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylate) 2c provides a polyelectrolyte 8 containing two carboxylate anions on every third carbon. The reaction is surprisingly clean, with no decarboxylation taking place as shown by *H-NMR and solid-state C-NMR. In the solid state, loss of the first C 0 from the 52



Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

69 hydrated polymer (1.15 molecule of water per carboxylate function) takes place progressively starting at about 390°C. In aqueous solution, progressive precipitation results from heating at 100°C, furnishing a polymer insoluble in water and organic solvents whose structure has yet to be determined.

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(eq. 6)



Recently, it was reported that polymer 9, which contains a malonic unit in the backbone, is also difficult to decarboxylate upon hydrolysis. ' Some organic literature mentions the difficulty of decarboxylating quaternary malonates, probably due to steric hindrance. ' It seems reasonable to expect that a similar reasoning applies to polymer 8 and explains its unexpected thermal stability. 53 54

55 56


Polymer 8 is not very soluble in water, requiring 50 wt-% KOH aqueous solutions to fully solubilize (solubility > 1 g.L" ). The malonic acid substructure can be expected to provide an excellent site for metal complexation, due to its chelate structure. Experiments are currently carried out to check out this possibility. 1

Ring-Opening Polymerization of Activated Cyclobutanes A l l attempts to polymerize diethyl cyclobutane-1,1 -dicarboxylate 10, under the same conditions as its cyclopropyl equivalent, failed completely. At low temperatures, no reaction occured. At higher temperatures (140°C and up), the sodium thiophenolate was consumed by a Krapcho reaction with the ester, providing ethyl cyclobutanecarboxylate and ethyl phenyl thioether as the only products of the reaction (eq 7). 57


Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

70 ~^r-x


r.nnpt COOEt





x\ = /,









(eq.7) 4


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1,1 -Dicyanocyclobutane 11 can be expected to be more reactive than 10 due to the higher stability of the formed dicyano-substituted carbanion. Several experiments showed that ring-opening by sodium thiophenolate does occur, providing the (3-phenylthiopropyl)malononitrile carbanion, but no further reaction takes place (eq. 8).



11 no reaction


11 (eq.


These results contrast with the reported ring-opening polymerization of cyclobutanes 12 containing an additional ether group on the vicinal position. '

59 6

12 R~~°

(X = HorCN)

Structural and Physical Properties of Substituted Poly(trimethylenes) Influence of Architecture on Local Conformation Traditional carbon-chain polymers of the vinyl and vinylidene types have their substituents located on every second carbon along the backbone. Polymer chemistry students are very familiar with this substitution pattern, but they do not always realize how close side-substituents actually are in such systems. A space filling model of a poly(vinylidene cyanide) segment in an all-trans conformation (left side of Figure 4) can help in visualizing that carbon and nitrogen atoms of the cyanide groups are actually at Van der Waals distances. As a result of these close distances between substituents, strong 1,3 non-bonded interactions force the backbone to adopt conformations minimizing repulsions between side-groups. This is true in

Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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71 the crystal state where helical structures are adopted by tactic vinyl polymers like polypropylene or polystyrene, while unsubstituted linear polyethylene prefers to adopt an all-trans conformation. This is true in solution too, where helicity can be forced by bulky substituents. Minimizing the interactions by shifting to other conformations is of course possible, and is generally easy when only one substituent is placed on every repeating unit. However, when Jwo geminal substituents are positioned on every repeating unit, some strong 1,3 repulsive interaction will be maintained in whatever conformation is finally reached. Side substituents do not affect only conformations. They also induce lower thermal stabilities for some polymers or the appearance of low ceiling temperatures for some monomers, like 1,1-diphenylethylene, and some a-substituted styrenes and acrylates. It must also be realized that the cyano substituents used in Figure 4 are small, whereas most typical side substituents used on functionalized polymers are large. In most cases, much stronger repulsive interactions have to be expected, including non steric interactions like dipole-dipole or Coulombic interactions. 19

Figure 4. Space filling models for segments ofpolyfvinylidene cyanide) (CH -C(CN) )„ and poly (cyclopropane-1,1-dicarbonitrile) (CH -CH -C(CN) ) 2




2 n

Placing two substituents on every third atom maintains a large density of side substituents along the backbone, while minimizing repulsive interactions between next neighbors. A more appropriate arrangement of substituents, where the same cyano substituents are now placed on every third carbon, can be visualized on the space filling model depicted on the right side of Figure 4. The new substitution pattern influences directly thermal properties. As a result of the new lineup, better thermal stabilities can be observed as demonstrated by TGA. Figure 5 displays the thermal behavior of polymers ((CH )i(COOEt)2) with i = 1 and 2 . The additional methylene unit in the internal spacer provides for an additional 100 K in thermal stability. The new architecture has also a dramatic effect on the local conformation of the main chain. Two quaternary centers are now separated by a C H C H spacer, making a gauche conformation difficult and a full rotation along the central C-C bond almost impossible, as illustrated by the conformational analysis of Figure 6. Note that this rotational hindrance is not equivalent to a complete freezing of the backbone, as would be the case if a rigid unit like a C=C double bond or an aromatic unit was introduced. The range of available dihedral angles is still large, as indicated by the large valley on the left side of the conformational curve. What is interesting, however, is the possible control over the stiffness of the backbone that can be obtained byfine-tuningthe nature of the side substituents rather than the nature of the backbone. 2




Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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0 I 180


1 -160


L -140


1 -120


1 -100


1 -80


1 -60


1 -40


1 -20


1 0

Dihedral Angle (°)

Figure 6. Theoretical conformational analysis of n-butane and 2,2,5,5tetramethylhexane (molecular mechanics calculation using the MM2 force field)

Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


Experimentally, an increased stiffness is observed indeed in polytrimethylene polymers. A preliminary investigation on the conformation of polymer 2c (CH CH C(COO/-Pr) ) was made using Raman spectroscopy and showed no evidence of gauche conformations. The general appearance of the spectra in the 1,000-1,250 cm" region supports the existence of a rigid backbone, both in the solid state and in solution. Preliminary X-ray results obtained on semicrystalline samples support this view. The local stiffness has, as expected, a direct influence on ultimate thermal properties. It increases for example, the glass transition temperature of poly(isobutylene) by at least 60 °C when an additional methylene unit is introduced into the backbone, providing poly(l,l-dimethytrimethylene) (CH CH C(CH ) ). 2





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Conclusions Our study on activated small cycloalkanes and their polymerization has demonstrated that cyclopropanes geminally substituted by two esters, two nitriles, or a combination of an ester and a nitrile, can be polymerized very easily under anionic conditions. The presence of a third activating substituents, while increasing the reactivity, is not a prerequisite for the ring-opening polymerization to occur. On the contrary, cyclobutane monomers bearing the same substituents are much less reactive. Under the best experimental conditions, they can lead only to very low molecular weight oligomers. The reactivity of cyclopropane monomers depends primarily on the ability of the electron-withdrawing groups to stabilize the propagating carbanion. Diestersubstituted cyclopropanes require temperatures higher than 80°C and can be polymerized at temperatures as high as 190°C without the appearance of noticeable side reactions. 1,1-Dicyanocyclopropane, on the contrary, can be polymerized at room temperature. 1-Cyanocyclopropanecarboxylates display an intermediate polymerizability. Counterions also play a role in the polymerizability, free carbanions obtained by complexing the alkali countercation with cryptands providing the most reactive system. The stability of the growing chain makes living polymerizations possible, as demonstrated by a detailed kinetic and mechanistic study on diisopropyl 1,1 -cyclopropanedicarboxylate lc. This livingness should open access to various controlled macromolecular architectures, including block, star, and branched copolymers. The structure of the end-groups can be controlled by the nature of the initiator and end-capping agents. If necessary, two identical end-groups can be incorporated by end-capping the propagating carbanion with half an equivalent of 1,2dibromoethane. The large distance between next neighbors along the backbone allows very bulky side groups to be added on the polymer chain. Side-groups incompatible with the polymerization reaction can be added via post-polymerization reactions on the ester and cyano groups. Based on this strategy, a polyelectrolyte containing two carboxylate salt groups on every third carbon has been synthesized by hydrolysing the ester groups on the malonate substructure. Preliminary studies on the confornational preferences in this new substitution architecture have provided evidence, both at the theoretical and experimental levels, that the all-trans conformation is more favored than for traditional carbon-chain polymers, and that full rotation along the CH -CH bond is very difficult. This local 2


Boffa and Novak; Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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74 preference does not necessarily make the polymer chain a rigid rod, but it allows an all-trans conformation to be easily reached, should repulsive interactions between side groups provide the driving force for the stretching. In the solid state, preliminary evidence supports the formation of an all-trans conformation for the backbone. The substitution pattern also has a direct influence on thermal properties. Poly(diethyl cyclopropane-l,l-dicarboxylate) was found to be about 100 K more thermally stable than its shorter homologue, poly(diethyl vinylidenedicarboxylate). A comparison between poly(isobutylene) and poly(l,l-dimethyltrimethylene) showed that the latter has a glass transition temperature at least 60 °C higher than the former. A l l poly(trimethylene)s investigated in this study are semicrystalline polymers and show very high tendencies to crystallize. Acknowledgments I am deeply indebted to all undergraduate and graduate students who worked on this project in the past few years, both in Belgium and in the US. Their names can be found in the reference list. I am also indebted to my colleagues, Ted Atkins (Bristol), Klaus Schmidt-Rohr, Shaw Ling Hsu and Igor Kaltashov (Amherst) for their collaboration on part of this work. This study was made possible by the financial support of the Ministere de VAmenagement du Territoire, de la Recherche, des Technologies et des Relations Exterieures de la Region Wallonne (Belgium), the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (Belgium), the Fonds de Developpement Scientifique de VUniversite catholique de Louvain (Belgium), the 3M Young Faculty Award program, and the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center at the University of Massachusetts (NSF DMR-9400488 and DMR-9809365).

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