Systematic Analysis of Surface-Active Agents

Ronen and Goldsmith deals in a systematic manna. with the problem of separating the surfacbants from other materials and of analysing them qualitstive...
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Chemical Analysis. Volume 12: Systematic Analysis of Surface-Active Agents

Millon J . R o s a , BrooMyn College, Brooklyn, New York, and H a r y A . Goldsntilh, Tureo Products, h e . , Los Angehs, California. Interscience Publishers, Ine., Xew York, 1960. xvii 422 pp. Figs. and tables. IF X 23.5 rm. J13.50.


Surface active agents are generally ar romplex mixtures of elosrly rplated products; they are then o f t w compoondcd with other surfactant8 and with various additives, and this matprinl may finally be used as a minor constituent of a final product such as a cutting oil or a, cosmetic. The hook of Ronen and Goldsmith deals in a systematic manna. with the problem of separating the surfacbants from other materials and of analysing them qualitstively and quant,itativrly. Most of the hook is devoted t,o newly developed analytical schemes which blend n selection of old methods with original contributions by the authors and B W based on s new classification of s w fsrtnnts for analytical purposes. The Imok is addressed to the mature chemist and is roncerned primarily with the "how" and "what does it mean" of s, procedure rathw than the details of the "why" of it. For thaw ronc:erned with the analysis of sorfnrtnnts this hook will be invaluable Imth as n source of tested proced~wsand ns a guidr to the widelyncattered litwatt~rr of this field. KAROLJ. ~ I Y S E L S I - r ~ k e r s i l zof~ Southern California I d s ilngeles

The Principles of Electrophorerir

I l m ~.4,rdz,be~t, formerly Professor at, the Sorbonne (deceased) and Serge dc Mend?, Tational Centre for Scientific R~ararch, Paris. Translated by A. J . Powerans. The Macmillan Co., 142 pp. e Y o 1960. Viii Figs. and tables. 15 X 23.5 cm. $7.


Elettrophoreris in Physiology

Lena -4.Lewis, Cleveland Clinic, Clrvrland, Ohio, with a special chapter by

M . D. Poalik, Child Research Center of Michigan. Detroit. 2nd ed. Puhliration No. 385, American Lecture Series. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, 1960. v 120 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 em. $5.50.


These two books duplicate each other in the description of apparatus and methods, but for the most part are eomplementary. Audubert and de Mende devote one chapter of nine to specific applications of electrophoresis, while Lewis discusses applioations in physiology through nearly two-thirds of her hook. The first four chapters of "The Prineiples of Electrophoresis'' artre introductory. beginning with elementary theory of electrolyte and colloidal solutions. Eket,rokinrt,ic potential, electro-osmosis, and the determination of mobilities of simple

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Journal of Chemical Educdion