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RESEARCH RESULTS . . . . . . immediateh available All papers listed are being considered for possible publication in I&EC and I&EC Quarterlies. They are available in manuscript form prior to I&EC publication or alternatively for at least three months.

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Nitrogen-1 5 Tracer Studies of the Nitrolysis of Hexamethylenetetramine. H M X and R D X formation by hexamine nitrolysis

without (CH20) is essentially from hexamine-nitrogens. With (CHzO), in situ, 7% of the H M X and 40% of the R D X are derived from NH4NOa.


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Theory of the Surface Ignition Energy of Condensed Explosives. Simple theory, that elucidates important features of

surface ignition energy and delay time of an explosive under high heat flux, is developed from the heat conduction and thermal decomposition kinetic processes involved.

W.H . Andersen, Heliodyne Carp.

Thomas C. Castorina and Joseph R. Autera, Picatinny Arsenal

Ms. 64-467 29Pages (7figures, 4 tables)


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Subsmibers $3.00 Nonsubscribers $6.00

Differential Thermal Analysis for the Estimation of the Relative Qualitative application of Thermal Stability of Lubricants.





Ms. 64-473

I 7 Pages ( 2 tables)

Second Virial Coefficients for the Lennard-Jones (6-m) Gases.

DTA to study of decomposition of organic systems, particularly those of interest as lubricants a t high temperatures. Samples of several distinctly different classes of materials used. Data show utility of procedures for screening materials for thermal stability.

Agreement between calculated and experimental values of coefficients for argon, carbon dioxide, methane, ethane, propane, and n-butane is improved by choosing different m values for each substance. More accurate representation of data for pure gases and a better combining rule for prediction of properties of gas mixtures is foreseen.

A . A. Krawetz and T . Tovrog, Phoenix Chemical Laboratory, Inc.

Mark Min-Nan Sre and Hsien- Wen Hsu, University of Tennessee

MS.64-468 36 Pages ( 7 5 f g u r e s , I table)


M s . 64-474


23pages (djgures, 4 tables)

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An Analog Computer Model of Conversion in a Catalytic Reformer. Analog computer solution is presented for a system





Bubble Dynamics in Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids.

of differential rate equations representing the reactions of a C7 hydrocarbon catalytic reforming sequence. The effect of temperature and reactor size of conversion in an adiabatic process is presented.

Timewise variations in collapsing velocity, fluid pressure, and rate of energy dissipation are nonmonotone in power-law fluids, and it is feasible to alter or control dynamic characteristics of the bubble in a Newtonian fluid by addition of a power-law fluid.

R. L. Burnett, H. L. Steinmetz, E. M . Blue, and J . J . Noble, California Research Carp.

M s . 64-475





'Ms. 64-469

7 9 Pages (6figures, 1 table)

Chlorination of tantalite ore gives mixture of metal chlorides which can be distilled to give a pure TaC16 fraction. Equipment cost and floor space for process appears less than for other methods; also, fewer steps involved than for other commercial processes. Separation of Metal Chlorides by Distillation.

Sidney G . Parker and Oran W . Wilson, Texas Instruments, Inc.

Ms. 64-470 20pages (8jgures, 3 tables)

Wen-Jei Yang and Hsu-Chieh Yeh, L'niuersity of Michigan 76 Pages (3figures, 2 tables)





Dissolution of Phosphate Rock by Mixtures of Sulfuric and Knowing solubility of calcium sulfate Phosphoric Acids.

in mixtures of PZOSand HzSOa makes it possible to predict those compositions which will cause rock blinding in phosphoric acid manufacture. Richard L. Gilbert and Edgard C . Moreno, American Cyanamid Go. M s . 64-476





Solvent Extraction Separation of Monazite Rare-Earth Nitrates in a Pulse Column. A pulsed extraction column was used to


73 pages (2,figures, 2 tables)

Kinetics of Catalytic Cehydrogenation of Ethylbenzene to Styrene. Rate of dehydrogenation has been investigated at temperatures from 495' to 630' C. and pressures from 1 to 11 atm. O n the basis of reagents and product adsorption,

fractionate monazite rare-earth nitrates using undiluted tributyl phosphate as a solvent. The results compared reasonably well with data from a three-stage simulated column run.

Sergio Carra and Lucio Forni, University of Milan, Italy

S. Edward Mead and Morton Smutz, Iowa State University

M s . 64-477

Ms. 64-472 17 pages (dfigures, 2 tables)






Aronsubscrzbers 94.00

kinetic interpretation of experimental data is offered.

28 Pages (8jgures, 3 tables)





(Continued on page 93)

VOL. 5 7

NO. 2



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PROGRESS IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Vol. V. Edited by F. ALBERTCOTTOX. Latest volume of expository and interpretive treatments by experts. An Interscience book. 1963. 464 pages. $14.00 FLAME SPECTROSCOPY. By RADUMAVRODINEANU and HBWRI BOITEUX. Stresses the basic scientific approach (not a "cookbook"). Shows h o w and w h y excitation phenomena occur in flames; h o w and w h y t o select, design and build experimental instruments; and w h a t can be expected from flame excitation. Also includes wavelength tables. 1964. 721 p a p . $42.00 HANDBOOK OF ELECTRON BEAM WELDING. By R. BAKIJH and S.WHITE. An all-inclusive book, covering theory of electron beam generation, available machines, mechanical and metallurgical integrity of joints produced, and methods for tooling and estimating costs. One of the Wiley Series on the Science and Technology of Materials. 1964. 269 pages. $11.50 THERMAL METHODS QF ANALYSIS.

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Mafhemafical Models of Mechanism of Thickening. Two pro-

posed models of thickening were testqd by means of data of Gaudin and Fuerstenau and found to’give satisfactory correlation in each case. One model, based on a simple extension of sedimentation theory, furnished information which could be independently verified.


Keith J . Scott, S. A . Council for Scienti>c and Industrial Research, Pretoria, South Africa Ms. 64-478 Subscribers $2~00 20pages (4Jigures, 2 tables)



Predicted Burning Roles of Single Carbon Particles. Recent comprehensive theory of carbon combustion in air is summarized and used to reanalyze original data of Tu, Davis, and Hottel. Analysis shows that desorption is the rate-controlling step below 1000° K.; above, it is shared by chemisorption and diffusion.

Robert H . Essenhigh, Robert Froberg, and Jack B. Howard, The Pennsyluaia State University

Ms. 64-479 20 pages (Qfigures)





Reacfion Rates of Single Coal Parficles: Influence of Swelling. Shape, and Ofher Facfors. Burning rates determined by photo-

graphing particles and determining rate of change of radius with time. Results agreed with prediction. Information also obtained on shape factor. Swelling factor of bituminous coal found constant in spite of wide variation in burning-swelling number. Robert H. Essenhigh, The Pennsylvania State University, hnd G. York, Uniuersity of Shefield, England

Ms. 64-480 7 2 pages (Zfigures, 2 tables)

tion of several adsorbates. Purely empirical approaches yield as good results as more theoretical models and are basically simpler. R . B. Needham, J . M . Campbell, and H . 0 . McLeod, University of Oklahoma M s . 64-487


3 6 pages (8Jigures)


Nunsubscrabers $8.00

Mass Transfer-Controlled Kinetics.

A Simplified Approach.

Under certain conditions, the concentration of reacting species at a solid-gas interface is shown to equal the concentrations obtained when the bulk gas is brought to equilibrium with the solid phase. This result leads to a simplified form of kinetic expression for mass transfer-controlled reactions. Samuel E. Craig, Jr., Arizona State University

Ms. 64-488 12 pages





The Generalized Three-Paramefer Epstein Equation of Sfate.

Procedures for evaluating the coefficients of the Epstein equation of state have been investigated with the help of P-V-T data for four hydrocarbons. Closest agreement with experimental data was obtained when all virial coefficients were evaluated from three critical constants. Joseph Joffe and Ghanshyam R. Patel, Newark College of Engineering

Ms. 64-497 lopages ( 2 tables)










Quasistabiiized Combustion of Natural Gas and Air in Porous Media. A simplified heat transfer equation for a cy-

The Action of Adsorpfive lnhibifors in Some Corrosive Sysfems.

Considers profound effect of small quantities of suitable ions in aqueous solution on dissolution of alkali halide crystals. Results of radiotracer experiments support concept of inhibitor control by action at “kink” sites in otherwise close-packed crystal surface, Studies confined to surfaces of single crystal material.

lindrical system describes experimentally observed rates of burning zone advance for fuel-rich mixtures of natural gas and air at 100 p.s.i.g. in porous sand packs 0.90 inch in diameter.

M . B. Iues, McMaster Uniwrsity

Fretwell G . Crider, Dean K . Walton, and C. Bradford Tucker, Socony Mobil Oil Go., Inc.

28 pages ( 13Jgures)

M s . 64-481

Exfracfive Evaporafion with Ammonia. A process for removing small amounts of nonaromatic hydrocarbons from light aromatic hydrocarbons of similar boiling points. Impurities are entrained by evaporating ammonia under pressure without reflux, leaving a residue up to 99.5% pure aromatics.

18 pages (4jFgures, 2 tables)





Group Contribufions to Activity Coefficients: The CHz and OH Groups, Theory developed in terms of fundamental

thermodynamic quantities. Extensive data reported over CH, concentration 3.0 to 99.9%. Method for calculating standard state group contributions offered. Activity coefficient logarithms for eight binary systems calculated with less than 10% deviation from experimental values.

18Pages ( S j g u r e s , 4 tables)

Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers


Evaluation of Solid Propellant Bailisfic Properties by Constant Volume Burning. Convenient, fast, new method uses small

amount of propellant; requires one run for wide pressure range. Also suitable for semiquantitative evaluation of propellant grain stability during burning. Data obtained in excellent agreement with those from strand burner measurements and motor firings. A . M . Fayon and J . E . Goldstein, American Cyanamid Go.

Ms. 64-486 20pages (4Jgures, 3 tables)





Alfred W. Francis, Socony Mobil Oil Go.

Ms. 64-496 22 pages(6JSgures, 6 tables)





Development and Demonstration of an Expression for TwoPhase, liquid4iquid Equilibrium Calculations. A ternary,

W m . A . Scheller, University of Nebraska

Ms. 64-485

M s . 64-492

Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00

A Critical Evaluation of fhe Mafhematical Models Used for Several models in Dynamic Adaorpfion of Hydrocarbons.

current use involve assumptions incompatible with the physical system and/or incapable of describing the concurrent adsorp-

three-suffix Margules equation, adapted for liquid-liquid systems, has been used to calculate binary and ternary coefficients from solubility data from the n-butane-butene-I-water system. Temperature dependence constants of these coefficients have been used to calculate partial molal enthalpies and entropies. Harry M . Smiley, Union Carbide Gorp.

Ms. 64-498 lopages ( 2 tables)





Mass Transfer from a Flaf Solid Surface to a Falling NonNewfonian liquid Film. Falling film technique applied to

system benzoic acid-aqueous carboxymethylcellulose solution. Diffusivity of benzoic acid in solution evaluated from data as 1.4 X 10-6 sq. cm./sec. Phenomenon of molecular diffusion in flow field is discussed. Gzanni Astarita, University of Naples, Italy

Ms. 64-502 19 pages (SJigures, 7 table) VOL. 5 7

NO. 2





FEBRUARY 1 9 6 5