as specified in the deterniiiiatiori of total carbon,. €1. G. DII,r.m, Secretary. -47za&sis of Fzwzmg Su&hziyic Acid. -- -The followirig method of a...
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Gvzfihite.--Dissoive one gram saiiiple in 3j cc. nitric acid ( I . I 3 sp. g r . ) filter on ashebtos, wash with hot water, tIi?!i pot:is?iuin hydroxide ( 1 . 1 sp. gr.) and finally with liot water. T h e graphite is then ignited as specified i n the deterniiiiatiori of total carbon, €1. G . D I I , r . m , Secretary.

-47za&sis of Fzwzmg Su&hziyic Acid. -- - T h e followirig method of analysis for fuming sulphuric acid has given excellent results for both speed and accuracy. P u t about I j cc. distilled water into a small Erlenmeyer flask, and then introduce a piece of 6 111m. glass tubing with a narrow constriction as shown in tlie cut. Allow a fen. drops of water to

trickle down the glass tube. Xow weigh the ~ n i i ~ i lt i ca 1,unge pipette. a n d iiitroduce t h e sample through tiie glass tube. T h e acid runs down tlirougli tile tube a n d is absorbed by the water without spattering. Some fumes remain j t i t h e tube. By alloning a few drops of water to trickle r1o~i-nt h e tube, these ftitiies a r e coiiipletely absorbed. T h e analysis of one acid was checked within 0 . O j per cent. ten times in succession by T. J . BREWSTER. this niethod. 1:. 1. D G I' p a r e d i !i I yc>.i. ~l'llenew \ ~ o r k activity, ills aecntid etlitio!i of i\ clea!s eqxciaily with t h e marvelou ntaneous transioriiiations which are taking place coiitiiiuously i i i radioactive tilatter. After a n historical introductio!i, in \rliicli a p;.erier:il resun16 of the developiiient of radioactivity is given, tlie t r a ! i s f ~ ~ r ~ i i ~ ~of t i othe i i s element tlioriiin~a x ciisciissed. W i t h clear and convincing argument, tlie author presents tl:e Pacts which lead to tiie conclusion t h a t tlioriuni is very slowly decomposing. T h e first product of the dwoiiiposition is radiotlioriurii ; tliis, in turii, yields another radioactive product, thoriuiii X . , etc. T h e successive changes n h i c h have so far i 11 cstabliilied are as f o l !o xvs : Ti 1or i u 111-Rad i c) t li or i 11i n T 11 X --T !I E I 11an it t i o 11----Til A-iii--+