Table of Azeotropes and Nonazeotropes

from whose various tables of azeotropes the major portion of the present table has been collected and without which the present table could not have b...
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Table of Azeotropes and Nonazeotropes L. H. HORSLEY, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Mich.


HIS table of azeotropes is a collection of binary and ternary azeotropes and nonazeotropes taken largely from the literature. I t represents a revised form of a collection which has been in use for several years, during which time an attempt has been made to make it as complete and free from errors as possible. I t is hoped that omissions and errors will be called to the author's attention for inclusion in supplements. The table is arranged in two parts: (1)table of binary systems and (2) table of ternary systems. The individual systems are arranged according to empirical formula. The systems containing inorganic constituents are listed first in alphabetical order and then organic systems according to number of atoms in the order C, H, Br, C1, F, I, N, 0, S: A11 compounds with a given number of carbon atoms are placed together. This is essentially the Chemzcal Abstracts system. For a given binary system the component which comes first Table I. NO.

A = 1 la

lh IC Id le 2


B-Component Name

Formula Boron Fluoride Water Water Ammonia Formic acid Methanol .4cetonitrile Acetic acid Acetic acid

2h 2c

Methyl formate 2-Chloroethanol

2d 2e 2f 2g 2h 2i 2j 2k 21 2m

E t h y l alcohol Methyl ether E t h y l formate Methyl acetate Propionic acid Methyl glycolate E t h y l methyl ether Propyl alcohol Trimethylamine Crotonic acid

2n 20 2P

Butyric acid E t h y l acetate Butyl alcohol E t h y l ether Pyridine E t h y l propionate Propyl acetate Amy1 methyl ether Isopropyl ether


?r 2s 2t 2U

2v A = 3 4

Hydrobromic Acid Water Hydrogen sulfide

according to the above system is chosen as the A-component and is shown in bold-face type. Under each A-component the B-components are arranged according to the above system. For ternary systems the same arrangement is used, choosing the simplest formula as A-component, the next as B-component, etc. A formula index at the end of the table lists under each compound all the systems for which that compound is a component. ACKYOWLEDGMENT

The author wishes to give special acknowledgment to 31.Lecat, from whose various tables of azeotropes the major portion of the present table has been collected and without which the present table could not have been produced, to E. C. Britton for originally proposing and sponsoring the work, and to H. S. Nutting for valuable aid and suggestions in compiling the data.

Binary Systems B.P., C.



hzeotropic D a t a Weight % A

- 101 100 100 - 33 100.75 64.7 81.6 118 118

46/1 mm. 180 43/11 58/4 101 140/746 59/13 91 59/2

36 53 30

57.1 140.7 151 10.8 97.25 3.5 189

51/15 127 102 110 62/17 60/3 127 56/2 230 81/12.5

42 60 48 48 31 43 53 36 53 28

162.45 77.05 117.75 34.5 115.5 99.15 101.6 100 69

64/11 119 64.5/3 125 300 116 127 55/10 61/98

28 44 31 48 46 40 40 40 40

67 100 59.6


47.5 40

31.9 127

- 78.3 21 54.1



126, 56

A = 5

Bromine Iodine

58.75 185.3


A =

Tin Bromide

202 218.1



A = 7 8 9 10 11

A = 12

A = 13 14 15 16

A = 17

A =

Saphthalene Carbon Dioxide Hydrochloric acid Water Sulfur dioxide Chloromethane Ethane Chlorine Sulfur dioxide Hydrochloric Acid Water Ethane Methyl ether Aniline Perchloric Acid Water

Antimony Chloride 18 Nonaromatic hydrocarbons D a t a a t 45 atmospheres B.P. HCI = 25' C./45 atmospheres.

60.0 65 80 42 52 62 32


79.2 85 100 10 23.7 88.3


- 33.5 9.7 -100a5 -

280 21 184.35

110 100 220 200

Nonazeotrope Nonazeotrope Nonazeotrope Nonazeotrope 45


34.7 110 2 244.8

20.3 56O 61 27.5



15' -


iMinimum B.P.


A U G U S T 1947 8

Table I . .NO.


A = 19 20 21 22

Silicon Chloride Chloroform Chlorotrimethylsilanr Acetonitrile Acrylonitrile

A = 23 24 25 26 27

Tin Chloride Benzene Toluene Methylcyclohexane 2,5-Dimethylhexane n-Octane

A = 28

Copper Tin

A = 29 30 31 32 33

Hydrofluoric Acid Water Water Water Butane 2-Methylpropane

A = 34

Antimony Fluoride Antimony pentafluoride

A = 35

Hydriodic Acid Water

A = 36

Nitric Acid Water

A = 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Water Hydrogen peroxide Sulfuric acid Ammonia Hydrazine Carbon tetrachloride Carbon disulfide Chloroform Formic acid Nitromethane Methanol

47 48 49 50 51

52 53 54 55 56


Chloral Chloral cis-l,2-Dichloroethylene Irans-1,2-Dichloroethylene Acetonitrile Acetaldehyde Acetic acid Methyl formate Bromoethane 2-Chloroethanol



56.5 61 57.5 81.6 79.0



Azeotropic D a t a Weight % ’ A

55 54. ?.J 19 51.2

64 90.6 89

Reference 36 138

134 134


80.2 110.7 101.8 109.2 125.8

Nonazeotrope 109.15 52 Nonazeotrope 108.0 70 45.0 41 Maximum B.P. Maximum B.P. Nonazeotrope 36.9 153.5 12 144.9 63 151.5 65 >146.5 Butyl nitrite Isobutyl nitrite Butyl alcohol Isohuts-I alcohol Isoanij-l alcohol tert-.imyl alcohol Benzene Cyclohexane n-Hexane 2-Bromopropane Proph-l nitrite Propyl alcohol Isopropyl alcohol Trimethyl borate E t h y l acetate Isobutyl nitrite Pentane Ethl-1 propyl ether n-Hexane



71.0 87.5 68.75 79.6 77.05 77.05 79.7 80,85 68.8

47.75 40.0 82.5 42.3 37.15 27.95 36.15

2-Iodopropane Isopropyl alcohol Propyl alcohol E t h y l acetate Methyl propionate Propyl formate Isobutyl alcohol Isobutyl formate Isopropyl acetate Isoamyl nitrite Benzene Propyl ether Propionamide Isoamyl alcohol p-Dibromobenzene p-Chloronitrobenzene p-Dichlorobenzene Chlorobenzene Iodobenzene Nitrobenzene o-Nitrophenol Phenol Pyrocatechol

94 35

70 93,94



Nonazetrope 70

Nonazeotrope Nonazeotrope Nonazeotrope



enzeiie Bornyl acetate

217.25 245.9 221.83 203 2 201.7 202.3

Benzene 1,3-Cyclohexadiene 1.4-Cyclohexadiene C yclohexene Cyclohexene Cyclohexane Methyloyclopentane Cyclohexanol n-Hexane x-Hexane n-Hexyl alcohol

80.2 50.8 8.5. R 83.2 82. 75 80 75 71 8 160 6 3 68 9s A8 9.5 13 .i


213.4 215.4 227.7


Propyl ether Acetal Toluene 2.4-Dimethylpentane 2,3-Dimethylpentane n-Heptane 2 ,2,3-Trimethylbutane 2,2.4-Trimethylpentane Phenol .Iniline 3-Picoline 4-Picoline Cyclohexanone Cyclohexanone Diethvl oxalate Dimethyl succinate Cyrlohexanol l-Ethox>-ethyl acetate Isopropyl lactate Propyl lactate n-Hexyl alcohol S-Butoxyethanol lI1,2,2-Tetramethyl-l,2-ethane-diol Benzaldehyde m-Bromotoluene o-Bromotoluene p-Bromotoluene p-Cblorotoluene p-lodotoluene

4267 4268 4169 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276

Anisole Benzyl alcohol Benzyl alcohol m-Cresol o-Cresol p-Cresol 2,6-Lutidine N-Methylaniline o-Toluidine m-Toluidine

4977 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286

p-Toluidine Isobutyl lactate n-Heptyl alcohol Styrene Acetophenone Acetophenone Benzyl formate Methyl benzoate Phenyl acetate m-Xylene

4287 4288 4289 4290 1291 4292 4293 4294 459.7 4296

o-Xylene p-Methylanisiile Phenetole S, S - D i m e t h s laniline Methylheptenone 2-Octanone E t h y l caproate Isoamyl propionate Isoamyl lactate ,i-Octyl :ilcohol

90.55 104 8 110.7 80 6 89 8 98.4 80.8 99 2



Azeotropic D a t a Weight % A

208 35 67 3 Nonazeoii ope 208 6 75 203 2 2.5 Nonnzevtropr

Reference :4,94 95 94 04 9;

Nonaaeotropr Nonazeotrope Nonazeotrope Nonazeotrope Nonazeotrope Nonazeotrope


215 75 60 Xonazeotrope Nonazeotrope Iionaseotrope 211 9 40 214 3 -lether

103.55 110.75 101.1 98.6 122.2

CeHizOz CsHizOz CsHiaOi CiHs CaHic CaHia

Isoamyl Formate Propyl propionate Paraldehyde Toluene Ethylbenzene n-Ortane

122.5 124 110.7 136.1.5 12.5.8

Isobutyl Acetate hlethyl isovalerate Paraldehyde Triethyl borate Toluene n-Heptane n-Octane

116.3 124 118.6 110.7 98.5 125.8

4656 4657 4658

A 4659 4660 4661 4662 1663 4664 4665 4666

A = 4667 4668 4669 1670 4671

A = 4612 4673 4674 4675 4676

A = 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 4682

A =

A -

A = 4689

A = 4690 4691 -If392 4693 %XI4 469.5


Azeotropic D a t a Weight % ' A

153.0 158.8

42 78


Reference 8e 100


98 97


93 93



199 0 196.5 180 8 184.0 179.0 203.5 205.0


87-94 94 86 86 86 94 87 94 94 94


94 92

34 91 94 91

110.1 Nonaeeotrope 109.8 100.1 97.0


-l-l.2-ethanediol Benzaldehydr or-Chlorotoliiene a-Cresol p-Cresol Phenet o l r hlcsitylt~nc Cymene Camphene d-Limonene n-Phrllandrene a-Terpinene Cineole



171.7 171.5 179 2 179.35 191. I 201.7 171.5


1N.6 176 7

la9.6 177.8 171.5 173 3 176.3




Azeotropir D ata -~ Weight ’?& A Relerence

168 37 Konazeotrope 171.2 is Nonazeotrope Nonazeotrope 167.0 50 160,s 28 167.0 60 156.2 17 166.35 63 162.5 50 164 50 169 73

gd 04

04 85 89

94 8.9.

94 83 89 94

94 93 94


Chloroacetaldehyde, Diethylacetal 1,1,2.2-Tetramethy!-l .?-ethanediol -4nisole Styrene a-Xylene Isoamyl propionate Propyl isoralerate Propylhenzene Isobutyl isovnlerate Cymene Camphen?

171.5 153.85 145 8 143.6 160.3 155.8 1B9.2 171.35 176.7 l59,5

d-Limonene or-Pinene 8-Pinene a-Terpinene 2,i-Dimethyloctane Isoamyl ether

177, 8 1.55 8 164 173.3 160.2 173.4

155.5 yl methyl ether. B.p., 10.8 L1

Isopropyl alcohol. B.p., 82.44 80 296 342 406 447 546 547 594 595 699 728. 910,

988. i i 3 5 , i z s , ' n i b , 1345, h o , ' mi, 1671, 1717, 1728, 1700, 1780, 2075, 2095, 2140, 2164, 2337, 2474. 2493. 2513. 2527. 2549, 2558, 2563, 2573, 2587, 26912750, 6167, 6172, 6190, 6237, 6253-6261, 6342, 6409, 6410, 6414 Propyl alcohol B.p. 97 2 2k 79 255 '295 204' 405 446 493 548 729 911 989 iiii '1112' 1125 1236 i259 '1260 i 3 i i 1846 '1539' 1570' 1718' 1729' 1751' 1781' 2079' 2080' 2094' 2139' 2163' 2225' 2239' 2383 2384' 2512' 2628 2548 2559' 2574' 258s '2675 i751-2i314 6 i 5 8 s i b 6 6iio 6 i 7 i 6183' 6412, 6189: 6413 6226, 6236, 6240-6052, 6350, 6367, '6397,' 6400: 2-Methoxyethanol (*lycol inethyl ether). B.p., 124 83, 912, 1552, 2813-2821, 6262, 6263 Methylal. B.p.. 42.25 81 82 407 549 596 597 630 700 814 1478 1512 1540, i 7 i i '1782 2150 i 3 3 8 ' 2 4 7 5 2494 2560 '2564'2676 2682: 2691: 282212829.' 6327,' 6333,' 6343,' 6348,' 6361: 6415, 6416 1,2-Propanediol (propylene glscol). B.P., 188.5 2830-2833 Glycerol. B.p.. 290 84, 2834-2889 1-Propanethiol (propyl mercaptan). B.p.. 67.5 550. 815. 2339, 3476, 2529, 2890-2892 Trimethyl borate. B.p. 68.7 343, 408, 448, 816, 1312, 1347, 1541, 1572, 1783, 2096, 2340. 2341. 2530. 2550, 2893-2902




l-Buten-3-yne (vinyl acetylene). B.P., 5.1 mn6 Pyrazine. B.p.. 114 85, 817, 1784 Thiophene. B.p. 84 86, 344, 632, 99b, 1313, 2343, 2907-2911 2.3,3-Trichlorobutyraldehyde. B.P., 164 2187



AUGUST 1947 Table 111. Formula Index (Continued)

CcHsClsOz C4HsN

E t h y l trichloroacetate. B.p., 167.5 2912 Crotononitrile. B.p., 119 P?


C4H6N C4H6 CaHs CaH6Clz02 CaH60 CaHeO? C4H602 C4H602 CaHsO4 CaH;Br ClHiBr CaH7Br CaHiBr C4H;Br C4H;BrOz CaH;CI CiHrCl CaH-C1 CaHiCl CaHiCl CIHiCl02 C4HiiX C4H;X C~HINOZ CaHs C4Hs CIHS C%Hs

CiHs CaHsClzO CiHsO


CaHsO CaHaO? C6Ha02 C4He02

CPHSOZ C1H602 CiHs02

Pyrrol. B.p., 130.5 913. 1261. 2913-2922 1,a-BUtadiene. B.p., -4.5 257, 689, 707, 894, 1177, 1365, 1372, 2923, 2924 1-Butyne (ethyl acetylene). B.p., 7 258, 2925, 2926 E t h y l dichloroacetate. B.p.. 157.3 2927 Crotonaldehyde. B.p., 102.15 633, 730, 818, 1785, 2575, 2751, 2928-2934 Biacetyl. B.p., 87.5 409, 818a, 1396 Crotonic acid, B.p., 189 2m Methyl acrylate. B.P., 80 88, 819, 1786, 2692, 2752, 2935-2937 Dimethyl oxalate. B.p., 164.2 945, 1060, 1128, 1589, 1886, 2188, 2275, 2938-2979, 6103, 6417-6422 cis-1-Bromo-1-butene. B.p., 94.7 1789 trans-1-Bromo-1-butene. B.P., 86.1 1790 cis-2-Bromo-2-butene. B.p,, 93.9 1787 trans-2-Bromo-2-britene. B.p., 85.55 1788 2-Bromo-1-butene. B.p., 81 1791 E t h y l bromoacetate. B.p., 158.2 494, ii29,2980-2987, 6423-6425 cis-2-chloro-2-butene. B.p., 67 1792 trans-2-Chloro-2-butene. B.P., 62 1793 cis-1-Chloro-1-butene. B.p., 63 1794 trans-1-Chloro-1-butene.B.p., 68 174.5

2 - C h ~ ~ r o - l - b u t e n ~B.p., . 58 1796 Ethyl chloroacetate. B.P., 143.5 80, 1130,. 1262. 2189, 2938, 2988-3005. 6426, 6427 Butyronitrile. B.p., 118 90, n s , ,3006 Isobutyronitriie. B.p., 103 91 Isobutsinitrite. B.p., 67.1



1-Butene. B.p.. - 6 259, 273, 690, 708, 895, 1178, 1373, 1479 %Butene. B.p., 2 2906, 2924 cis-2-Butene. B.p.. 3.7 275, 1375, 1481, 2925 trans-Z-Butene. B.P.. 1.0 276, 1376, 1481, 2926 2-Methylpropene (isobutene). B.p., - 6 260, 274, 709, 1374, 1480 bis-(2-Chloroethyl)ether. B.p., 178 1553, 1887, 1888, 3007, 6200 %Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone). B.p. 79.6 94 345 410 449 450 551 634 820 821 991 i 3 i 4 13'15 1548 i397 i573 '1574'1797' 2344' 2385 2496' 2514 a53i 2683 2754 a i 5 5 2890 i s 9 3 3009-3035,' 6159,' 626516274, ' 6319.' 6322.' 6323: 6389-6391, 6428 Butyraldehyde. B.p., 75.7 92. 93. 552. 2495. 2894. 3009. 3036 1,2-Epo=q-2-methylpropane (isobutylene oxide). B.p , 50 553, 598, 1349 Isobutyraldehyde. B.P.. 63 411, 554, 1350 2-~lethyl-2-propen-l-ol. B . P , 113.8 3008. 6264 Butyric acid. B.p., 162.45 2% 95, 495, 603, 914, 946, 1061, 1131, 1263, 1483, 2089, 2190, 3037-3089 Dioxane. B.p., 101.32 97, 97. 555, 635, 822, 1226, 1398, 1798, 1799, 2265, 2345, 3128-3133. 6163 Ethyl acetate. B.p., 77.05 20, 98, 346, 347, 412, 451, 556, 731, 823, 992, 1230, 1316, 1542 1575 1800 2097 2346 2386 2532 2533 2551, 2551 2589: 2694: 2756: 290S, 3010, 3134-3158,' 6209,' 6320, 6320: 6324, 6339, 6342, 6355, 6362, 6388, 6392, 6414 Isobutyric acid. B.p., 154.35 96, 496. 915, 1062, 1132, 1264, 1265, 2191, 2191, 3090-3127, 3090 -3127, 6429. 6430 Isopropyl formate. B.p., 68 8 415, 1543, 2347, 2536, 2592, 3011, 3159 Methyl propionate. B.p., 79.85 99 348 413 452 824 993 1576 1577 1801 2272 2387 2534, d590,' 2695, 2f57, i O l 2 , '3134, ' 316013175,' 6322:




C4Ha03 CaHs08 CaHgBr CaHgBr

S a m e and System Kos

S a m e and System Nos.


Propyl formate. B.p., 80-85 100, 349, 414, 453. 454, 825, 994, 1017, 1317, 1318, 1578, 1802. 2273, 2388, 2535, 2591, 2696, 2758, 3013, 3160, 3176-3190 , 6241. ~, 6428 G I ~ ~ Omonoacetate. I B.p., 190.9 1889, 3191 X s t h y l lactate. B.p., 143.8 497, 1063, 1133. 1134, 2192, 2988, 3192-3213, 6426 1-Broniobutane. B.P., 103.5 297. 732. 1399. 1730. 1803. 2141. 2515. 2759. 3214-3224 2-Bromobutane. B.P.. 91.3 3242

1-Bromo-2-methylpropane. B.P.. 91.3 455 456 636 733 826 1018 1400 1401 1731, 1804, 2389, 25'16, 2'689, '2697,' 2760,' 2928,' 3014,' 3135, 3161, 3176, 3225-3241, 6210 2-Bromo-2-methylpropane. B.P.. 73.3 350 637 734, 827 1579, 1732 1805 2348 2349, 2698, 276i, 2895, 3015, 3'136. 3162, 3i77, 32'43-3247 1-Chlorobutane. B.P. 77.9 101, 735. 828, 1402,'1733, 1806, 2350, 2517, 2699, 2762, 3016, 3137, 3163, 3178, 3179, 3248-3253, 6275 1-Chloro-2-methylpropane. B.P., 68.8 109 416 638 736 829 1484 1544 1734, 1807, 2351 23z0, 2437, 2497, '2537.' 2700,' 2763,' 2896, 3017, 3138, 3159 3184. 3180. 3254-3265, 6211, 6242, 6253, 6357. 6393; 6LOS 2-Chloro-2-methylpropane. B.p.. 50.8 417, 639, 830. 1545. 1808, 2362, 2475, 2498. 2677, 2683, 3266-3268, 6276. 6277 1 Iodohutane. B.P.. 130.4 737. 2142. 2913, 3269-3273 l-Iodo-2-methvlpropane. B.p. 122.5 103, 498. 640, 738, 831. 832. 916, 1266, 1403, 1809, 2143, 2422. 2423, 2701, 2764. 9274-3290. 6368, 6398 hfor1):ioline. "*^. B . p . , 128.0 5LYl

Butvl nitrite. B.p , 77.8-

351, 418. 1319. 2353, 2 2 3 8 , 1243, 3248, 3254, 3266 Isohiityl nitrite. B.P., 67.1 352. 419, 2098, 2274, 2539, 2552. 2837, 3244, 3249, 3255, 3295-3298 Isobutyl nitrate. B.p., 122.9 104. 917. 3299-3301 Butane. B.u., _O 32 961 691 (10, 896. 1 3 i i . 1485, 1527, 1752, 2924 2-1\Irthvlpro&e (isobutane). B.P., - 10 33, 262, 711, 1378, 1485 Butyl alcohol B.p., 117.75 2p. 105. 29'8, 353. 420. 457 499 739 898 918 976 995 1135 1267 1820, 1554, 1590. '1719: 1735, l j 5 3 , '1890: 2144: 2165' 2518 2540 2576, 2935, 2989, 3139, 3181, 3226. 3250: 3251: 3256, 3274, 3299. 3302-3355, 6275, 6278-6281 ' sec-B.itv1 alcohol. B.p. 99.6 107, 355, 459, 740. 2391, 2766, 3242. 3405-3420, 6160, 6292-6297 teri-Butvl alcohol. B.P.. 82.55 108. 356, 422. 460 557 741 996 135% 1353. 1736 1810 2354 2519 zi02.' 3018, 31'40, 3165, '3183, 3259,' 3356: 342113438.'6577, 6282, 6208-6802 Ethyl ether. B.p.. 34 5 2rl, 109, 357. 423, 558. 599. 600, 641. 833, 1404, 1487, 1513, 1546, 1712 1811 2355. 2479 2499 2678 2684, 2767, 3037, 3439-3453, 6212, 6304, 6i86. 6387, 643'1 Isobutyl alcohol. B.p. 108.0 106 263 299 354 k21 458 500. 742 919 997 1019 1136 12'44 i268 '1296' 1321 1322 1'555, '1580,' 1720: 1737: 2121: 2145: 2166: 2167: 2226: 2541, 2577, 2765, 2936, 3006, 3182, 3214, 3226, 3227, 3245, 3252, 3257, 3258, 3275, 3300, 3356-3404, 6168, 6191, 6276, 62826291. 6369, 6399 Methyl propyl ether. B.p. 38.9 110, 424. 701, 834, 835,'1488, 1514, 1812, 2356, 2822, 3439 3454 3455 Acetaigehyde, di2ethylacetal (1,l-dimethoxyethane). B.P. ti4.3

836, 1814 2,3-Butanediol. B.p., 179 3456 2-Ethoxvethanol (glycol ethyl ether). B.P., 133 111. 1556, 3457-3471 Diethylene glycol. B.p., 245.5 3472-3475 E t h y l sulfide B.p. 92.2 358 461 462 5 i 9 837 1813 2703 2768 3019, 3020, 3141, 3142, 33166, 3'184, i s 2 8 , 3421, 3'477-3i83 2-Methyl-1-propanethiol. B.P.. 88 998, 1323, 3476 Ethyl sulfate. B.p., 208.0 3484 Diethylamine. B p. 55.9 425, 838, 1354, i 5 i 5 , 2358, 2500, 2823, 3021, 5440, 34873490 Isobutylamine. B.p., 68.5 2357, 3485, 3486 Tetramethyisilane. B.p., 26.64 702 Methoxytrimethylsilane. B.P., 57 839 2-Furaldehyde (furfuraldehyde). B.p. 161.45 112, 501, 1064, 1137, 1366, 1405, l d l , 2193, 2424, 2927, 2939, 2940, 3038, 3090, 3091, 3491-3533, 6417 Pyridine B.p 115.5 2r lli 642"1227 1269 1406 2215, 2425, 3269, 3276, 3i02, 3303, 3357, 3534-3544. 6304 Cyclopentadiene. B.p., 41.0 39:a

2-Methylfuran. B.p. 63.7 114, 840. 2414, z o i , 3022, 6175, 6227 Furfuryl alcohol. B.p., 169.35 115, 3545-3548 Furfurylamine. B.p., 144 116 Cyclopentene. B.p., 43.6 841. 1489. 2415. 3549. 355: Isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene).B.P., 34.8 842, 1490, 1516, 1815, 2360, 2416, 2480, 2685, 2824, 3441, 3551-3554, 6381 3-Methyl-1 2-butadiene. B p 40.8 843, 1491: 1517, 1816, 344i, 3551, 3555 Piperylene (1,3-pentadiene). B.p., 42.5 844, 2361, 3549, 3550


V O L U M E 19, NO. 8 Table 111.

Formula CsHaO CsHaO CsHsO CrHeOr CsHsOa CaHeOa CsHeOa CKHBO~

c ~ I ~ ~ CsHa04 CsHeClOa

Formula Index (Continued)

Name and System Nos. Cyclopentanone. B.p., 129 2216 2-Methyl-3-butyn-2-01 118 3-Methyl-3-buten-Z-one (methyl isopropenyl ketone). B.P., 99.5 117 Ethyl acrylate. B.P.. 100 119, 845, 1817, 2937 Methyl methacrylate 845a 2,3-Pentanedione. B.p., 109 ll9a 2,4-Pentanedione (acetyl acetone). B.p., 138 2420, ,3556-3562 Levulinic acid. B.p., 251 3563, 3564 oMethyl ~ acetoacetate. B.p., 169.5 1065, 1138, 3565-3578 Dimethyl malonate. B.p.. 181.4 947, 1066, 2253, 3579-3609 P';o,'yl ohloroacetate. B.p.. 161 ILU

CaHio CaHio

2-Methyl-1-butene. B.p., 32.0 279, 1380, 1494, 2363. 2417 2-Methyl-%butene (trimethyl ethylene). B.p., 37.75 280 426 560 601 644 703 847 1381 1493 1518 1547 l S l b , 1820, i052,' 2364, 2481, i482, h502, '2565,' 2705: 2826 2891 2903 3422 3443 3454 3552 3555 36113613: 6334: 6336: 63433 6352: 6361: 638$ 6386, 6386,


841.5 - - -, 84x1 - -


CsHio01 CsHloOa CsHloO:

CaHioOa CsHioOa CsHioOr



CSH~QOZ C a H I o 0I CsHioOi CaHioOn CsHltBr CaHuBr CaHiiCl C6HiiI CaHliI CaHiiN CsHilNO CsHiiNOp CsHiiNOa

3-Methyl-1-butene (isopropyl ethylene). B.P., 22.5 281, 643, 846, 1379, 1492, 1713, 1818, 2362, 2704, 2825, 3610 1-Pentene. B.p., 30.2 277. 1382. 1495. 1496. 2365 2-Pentene. ' B.p.,'35.8 ' 278, 848, 1383, 2366, 2418 Isovaleraldehyde. B.p., 92.3 121 3143 3167 3614 3-Meihyl-2-butanbne (methyl isopropyl ketone). B.p., 94 124, 359, 465, 1324, 1821, 2393, 3229, 3253, 36163620 2-Pentanone (methyl propyl ketone). B.p., 102.25 123,464,575,645,743,1245, 1822,2227,2266,2578,2769. 2929, 3230, 3358, 3621-3628, 6213 3-Pentanone (diethyl ketone). B.p., 102.2 122, 427, 463, 646, 744, 999, 1020, 1246, 1297, 1407, 1408, 2228 2392 2579 2770 2930 3215 3231 3304 3359 3405: 3477: 3534: 3621: 3626-3643,' 6173,' 6243,' 6283: 6350, 6351, 6400, 6401, 6402, 6412 Butyl formate. B.p.. 106.8 126, 466, 745, 920, 1021, 1325, 2122, 2229, 3216, 3305, 3535, 3622, 3629, 3689, 3690, 6278 Ethyl proplonate B.p 99 15 2s 128 300 487 746'846 1022 1823 2231 2267 2395, 2?7l, 3'144, k233,' 3366, 3466, 36i4, 36d0, 36dl-370b Isobutyl formate B p 98.3 127 46 469,'747: 850, 1000, 1023, 1298, 1409, 1824, 1825, 2830, 2394, 2593, 2706, 2707, 2772, 3217, 3232, 3306, 3361, 3362, 3423, 3623, 3631, 3691, 3701-3709. 6284 Isopropyl acetate. B.p. 91 0 132 361 472 576 854'102'4 1826 2263 2520 2594,2708, 3023, 3235, 3'615,'3716-371$, 6236, 625k, 6 4 0 h 6411 Isovaleric acid. B.p., 176.5 125, 502, 948, 977, 1067, 1182, 2254, 3491. 3611, 36443686, 6432-6436 Methyl butyrate. B.p., 102.65 129, 301, 470, 748, 851, 1025, 1299, 1827, 2123, 2232, 2396, 2580, 2709, 2773, 2931, 3218, 3307, 3363, 3478, 3625, 3632, 3719-3728 Methyl isobutyrate. B.p., 92.3 ,130, 360, 471, 577. 578, 852, 853, 1001, 1026,, 1581,, 1828, 2233, 2581, 2774, 3219, 3234, 3308, 3364, 3424, 3814, 3617, 3633, 3710, 3729-2736 Propyl acetate. B.p.. 101.6 2t 131 302 473 579 749 855 1027 1231 1300, 1410, l d 9 , 2124,'2234, 2397, 2'582, '2710, '2775,' 3145, 3220, 3236, 3309, 3365, 3407, 3479, 3626, 3634, 3692, 3719, 3720, 3737-3750, 6244, 6351, 6401, 6412 Valeric acid. B.P., 187 1181. 3687. 3688 Diethi1 carbonate B p 126 921, 1139, 1270,'1892', $146, 2168, 2217, 2914, 3270, 3277, 3310. 3366. 3536, 3751-3761. 6372 Ethyl lactate. B p 153 9 1068, 1140, 2194, 'i980,' 2990, 3762-3789 2-Methoxyethyl acetate. B.P., 144.6 2427, 2991, 3790 1-Rromopentane. B.p., 130.0

Formula CrHir


CrHirO CrHirO


CaHir0 CbHirO CrHirO CsHirOj CrHizOr CaHlzOr CrHlrClOSi

Xame and Systeni ;\'os 2-Methylbutane. B.p., 27.95 264, 283, 429, 430, 649. 857, 13fi7. 1384, 1497, 1519,, 1528. 1714 1832 1833 2053 2367 2483 2484 2566, 2679, 2686: 2713: 2714: 2827: 2904: 3041: 3425: 3553, 3610, 3612, 3837, 6353, 6383, 6384 Pentane. B.p., 36.15 282, 428, 561, 650, 704, 858, 859, 1368, 1385, 1498, 1520, 1529, 1715, 1834, 2054, 2368, 2369, 2419, 2485, 2503, 2553, 2567, 2680, 2687, 2715, 2779, 2828, 2898, 3295, 3409, 3426, 3444, 3455, 3485, 3487, 3488, 3554, 3613, 3837 3838 6337, 6349, 6387, 6415 Amyl klcohoi. B.p., 137.8 135, 1754 3839-3846,6305-6307 tert-Amyl alcohol. B.p , 101.7 138, 305, 363, 475, 476, 751, 1004, 1326, 1721, 2149, 2543, 3238, 3260, 3635, 3694, 3721, 3738, 3806, 3847 -3860, 63 11-6314 tert-Butyl methyl ether. B.p., 55 1 2 9.61 - 4_-, -- -

Ethyl propyl ether. B.p., 63.6 141, 651, 860, 1355, 1548, 1836, 2370, 2486, 2554, 2716, 3261, 3489, 3922, 3923 Isoamyl alcohol. B.p., 131.3 136, 304, 362, 504, 505, 752, 923, 1003, 1070, 1142, 1271, 1582, 1593, 1722, 1835, 1893, 2125, 2148, 2169, 2195, 2241, 2542, 2598, 2993, 3239, 3279, 3301, 3556, 3752, 3792, 3807, 3810, 3861-3911, 6308-6310. 6370, 6372, 6378, 6379 3-Methyl-2-butanol. B.p., 112.9. 140, 753 2-Pentanol. B.p., 119.3 137, 754, 3912-3914 3-Pentanol. B.p.. 116.0 139, 755, 3915-3921 Diethoxymethane. B.p., 87.5 143, 477, 1005, 1739, 1837, 2717, 6214 2-Proporyethanol, B.p., 151.35 3924, 3925 2-(2-~Iethoxy)ethoxyethanol (diethylene glycol methyl ether). B.p., 193.2 3926-3935 (2-Ch1oroethoxy)trimethylsilane. B.P., 134.3 1 CC?


CrHlrSiO CaHiCIr CaHbBr: CaHdClNOa

Ethorytrimethylsilane. B.p., 75 1838. 3936, 6394 1,3,5-Trichlorobenaene. B.p., 208.4 3644, 3937-3956 p-Dibromobeneene. B.p., 220.25 1184, 1594, 1894, 2599, 2834, 3957-4001 1-Chloro-%nitrobenzene. B.D.. 230

CsH4ClNOa CaHL% CaHGlr CrHsBr



Ca H IC 1 0 CaHrF CiHd CsHsNOi CsHsNOi CaHa

-. " 9701

1-Bromo-3-methylbutane. B.p., 120.3 647 856 922 1411 1591 1830 2147 2428, 2711, 2776, 291b, 3238, 3i11, 3267, 3g37, 3392-3864 1-Chloro-3-methylbutane. B.p., 99.4 303 648 1028 1412 1738 1831 2521 2712 2777 3128 3185. 3368. 3468. 3693. 3701. 371'1. 3729, 373?, 38Ob-3809 1-Iodo-3-methylbutane. B.p 147.65 503, 1141, 1183, 1413, 1592, 2429, 2778, 2941, 2992, 3039, 3092, 3312, 3369, 3492, 3762, 3810-3823 2-Iodo-2-methylbutane. B.p., 127.5 37.51 .. .. Piperidine. B.P., 105.7 133, 3538, 3824 Tetrnhydrofurfurylamine. B.P., 153 134 Isoamyl nitrite. B.p 97.15 474, 580, 750, 1002,"1301, 2595, 3221, 3237, 3806, 38253832 Isoamyl nitrate. B.p., 149.6 1069, 2240, 2255, 2430, 3040, 3093 3833-3836

CaHs CaHaO

1904, 2945.

3938, -4336, CaHsOr


CsHsOr CaHaS ....


Aniline. B.p 184.35 16, 147, 6 5 i , 950, 1073, 1419, 1905, 2311, 3448, 3545, 4019, 4090, 4106, 4147. 4247. 4405-4452. 6396, 64441-6447


AUGUST 1947 Table 111. Formula Index (Continued)

CsHiN CSH7N CcHi3-


CsHn CsHsNz CeH8Ni CsHsO4 CsHsOa CsHid


CsHin CsHi~0

Name and System Nos.

Name a n d System Nos.


2-Picoline (2-methylpyridine). B.p., 131.5 148, 659, 1420. 2435 3-Picoline (3-methylpyridine), B.p., 143.5 2917 4248 4-Picoiine (4-methylpyridine). B.p., 143.1 2917, 4249 1,3-Cyclohexadiene. B.P., 80.8 149, 368, 563, 660, 866, 1421, 1741, 1844, 2374, 2400, 2721 2783 2900 3025 3149 3263 3316 3373, 3429. 3849: 4229: 4453: 4454,' 6177,' 6216,' 6230,' 6246, 6256, 6285, 6299, 6365 1,4-Cyclohexadiene, B.P., 85.6 369, 867, 1845, 2722, 4230, 6217 o-Phenvlenediamine. B.D., 158.6 4454s. Phenylhydrazine. B.p., 243 150 Dimethyl 1191, 21 Dimethyl 1607, 1906, 4458-4460 Uiallvl (1 5-2iexadxene). B.p 60 2 56b. 663, 869, 1356, 1499, ' i 5 2 i , 1549, 1846, 2375, 2488, 2506, 2724, 3267, 3449, 3922, 6179, 6219 Cyclohexene. B.p. 82.75 151 370 479 564 661 868 1007 1275 1328 1422 1847 19Oi 2401 i505' 27i3 2 j 8 4 i s 1 0 h150 '3169 ' 3317' 3374,' 3411: 3430' 3850' 3 8 6 i 4231' 4232 4453' 44622 4464, 6178, 6218, 6232. 6i47, 6i57, 6239, 6286,6293, 6300, 6363 1,a-Hexadiene. B.p., 80.8 662, 1423 -411~1ether. B.p., 94.84 2402, 6232


507, 5: 3050.


CaHioO CeH1002

CbHlC02 CSf~lOOS

B u t y l acetate B p 1 2 4 8 164 927 1278 i 4 i g 2'153 2174 2218 2815 3280, 3320, 3 5 4 i , 3783, 4062, 4482, 4631, 46d5-46&3, 6280 Me-Butyl acetate. B.p., 112 166 3413, 6295 Caprdic acid. B.p., 204.5 1041, 3942, 4023, 4171, 4632-4654 E t h y l butyrate B p 119 9 167 928 l Z i 8 127; 2127 2155 2787 3152 3281 3321, 337j. 3 5 k i , 3 7 6 4 , 3 8 6 9 , 4 5 3 2 . 4 6 d 9 - 4 6 6 b , m i , 6398 E t h y l isobutyrate B p. 110.1 168, 307, 308, 929,'ld31, 1229, 1247, 1428, 1852, 2128, 2156, 2235, 2404, 2583, 2690, 2788, 2789, 3223, 3282, 3322, 3378, 3638, 3795, 3809, 4667-4671 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone (diacetone alcohol). B.U., 165 161 Isoamyl formate B p 123.6 163 926 1280' 19io"2152 2172 2173 2437 2919 , 3283 3325, 33'79, 3b40. 3756, 8796, 5870, '3871, '4483, 4571, 4672-4676, 6308 Isobutyl acetate. B.P., 118 165 306 758 930 2126 2154 2790, 2920, 3284, 3324, 3386, 3381, 3397, 4677-4882, S i 8 8 Methyl isovalerate. B p 116.3 169, 759, 1248, 1302,'1653, 2157, 2791, 3285, 3325, 3382, 3500, 3543, 3798, 4677, 4683-4685 Propyl propionate. B p 122.5 170, 931, 1280a, 2175, 5272, 3872, 4672, 4686-4688 2,2-Dimethoxy-3-butanone. B.P., 145 170a 2-Ethoxyethylacetate. B.p., 156.8 1148, 3051, 4062, 4255, 4689 Paraldehyde B.p 124 171, 171a.'932, 1281, 1370, 2176, 2792, 3t01, 3326, 3757, 3799, 3840, 3873, 3874, 4093, 4484, 4609, 4b73, 4678, 4fiRO-4895. 6373 _... Isopropyl lactate. B.p., 167.5 4256 Propyl lactate B.P. 171.7 1079, 2282. k257, 4696-4708, 6405, 6406, 6454, 6455 8-Trioxane. B.P., 114.5 172 Chloroaoetaldehyde dietbyl acetal. B.P. 156.8 2949, 3102, 376s', 3875, 4063, 4466, i586, 4709-4724, ~

1 3754, 3866, 44Xl-44YO Isopropyl acrylate 869a Propyl acrylate 869b Ethyl acetoacetatc. B.p. 180.7 '33;; 1075, 2200, 3941, 4b20, 4059, 4148, 4491-4619, 6449-


" l V l

CsHiaOa CsHio04 CsHiuOa C5IIiOS CaHiiBrO: CsHiiClOi CsHiiClOz

1,l-Diatetoxyethane. B.p., 168.5 604 Diethyl oxalate. B.p. 185.65 952, 1076. 1192, 1606, 2058, 2280, 2609, 3651, 3687, 4021, 4060, 4149, 4252, 4405, 4520-4548, 6452 Dimethyl succinate. B.p., 195 953, 4114, 4150, 4253, 4549-4570 Allyl sulfide. B.p. 139 1559, 2242, 2436,' 2669, 3867, 4481, 4571-4573 E t h y l a-bromoisobutyrate. B.p., 178 1077, 3582, 4574-4577 Butyl chloroacetate. B.p., 175 154 Isqbvtyl chloroacetate. B.P., 174.4



1233,, 1277, 2376, 2403, 3131, 3151, 3412, 3431, 3732, 3740, 4678-45&4, 6301, 6312, 6365, 6391,

CsHiz CeHii CEHIZ CBHlZ CsHii CsHii

CaHii CaHiz


1-Hexene 6266 2-Hexene 6267 3-Hexene 6268 Methylcyclopentane. 3297, 4234, 4585 2-Methyl-1-pentene 6270 2-Methyl-2-pentene 6271 3-Methyl-2-pentene 6269 Butenyl ethyl ether. 1849

CsHiz0 CsHirO

CsHii0 CaHiiO CsHuOi


1331, 1854, 2681, 2994, 3268, 3490, 3876, 4725, 6296.

2-Methylpentane. B.p., 60.2 6272 3-Methylpentane. B.p., 63.2 6273 Amyl methyl ether. B.p., 100 zu tert-Amyl methyl ether. B.P., 86 177, 873, 3415, 3912 tart-Butyl ethyl ether. B.P., 73 176, 1855, 3416, 3913 2-Ethyl-1-butanol. B.p., 148.9 175

Hexyl alcohol. B.P., 157.8 174 309 512 761 1080 1611 1911 3451 3770 4024 4064, 6303, 6314, 4338, 6316 4258, ' 4407,' 4467,' 4567: 4587: 4723-47503 Isopropyl ether. B.p 69.0 2v, 179, 568, 1358,"1560, 2729, 4727, 6239, 6261, 6316,

B.P., 71.8

B.p., 76.65



, 1239, 1282, 1584. 1743, 2546, 2555, 2902, 2911, 3247, 3265, 3450, 3486, 3841, 3852, 4579, 4585, 6274. 6289.

trans-Ethyl (2-niethylpropenyl) ether. R p . , 100.45 1851 3,3-Dimethyl-Z-butanone (methyl tert-butyl ketone). B.P., 106.2 160, 480, 2786, 3222, 3376, 3689, 3722, 3741, 3808, 4578, 4629, 4630 2-Hexanone (butyl methyl ketone). B.P., 127.5 158,3755, 4631 4-Methyl-Z-pentanone (isobutyl methyl ketone). B.p., €17 159, 925, 1427, 3319 Amyl formate. B.P., 130.4 162. 3839. 6305

2-Butoxyethanol, B.p., 171.25 4259, 4759, 4760 1 , l 2 2-Tetramethyl-1 2-ethanediol (pinacol). B p 174.35 i s i , 1081, 1612, i g i 3 , 2 2 8 3 , 2 9 5 0 , 4 0 6 5 , 4 1 7 3 , i i 8 0 , 4 4 0 8 , 4696, 4709, 4761-4778 Propyl sulfide. B.p., 140.8 513. 1149. 3330. 3877. 4779. 4780 Triethyl borate B p 118.6 9 3 3 , 2 i 2 9 , 3 2 B e , 333i, 3386,3800, 3878,4660,4679,4690, 4781-4783 3.3-Dimethyl-1-butylamine. B.p., 112.8 183 Triethylamine Bp 89 4 182. 669, 1433, 143'4, 1859, 2264, 3030. 4753 Diethoxvdimethvlsilane. B.P., 114.0 1860 Hexamethyldisiloxane. B.P., 100 2906 ~,u,a-Trichlorotoluene (phenylchloroform). B.P., 220.9 2611, 3962, 4174, 4784-4804 Beneonitrile (phenylcyanide). B.p., 191.3 1914, 2671, 4806-4808 =,a-Dichlorotoluene (bensal chloride) B.p 205 2 1193, 1194, 1613, 1915, 3052, 3652, 4 l i b , 4337, 4401. 4M9, 4632, 4804-4826

V O L U M E 19, N O . 8

596 Table 111.

Formula Index (Continued)

Xame and System Nos. Benzaldehyde. B.p.. 179.2 955 1082 1195 1614 2086 2284 2912 3053 3103, 3658, 4025, m i , 45-20, 4 5 7 4 469+, 4823-4849: 6432, 6433, 6456, 6457 Benzoic acid. B.p., 250.5 1615 2612 3963, 4004, 4338, 4850-4881 a-Bromotoluene (benzyl bromide). B.p., 198.5 1196, 2099, 3654, 4492, 4633, 4882-4890 m-Bromotoluene. B.P., 183.8 1197, 4262, 4493, 4805 o-Bromotoluene. B.P., 181.4 1042 1116 1198 1616 1916 2285 2312 2951 3054, 3055, 3104: 35oi, 358'3, 3655, 4io7, 4176, 4263, '4409, 4494, 4521 4588 4589 4634, 4827, 4891-4920, 6374, 6441, R443-6445, '6449, 8452 p-Bromotoluene. I3.p.. 185 956. 1199, 1617, 1917, 2059, 2286. 2313, 2952, 3056, 3584, 3656, 4264, 4410, 4495. 4522. 4550, 4635, 4806, 4828, 4921-4938 o-Bromoanlsole. B.p., 217 7

Name and System Nos. cis-1,2-Dimethylcyclopentane 1861b trans-1,2-Dimethylcyclopentane 1861c trans-1.3-Dimethylcyclopentane 877a, 1861d Ethylcyclopentane 1861e Rlethylcyclohexane. B.p., 101.8 25, 313, 670, 764, 878. 1033. 1439, 2237, 2407, 2586, 2733, 2797, 3032, 3388, 3435, 3483, 3628, 3641, 3699, 3735. 3746, 3747, 3830, 3855, 3883, 4629, 4662, 4669 4730, 4751, 4756, 5350, 6223, 6304, 6402 2,4-Dimethyi-3-pentanone. B.p., 124

1746, 3157, 3708, 3920, 4765,

1862, 1938, 3174, 3334, 3717, 3725. 4583, 4596, 4782, 5348-


n-i?eb;aldehyde. B.p., 155 1086, 1152, 2084, 2204 2-Heptanone. B.p., 150 188. 1440, 2085. 2221 4-Heptanone. B.P., 143.55 1151, 1284, 3842, 4095, 5072, 5351--5356 Z-.\lethy!cyclohexanol. B.p., 168.5 189, 4419, 5073, 5358-5361 3-?~e>-hylcyclohexanol. B.p., 173.5 0551

Amyl acetate. B.p., 149.0 190, 2222, 3843, 5362, 5363, 6306 Butyl Propionate. B.p , 146.5 1153. 2244, 2996, 3196, 5074, 5364-5366 Ethyl isoraierate. B.p., 134.7 193, 516, 1154. 1285, 1186, 1940, 2180, 3197, 3336, 3884, 4096, 5367-5368 Isoamyl acetate. B.p., 142.1 191 517 518 1155 1156 1287 1441 1939, 2131, 2444, 244b 2921 i997 8195 3'288 '3389,'3802 3815, 3816 3885: 3886: 4070, 4097', 4663, 5075, 535i, 5369-5378: 6309 Isobutyl propionate. B.P., 136.9 192. 935, 1157. 1158, 1288. 2178, 21?9, 2245, 2998, 3273, 3559, 3817, 3887, 4098, 4099, 5352, 0379-5383 Isopropyl butyrate. B.p., 128 3701) ___"

Isopropyl isobiityrate. B.p., 120.8 936, 2134, 3289, 3803 Methyl caproate B.p., 149.6 1159, 1160, 3774, 4071, 4967, 5384 Propyl butyrate. B.p.. 143 194, 1161, 1941, 2074, 2132, 2246, 2446, 2999, 3198, 3199, 3818, 3819, 3888, 3889, 4072, 4100, 4731, 5076, 5353, 5369. 5385-5389. 6427 Propyl isobutyrate. B p 134.0 195, 937, 1442, 2133, 21h1, 2247, 2922, 3200, 3290, 3337. 3560, 3820, 4486, 5390-0394 2,2-Dimethoxy-3-pentanone 195a Isobutyl lactate B.P. 182.15 4029, 4278, 4420, 4896, 4942, 5138, 5181, 5231, 53955402, 6458, 6460 , 2,2-Dimethylpentane. B.p., 79.1 1862a 2,3-Dimethylpentane. B.p.. 89.8 1862b.4243 2,4-Dimethylpentane. B.P., 80.6 1862c, 4242 3,3-Dimethylpentane. B.p., 86.0 1862d 3-Ethylpentane. B.P., 93.5 1862e n-Heptane. B.p. 98.45 314 483 671 k79 1009 1034 1334 1443 1747 1863 1942 2 i 3 8 2380 '2408 '2526 ' 2734 ' 2798' 3033' 3034 3158' 3176' 3190' 3224' 3241' 3338: 3390' 3419' 3436' 3620' 3642' 3690' 3700' 3709' 2718 3726' 3736' 3748: 3831' 3856' 3890' 4244' 4597' 4630' 4664' 4670' 4681, 4flR41 ...~, 4725.'4732. k752. 4757, 4j66. 5i48. 53k9. 6234 2-hlethylhexane. B.p., 90.0 879a. 1863a 3-htethylhexane. B.p., 91.8 879b, 1863b 2,2,3-Trimethylbutane. B.p., 80.8 4245, 4584 lerl-Amyl ethyl ether. B.p., 101 197, 1864, 3420 n-Heptyl alcohol, B.p., 176.5 196, 4279, 4421, 5077, 5403-5406 Diisopropoxymethane. B.p., 129.0 199 Dipropoxymethane. B.p., 137.14 198, 2799, 6252 Et)-yjprthoformate. B.P., 145.75 ~

m-Methoxyphenol 1630, 2621, 3971, 4342, 5301-5306 Benzylamine. B.P., 185.0 4418, 5176 2,B-Lutidine (2,6-dimethylpyridine). B.P., 143


497.1 1

N-Pvlethylaniline. B.p. 196.1 1934, 4155, 4274, 5094, 5135, 5177, 5178, 5227, 5228, 5276. 5307-5316 m-Toluidine. B.p., 203.3 1935. 4276, 5095, 5317-5319 o-Toluidine. B.p 200.3 1632, 1936, 26i5, 3973, 4156, 4275, 4787, 4809, 4926 5096, 5136, 6180, 5229, 5277, 5320-5328 p-Toluidine. B.p., 2002.3 1937, 3946, 4277, 5097, 5137, 5230, 5329-5334 2-RIethvlcyclohexanone. B.P., 165 1438 Diethyl malonate. B.P. 198 1 960, 3947, 4157, 4810, '4882: 4927, 5-978, 5335-5345 Isoamyl chloroacetate. B.p. 190 187, 1207, 4528, 5346, 5347 1-Heptene. B.P., 95 3335 1 1-Dimethylcyclopentane 1861a


Butoxytrimethylsilane. 3339

B.p., 124

a-Tolunitrile (phenylacetonitrile). B.P.. 232 5407 Styrene (phenyl ethylene) B.p 145.8 880 1163 1444 1633 1865 1943 2182 2290 2447 2735 280b, 2844, 2957, 3000, 3201, 3202, 9340, '3391,' 3506: 3569 3775 3891 4073 4280 4422, 4499, 4598, 4711, 4733: 5078,' 5364,'5385, '5390, 5408 Acetophenone B.p., 202 1047 1634 ' 1944 2623 3948 4184 4281 4282 4423, 4459' 4553' 4640' 4811' 5883' 5098' 5099' 5139' 5182, 5232: 5279,'5280, '5307, 5320, 5325, 5829, 5409-64i6 Anisaldehyde (p-methoxybenaaldehyde). B.P., 249.5 4343. 4852. 5046, 5427-5434


AUGUST 1947 Table 111.

Formula Index (Continued) Name and System Nos.

Name a n d System Nos.

Benzyl formate.

B.p., 202.3 200 1635 2845 4117 4185 4220 4283 4788, 4812, 5100, 6140, 5185, 5233, 5281, 54d9, 54i5-544b Methyl benzoate. B.p., 199.55 201 1656. 1945 2624 2846 3949 4118 4168 4284, 4813, 488k, 5101, 5141, 51'84, 5834. $282, 5336. '5346, 5410, 5446-5453 Phenyl acetate. B.p., 195.55 202 961 1637 1946 2625 3662 4119 4120 4159 4285, 455k. 4555, 4841, 4814, 4885. $928, '5102, ' 5142,' 5185, 5235 5283 5337, 5411, 5454-5460 a-Toluic acid (phenylacetic acid). B.p., 266.5 4381 5466-5485 Methyi salicylate. B.p., 223.3 1638, 1947, 2626, 2847, 3452, 3950, 3974, 4186, 4789, 4959, 5014, 5103, 5486-5508 Ethylbenzene. B p. 136.15 672 881 1289 i445 1639 1866 1948 2070 2159, 2183, 2249 24'48 2?36 2'801 i s 1 6 3062 '3111 '3203 3341, 3392' 3501' 3561' 3663' 3759' 3760' 3857' 3892: 4074, 4101' 4487' 4656' 4675' 4687' 4692' 4734' 5070 5354, 5367: 5370,'5379, 5509-d5ii, 6i97. 6262,6291, mi's Xylenes. B.p., 137-142 2071. 2817. 6198. 6263. 6315 &X&ne. B . p . , 139.0 519. 673, 882, 1290, 1446, 1640, 1867, 1949, 2091, 2184, 2249 2291 2316 2409 2449 2627 2737 2802 2848 3001: 3064: 3112: 3204: 3342: 3393: 3394: 3508: 3570: 3664, 3761, 3776, 3821, 3835, 3858, 3893, 4075. 4102, 4286. 4424, 4488, 4573, 4599, 4657. 4693, 4694, 4735, 4767, 4780, 5368, 5371, 5372, 5380, 5381, 5384, 5386, 5387. 5391. 5512-5515. 6426. 6427 o-Xylene. B.p., 143.6 674, 883. 1447, 1868, 1950, 2250, 2450, 2803, 2849, 3063, 3113, 3114, 3291, 3343, 3395, 3509, 3894, 4287, 4472, 4600, 4712. 4736, 5079, 5355, 5362, 5365, 5373, 5382, 5388, 5408, 5516 p-Xylene. B.p., 138.4 675, 884, 1291, 1448, 1641, 1869, 1951, 2251, 2451. 2738, 2804, 3002, 3095, 3205, 3344, 3396, 3510, 3665, 3895, 4103 4601. 4690. 4737. 5374. 5383. 5392. 5609. 5512 B e n z y l ' ~ e t l i y 1ether. u'.p., 170.5 3116 _.._

p-bletbylanisole. B.p., 175.3 1642, 1952, 2292, 3590, 4030, 4288, 4425, 4602. 4768, 4897 5186 5358 5617-5527 Pheneth3-l alboliol '(2-phenylethanol). B.p., 219.4 1643, 1954, 2629,2850, 3975, 4121, 4187, 5015,5047, 5143, 5236, 5284, 5486, 5528-5547 Phenetole (ethyl phenyl ether). B.p., 171.6 203, 1087. 1208, 1644, 1953, 2205, 2452, 2628, 2958, 3066, 3115 3511 3547 3588 3589 3666 3667 4031 4289 4426: 4500,' 4529: 4603,' 4604,' 4701: 4738: 4769: 4898: 4943, 4979, 5357, 5359, 5395, 5403, 5548-5567, 6455 3,4-Xylenol. B.p., 226.8 3976, 5568-5570 m-Diniethoxybenzene. B.p., 214 1646, 1956, 2851, 3977, 4188, 4642, 4790, 4996, 5016, 5104. 5144. 6237. 5285. 5321. 5435. 5571-5575 o-Eth&pilenol (guaetholj.-B.p., 216.5 1957, 4189, >017, 5238, 5576-5582 Veratrole (0-dimethouybenaene). B.P., 205.5 204, 1645, 1955, 4190, 4530, 4643, 4997, 5015, 5105. 5145, 5187. 5239, 5412. 5446. 5454, 5583-5588 s-C%l!idine ( 2 , 4 , 6 - t r i ~ e t h y l p y r i d i n e ) . B.p.. 171


S,S-Uimethylaniline. B.p., 194.05 676, 1449, 1647, 1958, 2630, 3926, 4160, 4290, 4815, 4899, 4929, 5106, 5146, 5189, 5190. 5240, 5286, 5308, 5404, 5413. 5583, 5589-5602 iV-Ethylaniline. B.p., 205.5 1959, 3951, 5107, 5147, 5188, 5241, 5287, 5317, 5414 5528, 5576, 5603-5614 a-Phenetidine (0-etlioxyaniline). B.p.. 232.5 1960, 3978, 4006, 4344, 5019, 5048, 5487, 5615-5624 p-Phenetidine (p-ethoxyaniline). B.p., 249.9 1961, 4007, 4345, 4382, 4863, 5049, 5625-5634 Diethj-l fumarate. B.p., 217.85 164R 1982 - -~ - - - - /

Diethyl maleate. B.p., 223.3 1963, 2631, 5488 Diisobutylene 0297 2-Alethylallyl etlier. B . ~ I .134.6 , 206. 3008. 6264 6-AIetli, I-5-lieptene-2 one. B.p., 173.2 1088 1964. 2298, 2632, 3512, 4032, 4291, 4501, 4770, 4834, 4900, 4944, 4968, 4980, 5191, 5405, 5548, 56355646 Cyclohexyl acetnte. B.p , 177 1450 2,3:Britanediol diacetate. B.p., 192 3456 Diethvl succinate. B.p. 217.25 2103, 3979, 4122. 4191: 4816, 5192, 5577, 5647-5659 Dipropyl oxalate. B.p.. 212.0 4817, 5660-5663 1,I-Dimethylcyclohexane 1869a trans-1,2-Dimethylcyclohexane 2739. 3457 1,3-Dimethylcyclohexane. B.p., 120.5 938. 2135, 2805. 3804 czs-l,4-Dimethylcyclohexane 1869b trans-1,4-Dimethylcyclohexane 1869c E t h y l cyclohexane. B.p., 131.8 1451. 3458 6-Methyl-1-heptene 3896

1.1,2-Trimethylcyclopentane 374n
