Table of Contents - American Chemical Society

H· Grogan, H. J. Cahnmann, and Elizabeth Lethco. Determination of Organic ... A. R. Javes, Christian Liddell, and W. H. Thomas. Quantitative Determin...
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NEW BOOKS Volume 2 7 , N o . 6


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Issued June 1 0 , 1 9 5 5 CopyrigKl 1 9 5 5 by the American Chemical Society

EDITOR: WALTER J. MURPHY Executive Editor: JAMES M. CROWE Science Editor: LAWRENCE T. HALLETT Production Manager: JOSEPH H. KUNEY Associate Editors Robert G. Gibbs Stella Anderson, G. Gladys Gordon, Bertha Reynolds, Charlotte C. Sayre, Ruth Cornette Assistant Editor Katherine I. Biggs Editorial Assistants Betty V . Kieffer, Sue Jones, Ruth C. Laubach, Veronica O'Keefe, Fern S. Jackson, Ruth M . Howorth, Lois J. Bennett Contributing Editor R. H. Müller Advisory Board H . F. Beeghly, G. E. Boyd, A . Q . Butler, Harvey Diehl, N. H. Furman, W. W. Hilty, D. N. Hume, Robert Kunin, S. S. Kurtz, Jr., H. A . Liebhafsky, J. J. Lingane, O . D. Shreve, V . A . Stenger, P. W. West, J. H. Yoe

Scientific and Technical Articles MassSpectrometric Analysis of High Molecular Weight, Saturated Hydrocarbons R. J . Clerc, Archie H o o d , and M . J . O ' N e a l , Jr.


Analysis of Fluorinated Polyphenyls by Mass Spectrometer Paul Bradt and F. L. Mohler


Direct Spectrophotometry Determination of Uranium in Aqueous Solutions R. G . Canning and P. Dixon


Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of Vanadium and Iron in Titanium Tetrachloride H. V . Malmstadt and R. G. Scholz


Identification of Frozen Liquid Samples with X-Ray Diffractometer. H . N . Smith and H . H . Heady


Quantitative X-Ray Determination of Amorphous Phase in Wood Pulps as Related to Physical and Chemical Properties G . L.Clark and H. C. Terford


New Polarographic Electrode Employing Controlled Stirring Paul Arthur, J . C. Komyathy, R. F. Maness, and H. W . Vaughan


Polarographic Determination of Nitroglycerin in Double-Base Powder G . C. Whitnack, M . M . MayField, and E. St. C. Gantz


Polarographic Determination of Traces of Copper, Nickel, Cobalt, Zinc, and Cadmium in Rocks . . . L. E. Smythe and Β. Μ . Gatehouse


Polarographic Determination of Palladium R. F. Wilson and R. C. Daniels


Polarogrephy with Platinum Microelectrodes in Fused Salts E. D. Black and Thomas De Vries


Flame Photometric Determination of Calcium in Sea Water and Marine Organisms T. J . C h o w and T. G . Thompson


Flame Photometric Determination of Strontium in Portland Cement J . J . Diamond


Chronometric Method of Determining Polyphenol Oxidase Activity L. L. Ingraham and Benjamin Makower

916 918

Determination of Small and Large Amounts of Fluorine in Rocks F. S. Grimaldi, Blanch Ingram, and Frank Cuttitta


Absolute Assay of Beta Radioactivity in Thick Solids A . D. Suttle, Jr., and W. F. Libby Chromatography of Organic Acids in Cured Tobacco F. E. Resnik, L A . Lee, and W . A . Powell

9S8 931

Determination of Uranium in Uranium Concentrates R. J . Guest and J . B. Zimmerman


Radioisotopic Study of Uranium Separations H . P. Raaen and P. F. Thomason

944 Determination of Hydrocortisone C. R. Szalkowski, M . G. O'Brien, and W . J. Mader 947

This Month's Cover.

An a t -

tractive exterior, dictated by its location in Kansas City's cultural center, belies the "ultimate in utility" which is the keynote of Midwest Research Institute's new $1.25 million laboratory. A basic requirement of keeping costs down to $15 a square foot presented a challenge, as normal costs run from $25 to $40. Some of the means by which this goal was attained without sacrificing basic needs are set forth on page 29 A. M R I ' s basic objectives, those of developing a better balance between industry and agriculture in the Midwest and methods of processing locally produced raw materials, have been followed since M R I started operating 10 years ago in four rented rooms with a few scientists.

Separation and Determination of Thorium and Aluminum C V . Banks and R. E. Edwards 949 Determination of Total Sulfur Content of Sedimentary Rocks by Combustion Method . M . E. Coller and R. K. Leininger 951 Test for Vicinal Dithiol Group D. H . Rosenblatt and G . N . Jean


Quantitative Elution of Morphine from Ion Exchange Resins C. H . Van Etten


Test for Establishing Residual Safe Life of Stabilized Solid Propellents Carl Boyars and W . G. Gough


Fluorimetric Determinations of Aluminum and Gallium in Mixtures of Their Oxinates J. W . Collât and L. B. Rogers Adsorption-Dialysis, Extraction Technique I. R. Hunter, D. F. Houston, and E. B. Kester Improved Plastometer for Studying Agglutinating Behavior of Caking Coals G. L. Barthauer One-Phase Solvent Mixtures for Separation of Amino Acids T. L. Hardy, D. O . Holland, and J . H . C. Nayler Continued on page 4 A

965 969

. . . . 971




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the Standard Convenient round shape, 6 " diameter, only AVi" high for agitating liquids in closed or open systems, under vacuum or pressure. W A C O S T A N D A R D M A G N E T I C STIRRER. Complete w i t h t w o teflon coated stirring bars, JHi* x %" and % χ 1 } ^ * , m o u n t i n g r o d . F o r 115 volts 5 0 / 6 0 cycles A C . Each $28.50

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CONTENTS, continued Twenty-Stage Molecular Distillation Unit F. W . Melpolder, T. A . Washall, end J . A . Alexander


Determination of Traces of Nickel and Zinc in Copper and Its Salts Louis Meites


Microscopic Fusion Study of 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid and Related Compounds C. J . Arceneaux


Mierodetermination of Chromium in Small Samples of Various Biological Media *C. H . Grogan, H. J . Cahnmann, and Elizabeth Lethco


Determination of Organic Sulfur in Nonvolatile Materials by Rapid Open-Tube Oxidation E. W . McChesney and W. F. Banks, Jr.


Distillation Micromethods for Analysis of Petroleum A . R. Javes, Christian Liddell. and W . H. Thomas


Quantitative Determination of Certain Sulfenyl Haiides Norman Kharasch and Μ . Μ . Wald


Volumetric Determination of Fluorine Involving Distillation from Sulfuric Acid Solution O . D. Smith and T. D. Parks


Spectrophotometry Technique for Calcium Leonard Aconsky and Motoko Mori


Determination of Thorium by Fluorescent X-Ray Spectrometry Isidore Adler and J . M . Axelrod


Determination of Organic Nitrogen by Kjeldahl Method without Distillation C. t. Adams and G . H . Spaulding


Application of Zero Grid Current Vacuum Tube Voltmeter to Measurement of pH with Glass Electrode 1004 Samuel Natelson Rapid Determination of Perch I orates N . L. Crump and N . C. Johnson


Rapid Polarographic Determination of Tetraethyllead in Gasoline Walter Hubis and R. O . Clark


Quantitative Spectrographic Analysis of Rare Earth Elements V . A . Fasse!, Beverly Quinney, L. C. Krotz , and C. F. Lentz


Method for Direct Col or i metric Determination of Oxalic Acid Julio Bergerman and J. S. Elliot


Microscopic Identification of Microgram Quantities of D-Fructose L M . W h i t e and G . E. Secor


Continuous Determination of Oxygen in Gases J. T. Corcoran


Colorimetric Determination of N-Phcnyl-1-naphthylamine in New and Used Oils W. S. Levine and W . A . Marshall


Polarographic Determination of Lead in Beryllium R. W . Bane


Determination of Acetylenic Hydrogen by Means of Concentrated Silver Solutions Lucien Barnes, Jr., and L. J . Molintni


Infrared Characterization of Side-Chain Substitution of Monoalkyl Benzenes W. J . Potts, Jr.


Anomalous Behavior of Certain Tetraalkylbibenzyls in Zeisel Methoxy Determination R. L. Huang and Lee Kum-Tatt


Performance of Interference Filters in Simple Flame Photometer W . G . Schrenk and B. L. Gendening


Corrections W A C O S W I N G ARM AS­ SEMBLY. Permits swinging stirrer aside for SPEEDY re­ moval of beaker. With porcelain base support.


986,1024 DATA

Triphenylacetic Acid O . W . Adams and W . C. McCrone



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Circle No. 4 A an Readers' Service Card, page 39 A


G U I D E F O R A U T H O R S , published in December 1954 issue, page 2032, gives copy requirements w h i c h should be observed i n preparing manuscripts for editorial consideration. Manuscript (2 copies) should be submitted t o t h e Editor, 1155 Sixteenth S t . , N . W . , Washington 6 , D . C. T h e American Chemical Society assumes n o responsibility for t h e statements a n d opinions advanced b y contributors t o its publica­ t i o n s . Views expressed in t h e editorials arc those of t h e editors and d o not necessarily represent t h e official p o s i t i o n of t h e American Chemical Society. Published m o n t h l y by t h e American Chemical Society, from 2 0 t h a n d N o r t h a m p t o n Sts., Easton, P a . Executive Offices, E d i t o r i a l Headquarters, and Circulation D e p a r t m e n t , 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W . , Washington 6, D . C. Advertising Office: 430 P a r k A v e . , N e w York 2 2 , N . Y. Branch E d i t o r i a l Offices: 86 East R a n d o l p h S t . , Chicago 1, 111.; 623 West BIdg., H o u s t o n 2 , T e x . ; 2 P a r k Ave., N e w Y o r k 16, N . Y . ; 703 M e c h a n i c s ' I n s t i t u t e BIdg., San Francisco 4 , Calif.; Bush House, A l d w y c h , London. Entered as second-class matter at t h e Post Office a t E a s t o n , P a . , U.S.A., February 1 8 , 1 9 4 8 , under t h e Act of M a r c h 3 , 1879. Annual subscriptions: m e m b e r s $ 4 . 0 0 , nonmembers$5-00. Postage t o countries not in t h e Pan-American Union $1.20. Canadian postage $0.35· Single copies: current issues, $1.00 ( A p r i l , issued in t w o p a r t s , price a t $2.00). Claims for missing numbers w i l l n o t be allowed if received more t h a n 60 days from date of mailing plus t i m e normally required for postal delivery of journal a n d claim. N o claims allowed from subscribers in Central Europe, Asia, or t h e Pacific Islands o t h e r t h a n H a w a i i , o r because of failure t o notify t h e Circulation Department of a change of address, or because copy is "missing from files." C H A N G E O F ADDRESS: Notify Circulation Department, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W . , W a s h i n g t o n 6 , D. C. Such notification should include b o t h old and n e w addresses and postal zone number, if any. T h e American Chemical Society also publishes: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Chtmicai and Engineering News, Chemical Abstracts, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, and t h e Journal of Organic Chemistry. Rates on r e q u e s t .