Table of Contents | Analytical Chemistry - ACS Publications

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OCTOBER 1, 1993 VOLUME 65 NUMBER 19 The ANCHAM Audit 65(19) 815A-866A/2553-2712 (1993) ""'"" ISSN 0003-2700

Analytical® CHEMISTRY

Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; ©Copyright 1993 by the American Chemical Society EDITOR: ROYCE W. MURRAY, University of North Carolina ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Catherine C. Fenselau, University of Maryland Baltimore County, William S. Hancock, Genentech, James W. Jorgenson, University of North Carolina, Robert A. Osteryoung, North Carolina State University, Edward S. Yeung, Iowa State University/Ames Laboratory Editorial Headquarters, research section Department of Chemistry Venabie and Kenan Laboratories University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290 Phone:919-962-2541 Fax:919-962-2542 E-mail: Murray @ uncvxl Editorial Headquarters, A-page section 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Phone:202-872-4570 Fax: 202-872-4574 E-mail: rmh96 @ Managing Editor: Mary Warner Senior Editor: Louise Voress Associate Editor: Grace K. Lee Assistant Editor: Felicia Wach Editorial Assistant: Deborah Noble Contributing Editor: Marcia Vogel Head, Graphics and Production: Leroy L. Corcoran Art Director:AlanKahan Designers: Sarah Chung, Peggy Corrigan Production Editor: Elizabeth Wood Electronic Composition: Wanda R. Gordon Circulation: David Schulbaum LabGuide Managing Editor of Directories and Databases: Kathleen Strum Associate Editor: Joanne Mullican Assistant Editor: Susan Barclay Journals Dept., Columbus, Ohio Editorial Office Manager: Mary E. Scanlan Journals Editing Managers: Kathleen E. Duffy, Anne C. O'Melia, Joseph E. Yurvati Associate Editor: Lorraine Gibb Assistant Editor: Brenda S. Wooten Advisory Board: Michelle V. Buchanan, Bruce Chase, M. Bonner Denton, Joseph G. Gordon, David M. Haaland, Joel M. Harris, Timothy D. Harris, Franz Hillenkamp, Kiyokatsu Jinno, Dennis C. Johnson, Richard A. Keller, Philip D. LaFleur, Gary E. Maciel, Geraldine Richmond, Ralph Riggin, Michael Thompson Ex Officio: Joseph L. Glajch


835 A

Nonlinear multivariate calib r a t i o n m e t h o d s . The data explosion created by t h e increased resolving power of analytical ins t r u m e n t s h a s placed more e m p h a s i s on d a t a a n a l y s i s . Sonja Sekulic, Bruce Kowalski, and cow o r k e r s a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y of Washington present an overview of multivariate calibration methods a n d apply t h e m to six d a t a sets from different spheres of analytical chemistry


857 A

On the cover. A q u e s t for o l e a n d r i n . In 1985 a young funeral parlor owner died from what was t h e n reported as cardiac a r r e s t ; t h e case w a s r e o p e n e d in 1991 when an informant suggested that death h a d been caused by intentional poisoning. Jack Henion and co-workers at Cornell University describe t h e LC/MS protocol developed to determine whether oleandrin was present in the decomposed tissue samples

Cover .photo by Lee Anderson. Reproduction of A Family Business cover courtesy of St. Martin's Press, Inc. Newspaper article by John Johnson, staff writer, © 1990 Los Angeles Times, reprinted by permission.


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The ubiquitous laser: or, let all spectroscopists enjoy t h e radiance. Lasers have played a pervasive role in the development of, and remain a frontier of, analytical chemistry. Lasers are clearly a bright spot in our discipline's future, both basic and applied, and it will be fascinating to watch analytical laser spectroscopy grow


833 A

1994 ACS a w a r d s will go to Edward S. Yeung, Barbara J. G a r r i s o n , Adam Heller, Paul Kebarle, William H. Pirkle, Philip C. Wankat, and George M. Whitesides. · ASA a n d P e r k i n Elmer awards for outstanding technical papers. · Golay award presented to Konrad Grob


846 A

Instrumentation Advisory Panel: Anna Brajter-Toth, Raymond E. Clement, Therese M. Cotton, Norman J. Dovichi, Jack D. Henion, Mary Ellen P. McNally, John W. Olesik, Dallas L. Rabenstein, J. Michael Ramsey

C a p i l l a r y c h r o m a t o g r a p h y h a s been t r a d i t i o n a l l y associated with terms such as high resolution, speed, and low detection limits. Wolfgang Bertsch of the University of Alabama reports on the 15th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, held in Riva del Garda, Italy, in May

Publications Division Director: Robert H. Marks Head, Special Publications: Anthony Durniak Head, Journals: Charles R. Bertsch


852 A


Analytical® CHEMISTRY

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Articles Piezoelectric pH Sensors: AT-Cut Quartz Resonators with Amphoteric Polymer Films 2553 Juan Wang, Michael D. Ward *, Richard C. Ebersole *, and Robert P. Foss Analytical Applications of Catalytic Properties of Modified Cyclodextrins Ellen Tuanying Chen and Harry L. Pardue *


Piezoelectric Detection of Water with A Separated Electrode 2568 WenhongZhu, Wanzhi Wei, ZhihongMo, Lihua Nie, and Shouzhuo Yao * Schiff Base Complexes of Cobalt(II) as Neutral Carriers for Highly Selective Iodide Electrodes 2572 Ruo Yaun, Ya-Qin Chai, Dong Liu, De Gao, Jun-Zhong Li, andRu-Qin Yu * High-Frequency Generation of Electrochemiluminescence at Microelectrodes Maryanne M. Collinson andR. Mark Wightman *


Behavior and Calibration of the Copper (II) Ion-Selective Electrode in High Chloride Media and Marine Waters Stuart L Belli * and Alberto Zirino


High-Performance Flow Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for Automated On-Line Separation and Determination of Cr(III)/Cr(VI) and Preconcentration of Cr (VI) 2590 JozsefPosta, Harald Berndt *, Shen-Kay Luo, and Gerhard Schaldach Helium Microwave Induced Plasma Atomic Emission Detection for Liquid Chromatography Utilizing a Moving Band Interface Peter B. Mason, Liming Zhang, Jon W. Carnahan*, and Randall E. Winans*


Solid-Matrix and Solution Luminescence Photophysical Parameters and Analytical Aspects of the Tetrols of Benzo[a]pyrene-DNA Adducts 2601 Johannes Corley and Robert J. Hurtubise* Liquid Mixtures for Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption D. Shannon Cornett, Michael A. Duncan, and I. Jonathan Amster*


Detection of Electrospray Ionization Using a Quadrupole Ion Trap Storage/Reflectron Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer Steven M. Michael, Benjamin M. Chien, and David M. Lubman *


Ultrahigh Resolution Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization of Small Proteins by Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry 2621 John A. Castoro and Charles L. Wilkins * On-Line Fermentation Process Monitoring of Carbohydrates and Ethanol Using Tangential Flow Filtration and Column Liquid Chromatography TorbjornA. Buttler*, Kristina A. J. Johansson, Lo G. O. Gordon, and GyorgyA. Marko-Varga

*Corresponding author



on p. 823 A

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Analytical® CHEMISTRY

Editorial Information Instructions for authors of AC RESEARCH are published in the January 1 issue, p. 91. Guidelines for the INSTRUMENTATION, REPORT, ANALYTICAL APPROACH, and A/c INTERFACE features are published in the January 1 issue, p. 90. Please consult these instructions and guidelines prior to submitting a manuscript for consideration for publication. Manuscripts for publication in AC RESEARCH (4 copies of text and illustrative material) should be submitted to the Editor at the University of North Carolina address. Please include a signed copyright status form; a copy of this document appears on p. 95 of the January 1 issue. Manuscripts for publication in the A-page section should be submitted to the Washington editorial staff. For individual reprints of AC RESEARCH or A-page articles, please contact the authors directly. Bulk reprints of individual articles are available from ACS. For information, write or call the Distribution office at the ACS Washington address (202-872-4539; fax 202-872-4615). ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Chair, Janet Osteryoung (919-515-2355) Secretary, Sarah Rutan (804-367-1298) ACS Information Library Services Education Division Meetings Dept. Member Services Employment Services Public Outreach

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Glass Chips for High-Speed Capillary Electrophoresis Separations with Submicrometer Plate Heights Carlo S. Effenhauser*, Andreas Manz, andH. Michael Widmer


New Parameters for the Characterization of Relationship between Gas Chromatographic Retention and Temperature M. deFrutosJ. Sam*, I. Martinez-Castro, andM. I.Jiménez


Separation and Identification of Higher Molecular Weight Fullerenes by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Monomeric and Polymeric Octadecylsilica Bonded Phases Kiyokatsu Jinno *, Takashi Uemura, Hatasuichi Ohta, Hideo Nagashima, and Kenji Itoh


Mathematical Treatment of Electrophoretically Mediated Microanalysis Bryan J. Harmon, DaleH. Patterson, and Fred E. Régnier*


Axial Thermal Gradient Microbore Liquid Chromatography by Flow Programming Leslie K. Moore and Robert E. Synovec *


Affinity of Antifluorescein Antibodies Encapsulated within a Transparent Sol-Gel Glass Run Wang, UpvanNarang, Paras N. Prasad*, and Frank V. Bright*


Engineering Protein Orientation at Surfaces To Control Macromolecular Recognition Events Mark A. McLean, Patrick S. Stayton, and Stephen G. Sligar*


Purification and Analysis of Drug Residues in Urine Samples by On-Line Immunoaffinity Chromatography/High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Continuous-Flow Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry 2679 Enrico Davoli, Roberto Fanelli, and Renzo Bagnati *

Correspondence Molecular Basis of Peak Width in Capillary Gas Chromatography under High Column Pressure Drop Leonid M. Blumberg* and Terry A. Berger


Ascorbic Acid Interferences in Hydrogen Peroxide Detecting Biosensors Based on Electrochemically Immobilized Enzymes Francesco Palmisano and Pier G. Zambonin *


Technical Notes On-Line Peptide Mapping by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Lawrence N. Amankawa and Werner G. Kuhr*


In Situ Elimination of Metal Inhibitory Effects Using Ligand- Containing Carbon Paste Enzyme Electrodes Joseph Wang* and Qiang Chen


Radiochemical Determination of Low-Level Lead-210 in Environmental Water Samples Dominic To


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continued on p. 825 A


Analytical® CHEMISTRY

LabGuide The LabGuide is published as the August 15 issue of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Begun 38 years ago by the JOURNAL, the annual LabGuide edition is designed to be the ultimate buyers' resource for chemists. Its comprehensive coverage includes 2250 categories of laboratory products and services from more than 1700 companies. The 1994 edition featured -40,000 informative listings detailing manufacturers and distributors of each product and service. Each listing includes the company's phone number for fast action; a more complete listing of the company's address and branch offices is located in a separate section at the back of the book. Sections include Chromatography; Spectroscopy; Instruments and Accessories; Equipment and Supplies; Chemicals and Standards; and Research, Analytical, Consulting, Education, and Training Services. Putting together such a comprehensive and useful guide would be impossible without the suggestions and guidance of our advisory board. Current members include Duane Bartak (University of North Iowa), Bob Hoesly (Mettler Toledo), Paul Preidecker (Gilson), K. C. Warawa (K. C. Associates), Anne Cerino (Anne Cerino Marketing Communications), H. M. Kingston (Duquesne University), Tim Heil (Radian), Susan Olesik (Ohio State University), Rodger Stringham (Merck), Bob Wright (Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories), and Sherman Hamel (Parr Instruments).

Instrumentation in Analytical 1988-1991

Lithium Ion Selective Optical Sensor Based on a Novel Neutral Ionophore and a Lipophilic Anionic Dye Kazuhiko Watanabe, Rieko Nakagawa, Hiroyuki Yamada, Hideaki Hisamoto, and Koji Suzuki *


Correction Analysis of Diffusional Broadening of Vesicular Packets of Catecholamines Released from Biological Cells during Exocytosis Timothy}. Schroeder, Jeffrey A. Jankowski, Kirk T. Kawagoe, R. Mark Wightman *, Christine Lefrou, and Christian Amatore


Author Index



This recently published book continues a series begun as Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry in 1973 by Alan J. Senzel, and continued by Stuart A. Borman in the 1980s as Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry: Volume 2 and Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry: 1982-86. Like its predecessors, Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry 1988-1991 is designed to provide readers with updated overviews of analytical techniques and instrumentation drawn from articles originally published in ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY'S A pages. The volume begins with an introduction by Royce Murray designed to help readers put into perspective the methodological and instrumental developments that have occurred during the period. The book is divided into six topical areas: Robotics, Computers, and Laboratory Data Management; Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy; Electroanalytical Chemistry and Chemical Sensors; Separations; Mass Spectrometry; and Surface Analysis. Each section begins with a short introduction designed to provide a context for interpreting the articles that follow and to answer questions such as "What are recent changes in this field?" and "Why are these techniques important?". Copies of Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry 1988-1991 are available in clothbound ($44.95), paperbound ($28.95), and student ($16.95) editions from the ACS Distribution Office, Dept. 390, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036 (800-ACS-5558).