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15, 1991



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Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; Copyright 1991 by the American Chemical Society ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (ISSN 0003-2700) is published semimonthly by the American Chemical Society at 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. Editorial offices are located at the same ACS address (202-872-4570; fax 202-872-4574; Bitnet rmh96@cas; TDD 202-872-8733). Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y Member & Subscriber

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875 A

On the cover. Membrane introd u c t i o n MS. Membrane i n t r o duction systems provide a simple way to introduce batch or continuous samples into the mass spectrometer and reduce the danger of b r e a c h i n g t h e i n s t r u m e n t vacuum. R. Graham Cooks and coworkers at Purdue University discuss t h e t h e o r y of MIMS a n d describe applications in fermentation monitoring and environmental analysis


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International pH scales and c e r t i f i c a t i o n of pH. Measurement and control of acidity and alkalinity are often crucial in r e s e a r c h , clinical a n a l y s i s , a n d industrial processes. Hans Bjarne Kristensen, Arne Salomon, a n d Gert Kokholm of Radiometer A/S review the pH scales recommended by organizations such as IUPAC and NIST and describe procedures used to certify primary buffer solutions


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871 A

1992 ACS award w i n n e r s include Jacqueline K. Barton (Garvan medal), Larry R. Faulkner (analytical chemistry), Josef F. K. Huber (chromatography), Burnaby Munson (mass spectrometry), and Milos V. Novotny (separations). • Arsenic a n d Zachary Taylor


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The 30th Eastern Analytical S y m p o s i u m will be held Nov. 1 1 - 1 5 in Somerset, N J


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Critical r e v i e w s . Recently released books on atomic spectroscopy, chromatography of nucleosides, chemometrics, supercritical fluids, and lasers and MS are reviewed


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