Table of Contents - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

Table of Contents. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1976, 10 (8), pp 719–720. DOI: 10.1021/es60119a900. Publication Date: August 1976. ACS Legacy Archive. N...
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Envimnmental Science & Technology

Volume I O , Number 8, August 1976

CONTENTS International Norway presents a "White Paper" on 732 measures against pollution

PAT report 735

Recovering energy from pulping wastes avoids a water pollution discharge

Features Synthetic fuels from coal and clean energy 746 alternatives-ERDA's White



Abating water pollution at ammunition plants-Picatinny's Carotti & Thomas


Administering national environmental policyteam from N. Texas State University

Outlook 736

Office of Technology Assessment takes a look at EPA's 5-yr R&D plans


Industry: Smelters are tightening up on their emission controls Technology: Ozone vies for role in water and wastewater cleanup Testing air filter efficiency with the sodium flame penetrometer

742 744 730

Departments 723








8 19

Industry trends


New products


New literature

824 826

Books Meeting guide


Classified section


Consulting services

Current research 720




@Coovrioht 1976 bv the American Chemical Socielv PLO.ish-& rnonmti um amnfona Poi,tlon Contro Dlrecl in OCIOD~I.DY try) ~ m e r ~ c aCnernncai n Socnety. horn 20m a M hoRhampton Sls Eesion Pa 18042 Execdire ollices.?ddllw.aI MadqaaRers. 1155 16th Si..N W.. Wasnnpon. D C 20036 AdveRSonQ oflice 50 West Stale Si.fl@sl~On Conn 06680 Secondclass 008taae oa11 a1 Wammton. D C . and

Volume 10, Number 8, August 1976


Trace organic components as fingerprints In gas chromatographic identification of spllled asphalts

76 1

Fred K. Kawahara A method for analysis and identification of asphalts is developed. Perfluorobenzyl ethers as derivatives of weak acids present in trace amounts are identified by use of electron capture GC. The resulting chromatograms serve as fingerprints for identification.

Corrected South Coast Air Basin oxidant data: some conclusions and implications


James N. Pitts, Jr,: Jeremy L. Sprung, Minn Poe, Marian C. Carpelan, and Alan C. Lloyd The rationale for and the results obtained by scaling existing oxidant data for Los Angeles County are presented. The scaled data show non-Los Angeles oxidant dosages lower than previously believed. Scaled down by 0.8, the new dosage is lower by 20%.


Internal diffusion and reaction In biological films Enrique J. LaMotta

A model for substrate diffusion and consumption in films is reported. Substrate removal is predicted to be directly proportional to film thickness up to a certain depth of substrate penetration. Resistances making observed rates less than the maximum are evaluated with the catalyst effectiveness factor model. Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides In Western North Atlantic Ocean

Investigation of solubilization of plutonium and americium In soil by natural humic compounds 802 Jess M. Cleveland' and Terry F. Rees A study is made to determine solubilization of Pu and Am by humic and fulvic acids. Only slight solubilization occurs, and most of the Pu and Am precipitates out in a few days because of colloid coagulation or hydrolysis. In no instance do concentrations approach drinking water limits.


Robert 6. Jonas and Frederic K. Pfaender. DDE and dieldrin are found in the North Atlantic Ocean to depths of 1000 m. Other chlorinated pesticides cannot be detected. The data show there is much variability in depth and distance from shore in the distribution of pesticides in the North Atlantic. Lead and cadmium in dusts and soils in a small urban community


Robert L. Solomon' and John W. Hartford Levels of Pb and Cd are measured in residential and nonresidential dusts of a small community. Carpet dusts from rubber-backed carpets have unexpectedly high levels of Cd. Lead in nonresidential dusts is several times greater than at residential sites. Most Pb is probably of automotive origin. Infrared spectra of petroleum weathered naturally and under simulated conditions 777 Mark Ahmadjlan, Carl D. Baer, Patricia F. Lynch, and Chris W. Brown. Up to 60 oils are weathered in confined areas under simulated conditions by use of four weathering systems. Comparison of these results with oil from an actual spill shows that oil from three of these systems was weathered to the same extent as the oil from the spill. Associations of chlorinated hydrocarbons with fine particles and humic substances in nearshore surficial sediments

782 Won-Wook Choi and Kenneth Y. Chen' The levels of chlorinated hydrocarbons in sediments are related to the organic contents and to particles of 8 pm or less in size. Total organic carbons and humic and fulvic acids bear a linear relationship with concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Long-path Infrared spectroscopic investigation at ambient concentrations of the 2% neutral buffered potassium iodide method for determination of ozone 787 James N. Pltts, Jr.", John M. McAfee, Wllllam D. Long, and Arthur M. Winer Ambient levels of ozone are measured simultaneously by IR and the 2 % NBKl impinger method. The results indicate that, depending on the relative humidity, the 2 % NBKl method yields ozone concentrations 12-25% higher than the absolute spectroscopic determinations.

Efficient collection of polycyclic organic compounds from combustion effluents 806 Peter W. Jones., Robert D. Giammar, Paul E. Strup, and Thomas 6. Stanford A method for collection of combustion effluents by use of a solid polymeric adsorbent is described. It is more efficient than impinger methods and gives quantitative collection of polycyclic organic compounds. This sampling system may be used at any temperature and appears to be unaffected by sulfur oxides. Detection of vinyl chloride and related compounds by a gas chromatographic, chemiluminescence technique 810 William A. McCienny', Barry E. Martin, Ralph E. Baumgardner, Jr., Robert K. Stevens, and Andrew E. O'Keef e A new measurement technique is presented for vinyl chloride. The vinyl chloride is separated from other gases by GC and detected by the chemiluminescencefrom its reaction with ozone. A linear response is obtained at the ppm level. Sensitivity is sufficient to meet recently established standards.

NOTES Feasibility of oil slick removal from seawater using power lasers 814 Elmar Lalsk A C02 laser is used to study conditions for evaporation, decomposition, and burning of oil from water. Beam intensities required for decompositionare about 25 times greater than for evaporation. It is projected that a shipboard laser with greater than 25% efficiency may be competitive with filter and foam separators. Preparation of homogeneous dust sample for comparison of 815 analytical results of atmospheric samples Yoshlkazu Hashimoto', Tsunehiko Otoshi, and Kikuo Oikawa A procedure for preparing homogeneous dust samples is proposed. Dust from an air conditioning unit is mixed to obtain the sample. This is analyzed by six laboratories by NAA, AAS, and x-ray fluorescence for 38 elements. Relative standard deviations for 16 elements are less than 25%.

Credlts: 729, Photo Optik's Barry Baron; 730, ERDA's Westcott 732, Arne Svendsen; 736 (right), Stewart's San Bernardino: 737, Photo Optik's Barry Baron; 742. ESBT's Julian Josephson: 750, ERDA; 760, North Texas State University * To whom correspondence should be addressed. This issue contains no papers for which there is supplementary material in microform.


Environmental Science & Technology

Cover: Arne Svendsen