Tables of Fractional Powers. - The Journal of Physical Chemistry (ACS

Tables of Fractional Powers. S. C. Lind. J. Phys. Chem. , 1947, 51 (1), pp 366–366. DOI: 10.1021/j150451a036. Publication Date: January 1947. ACS Le...
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well as the author and subject indexes make this book exceedingly useful as detailed source material. Few inaccuracies or errors were found. MAX MILNER. Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics. By J. M . CORK. 175 pp Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Brothers, 1946. Price: $3.50. In a very acceptable way this volume bridges over from the classical natural radioactivity to the new nuclear physics. Its timely appearance will make i t doubly welcome. The greatly enhanced interest in nuclear reactions makes it important for students and research workers alike t o have an up-to-date volume giving principles and experimental data in convenient form. The work is intended primarily for students. Each chapter ends with a few questions and problems admirably chosen to emphasize the most pertinent points. The drawings and tables are exceptionally clear. The importance of the subject is worthy of a more permanent form of binding and reproduction, but owing to the large volume of data that should soon be released in this field, the present form should suffice in the interim. The lithoprinting is excellent. A rather long list of errata accompanies the volume. A few minor typographical errors still remain. The various chapters treat successively: natural radioactivity; the detection of radiation; apparatus for induced radioactivity, including the cyclotron, betatron, and synchrotron; alpha, beta, and gamma radiation; neutrons; protons; deuterons; cosmic radiation; nuclear fission and some applications of radioactivity in astronomy, botany, chemistry, engineering (radiography and thickness measurement), metallurgy (atomic diffusion), medicine (therapy, specific absorption, and tracers), mineralogy (coloring of crystals), zoology (mutations). Two important omissions are luminous paints and the chemical effects of radiation. S. C. LIND. Tables of Fractional Powers. Prepared by the Mathematical Tables Project under the sponsorship of the Sational Bureau of Stqndards. 489 pp. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. Price: $7.60. The present volume, begun under the auspices of the Works Progress Administration for the City of New York, has been completed with the support of the Office of Scientific Research and Development under the direction of Lyman J . Briggs of the Bureau of Standards and Arnold N . Lowan, Project Director. In Part I the values of A' for fixed bases and variable exponents are given t o fifteen decimal places. I n Part I1 the function X O ,for variable bases and the frequently occurring 1/2, f1/3, S2/3, =t1/4, *3/4, are tabulated also to fifteen places. exponents S. C. LIND.


A. 0. C. KIER, Preparation and Measurement of Isotopic Tracers. By D. WRIGHTWILSON, AND STANLEY P. REIMAKK.viii + 10s pp. Ann Arbor, Michigan: J. .'51 Edwards, 1946. Price: paper bound, $1.80. This work is a symposium prepared in lithoprint for the Isotope Research Group. It contains eight chapters by different authorities. I t is intended to acquaint biologists and chemists with the methods of preparation and analysis of isotopes, especially carbon and hydrogen. With the great present interest in and importance of this subject this timely symposium will greatly aid research workers who are using tracer elements in solving problems in chemistry or biology. Both stable and radioactive isotopes are treated. S. C. LIND. Monographs on the Progress of Research i n Holland during the W a r . Modern Development of H . W. JULIUS, H . VELDSTRA, AND K. C. WIXKLER. Chemotherapy. By E. HAVINGA,