Tailorable Organic Nanoscale Piezoelectrics for Energy

Geoffrey R. Hutchison, Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh = ... We are currently synthesizing our best candidate: 4-amino, 15-nitro...
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Tailorable Organic Nanoscale Piezoelectrics for Energy Harvesting Geoffrey R. Hutchison, Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh Piezoelectric materials deform their shape in response to an applied electric field or generate electric charge in response to a shape change. We have already demonstrated via density functional theory (DFT) calculations that donor-acceptor helicenes show large piezoelectric deformations up to 12.5% of the molecular length (d33 = 45.8 pm/V) — much better than existing polymers such as polyvinyldine difluoride (d33 = -33 pm/V) and comparable to inorganic materials such as ZnO. The large piezo coefficient implies we can utilize conventional electric fields and piezoelectric characterization techniques. We have also analyzed the effects of different substituents and regiochemistry on the piezoelectric deformation to develop clear structure/property relationships. We are currently synthesizing our best candidate: 4-amino, 15-nitro[6] helicene and will be using both conductive-probe AFM measurements and a custom piezoelectric device stack to experimentally determine the piezoelectric response of these materials.


Calculated N to N and C2 to C15 distances in 4a15n under different applied ex