Tailoring Micelle Formation and Gelation in (PEG−P(MA-POSS

Jan 10, 2011 - For P(MA-POSS)-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS) triblock copolymers, which is associative in nature, addition of POSS nanoparticles resulted in ...
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Macromolecules 2011, 44, 622–631 DOI: 10.1021/ma102510u

Tailoring Micelle Formation and Gelation in (PEG-P(MA-POSS)) Amphiphilic Hybrid Block Copolymers B. H. Tan,† H. Hussain,*,† and C. B. He*,†,‡ †

Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), 3 Research Link, Singapore 117602, and ‡Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117576, Singapore Received November 5, 2010; Revised Manuscript Received December 12, 2010

ABSTRACT: We demonstrate that hydrophobic POSS (polyhedral oligomeric-silsesquioxane) nanoparticles, added to block copolymer solutions of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and poly(methacrylisobutyl polyhedral oligomericsilsesquioxane) P(MA-POSS) as the hydrophilic and hydrophobic blocks respectively, could be employed to tailor their micelle formation, gelation, and rheological performance. For example, the hydrodynamic size of the micelles, formed by PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS)3.6, increased from 13.6 ( 1.0 to 56.9 ( 3.7, an increase of more than four times, with 0.1 wt % (with respect to block copolymer) POSS nanoparticles in solution. However, the micelles retain their spherical morphology with core-shell structure as evidenced by calculating the values of dimensionless ratios, Rg/Rh for micelles as a function of added POSS nanoparticles content. For P(MA-POSS)-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS) triblock copolymers, which is associative in nature, addition of POSS nanoparticles resulted in formation of more robust and stronger hydrogels with a significantly higher storage modulus, G0 , yield strengths, σy, and lower critical gelation concentration, cg, as compared with those for the pristine triblock copolymer. The presence of eight vinyl groups, attached to the POSS nanoparticles under investigations, is also exploited for further enhancement of rheological properties of the hydrogels with UV treatment. Finally, gel formation is induced in aqueous solutions of PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS)3.6 diblock copolymer by introducing P(MA-POSS)-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS) triblock copolymer chains, and the rheological performance of the produced hydrogels, with certain compositions, is even superior to that of pure triblock copolymer gel.

Introduction Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS), considered as the smallest possible silica particles, are unique three-dimensional nanobuilding blocks with a well-defined cage-like structure made of silicon and oxygen atoms linked together in a cubic form.1-6 They can be easily functionalized with organic substituents at corners to facilitate their solubility in organic solvents, miscibility and/or covalent incorporation into polymer matrices.7-14 Recently, Gnanasekaran et al.15 and Cordes et al.16 have published excellent reviews on various aspects of polyhedral oligosilsesquioxanes (POSS) and nanocomposites. Numerous strategies, including both chemical and physical, have been explored to disperse POSS into polymer matrices to achieve hybrid materials with novel properties such as enhanced thermal17-20 and mechanical performance,21-23 low dielectric constant,24-26 surface properties, such as improved hydrophobicity,27 etc.28-38 The latest advances in organic and polymer syntheses have made it possible to integrate POSS into well-defined (co)polymers of various topologies, that could potentially expand POSS based materials in to new areas.39-49 Particular focus is also directed to the self-assembly of these newly developed well-defined hybrids.50-52 For example, Matyjaszewski et al.53 reported the synthesis of p(MA-POSS)-b-poly(n-butyl acrylate)-b-p(MA-POSS) triblock copolymers via ATRP, and the self-assembly structure formed in thin films. Jianjun et al.54 investigated the self-assembly and chain-folding in well-defined co-oligomeric polyethyleneb-poly(ethylene oxide)-b-POSS. Hiari et al.55,56 reported the synthesis *Corresponding authors. E-mail: (H.H.) [email protected]; (C.B.H.) [email protected]. pubs.acs.org/Macromolecules

Published on Web 01/10/2011

by anionic polymerization and the formation of hierarchical nanostructures of PMMA-b-P(MA-POSS) and PS-b-P(MAPOSS) diblock copolymers in thin films. Escude et. al57 synthesized stereoregular PMMA-co-P(MA-POSS) copolymers and investigated their self-assembly in various organic solvents. Amphiphilic hybrid macromolecules with POSS as the hydrophobic segment, however, have received significantly less attention. Notable examples include, the synthesis, characterization, and solution behavior of amphiphilic telechelic polymers with POSS as the end groups,58-62 and amphiphilic star-like polymers having POSS as the core and PEG as arms.63-65 Also, Zhang et al.66,67 reported the synthesis by reversible addition-fragmentation transfer (RAFT), using POSS-containing RAFT agent, and self-assembly in aqueous solution of amphiphilic tadpoleshaped hybrid POSS-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) and POSS-poly(acrylic acid). The POSS-PNIPAAm were found to self-assemble into core-shell micelles with uniform diameter, while the POSS-poly(acrylic acid) self-assembled into larger aggregates in aqueous solutions, but no typical core-shell structure was observed. The literature survey reveals that most of the investigations on POSS containing amphiphilic hybrid macromolecules are focused on hydrophilic polymers with a single POSS nanocage either at one end (tadpole shaped and star-like) or at both ends (telechelic). Surprisingly, no attention has been paid to amphiphilic block copolymers having more than one POSS nanocages in hydrophobic segment of the block copolymers, let alone their self-assembly. The variation in length of the POSS containing hydrophobic block in amphiphilic block copolymers would offer an extra degree of freedom, i.e., changing composition, to tune their self-assembly behavior in solution as well as hydrogel formation r 2011 American Chemical Society


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that could result novel properties and offer new insights into the behavior of block copolymers. Recently, we published our first results on the micelle formation and preliminary observations on gelation in aqueous solutions, of a new series of well-defined amphiphilic PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS)x diblock and P(MA-POSS)xb-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)x triblock copolymers, having poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and poly(methacrylisobutyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane) P(MA-POSS) as the hydrophilic and hydrophobic blocks respectively.68 The current work presents detailed account of tuning micelle formation, hydrogelation, and rheological properties of (PEG-P(MA-POSS)) block copolymers by adding POSS nanoparticles to block copolymer aqueous solutions. Furthermore, it is also demonstrated that aqueous solution of diblock copolymer; PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS), could be transformed into hydrogel by introducing associative-triblock copolymer chains; P(MA-POSS)-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS). Rheological performance of the obtained hydrogels was investigated as function of triblock copolymer content.


Scheme 1. Chemical Structures of the Investigated Block Copolymers and POSS Nanoparticles

Experimental Section Materials. The amphiphilic block copolymers under investigations; PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS)3.6, P(MA-POSS)3.4-b-PEG10kb- P(MA-POSS)3.4, and P(MA-POSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MAPOSS)4.7, were synthesized by ATRP as detailed elswhere,68 where, the subscript to PEG and P(MA-POSS), represents, respectively, the molar mass of PEG and the average degree of polymerization (DP) of the (P(MA-POSS) segment, in respective block copolymer. For example, for PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS)3.6, the molar mass of PEG is 5000 g/mol and the average DP of P(MA-POSS) is 3.6. OctaVinyl POSS (POSS nanoparticles) (product no.: OL1160) was purchased from Hybrid Plastics and used as received. The chemical structures of the investigated block copolymers and POSS nanoparticles are given in Scheme 1. Benzoyl peroxide (BP) as photoinitiator, was purchased from Aldrich and used as received. Deionized water was taken from a Millipore Alpha-Q purification system equipped with a 0.22 μm filter. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). Room-temperature light scattering measurements were made with a Brookhaven BI200SM multiangle goniometer equipped with a BI-APD detector. The light source was a 35 mW He-Ne laser emitting vertically polarized light of 632.8 nm wavelength. In DLS measurements, the intensity correlation function was measured at 25 °C (unless otherwise stated) with a maximum number of 256-channels using a BI-9000AT digital autocorrelator. Nonnegative least-squares (NNLS) algorithm, developed by Lawson and Hansen,69 was applied to obtain best-fit values of the parameters from DLS measurements. DLS measures the intensity autocorrelation function, g(2)(τ) which is related to the electric field autocorrelation function, g(1)(τ) by means of the Siegert relation.70 From the expression Γ = Dappq2, the apparent translational diffusion coefficients, Dapp, were determined. Γ is the decay rate, which is the inverse of the relaxation time, τ; q is the scattering vector defined as q=(4πn sin(θ/2)/λ) (where n is the refractive index of the solution, θ is the scattering angle, and λ is the wavelength of the incident laser light in vacuum).70,71 The apparent hydrodynamic radius (Rh) can be determined by the Stokes-Einstein relationship:70,71 Rh ¼

kT 6πηDapp


where kB, η, and T are the Boltzmann constant, viscosity of solvent, and the absolute temperature, respectively. The hydrodynamic sizes of the micelles in aqueous solution formed by block copolymers were measured using DLS for copolymer concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 2.5 mg/mL, well above the cmc, to ensure the micelle formation.

Static Light Scattering (SLS). Static light scattering was used to measure and analyze the time-average scattered intensities where the weight-average molecular weight (M w) and the second virial coefficient (A2) of the block copolymer unimers and micelles can be determined.72,73 The refractive index increment of the copolymer solution, (dn/dc) was measured using a BIDNDC differential refractometer at a wavelength of 620 nm to determine the refractive index increment (dn/dc) of each solution. The instrument was calibrated primarily with potassium chloride (KCl) in aqueous solution. Rheology Measurement. Dynamic rheological measurements were performed on a Thermo Haake RS600 rheometer at 25 ( 0.1 °C with parallel plate geometry (35 mm diameter) at a gap of 1 to 2 mm. The polymer sample that had been equilibrated for 24 h prior to measurements was carefully loaded onto the measuring geometry. Precautions, which include gradual gap closing and careful sample trimming, were taken to minimize disruption to the gel network and ensure optimal filling within the measuring geometry. Water was added around the measuring geometry to minimize the effect of water evaporation on the rheology data. Each measurement of the same sample was repeated at least twice in order to ensure that the rheological data were reproducible. Oscillatory stress sweeps were performed by applying increasing shear stress logarithmically from 0.50 Pa at a fix angular frequency of 1 rad/s to determine a suitable shear stress value, where the material exhibits linear viscoelastic behavior. This shear stress value was later used in the oscillatory frequency sweeps experiments where the measurements were performed from 100 to 0.10 rad/s to determine the frequency dependence of storage and loss modulus, G0 and G00 respectively. This procedure ensured that the dynamic property measurements were carried out within the linear viscoelastic regime of each sample. The rheometer is calibrated once a month using silicon calibration oils at three different rotational speeds to verify the accuracy and response of the rheometers when sensing low, medium, and high torque values.


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Preparation of Aqueous Solutions of Block Copolymers. As an example, to prepare 2.0 mg/mL aqueous solution of PEG5k-bP(MA-POSS)3.6, 4.0 mg of block copolymer was dissolved in 0.5 mL of THF, and this solution was added dropwise to 2 mL deionized water with continuous stirring. THF was allowed to evaporate off at room temperature for 24 h that allowed the formation of block copolymer micelles in aqueous solution.68 For the preparation of aqueous solutions, containing mixtures of diblock and triblock, for example, 60 wt % diblock and 40 wt % triblock, 2.4 mg of diblock copolymer was dissolved in 0.5 mL of THF and this solution was added dropwise to 2 mL of deionized water with continuous stirring. After allowing THF to evaporate for 24 h, solution of triblock copolymer (1.6 mg/ 0.5 mL) in THF was added dropwise with continuous stirring and allowed THF evaporation for another 24 h. The composition was varied in mixtures, but the overall concentration of block copolymer (diblock þ triblock) was fixed at 2.0 mg/mL. A slightly different protocol was adopted for the preparation of aqueous solutions containing diblock and POSS nanoparticles. As an example, for the preparation of 2.0 mg/mL diblock copolymer solution having 0.1 wt % POSS nanoparticles, 4.0 mg of block copolymer and 0.004 mg (the stated amount of POSS nanoparticles in solution was achieved by diluting a concentrated solution of POSS in THF) of POSS nanoparticles were dissolved in 0.5 mL of THF, and this solution was added dropwise into 2 mL of deionized water with continuous stirring followed by THF evaporation at room temperature for 24 h. The detailed method to investigate the evaporation of THF from the copolymer solution has been described elsewhere.68 Note that the weight percent of POSS nanoparticles in solution was calculated with reference to the mass of block copolymer in solution as: content of POSS nanoparticles ðwt %Þ ¼

mass of POSS nanoparticles  100% mass of block copolymer


Preparation of Hydrogels. A similar respective protocols (vide supra) were followed for the preparation of block copolymer hydrogels but at much higher copolymer concentrations (in the range of 10 wt %). In sample for UV treatment, 1.0 wt % benzoyl Peroxide (BP) (mass of BP/mass of POSS nanoparticles) was dissolved in THF along with P(MA-POSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MAPOSS)4.7 and 0.1 wt % POSS nanoparticles (calculated according to eq 2). The obtained hydrogel was subsequently exposed to UV light at wavelength of 365 nm for 10 min.

Results and Discussion Influence of POSS Nanoparticles on the Micelle Formation by PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS) in Aqueous Solutions. The micelle formation of the PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS) block copolymers in aqueous solution is driven by hydrophobic interactions among the P(MA-POSS) segments, resulting into micelles, where, the PEG block would constitute the shell and P(MAPOSS) the core of the micelle. Various parameters, such as changing the block chemistry, block lengths, composition, architecture, external environment, for example, solvent, temperature, pH, and etc are generally reported to tailor the micelle formation by amphiphilic block copolymers.74-78 Here, we investigated the influence of hydrophobic POSS nanoparticles, added to the block copolymer solutions, as a new parameter, to tune the micellization of (PEG-P(MA-POSS)) amphiphilic block copolymers in aqueous solution. For this purpose, a series of aqueous solutions, having a fixed concentration of PEG5k-bP(MA-POSS)3.6 diblock copolymer and varying amounts (wt %) of POSS nanoparticles (with respect to block copolymercalculated using eq 2), ranging from 1  10-5 to 5.0 wt % were prepared as described in the Experimental Section. The

Figure 1. (a) Relaxation time, τ distribution functions of PEG5k-bP(MA-POSS)3.6 in aqueous solutions with varying content (wt %) of added POSS nanoparticles (wt % of POSS nanoparticles were calculated using eq 2), measured at scattering angle 90° and maintaining total copolymer concentration at 2 mg/mL. (b) Dependence of decay rate Γ on q2 of PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS)3.6 without POSS nanoparticles (open symbol) and 0.1 wt % POSS nanoparticles (closed symbol). (c) Hydrodynamic radius, Rh of micelles as a function of concentrations (wt %) of POSS nanoparticles at fixed copolymer concentration (2 mg/mL) in aqueous solution. Digital photographs are from copolymer solutions with 0.1 wt % (left side) and 5 wt % (right side) of POSS nanoparticles.

solutions were visually examined, looking for qualitative changes in transparency and external appearance. Samples containing up to 0.1 wt % of POSS nanoparticles were similar in appearance to that of pure PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS)3.6 diblock copolymer solutions, however, as the concentration of POSS nanoparticles increased, the transparency lost progressively and


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Figure 2. Zimm plots of PEG5k-b-(MA-POSS)3.6 diblock copolymers in aqueous solution with (a) 0 wt % and (b) 0.1 wt % POSS nanoparticles. The measurements were carried out at room temperature and the copolymer concentration range was from 0.1 to 2.5 mg/mL, with the scattering angle ranging from 50 to 130°. Table 1. Characteristic Parameters of Micelles Formed by PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS)3.6 as a Function of POSS Nanoparticles Content in Aqueous Solutions at 25 °C content of POSS nanoparticles (wt %)a

Rhb (nm)

Rg (nm)


Mw, micelle  10-3 (g/mol)


A2  105 (cm3 mol/g2)

0 13.6 ( 1.0 8.7 ( 0.8 0.64 109.7 ( 7.2 14.8 11.8 ( 0.90 0.0001 15.1 ( 1.3 9.7 ( 0.8 0.64 122.4 ( 10.6 16.6 11.0 ( 0.75 0.01 32.0 ( 2.2 20.8 ( 1.3 0.65 205.4 ( 15.8 27.8 8.6 ( 0.60 0.05 50.4 ( 2.9 35.2 ( 2.1 0.70 275.8 ( 21.4 37.3 6.2 ( 0.29 0.1 56.9 ( 3.7 41.0 ( 2.7 0.72 303.6 ( 19.0 41.1 4.5 ( 0.10 a wt % of POSS nanoparticles calculated using eq 2. b Measured at fixed PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS)3.6 concentration of 2.0 mg/mL.

the solution changed from slightly translucent to hazy at 5 wt % POSS nanoparticles, as depicted in the digital photographs inserted in Figure 1c. The dynamic light scattering (DLS) data, (relaxation time distribution functions, measured at scattering angle 90°) shown in Figure 1a, reveals a unimodal τ distribution function for solutions up to 0.1 wt % POSS nanoparticles, suggesting the formation of one kind of micellar aggregates. Also the linear dependence of decay rate, Γ on q2, shown in Figure 1b, verifies that the observed peaks in Figure 1a originated from the translational diffusion of the copolymer micelles and not from internal diffusions. Surprisingly, the hydrodynamic size, Rh of micelles, calculated using the Stokes-Einstein equation (eq 1), increased almost twice with the introduction of a negligibly small amount (0.001 wt %) of POSS nanoparticles into the block copolymer solution, i.e., from Rh ∼ 13.6 ( 1.0 nm to Rh ∼ 27.2 ( 1.9 nm. As shown in Figure 1c, the maximum Rh ∼ 56.9 ( 3.7 was achieved with ∼0.1 wt % of POSS nanoparticles in solution, above which a plateau could be seen, with no significant change in the micelle size up to the investigated concentration of POSS nanoparticles = 5 wt %. To mention that for concentrations >0.1 wt % of POSS nanoparticles, the Rh plotted in Figure 1c is based on the fast mode. As seen in Figure 1a, at POSS nanoparticles >0.1 wt %, an additional broad secondary peak appeared at larger relaxation time; corresponding to larger aggregates of equivalent hydrodynamic radius, Rh∼650 nm, which, with increasing POSS nanoparticles in solution, becomes more distinct with increased area under the curve, concurrently, area under the fast mode reduced; much more obvious at 5.0 wt %. This suggests that the larger aggregates resulted from the coalescence of micelles at higher hydrophobic POSS nanoparticles concentration in solution. It can be concluded that the micelles of PEG-b-P(MA-POSS) reach their maximum solubilization/loading capacity for POSS nanoparticles at 0.1 wt % POSS nanoparticles in solution, above which

the micelles could not retain their integrity due to imbalance in hydrophobic/hydrophilic interactions, leading to coalescence and finally complete phase separation above 5 wt %. Taking into consideration, the small size ∼1.2-1.4 nm of individual POSS nanoparticles,6 the observed increase in hydrodynamic size, Rh; more than four times with 0.1 wt % POSS nanoparticles (vide supra), was unexpected. To get insight, static light scattering (SLS) experiments were conducted to evaluate the weight-average molecular weight of the micelles (Mw, micelle), the z-average radius of gyration (Rg) and the second virial coefficient (A2) of micelles as a function of POSS nanoparticles concentration. Representative Zimm plots, for PEG5K-b-P(MA-POSS)3.6 pure and with added 0.1 wt % POSS nanoparticles are depicted in Figure 2. The extracted data, summarized in Table 1, shows a significant increase in molecular weight (Mw, micelle) and aggregation number (Nagg) of the micelles with increasing POSS concentration in solution. Thus, the Mw, micelle for PEG5k-bP(MA-POSS)3.6 increased from ∼110 000 g/mol to ∼302 000 g/mol with 0.1 wt % POSS nanoparticles in solution, while the corresponding apparent aggregation number, Nagg, calculated from Nagg = Mw,micelle/Mw,single, (where, Mw,micelle and Mw,single represents the molecular weight of micelles obtained from SLS and single block copolymer chain obtained from GPC, respectively), varied from ∼15 to ∼42. Because of the minimal amounts of the added POSS nanoparticles, the molecular weight contribution from POSS nanoparticles will be negligible when calculating the Nagg of micelles. The solutions with POSS nanoparticles >0.1 wt % were not investigated by SLS due to bimodal particle size distributions (see Figure 1a). These observations clearly suggest that the added POSS nanoparticles in block copolymer solution enhance the hydrophobic interactions, which consequently leads to the formation of bigger micelles due to higher aggregation numbers (Nagg). The enhanced hydrophobicity with increasing POSS nanoparticles in solution could be verified by the decreasing value of second virial


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coefficient, A2 (which represents the polymer-solvent interactions) from ∼11.8  10-5 to ∼4.5  10-5 cm3 mol/g2 with increasing POSS nanoparticles from 0 to 0.1 wt % (see Table 1). Furthermore, the influence of POSS nanoparticles on the morphology of micelles was evaluated by calculating the dimensionless ratio, Rg/Rh; a characteristic parameter providing information on the morphology of particles in solution, as a function of POSS nanoparticles concentration in solution. The data given in Table 1 reveals an increase in Rg/Rh from 0.64 at 0.0 wt % to 0.72 at 0.1 wt % POSS nanoparticles. In literature, the values of Rg/Rh for hard-sphere, random coil, and rod-like morphology are reported as 0.78, 1.78, and g2, respectively,79,80 suggesting that in current study, the micelles remains spherical in morphology, having a higher density at the center (Rg/Rh < 0.78 was interpreted by Tu et al.81 as particles having higher density at the center, thus representing the formation of a core-shell structure). Hydrogel Formation and Rheology of P(MA-POSS)-bPEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS) Triblock Copolymers. The P(MAPOSS)-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS) type triblock copolymers, i.e., having terminal hydrophobic segments and middle hydrophilic block, are associative in nature and are expected to form hydrogels with increasing block copolymer concentration in aqueous solution due to the formation of a transient intermicellar network structure.68 Figure 3a depicts the oscillatory stress sweep curves of P(MA-POSS)4.7-bPEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 at 11.0 wt % copolymer concentration, revealing that the gel, within its linear viscoelastic range up to ∼1000 Pa in terms of shear stress, has a storage modulus, G0 (the amount of stress required to shear the elastic component of the gel by a unit strain) dominating over its loss modulus, G00 (the amount of stress required to shear the viscous component of the gel by a unit strain) with a magnitude in the order of 104 Pa. A shear stress of approximately 3.2 kPa (see Figure 3a) is required to destroy the network structure of the triblock copolymer gel into a liquid-like phase and is manifested by a G0 /G00 crossover in Figure 3a and is termed as yield point, σy.82 Figure 3b demonstrates the effect of concentration of P(MAPOSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 on the oscillatory frequency sweep, where the X-axis was shifted to higher frequency range by a factor “a” ranging from 1 to 104 to obtain a valid comparison. The data in Figure 3b reveal different behaviors, depending on the copolymer concentration, i.e., at copolymer concentrations e6.5 wt %, the magnitudes of G0 are much lower than those of G00 and are shear frequency dependent, at 7.8 wt % copolymer concentration, the value of G0 becomes slightly higher than G00 at the higher frequency range, indicating that this copolymer concentration is located near the gel boundary and at g8.5 wt %, the values of G0 and G00 are no longer frequency dependent and G0 is almost 1 order of magnitude higher than G00 , showing the attainment of equilibrium modulus, Geq, which is a typical criterion for the formation of an elastic gel. Generally, the gelation behavior is based on the formation of fractal aggregates or gel, grown to an extent to occupy the total volume of the dispersion, leading to optimal packing. The P(MA-POSS)-b-PEG10k-b-P(MAPOSS) type associative triblock copolymers develop this fractal network via the formation of intermicellar networklike structure in solution which expands with concentration leading to gel formation (see Scheme 2).68 In case of diblock copolymers, though, the viscosity, observed visually, does increase with increasing concentration of copolymer, yet due to inability of the star-like micelles to develop intermicellar network-like structure, gel formation by PEG5k-bP(MA-POSS)3.6 could not be observed up to 11.0 wt % copolymer concentration. The increase in viscosity of the

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Figure 3. (a) Oscillatory stress sweep measurements of P(MA-POSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 at constant ω = 1 rad/s and copolymer concentration of 11.0 wt %. Inset is an expansion of the region where G0 /G00 crossover occurred and the applied shear stress at this point is defined as yield stress, σy. (b) Oscillatory frequency sweep measurements of P(MA-POSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 in aqueous solution at various copolymer concentrations (wt %). The storage modulus, G0 and loss modulus, G00 are represented by the open and closed symbols, respectively. The X-axis is shifted by a factor a = 1-104 to obtain a valid comparison. (c) Loss tangent, tan δ as a function of copolymer concentration of P(MA-POSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 at various angular frequencies, ω to obtain the critical gelation concentration, cg.

diblock system at higher concentration is mainly due to the increasing hydrodynamic interactions between the particles when the interparticle distance reduces. The degree of polymerization (DP) of P(MA-POSS) segment in P(MA-POSS)-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS) block copolymer also affected the rheological behavior of the obtained gel. Thus, at 11.0 wt % block copolymer concentration, the G0 and σy reduced by almost half, i.e., from


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Scheme 2. Schematic Presentations of Proposed Intermicellar Aggregates in Solutions and Gels

∼11.5 to ∼6.8 kPa and from ∼3.2 to ∼1.5 kPa, respectively, when the DP of P(MA-POSS) was slightly reduced from 4.7 to 3.4. The critical gelation concentration, cg for both P(MAPOSS)3.4-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)3.4 and P(MA-POSS)4.7b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 was determined by plotting the tan δ as a function of copolymer concentrations at different angular frequencies, ω. As shown in Figure 3c for P(MAPOSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7, all the curves intersect at a characteristic concentration, defined as cg, which is found to be ∼8.2 wt %. The cg of P(MA-POSS)3.4-b-PEG10k-b-P(MAPOSS)3.4 triblock copolymer was calculated slightly higher (∼8.9 wt %) because of the lower hydrophobic MA-POSS content, thus requiring a higher copolymer concentration to form the critical fractal network for gelation. It is to be mentioned here, that not only the hydrophobic-b-hydrophilic-b-hydrophobic type associative block copolymers form hydrogels in aqueous solution, but also the hydrophilic-b-hydrophobic-b-hydrophilic type could form hydrogels, via a different mechanism though, under appropriate conditions. For example, it has been reported that an aqueous solution (high concentration) of biodegradable poly(ethylene glycol-b-(DL-lactic acid-co-glycolic acid)-b-ethylene glycol) PEG-b-(PL-co-GA)-b-PEG, and poly(ethylene glycol-b-DL-lactic acid-b-ethylene glycol, PEG-b-PL-b-PEG, with a specific composition, transforms into a gel at ∼37 °C.83,84 Influence of POSS Nanoparticles on the Rheological Behavior of P(MA-POSS)-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS) Triblock Copolymers. As demonstrated earlier that POSS nanoparticles, added to block copolymer solutions, exert a significant influence on the micellization behavior of PEG-b-P(MA-POSS) in aqueous solutions by enhancing hydrophobic interactions. It would also be interesting to investigate the influence of POSS nanoparticles on gelation and rheological properties of the P(MA-POSS)b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS). The gel formation, by aqueous solutions having a fixed concentration of P(MA-POSS)4.7-bPEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 and various amounts of POSS

nanoparticles; ranging from 0 to 2 wt %, was achieved. Figure 4a depicts that the storage modulus, G0 is larger than the loss modulus, G00 and independent of frequency over the entire frequency range, confirming their gel states. The data in Figure 4b reveal a superior rheological performance of the gels with increasing POSS nanoparticles content with a maximum reached at 0.1 wt %, where, the storage modulus, G0 and yield strength, σy reached, respectively to ∼43.7 kPa and ∼12.1 kPa, i.e., an increase of almost four times compared with the gel of pristine P(MA-POSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7. The superior rheological properties are a consequence of the finely dispersed POSS nanoparticles into hydrophobic domains of the gel, enhancing hydrophobic interactions, thus providing extra strength to the gel. The enhanced hydrophobic interaction could also be judged by the fact that the gel point concentration, cg decreased with increasing POSS nanoparticles content in the mixture, e.g., the cg ∼ 7.3 wt % was calculated for P(MAPOSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 having 0.1 wt % POSS nanoparticles as compared to 8.2 wt % for pure P(MAPOSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 (see Table 2). However, as shown in Figure 4b, POSS nanoparticles above 0.1 wt %, results into deterioration of the rheological properties, e.g., G0 and σy reduces to ∼31.0 and 8.4 kPa respectively, with 2 wt % POSS nanoparticles content. This could be attributed to the fact that the hydrophobic domains formed by the triblock copolymer chains are no longer stable due to the incorporation of exceeding amounts of hydrophobic POSS nanoparticles, and hence, the uniform fine distribution of the added POSS nanoparticles, which is responsible for enhancing rheological properties of the gel, could no longer be maintained in the gel. Interestingly, as discussed earlier, a similar influence of POSS nanoparticles on the micellization behavior of the PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS)3.6 diblock copolymer was observed. The POSS nanoparticles under investigations are equipped with eight vinyl groups and therefore could be exploited for further improving rheological properties of the hydrogels, via


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chemical cross-linking inside the hydrophobic domains. To investigate, a hydrogel sample was prepared from calculated amounts of benzoyl peroxide (BP), as photoinitiator, P(MAPOSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 and POSS nanoparticles. Being hydrophobic in nature, BP is expected to be encapsulated into the hydrophobic domains of the hydrogel. The obtained hydrogel was subjected to UV irradiation to induce free radical cross-linking inside the hydrophobic domains of the gel via vinyl groups of the POSS nanoparticles. Preliminary data, shown in Table 2, reveals a significant enhancement in rheological performance of the gel (sample 3) after the UVtreatment, where, the storage modulus, G0 and yield stress, σy increased almost two times to ∼76.0 kPa and ∼18.2 kPa, respectively as compared with un-cross-linked hydrogel (Sample 2) having the same POSS nanoparticles content

Figure 4. (a) Oscillatory frequency sweep measurements of P(MAPOSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 triblock copolymer in aqueous solution blended with various amounts of POSS nanoparticles (wt %) (wt % of POSS nanoparticles was calculated using eq 2), i.e.: 0 (circle symbol), 0.01 (triangle symbol), 0.1 (square symbol), 0.5 (diamond symbol), and 2.0 (star symbol). The total copolymer concentration was kept at 11.0 wt %. The storage modulus, G0 and loss modulus, G00 are represented by the open and closed symbols, respectively. (b) Storage modulus, G0 (open symbol) and yield strength, σy (closed symbol) of P(MA-POSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 as a function of POSS nanoparticles content (wt %) in aqueous solution at fixed copolymer concentration of 11.0 wt %.

(0.1 wt %). It is worth noting, that because the chemical cross-linking involves only POSS nanoparticles inside the hydrophobic domains of the gel, the UV treatment does not produce a permanent gel that could have resulted if both the hydrophobic segment of the copolymer and POSS nanoparticles, were chemically intercorsslinked. To verify the chemical cross-linking, FTIR analysis was carried out; however, no conclusion could be drawn from the data, probably due to the very small content of POSS nanoparticles in the sample and overlap of peaks in the IR regions, where signals, due to -CdC-, could be identified. One could argue that the enhanced rheological performance of the UV treated nanocomposite hydrogel could be contributed by the increased concentration as a result of water evaporation during UV treatment. This argument, however, could be overruled by the fact that UV treatment (Sample 4, Table 2), in absence of the photoinitiator, did not result any noticeable change in storage modulus, G0 and yield strength, σy as compared with the untreated sample of the same composition (sample 2). This further confirmed the role of chemical cross-linking on the enhancement of the gel stiffness and strength. Inducing Gelation in PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS) Diblock Copolymer Micelle Solutions With the Addition of P(MA-POSS)-bPEG 10k-b-P(MA-POSS) Triblock Copolymer Chains and Rheology. There are various strategies to control gel formation in amphiphilic diblock copolymers, for example, adding hydrophilic homopolymer,85 block copolymer of a different composition,86 by inducing attractive interactions between the micelles coronas,87 and etc.88 Herein, we investigated the induction of gel formation in PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS) micelle solution by adding P(MA-POSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 triblock copolymer chains, via the formation of intermicellar network-with triblock copolymer chains forming the bridges connecting different micelles. To explore the formation of intermicellar network, DLS experiments were carried out on the mixtures at lower copolymer concentrations, containing various amounts of P(MA-POSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 and PEG-bP(MA-POSS)3.6 and the data are summarized in Figure 5 (relaxation time distribution functions, extracted by analysis of the dynamic correlation functions, g(1)(τ) using NNLS,69 at a scattering angle 90°) for a fixed copolymer concentration of 2.0 mg/mL and various compositions. As anticipated, for pure PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS)3.6, the data depicts a unimodal distribution function, represented by a single peak in Figure 5; corresponding to micellar aggregates of equivalent hydrodynamic radius, Rh ∼ 13.6 ( 1.0 nm. However, in the mixture, having 20 wt % of P(MA-POSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7, a broad secondary peak appeared at higher relaxation times. The secondary peak (slow mode) becomes more prominent and well-defined and concurrently the primary peak (fast mode) diminished with increasing triblock copolymer content in solution up to 40 wt %. The decrease in area under the fast mode peak, with increasing triblock copolymer content, is a clear indication that the population of micelles formed by the diblock copolymer chains decreases and the simultaneous increase in area under the slow mode suggests that the micelles have merged

Table 2. Influence of UV Treatment on the Rheological Behavior of P(MA-POSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 Triblock Copolymer gela

POSS nanoparticles (wt %)b

BP (wt %)

UV irradiation

G0 (kPa)c

G00 (kPa)d

σy (kPa)e

cg (wt %)f

sample 1 0 0 no 11.5 1.1 3.2 8.2 sample 2 0.1 0 no 43.7 1.3 12.1 7.3 sample 3 0.1 0.1 yes 76.0 5.2 18.2 6.8 sample 4 0.1 0 yes 45.1 1.5 12.5 a Sample 1 is a gel of pure triblock copolymer, while samples 2-4 also have POSS nanoparticles; the concentration of triblock copolymer was 11.0 wt %. b Calculated using eq 2. c Storage modulus in the linear viscoelastic region. d Loss modulus in the linear viscoelastic region. e Yield stress, defined as the applied shear stress value at G0 /G00 crossover. f Gel point determined by plotting the tan δ as a function of triblock polymer concentrations for different angular frequencies.


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Figure 5. Relaxation time, τ distribution function of the mixture of PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS)3.6 and (MA-POSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 in aqueous solutions at scattering angle 90° and varying triblock copolymer content (wt %). Total copolymer concentration was maintained at 2 mg/mL. To note that 0 wt % means pure diblock copolymer and 100 wt % represents pure triblock copolymer.

with the larger aggregates (slow mode), wherein, they are interconnected via bridges formed by the triblock copolymer chains. It can be concluded that the introduction of P(MAPOSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 does promote the formation of intermicellar networks (slow mode) as a result of bridging via the triblock copolymer chains (Scheme 2). The area under both the peaks, beyond 40 wt % triblock copolymer content in the mixtures, remains constant, where the fast mode could be ascribed to the flower-like micelles, formed by P(MA-POSS)-bPEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS) as reported previously.68 It is worth mentionening here, that the formation of self-assembled structures by ABA type triblock copolymers dissolved in a solvent selective for the B block depends upon two competing forces: the entropy loss due to loop formation of the central block in the micelle corona and the interfacial energy penalty that accompanies the transfer of insoluble block from the micelle corona to solution.89 It is suggested that in order to compensate for the entropy loss due to the loop formation by the middle A block (PEG block in current systems) in micelle corona, some A/PEG chains may assume an extended conformation having one end dangling in solution, leading to the formation of larger aggregates as a result of intermicellar interactions via the dangling chains ends (see Scheme 2).68 Therefore, we assume that the slow mode in Figure 5 could be due to complex intermicellar network structures, constituting diblock copolymer micelles interconnected by individual triblock copolymer chains and interconnected flower-like micelles of triblock copolymer and star-like micelles of diblock copolymer via dangling chain ends of the triblock copolymer (see Scheme 2). The formation of complex intermicellar network could transform the mixture into gel with increasing copolymer concentration. Figure 6 depicts rheological behavior of the obtained hydrogels, where, G0 is greater than G00 for the mixtures having P(MAPOSS)4.7-b-PEG-b-P(MA-POSS)4.7 content g30 wt % over the entire frequency range (see Figure 6a), verifying their gel states. The mixture with 20 wt % triblock copolymer content behaves liquid-like as confirmed by the frequency dependence of both the storage modulus, G0 and loss modulus, G00 (Figure 6a). Figure 6b shows storage modulus, G0 and yield strength, σy of the mixtures as a function of triblock content, revealing an increase in values of both G0 and σy with increasing triblock copolymer content in the mixture, with a maximum reached at approximately 40 wt %, above which the values

Figure 6. (a) Oscillatory frequency sweep measurements of mixtures of PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS)3.6 and P(MA-POSS)4.7-b-PEG10k-b-P(MAPOSS)4.7 in aqueous solution of various compositions (wt % of triblock), i.e.; 20 (diamond symbol), 30 (square symbol), 40 (triangle symbol), and 100 (circle symbol). The total copolymer concentration was kept at 11.0 wt %. The storage modulus, G0 and loss modulus, G00 are represented by the open and closed symbols, respectively. (b) Storage modulus, G0 (open symbol) and yield strength, σy (closed symbol) as a function of triblock copolymer content (wt %) in mixture, with total copolymer concentration of 11.0 wt %.

decrease slightly. Quantitatively, the G0 (gel stiffness) increases almost 2 orders of magnitude, i.e. from ∼0.1 to ∼15.3 kPa, with increasing triblock copolymer content from 20 to 40 wt %. The data in Figure 6b also show a significant increase in yield strength (gel strength), σy from ∼380 to ∼4000 Pa with increasing triblock copolymer content from 30 to 40 wt %, (the solution at 20 wt % triblock copolymer content is liquid-like and the measurement of σy is not relevant). Interestingly, the calculated (determined by plotting tan δ as a function of concentrations for different angular frequencies, plots not shown) critical gelation concentration, cg (∼7.9 wt %) for the mixture with 40 wt % triblock copolymer content, was lower as compared with that of the pure triblock copolymer; cg ∼ 8.2 wt %. The observed pattern in rheological properties as a function of triblock copolymer content could be correlated to the DLS observations described earlier, where the maximum hydrodynamic size (Rh ∼ 130 nm) of the intermicellar aggregates (slow mode, Figure 5) was calculated at 40 wt % triblock copolymer content in the mixture and shrank slightly at >40 wt %. Thus, the rheological behaviors of the mixtures could be attributed to the size of the formed intermicellar network as a result of bridging of micelles (flower-like and star-like) via the triblock copolymer chains. A schematic presentation of intermicellar network formation in mixture of di- and triblock and pure triblock copolymer is shown in Scheme 2.


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Summary New ways of tailoring micelle formation, gelation, and rheological performance of (PEG-P(MA-POSS) hybrid block copolymers were explored. The addition of hydrophobic POSS nanoparticles to PEG5k-b-P(MA-POSS) diblock copolymer solutions was found to have a significant influence on their selfassembly behavior in aqueous solutions and resulted the formation of micelles of larger hydrodynamic sizes and higher aggregation numbers (Nagg) with increasing POSS nanoparticles content up to 0.1 wt %. Addition of POSS nanoparticles to P(MA-POSS)b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS) triblock copolymer solutions also enhanced rheological performance of the hydrogels with higher storage modulus, G0 , yield strengths, σy, and lower critical gelation concentration, cg, as compared with the pure triblock copolymers. The presence of eight vinyl groups attached to POSS nanoparticles under investigation lead to further enhancement in rheological properties of the gels with UV treatment. Finally, gelation was induced in micelle solution of PEG5k-bP(MA-POSS) diblock copolymer by introducing P(MA-POSS)-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS) triblock copolymer chains. The rheological performance, even superior to that of pure triblock copolymer gel, was achieved with 40 wt % content of (MAPOSS)-b-PEG10k-b-P(MA-POSS) in the mixture. The reported results could provide new tool to custom design systems with desired rheological behavior by controlling the composition of gel with the choice of di-triblock copolymers and POSS nanoparticles. Furthermore, the research illustrates strong hydrophobicity of POSS block and its ability to self-assemble into micelles and of gel formation at relatively lower block copolymer concentrations. This could open up new avenues for functional POSS polymers in cosmetic and drug delivery applications. Acknowledgment. The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) under the Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR). References and Notes (1) Cassagneau, T.; Caruso, F. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 8172– 8180. (2) Choi, J. W.; Tamaki, R.; Kim, S. G.; Laine, R. M. Chem. Mater. 2003, 15, 3365–3375. (3) Roll, M. F.; Asuncion, M. Z.; Kampf, J.; Laine, R. M. ACS Nano 2008, 2, 320–326. (4) Sulaiman, S.; Bhaskar, A.; Zhang, J.; Guda, R.; Goodson, T.; Laine, R. M. Chem. Mater. 2008, 20, 5563–5573. (5) Zhang, L.; Abbenhuis, H. C. L.; Yang, Q. H.; Wang, Y. M.; Magusin, P. C. M. M.; Mezari, B.; van Santen, R. A.; Li, C. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 5003–5006. (6) Laine, R. M. J. Mater. Chem. 2005, 15, 3725–3744. (7) Xu, H. Y.; Yang, B. H.; Wang, J. F.; Guang, S. Y.; Li, C. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2007, 45, 5308–5317. (8) Yang, B. H.; Xu, H. Y.; Wang, J. F.; Gang, S. Y.; Li, C. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2007, 106, 320–326. (9) Liu, Y. L.; Tseng, M. C.; Fangchiang, M. H. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2008, 46, 5157–5166. (10) Leu, C. M.; Chang, Y. T.; Wei, K. H. Chem. Mater. 2003, 15, 3721–3727. (11) Chen, Y. W.; Kang, E. T. Mater. Lett. 2004, 58, 3716–3719. (12) Mya, K. Y.; Wang, Y. X.; Shen, L.; Xu, J. W.; Wu, Y. L.; Lu, X. H.; He, C. B. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2009, 47, 4602– 4616. (13) Choi, J.; Harcup, J.; Yee, A. F.; Zhu, Q.; Laine, R. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 11420–11430. (14) Wu, F. M.; Xie, T. X.; Yang, G. S. J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys. 2010, 48, 1853–1859. (15) Gnanasekaran, D.; Madhavan, K.; Reddy, B. S. R. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 2009, 68, 437–464. (16) Cordes, D. B.; Lickiss, P. D.; Rataboul, F. Chem. Rev. 2010, 110, 2081–2173.

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