Tailoring Molecular Weight Distribution and Structure with Difunctional

resulting polymer is a mixture of monofunctional (PX, where. X is the ..... shows the evolution of PX and XPX to concentrations of 2 χ 10"3 mol L"1 a...
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Chapter 29

Tailoring Molecular Weight Distribution and Structure with Difunctional Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer Agent. A Model Study *

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Geoffrey Johnston-Hall and Michael J. Monteiro

Australian Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, School of Molecular and Microbial Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia

The work in this paper describes a theoretically methodology to synthesize a polymer with any desired molecular weight distribution. It was found through simulations that a single highly reactive difunctional RAFT agent could be used for this purpose, while maintaining chain end functionality with negligible dead polymer. The method is based on varying the initiator concentration to ratios well above those used for monofunctional RAFT-mediated polymerizations. The resulting polymer is a mixture of monofunctional (PX, where X is the RAFT moiety and Ρ denotes a polymeric chain) and difunctional (XPX) dormant species, in which the relative ratio of each is governed by the amount of initiator decomposed. Importantly, the amount of dead polymer is extremely low and fulfils the criterion as suggested by Szwarc (Nature 1956) that to meet 'living' requirements non-functional polymeric species formed by side reactions in the process should be undetectable by analytical techniques. In addition, this novel methodology allows the synthesis of AB, A B A and statistical multiblock copolymers with predetermined ratios to be produced in a one pot reaction.

© 2006 American Chemical Society

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.



Introduction Controlled synthesis of the molecular weight distribution of linear polymers using controlled/living radical polymerization (LRP) has opened an exciting realm of applications, ranging from molecular computers to miniature medical devices capable of entering individual cells to carry out a variety of functions . The advantage of LRP is that linear polymers can be synthesized in which all chains are of approximately the same chain length, and can with a judicious choice of initiator and living agent produce a polymer with desired functionality on either chain-end. In contrast, conventional free-radical polymerization produces polymer chains of a broad distribution controlled through radicalradical termination events, and with little control of chain-end functionality. However, polymers synthesized by conventionalfree-radicalpolymerization are still the most widely used in most commercial applications. There are only few examples of the use of polymers synthesized by LRP as superior substitutes for conventionalfree-radicallysynthesized polymers. It would be useful to have one agent to produce any desired molecular weight distribution polymers in a simple one step (one pot) synthesis. In the case of reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization, it has been shown that polymers with controlled distributions can be synthesized using a variety of RAFT agents. " The polydispersity (PDI) is controlled by selecting the appropriate activating Ζ group and leaving R group on the RAFT agent, and in particular its chain transfer constant (C* = ktr/kp, for the reaction of polymeric radicals towards the S=C(Z)S- moiety). The greater the activating power of the Ζ group the narrower the molecular weight distribution (MWD). Therefore, to obtain a desired MWD, one must choose from a variety of RAFT agent. It has been shown through modeling and experiment that using a RAFT agent with a low Q, constant (Xanthates ) can produce any PDI ranging from 1 to 2 through a monomer feed technique ' The control relies on maintaining a low and constant monomer concentration in the reaction vessel, but is experimentally not viable as extremely long reaction times are required to produce near uniform polymer chains. In this work, we demonstrate through a comprehensive kinetic model that a highly reactive difunctional RAFT agent can be used to produce a wider range of molecular weight distributions than previously demonstrated and at faster rates. The approach we take is to vary the ratio of radical initiator to RAFT agent concentration. At first sight this is counter intuitive, as it has been found for monofimctional RAFT agents that ratios of initiator to RAFT greater than 1:10 results in a substantial amount of dead polymer. However, the use of difunctional RAFT agents allows the production of polymer with a mixture of difunctional and monofimctional polymer chains, and importantly even though as the initiator concentration increases and greater radical-radical termination events occurs the yield of dead polymer remains negligible. This procedure also provides a 1-3

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7 14


In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

423 unique opportunity to chain extend these polymers to form A B , A B A and multiblock copolymers in the same reaction mixture. Kinetic Modelling Simulations were performed on an IBM compatible 1.6GHz, 512MB R A M Pentium 4 using MATLAB 7.1. The model was developed based on the method of moments ' and based on degenerative chain transfer similar to simulations carried out for RAFT block copolymerizations. The mechanism is given in Scheme 1, and the model is applicable to RAFT by assuming no other side reactions (e.g. intermediate radical termination , impurities , etc), and the exclusion of other events such as poor leaving group effects. 16 17


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Table I. Kinetic parameters used to model the di-functional RAFTmediated polymerization of styrene (STY) and methyl acrylate (MA).

k (s>) d

(Lmor's ) 1




341 22000

[M] (moll; )

0.005 0.0035

5.5 5.5




[XRXJo (molU )





(a) 60°C, (b) 40°C, Other parameters used are termination by combination k = 1 χ 10 L mor's" , initiator efficiency/= 0.6, and C = 1000 8




Results and Discussion The kinetic simulations are based on the homopolymerizations of styrene (60°C) and methyl acrylate (40°C) in the presence of a difunctional RAFT agent. These monomers were chosen to represent commercially important polymerizations and the very different rates of polymerization of each monomer. It allows the elucidation of the important kinetic parameters that control the MWD. The simulations consider the S=C(Z)S- moiety to be highly reactive (i.e. Ctr =1000). In addition, the model was simplified such that no side reactions participate in the mechanism either to influence the rate of polymerization or the MWD. The parameters used in the simulations are given in Table 1. In contrast to monofimctional RAFT agents there are many other species found for a difunctional RAFT-mediated polymerization (Scheme 1). These include (where X is equivalent to S=C(Z)S): dead polymer (D ), dormant mono-functional dormant species (P X), active propagating radicals (Ρ ·), difunctional dormant species (XP X), di-radicals (·Ρ„·)> and polymeric species that have a radical at one end and a RAFT moiety at the other (ΧΡ„·)· This produces a rich mixture of different species. The aim of this work is to determine the conditions to allow n




In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


Μ —•




+ +



+ Difunctional RAFT Pre-eauilibrium -». XRX + Pn + PnX Transfer Steps -+ + ΧΡη + Ρm Pn ΧΡη + Pm Ρn+mX — • + ΧΡη + XPnC XPnX — • ΧΡη + XP XPn+mX — • + ΧΡη + Pm Pn — • ΧΡη + Pm XPn+m' —• + ΧΡη + PnX XPnX

P« XP„-

— • Μ Ρη+Γ Μ -* XPη+ί — • Μ Pn+ Ρη+Γ Conventional RAFT Eauilibrium p-»• P«X + Pn

h R-



2K K K k

2K 2k K

XPr PnX Pm XPm Pm









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Macro RAFT Agent

s z RAFT Radical

RAFT Agent


thiocarbonvlthio moietv

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

+ +

Pn Pn

+ + + Pm Pm Pm


XPm Pm PnX



— •

— •


— •


— •




A, Ρ

* n+m




+ + + + XPn* XPn Pm









Scheme 1. The mechanism for the difunctional RAFT-mediatedpolymerization, which was used in the simulations.

Pn Pn Pn


+ + +


Difunctional RAFT Main-equilibrium

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426 control of the concentrations of each species and consequently the MWD of the overall polymer. We have denoted D, PX, Ρ·, XPX, ·Ρ·, and XP as the sum of all chainsfromη = 1—»oo.

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Kinetic Modelling of Styrene at 60°C The first set of kinetic simulations were carried out to examine the effect of increasing initiator (I) concentration on both the rate of polymerization and the MWD (Figure 1). In all the simulations the RAFT agent concentration was kept constant. The ratio of RAFT agent to initiator concentration was varied from 20:1 to 1:1. In Figure 1A it can be seen that as the ratio of initiator was increased (from curve a to e) the rate also increased as expected. The number-average molecular weight (M ) increased linearly with conversion at 1:20 (i.e. the lowest initiator concentration, Figure IB, curve a) in line with equation 1. As the concentration of I was increased, deviation awayfromcurve a was observed, and was due to the increase in the relative concentration of XP to X P X (seen more clearly in Figure 2). The evolution of the PDI with conversion is given in Figure 1C. It was found at the lowest [I] (1:20), the PDI was close to 1 at -30% conversion. At the highest initiator concentration the PDI increased from close to 1.1 to 2 at high conversion (80%). Interestingly, it can be seen that the PDI can be controlled between 1 and 2 by simply varying the ratio of RAFT to initiator. More importantly, by using a difunctional RAFT agent the amount of dead polymer was very small (Figure ID). Only at equal concentrations of RAFT to initiator (1:1) was the amount of dead polymer, D, similar to that found for a monofimctional RAFT agent at a ratio of 1:10 (initiator to RAFT). At lower initiator concentrations, the percentage of dead polymer was well below any analytical detection (curves a to c). It is also interesting to note that at the lower initiator concentrations, in which control and functionality on both chain endgroups is retained, the conversion reached after 120 h was less than 40% due to the very low k . In the case of a mono-functional RAFT agent, increasing the initiator concentration to increase the rate of polymerization would result in significant dead polymer and significant loss of chain end functionality. For example, using mono-functional xanthates (Ctr ~ l ) to produce PSTY with PDI of 2 and negligible dead polymer under the same experimental conditions requires the same time (120 h) to reach 40% conversion. The use of our method (difunctional RAFT agent) allowed a PDI approaching 2 to be reached more rapidly on the polymerization time-scale with negligible dead polymer, an advance for commercially slow monomers. n


2 2

[Mix ([RAFTl-[RAFTi)

(1) + qf([ll


In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

427 A

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Figure 1. Simulations used to examine the effect of initiator concentration on the reaction rate and MWD's ofstyrene at [M] :[XRX]o = 5.5/0.005: (A) conversion vs time, (B) M„ vs conversion, (C)PDI vs conversion and (DJdead polymer versus conversion. The [IJ :[XRX]o ratios for curves (a) 1:20, (b) l:10,(c) 1:5, (d) 1:2, and(e)l:l. 0


Figure 2 shows the effect of varying the ratio of RAFT to initiator on the concentrations of individual species (shown in Scheme 1) as a function of conversion. The zeroth moment was used to quantify the sum of the molar concentrations of polymeric species Ρ·, ·Ρ·, ΧΡ·, PX, XPX and D vs conversion for the series of styrene experiments given in Figure 2. The sum of propagating radicals ([Ρ·] and [ΧΡ·]) are in the concentration range 10" to 10" mol L ' , which is in the same range as conventional free-radical polymerization. The concentration of the polymeric di-radical [·Ρ·] is negligible and is approximately 6 orders of magnitude lower than [Ρ·] at 10" to 10" mol L" . The unusual dormant radical species (ΧΡ·) undergo radical-radical coupling to form the difunctional dormant (XPX) species. This later species is dominant compared to all other polymeric species in the system. The concentration of dead polymer, [D], is in the range of 10" to 10" mol L" , and was based on termination by combination. Obviously, should termination be through disproportionation then the concentration of dead polymer will increase but by no more than an order of magnitude. In addition, transfer to monomer will only have a small effect especially at these M 's and reaction temperatures. The evolution of the MWD at a molar ratio of 1:2 (initiator to RAFT, curve d in Figure 1) at conversions of 5, 40 and 70% is given in Figure 3. The MWD of the species (PX and XPX) is determined using a Gaussian distribution that 7









In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.










Figure 2. Simulations used to examine the effect of increasing initiator concentrations on the molar concentrations (zeroth moments) of the polymeric species for styrene at [IJ :[XRXJ ratios of (A) 1:20, (B) 1:10,(C) 1:5, (D) 1:2, and(E)l:L [MJ :[XRX] = 5.5/0.005.


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429 applies both the M and PDI of each species from the simulations, and represents the full distribution as the amount of dead polymer is negligible (less than 1% at 75% conversion). The Gaussian distribution function was chosen as the system is neither truly 'living' (where a Poisson distribution would apply ) nor governed by conventional free-radical polymerization (where a Schultz-Flory distribution would apply ). Therefore, the Gaussian distribution is a good approximation, and for the purpose of this paper shows the effect of the relative ratios of PX and XPX on the overall MWD. Figure 3A shows the MWD at 5% conversion. The amount of PX was approximately two orders of magnitude lower than XPX, and the distribution close to a Poisson with a PDI value below 1.1. An increase in conversion to 40% shows the evolution of PX and X P X to concentrations of 2 χ 10" mol L" and 4 χ 10" mol L" , respectively. A further increase in conversion to 70% resulted in a growth of PX (2.9 χ 10" mol L" ) compared to X P X (3.5 χ 10" mol L ) . The distribution broadened with conversion due to the greater amount of chains formed through initiation. This also resulted in a greater amount of PX dormant species. The relative ratio of PX to XPX can be determined using equation 5 below. The validity of this equation is based on the criterion that there is negligible dead polymer, which is satisfied under our reaction conditions. Equation 5 is derived by the mass balance of equation 2, and incorporating this into equation 3 (which provides the ratio of PX to XPX). The amount of PX is equal to the formation of radical that propagate to form polymer and is given by equation 4. Substituting equations 2 and 4 into 3 gives equation 5, allowing prediction of the relative proportions of [PX] and [XPX] for difunctional RAFT agents with a high transfer constants (C* > 100), and is proportional to the amount of initiator decomposed in the reaction. n




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[XPX] =



[PX] [PX] + [XPX]





[XRX] +-[PX] 0

[PX] =


[PX] J\ [PX] + [XPX] \2

μόκα Y 2/([/]D-[/l)J

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.



In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

Chain Length, i


Chain Length, i

Figure 3. Simulations of the MWDs (using a Gaussian distribution function) determined at different conversions (A) 5%, (B) 40%, and (C) 70% for the reaction ofstyrene with an [1]0:[XRX]0 ratio of 1:2. Distributions of the dormant species curves (a) XP^Xand (b) P„Xare also shown.

Chain Length, i


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431 Equation 5 allows prediction of the relative proportions of diblock AB and triblock A B A copolymers to be produced in a one pot reaction using a second stage copolymerization. This may be commercially important as the mechanical properties of the resultant polymer will be controlled by the ratio of AB to A B A and chemical composition of these blocks in the system.

Chain Extension of PSTY after 120 h with STY The evolution of M , PDI and % dead polymer with conversion for the chain extension of PSTY is given in Figure 4. The starting PSTY blocks cover a range of M and PDI values (data from Figure 1, curves a to e at 120 h), and are extended with STY at two initiator concentrations (i.e. ratios of initiator to dormant polymer of 1:1 (denoted as 1) and 1:10 (denoted as 2)). The M increased with conversion under both initiator concentrations for the 5 different starting blocks. Interestingly, in the 1:1 case all the M profiles converge to a similar end value (-80% conversion) close to 70 K. Similarly, the PDI (Figure 4B) showed a linear increase with conversion until 70% conversion. This shows that at high initiator concentrations the M was relatively constant but the PDI increased linearly with conversion from its starting value. The only disadvantage for starting blocks with a high proportion of PX to XPX (curves d and e in Figure 1) was that in the chain extension at high initiator concentrations the amount of dead polymer was above acceptable limits (>10%). In the case where the initiator concentration was low (1:10), the M increased linearly with conversion, the PDI was close to the original starting block and the amount of dead polymer was negligible (see for example curves 2a and 2b). This shows that the original starting block distribution can be simply increased to any desired M while maintaining the starting PDI. In other words, the MWD can be translated to a higher molecular weight with out compromising the distribution. These results show the versatility of using a difunctional RAFT agent. It is now theoretically possible to dial up the desired M and PDI (within limits), and show that the highly reactive difimctional RAFT agent is the most versatile agent to produce a desired distribution. n

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Kinetic Modelling of Methyl Acrylate at 40°C In comparison to the styrene polymerizations in the presence of a difunctional RAFT agent, methyl acrylate at 40°C has a k that is approximately p

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.



^ "8





Figure 4. Simulations used to examine the effect of initiator concentration on MWD's for chain extended polystyrene and low [I] :[XPJQo ratios (1)1:1 and(2)l:10: (A)M , (B)PDI and (Qdead polymer, versus conversion. Polymeric RAFT takenfromFigure 1 after 120hours (for which [IJ :[XRXJo ratios of (a) 1:20, (b) l:10,(c) 1:5, (d) 1:2, and (e)l implemented) and chain extended.







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three orders of magnitude greater than that for styrene at 60°C. Therefore, the influence of initiator concentration will have a much smaller effect on controlling the MWD (cf. equation 5). Figure 5A shows the conversion vs time profiles for M A at increasing initiator concentrations (curve a represents the lowest concentration and curve e the highest concentration). As expected the increased initiator concentration resulted in an increased rate of polymerization. The result of this on the MWD are shown in Figures 5B and 5C, in which the M for all initiator concentrations demonstrate ideal 'living' behaviour; a linear increase in M with conversion and PDIs well below 1.1. Figure 5D showed that the relative ratio of PX to XPX was very small (below 0.025), and was the same as that calculatedfromequation 5. Figure 6 shows the zeroth moment of all the polymeric species during the polymerization of MA with the difunctional RAFT agent. As discussed above XPX and PX are the major species, the amount of dead polymer is extremely low, ranging from 10" to 10" mol L" , and the radical concentrations (F, XP' and 'Ρ') are similar to conventional free-radical polymerization. Although the amount of dead polymer is extremely low and well below any analytical detection, the existence of dead polymer suggests that 'true' living conditions will never be met for a RAFT systems. However, for metal catalysed or nitroxide mediated polymerizations using a difunctional agent, 'true' living conditions in which zero dead polymer is formed only occurs if radical-radical termination is by combination.


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M ultiblock Copolymers The difunctional RAFT technique offers a novel methodology to make tailored multiblock and statistical AB and ABA block copolymer structures. The dormant polymeric species (XPX), where Ρ can be built from one or more types of monomer units, can be coupled together to form statistical multiblock copolymers in the presence of initiator. The reaction mechanism is given in Figure 7A and would consist of, for example, XP1X + XP2X (where PI and P2 are different polymers) and initiator in solvent and heated to the desired temperature. The resulting products would be a statistical distribution of multiblock copolymers. Figure 7B shows the simulations using this approach, starting with a monodisperse difunctional polystyrene macroRAFT agent (XPX). The molecular weight distribution increased but at the same time broadens, a similar result found from condensation polymerizations. Radical termination and leaving group effect are the critical parameters in controlling these distributions. The commercial advantage is that these reactions are facile and their MWDs can be changed by simply changing the initiator concentration and temperature.

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


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Figure 5. Simulations used to examine the effect of increasing initiator concentrations on the MWD of methyl acrylate: (A) conversion vs time,(B) M„ vs conversion, (C) PDI vs conversion, and (D)fractionofPX in the polymer. Ratios of [I] to [XRX] variedfrom(a) 1:20, (b) l:10,(c) 1:5, (d) 1:2, and (e)l:2. (For other parameters see Table 1.) 0


Conclusion The use of a single highly reactive difunctional RAFT agent was shown by simulations to control the molecular weight to any M and PDI (between 1 and 2). The method relied on varying the initiator concentration to form the dormant species PX and XPX. Control is governed by the rate of polymerization and the amount of initiator decomposed. An important result was that the amount of dead polymer formed was well below any analytical detection limits. This is what Szwarc suggested that to meet 'living' requirements non functional polymeric species formed by side reactions in the process should be un-detectable by analytical techniques.. It was also discovered that predetermined ratios of A B and A B A block copolymers could be formed in situ using this polymerization technique. In addition, statistical multiblocks would be formed through the addition of initiator to dormant polymeric species (XP1X and XP2X). n


In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.








ι1 Conversion







Figure 6. Simulations used to examine the effect of increasing initiator concentrations on the molar concentrations (zeroth moments) ofpolymeric species in the polymerization of methyl acrylate at [I] :[XRX]o ratios of (A) 1:20, (B) 1:10,(C) 1:5, (D) 1:2, and(E)l:L [MJ :[XRXJ = 5.5/0.0035.




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In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.









Figure 7. (A) Reaction scheme for synthesising statistical multiblock copolymersfromdifferent (· and o) polymeric dormant species (XPX), and (B) simulations for a monodisperse polystyrene multiblock chain extens examining the evolution of Mn, PDI, and molar concentrations (zeroth moments) of the various polymeric species. [I] :[XPXJ =l:l [XPXJ =5mM, M„ =2080 g mot , all other parameters are given in Table 1.


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