Take a cue from CORROSION - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Take a cue from CORROSION Corrosion—the petrochemical

Tiré Kocrosion Kids


o f refinery a n d


the b i g r e a s o n

W o l v e r i n e o f f e r s condenser t u b e s in such a

w i d e variety o f métals a n d a l l o y s .


a d d i t i o n , concrete o n - t h e - s p o t h e l p is o f f e r e d -*Λ*-^


W o l v e r i n e through t h e use o f its e x -

p a n d e d Field Engineering S e r v i c e .

H e r e a r e t y p i c a l questions asked FES recently:


Does Wolverine have a tube that can withstand simultaneous inside a n d outside attacks from two different types o f corrosion? W e certainly d o . Wolverine Duplex Condenser Tube consists o f inner and outer tubes of different metals mechanically bonded together. Combinations of copper, copperbase alloys, aluminum or steel can b e used to withstand different types of corrosion on either side. Heavy concentrations of ammonia a r e causing frequent failure o f our condenser tubes. W h a t can we do? Retube with Wolverine steel condenser tube. It is because of Just such cases as this that Wolverine manufactures tubing in a wide range o f alloys in copper, aluminum a n d electric-welded steel. Customers must have a choice because n o o n e a l l o y c a n m e e t a l l conditions. * R E G . U.S. PAT. O F F .


How can w e overcome erosion in our salt water installations? Wolverine condenser tubes of 9 0 - 1 0 CuproNickel can help overcome this condition. In addition t o the right alloy Wolverine also insists, through rigid quality control, that its tubing be uniform and free from scratches, pits and inclusions. Such defects can give erosion its initial entry and speed tube f a i l u r e . W e want t o reduce weight in our sour gasoline condensers. Could w e use aluminum condenser tubes? You bet! Wolverine 3 S alloy aluminum tube is m a d e t o order f o r such operations. In addition to lightness you will also get high heat conductivity and find it easy to f a b r i c a t e .

Don't let corrosion steal your tubing dollars. Wolverine's Field Engineering Service is ready a t all times to help solve your problems. Call on them—today. Write, too, for your copy of the Wolverine Condenser Tube Book.


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