Taking video across the diffraction barrier - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Taking video across the diffraction barrier. Thomas Hayden. Anal. Chem. , 2008, 80 (9), pp 3072–3072. DOI: 10.1021/ac086007x. Publication Date (Web)...
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Taking video across the diffraction barrier STED microscopy is adapted to achieve video-rate imaging of live-cell dynamics.


nvestigation of the chemical and the process revealing never-before(a) (b) physical details of living cells seen transit dynamics. has advanced dramatically in recent “For 120 years, everyone years. But to date, direct nanothought that light microscopy scopic observation of intracellular could not provide resolution better dynamics has remained beyond than 250 nm,” says Shimon Weiss reach. Now, Stefan Hell and colof the University of California leagues at the Max Planck Institute Los Angeles. “Hell basically shatfor Biophysical Chemistry and the tered this limit with STED, and European Neuroscience Institute other groups now have contributed (both in Germany) have developed super-high-resolution techniques. 250 nm But to achieve 60-nm-resolution an optical system capable of videorate (28 frames/s) imaging with imaging of live cells at video rate Two images of fluorescently stained synaptic vesicles