AutoAnaiyzerf The following procedures have been ... the enzyme system you have under investigation. ... In any case, we will be happy to furnish a se...
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Isolating your enzyme is only half the *

tedious assays cause the real bottleneck

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But they needn't. The frustrations of manually as­ saying enzymes can be broken with the Technicon 3 AutoAnaiyzerf The following procedures have been automated at rates up to 60 samples per hour or by continuous monitoring of column effluents: amylase cholinesterase cytochrome oxidase amino acid decarboxylases dehydrase alcohol dehydrogenase lactic dehydrogenase glucokinase glucose oxidase glucuronidase hexokinase histidase urease glutamine synthetase ornithine transaminase

6-phosphogluconate-1, dehydrogenase hydrolytio enzymes lysolytic enzymes NAD-NADH systems peptidase phosphohexose isomerase phosphorylase acid phosphatase alkaline phosphatase proteolytic enzymes sulfatase glutamic oxalacetic transaminase glutamic pyruvic transaminase ornithine carbamoyl transferase and others

Reaction rates...quantitation, assay... chromatography

It is quite likely that we can automate the assay for the enzyme system you have under investigation. Contact us... we may already have done so. In any case, we will be happy to furnish a selection of reprints which report the methods and equip­ ment employed to effect significant savings in time, labor and material.


Ε C H N I C O N INSTRUMENTS CORPORATION Ardsley (Chauncey), New Y o r k 1 0 S 0 2