Teaching of chemical literature: a list of audiovisual ... - ACS Publications

1 3 The Card Cotolog: A 1I.wr's Cuidr. Rarhara WittkopS. 51 Slides. I:% mm) and filmstrip; audiocassette I40 min); Text. Science. Media. P.0. Hrm 910...
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Teaching of Chemical Literature: A List o f ~udiovisualMaterials Part 2 Judith A. Douville TRC Environmental Consultants. Inc.. 8 0 0 Connecticut Blvd., East Hartford. C T 0 6 1 0 8 The v a l u e of audiovisual m a t e r i a l s in t e a c h i n g chemical l i t e r a t u r e has increased in the p a s t few years, as evidenced b y t h e large n u m h e r of a u d i o v i s u a l s c u r r e n t l y available a n d c u r r e n t a r t i c l e s discussing s u c h m a t e r i a l s ( 1 , 2). T h e r e a r e e v e n d a t a b a s e s available for s e a r c h i n g a u d i o v i s u a l m a t e r i a l s ( 3 . 4 )a n d t h e i r respective reviews. S i n c e P a r t 1 of t h i s article w a s written (51, t h e ~ a u t h o has r received c o m m e n t s a b o u t o t h e r audiovisuals t h a t c h e m i s t s a n d teaching professionals s h o u l d k n o w a b o u t . I n t h i s p r e s e n t a t i o n , a n e f f o r t w a s m a d e to inc l u d e p u b l i s h e d e v a l u a t i o n s o f t h e audiovisuals w h e n e v e r availahle. T h e a u t h o r would he pleased t o receive n e w s of a n y a d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l s t h a t s h o u l d h e placed o n t h e list, as well as reviews of audiovisuals, especially of t h o s e o n t h i s list and t h e l i s t in P a r t 1. Audiovisual Materials for t h e T e a c h i n g of C h e m i c a l Literature ( I I Hnsir Guidr In the 11r.pufRpilst&. llniversity of Salford, UK. Slide-tape program. 1971. P u h l i s h d hy SCONUL (Standing Conference on National and University Libraries), c / o Ms. E. Raddon, The Education Library, County Hall. London SE I, LTK. Price not given. ( 2 ) RIOSIS P r ~ c d c n sTraining Course. 31 color slides (35 mm): script. 19R0. HIOSIS, User Servires Department, 2100 Arch Street, Philaddphia. PA 19103. Price $25.00. Topics ravered: Structure, content. and function of RlOSlS Previews; literature awerage and pnxessing, including editorial and indexing practices; search strategy development; and user aids. Suitahle for self-teaching, review, and as a classroom tool. Includes HlOSIS Trainine Manual. Hasic Series. and descriotive brochures un all ~10~1S'machine:readahle&ices. 1 3 The Card Cotolog: A 1I.wr's Cuidr. Rarhara WittkopS. 51 Slides I:% mm) and filmstrip; audiocassette I40 min); Text. Science Media. P.0. Hrm 910. Roca Raton. FI. :El4:?2. Catalog no. 65:lO. Price SHO.00. Emphasizes the practical use of the card catalog. Concepts, introduced in context with research problems, include: Author, title, and suhject entries and their arrangement in the catalvg; suhiect headings and suhdivisims: call numbers and location or form designations; imprints: hihliographicnl notes; series notes; individual, joint, and corporate authors; tracings; and crnss~reSerences. (4) Chrmknl Abstrncts: An Introduction to Its Effectiue Use. .John T. Dickman and Michael P. O'Hara of Chemical Abstracts Service, and 0. Rertrand Ramsay, Eastern Michigan University. 'Two audiocassettes (2.3 hr); 214-page manual. 1980. American Chemical Society, I I55 16th Street, NW. Washington, DC 200:16. Catalog no. C-52. US Price SlH0.00: extra manuals $21.50. Replaces the audiocourse l1.w rrf C h ~ r n i r nAhstrorls l with a hmader. more in-depth treatment. T h e course is divided into three sections: suhject-oriented Chemical Ahstracts indexes which illustrate the useofthe lndex Guide, theChemical Suhstance Index, the General Subject Index, the Collective Indexes, and the Keyword Index; h r m u l a and ring-based indexes cover the use of the Formula Index, the lndex of Ring Systems, the Registry Handhook,and the Parent Compuund Handhook:and Hihliographie Indexes which demonstrate the use of Author Indexes. Numerical Patent Handhook. Patent Concordance.and the Chemical Ahstracts Source Index. Numerous exercises in




of Chemical Education

chemical information retrieval are provided throughout the course. Answers tcl each exerris? are included. Rwirw availahle (61. (5) Dnln Couri~r:Thu Datn How ('nmpnn?. Film ( I ? mi"). For scheduline. ,.. contact: DataCwrier. Inc..62t1Sooth Fifth Street. Louisville. KY 4020%.In Canada, contact InfcMart. One Yonge Street, Suite 1506, Torrmto M5E 1 E5. Introduction to on-line searchinc and tu Data Courier's six Conference Papers Index, ISMEC, datahases: ABl/lnf~~,rm. Oceanic. Pollution, and P h a r m i ~ r ~ u t i rN a lw s Inder. 6) D ~ ~ d n p r n e nint s Hrolth S?irnr.m 1,ihrorinnship. Audiocassette (27 min). Communieati~msin Learning. 2929 Main Street. Ruflalo, NY 14214. Price $7.90. Includes current trends on health sciences information, in^ cludiny networks and computers. (7) Graffiti on a Database: A Lighthrnrted Lnoh a1 Dotahnsr Searching. 65 slides; audiocassette: instructor's guide. Learned Information Inc., Box 550. Mariton, N J OX05:I (US, Canada, Mexiad: others write to Learned Information Ltd., Herselsleigh Road. Ahington, Oxford OX13 6LG, UK. Price 875 (US); f40.

and ~ u h j e c term t selection techniqu~s. 18) Guidc to Abstraelinfi a n d lndpxing S ~ r r i r e s .University of Surrey, UK. Slide-tape program. 1973. Published by S('ONI1I. (see item 1 fnr address). Price not given. (9) A Guide to Sodllrr. C a r d A. I h m . [lniversity a f Florida. 41 slides (35 mm); aodiueassette (:I0 minl; 12-page text. Science Media, P.0. Bur 910, Boca Raton, FI, :i:I4:12. I'rice $100. Following a hrief examination of the structure and format rrf the standard spectral collections, major allention is I'ocussed on accessing the data through I'mr puhlished indexes: slphahetic. numeric. molecular formula. and chemical class. AddiLTV Irmtrrr. (10) A Guide tn Srnrching t h r Woingiml1,ilm~ture. Michael M. and Linda S. Kine. 78 slides 135 mml: twu andir,cassettrs 190 minl:

Discusses and explains Errcrplo Mrdirn, lndpx M r d i u s . Riologirnl Ab.stror1.s. Ch~rnicalAhstrortr. and S r i r n r r ('ilntian Index from the viewpoint of hidogird information retrieval. (11) A Guide to Spnrrhing rhr Enginwring Liternturr. Nestor Osoria. 104 slides I:% mm); twc,;rudi ~ m r l l l r . . l ~ i d iA,. l h m d Srhl~rs!ngrr.Hrinnrd S.. .I.1:HFM. l?UII< (61 l'hakrnlmnl. I'.I...Annh.lrroi