Techne Incorporated - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Jul 1, 1984 - C&EN's Year in Pharma. New science set the tone for the drug industry this year. It can be credited for a wave of investment... SCIENCE ...
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News Short Courses

Aug. 25-26. M.P.T. Bradley. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers

ACS Courses. These new courses will be listed only once. For information on other courses, see back issues and contact Education Division, Ameri­ can Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington, D.C. 20036; 202872-4508.

Effective Management of Chemical Analysis Laboratories Aug. 29-30. John Taylor and Mary McKown. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers

The following courses are offered in conjunction with the ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 26-31. Environmental Analysis—Priority Pollutants Aug. 25-26. Marcus Cook. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Capillary Gas Chromatography: Techniques and Problem Solving Aug. 25-26. Milos Novotny and Stuart Cram. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Intermediate NMR Spectroscopy Aug. 25-26. Joseph Lambert. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Maintaining and Troubleshooting Chromatographic Systems

Interpretation of IR Spectra Aug. 29-31. Howard Sloane. $595, ACS members; $665, nonmembers The following courses are offered in conjunction with the 11th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Analyti­ cal Chemistry and Spectroscopy So­ cieties in Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 16-21. Electronics for Laboratory Instrumentation Sept. 14-15. Howard Malmstadt, Chris Enke, and Stan Crouch. $595, ACS members; $665, nonmembers Electroanalytical Chemistry Sept. 21-22. William Heineman and Peter Kissinger. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Near-IR Reflectance Spectroscopy Sept. 21-22. Donald Burns. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers

For Your Information Integrated Ionics, Inc., is a new company that will specialize in the de­ velopment of chemical and biochemi­ cal microsensor systems based on inte­ grated circuit technology. Its activities will focus on "smart" multiple species sensors incorporated into microprobe systems for real-time fluid monitoring. Applications include clinical blood analysis, bioreactor process control, and high-temperature and corrosive fluid analysis. For more information contact R. Douglas Hulse, Integrated Ionics, Inc., Research Park, 300 Wall St., Princeton, N.J. 08540. AVRecognition is a new film pro­ duction company formed by 'Pard Recognition and Audio Visual Produc­ tions. Audio-visual presentations on a variety of subjects are specifically de­ signed and produced to meet individu­ al customers' requirements. These subjects include data acquisition, mass spectrometry, instrumentation, scientific computation, and analytical systems. For more information con­ tact AVRecognition at 824 Spar Ave., Beachwood, N.J. 08722; 201-349-8016.

New, from Techne...

circulating baths that redefine the art of temperature control Techne's new line of constanttemperature circulating baths set new standards for temperature control, ease of use and versatility. The twenty-five different com­ binations of Tempette ; and Tempunit'^ thermoregulators and stainless steel baths cover the temperature span from —40 C to 200 C with precisions from ±0.05 C to 0.005 C. Some models display temper­ ature in digital format. Others have remote-control capabilities.

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which can be used to scneauie a series of temperature events. For cooling to —40 C, Techne offers dip coolers with compact evaporator coils which fit unobtrusively into the corner of a Techne bath. Also available are two new flow coolers which are compatible with the new thermoregulators and the C-400 circulator. Surely, in this wide range of userfriendly, high-tech circulating CIRCLE 212 ON READER SERVICE CARD


I hi n-'s ,n If .i.t uni mrrli-l a price whicn ins your budget.

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