technical data department analytical chemistry - ACS Publications

ballast weight to the pendulum pin. For ease of reading, the scale has been placed at eye level. The mechanism consists of two platens: an upper or tr...
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NEW PRODUCTS FOR ANALYSTS Equipment, Apparatus, Instruments, Reagents, Materials Homograph

Precision Scientific Co.'s new ionograph can be used to separate and identify materials such as amino acids and pro teins. Its operation depends upon the move­ ment of charged par­ ticles. The instrument can accommodate seven filter-paper strips of varying lengths, as well as wide sheets for twodimensional work. The instrument can be operated from 0 to 2500 volts and 0 to 30 ma; An insulated cabinet permits temperatures to be main­ tained from between room temperature and 0 ° C. Close tem­ perature control is made possible by the circulation of a heat-transfer medium through the double-walled cover and around the buffer vessels from an outside source. Watersaturated helium, introduced at a fitting, forms a gas envelope to eliminate interfering heat effects. Agar bridges prevent p H changes at the electrodes from invalidating the results. A built-in leveling device prevents capillary siphoning of the buffer solution. Safety switches eliminate the possibility of accidental electrical contact. 1 Compression Tester

Fisher Scientific Co. is offering a new multipurpose com­ pression tester for laboratory use. Originally designed for the flat-crush testing of boxboard, the instrument can also be used for flexure tests of plastics, glass, ceramics, plywood, and other materials. The tester is accurate to within 0.5% at half capacity and higher. At lower loadings, it is accurate to within one scale division (0.5 pound). The instrument has a low range of 0 to 100 pounds and a high range of 0 to 1000 pounds. The tester handles specimens up to 12 X 12 X 16 inches. The high range is put into operation by the addition of a ballast weight to the pendulum pin. For ease of reading, the scale has been placed at eye level. The mechanism consists of two platens : an upper or travel­ ing platen and a lower or weighing platen. A variable-speed

drive with 0.125-hp., 110-volt a.c. motor enables the operator to set and repeat any desired speed of the upper platen be­ tween 0 and 2.5 inches per minute. This platen is guided by four rigid columns. The weighing system includes two steel levers with hardened knife edges linked to a pendulum whose directly attached actuator arm moves a maximum-load in­ dicator. The tester measures 24 X 20 X 30 inches. 2 Radiation Measurements

The Model AH-2 Gammometer is the latest addition to the Ohmart Corp.'s line of radiation-measuring instruments. In the sensing element of this unit, radioactive energy is con-ji verted directly to electrical en­ ergy. There is no need for a high1 voltage power supply, and only one vacuum tube is required. Samples may be placed in a well within the cell, thereby minimizing geometry errors and per­ mitting the testing of much larger quantities of radioactive material than can be handled on slides. The sample well of this instrument measures 2.4 inches in diameter and 5 inches in depth. As the well will accommodate samples having volumes up to 200 ml., the 1-microcurie range can be used to measure concentrations of activity down to 5 Χ 10 - 1 0 curie per ml. The ranges of this instrument are 1, 10, 100, and 1000 microcuries full scale. To facilitate the measurement of radiation from an external source, a calibra­ tion chart is provided which gives the relationship between source distance from the cell and instrument response. The meter can be obtained calibrated in terms of radium (standard), cobalt 60, or iodine 131. Precision is better than d = l % of full scale. For the measurement of ambient field intensity, the Gammometer may be obtained calibrated in milliroentgens per hour. 3


L a b o r a t o r y Dryer

The new laboratory dryer introduced by the Denver Equipment Co. operates on single-phase a.c, 50 to 60 cycles, 110 or 220 volts. I t has an asbestos air-cell insulating oven employing a pair of standard heating elements. Con-

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