Technical Operations, Incorporated - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 29, 2012 - Technical Operations, Incorporated. Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41 (2), pp 149A–149A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60271a826. Publication Date: February 19...
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Are you using photography for recording quantitative data? Should you? The Joyce, Loebl Double-Beam Automatic Recording Microdensitometer Mark IIICS provides a quick, easy, reliable way to get a lot more out of film than just a picture. Whereas your eye tells you one spot is relatively "bright", the Microdensitometer tells you exactly how bright, and how much brighter one spot is than another. It scans a negative or positive along straight or circular lines, accurately measuring and recording optical density throughout the scan . . .

prints out graphs of density vs. position on the specimen. Information about brightness, physical density, thickness, temperature, or any phenomena that you can record as a variation of photographic density can now be measured and recorded. The reliable double-beam, null balance design makes the Joyce, Loebl Microdensitometer unusually stable and repetitive. It is clearly established as the leading instrument of its kind, for such diverse applications as measuring mountains on the moon — radiography — cell research — high resolution mass spectrography —

X-ray diffraction and.U.V. absorption studies — air reconnaissance and meteorology. It's available with many helpful accessories including computer interface equipment. Better than ever through Tech/Ops national sales and service organization. To find out exactly what these remarkable measuring tools can do for you, write to Joyce, Loebl & Co., Inc., an affiliate of Technical Operations, Incorporated, Department D-2, 111 Terrace Hall Avenue, Burlington, Mass. 01803.

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The Joyce, Loebl Double-Beam Microdensitometer .. .for recording a wide range of increments of optical density in film