sample stream. A field-proven ... samples per hour and monitoring on-stream continuously. * Detectsother trace ... spectrometer, ion gauge, pump or ot...
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detect and continually r e c o r d . . .



CHLORIDE concentration down to 0 . 0 0 5 ppm with the TECHNICON®

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Ν. Υ.

Circle No. 183 on Readers' Service Card

N E W , High-heat Large Capacity

Multi-centrifugal freeze dryer can be operated at temperatures down to —60° F. The stainless steel conden­ ser has capacity of 10 liters; stain­ less steel manifold, with chrome plating, has 50 ports. The company says the unit is capable of forming perfect shells in glass containers at least 2 0 % faster than current methods. Instrumentation Associ­ ates, Inc. P-4

VACUUM OVENS ... designed for research and general application in the fields of electro­ chemistry, bio-chemistry, electronic research and processing, space re­ search, nucleonics and other physiosciences. National's highly efficient and reli­ able systems satisfy the demands of modern science. Offered are such features as through-wall units for radiological applications, cryogenicto-plasma temperature ranges, vac­ uums of ΙΟ 3 Torr or better, fittings for mass spectrometer, ion gauge, pump or other high vacuum acces­ sories, gas cycling systems for hydro­ gen, helium, nitrogen and other such

Model 5860

atmospheres, recording, controlling and programming instruments to as­ similate any prescribed conditions, as well as electrical leadins, safety ther­ mostats and stainless steel interiors. Modifications may be made to satisfy special requirements.

FREE: Send for copy of Bulletin No. 6091, "Vacuum Ovens"


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Portland 19, O r e g o n

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Portable beryllium detector is said capable of detecting beryllium in rocks containing as little as 0 . 0 1 % BeO. It penetrates a depth of about three inches, using a 50 millicurie antimony-124 source having a useful life of four to six months. Boulder Scien­ tific Co. P-5