If this sounds like the most exciting development in flame analysis that you've heard about in recent years you're right. For more information about Technicon's AFS 6 Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy system, return this coupon to Technicon Industrial Systems, Dept. 118, Tarrytown, N.Y. 10591. We'll send you a brochure, some recent papers on atomic fluorescence spectroscopy and an application questionnaire.
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Simultaneous multi-element analysis. Technicon'AFS 6 Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy System. Π 6 analytical channels
Π Easy to operate
Π100 samples/hour... 600 analyses
Π Fluorescence and/or emission
Π Automatic sample handling
Π Readout in concentration terms Technicon Industrial Systems A Division of Technicon Instruments Corporation Tarrytown, New York 10591
Circle No. 177 on Readers' Service Card